Federated Suns RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:24:29 AM

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April 20th 3041
New Avalon, Federated Suns

The throne room, it looked far larger then he recalled as the silver haired, man looked about the place and at the other assorted Nobles and dignitaries that stood around him. He hadn't been here in over a decade, shortly before his retirement from the AFFS to assume his deceased, father's title and lands. Glancing towards the throne he couldn't shake the feeling that this had to be a joke and that when he looked Hanse wound be there where he belonged wearing that damnable grin of his when he had just pulled some joke over on someone.

Around him the members of the Privy Council hovered in attendance, he'd met with them immediately upon his arrival on world in response to the urgent summons they'd sent him on Numenor. The trip while rushed was at least relatively short, and thankfully his now 1 year old granddaughter had dealt with her first trip into space quite well, which both he and his daughter-in-law were grateful for. Still he hadn't a clue why they had wanted to see him, once he did, well he would readily admit to a moment of panic, but saying no hadn't been an option. He owed his nation any service he could perform and he had a family to protect thru that service.

Noting that it was time to proceed and get this over with William Townshed-Davion III, Duke of Numenor, strode across the floor, past the onlookers to stand before the throne , where the Pope of  the New Avalon Catholic Church awaited him to administer the oath of Regency of the Suns half of the Fed Com. The ceremony was kept, blissfully short due to the dire circumstance that the realm found it's self in, not that William had any complaint, he'd always hated the usual pomp and circumstance of court affairs truth be told.

Two hours and a short press statement later he found himself in one of the residence's small studies with his fellow Regent, having poured them both a cup of tea he walked over to hand one of them to Katrina Steiner. "Thank you your Grace." the elder stateswoman said sounding as well as one could expect considering the stress she had to be under with everything going on "I had a little chat with your daughter-in-law before you arrived, that grand daughter of yours is adorable I must say." she said as she took the cup and blew softly over it.

"Oh she is that, indeed Archon Steiner." he started to reply them stopped as he expression hardened slightly.

"Melissa is Archon now, and seeing how we both got roped into this regent business let's dispense with the titles and  just address each other like normal folks?" Katrina said, her voice and face softening.

Nodding, a smile slowly growing "As you wish Katrina, and please call me William, but not Willy unless you want to see me cringing every time you use it?". Taking a chair next to her he sipped his own tea "But yes Morganna is quite the lovely , little lady and thankfully seems to see this as one big adventure so far from how much she's been smiling and laughing the whole way. I know Beth likely trying to get her to settle down for a nap as we speak so she can get settled in and check in properly with the Ministry..speaking of which."

Reaching over to a nearby by table the Duke hit the small comm pad "I need someone to ask Duchess Fenlon to join us and contact the Comstar facility and politely of course, inform them that we need to speak to Precentor New Avalon, or whoever is in charge if he's not on planet.. in person......immediately."


Precentor New Avalon was an older woman by the name of Veronique Beauvais. She was in her early 70s, and had held her post for a good number of years, hailing from the Davion Outback(if there is canon that counters this lemme know...i found zero info on Precentor New Avalon). She walked with a cane in her left hand, and she was a regular at the NAIS Medical Hospital(ironically she had the same orthopedic surgeon as oversaw Katrina Steiner's case). She entered the room with a small coeterie of robed attendants, the man helping her obviously a bodyguard: he stood easily over 6' tall and look like a slab of pure muscle. Behind here were a few more commonplace Adepts, trailing papers and notepads, looking very much uncertain of their surroundings.

She approached the newly appointed Regent, and bowed her head respectfully.
"Greetings Duke. I proffer my congratulations on your appointment, and my deepest sympathies for the reason behind it. I wager I know why I have been summoned, but perhaps you would care to say it aloud for me?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


  William was seated at the desk, hands steepled before him atop of it, flanked on both sides by members of the Davion Guard, Infantry Regiment in full gear in addition to the very visible squad of their fellows out in the hallway. Looking up as the entered he stood "Ahhh thank you for coming so quickly Precentor, and thank you though I would rather be back on Numenor dotting on my grandchild, but things being as they are here I am." motions gracefully to a seat in front of his desk "But first please have a seat, I'm not so rude as to insist upon you standing there leaning on that cane.

  He waits for her to take the offered seat taking a moment to study the rest of her group before returning to her as he retakes his own seat "I suppose I should begin with asking first what are you lot up to with these attacks upon our Realm as well as the Combine, followed by what have you done with the Archon and Duke Morgan, not to forget Ardan Sortek and our folks on Terra...and please spare me the feeble cover story of terrorist attacks and blaming them on the Dragoons, the timing of your attacks on Outreach by that rather huge Comguard Army and Fleet and those mercenaries you preposition-ed there within a hours of said terrorist bombing is frankly insulting. Where are our people and what does the Primus want I believe sums things up?" the whole time his voice remains quite conversational in tone


Veronique nodded her head sadly and looked down, shaking her head almost imperceptibly.

"I am afraid that the answer I give you will not be to your satisfaction. I was not informed of the events of which you speak beforehand, though of course I am aware of them now. I have consulted several of my colleagues, both within and without the Federated Suns half of the Federated Commonwealth. People I trust, you understand, Precentors with long service to their respective worlds and nations. None were informed, though a few seemed to be somewhat less than surprised.

From what I can gather from my own sources, and the few ROM personnel who have spoken to me...the action was very much a secret from the great majority of the Order. And i doubt it is...what is that term...", she turned to look at her bodyguard for a moment, standing idly behind her chair with a hand on the back.

"Operational security, ma'am." She nodded her thanks and returned her gaze to William.

"Yes, operational security. I have been told from a few retired ComGuards, that even if that was the Primus' goal, this is too secretive, that the whole of the First Circuit would need to be informed. I have concluded that Primus Waterly's goals are not openly known to the majority of the Order. And unfortunetly, I do not have any information about the whereabouts of your people." She slumped in her chair slightly. She was known to be a very kind woman, and she despised giving bad news.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


He listened attentively to her as she spoke "Operation security indeed...I've heard of the left hand not knowing what the right's doing now and then but this takes things to a rather ridiculous extreme Precentor. Your Primus has crossed a number of dangerous lines with just not these attacks at former Hegemony worlds." emphasizing that as he replied "but in the deliberate attack on jump ships. diplomatic and civilian ships as well as the fact that this conference of her's on Terra appears to have been little more then a trap for the House leaders who didn't happen to get assassinated by her prior to it. She's playing with a fire and whoever she has advising her is risking the very continued existence of your Order with this game of theirs and the IS existed for quite a long time before there were HPGs , some may say we can again if need be. I would rather not, I like the convenience myself."

Leaning back a bit he let out a small sigh "I'm not by the way trying to make any threats here Precentor. Unlike the Primus...I have experienced war, the real thing, not pushing little toys around on a map light years away from where the dieing is going on and right now I'm up to my eyes in it, bad enough with Capellans and their allies backing them up, I certainly don't need Waterly following Candace Liao off the deep end we have enough crazy as it is. So I suppose I'm asking you to contact the Primus and try and find out what she's afte? Tthough just looking at a map gives me a pretty good idea already."


"I can tell you for certain, Regent, that the initial conference on Terra was NOT designed as a trap. I and the First Circuit approved the conference, and I know of the details of that conference. I am of the personal belief that the threat is real, if perhaps not imminent as she believes. No, the conference was not a trap, or at least that was not it's true purpose. I suspect a different hand at work behind the events there." She grew quiet, and gave her bodyguard a look laden with meaning. He simply nodded and stood, and spoke to the other ComStar personnel.

"Laissez-nous, ce qui doit être dit n'est pas pour vos oreilles." They hesitated for a moment. "Allez maintenant , alors que vous pouvez encore prétendre ignorer, imbéciles!" His outburst caught them by surprise, and they quickly backed their way out of the room. Once the ComStar personnel had left, he turned back, placing his hand once more on the Precentor's chair, but now instead of relaxed and calm, he seemed tense, ready to jump into action, like a coiled spring. Veronique looked at the guardsmen around the room quietly, and then set her gaze on the Regent. When she spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper, and even the Duke had trouble hearing her.

"What I am about to say, is not safe to be said. And if you wish to hear it, you alone will hear it, and know it was heard." She sat back in her chair and waited to see the Duke's reaction.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


William just nodded and with a short hand, motion sent the guards out of the room. They marched out to join their fellows out in the Hall, closing the door behind them and not looking at all pleased. The Duke however his demeanor hadn't changed a wit as he settled back in his chair, hands now in his lap as he regarded her "Alright Precentor now that the children are out of the room you had something to tell me?"


She leaned forward in her seat slightly.

"There is a group within the Order. They call themselves 'the Blood', and are descendants of these Clans the Primus spoke of on Terra. I suspect that her actions are guided by this...cabal if you will, though I have no proof. The members of the Blood are not centralized: some are Precentors scattered throughout the Sphere and Periphery, some are ROM agents. Some are likely within the ComGuards, and the Fleet. Some could easily be here on New Avalon, with no way of finding out. Their membership is not held in any database: they alone know their members.

The rumors I have heard, are that they harbor a hatred for their kin greater than anything the Houses have experienced before. Your realm's distaste for the Dragon and the Confederation are like old friendships compared to their view of the Clans. And if they cannot defeat their bretheren, they will settle for taking away that which they prize most. However, I do not know what that 'prize' might be.

What I do know: the Primus is an ambitious woman. Her goals and the Blood might align for some time, but it is unlikely that will stay true. You would do well to deal with THEM before they deal with HER...because if that happens, you will not recognize what is left of the Sphere when they are through." She leaned back in her chair, suddenly seeming older, as if giving voice to the idea weighed heavily upon her.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"Yes....Clan Wolverine I believe is who they were." William said a trace of weariness in his own voice "That is before they ran afoul of the...Ilkhan I believe was the term I read in the report." pausing for a moment he managed a small smile at her "You know that iss the truly sad thing about this...these Clans do present a danger to us, and this is based on far more..recent inside information then this Blood's centuries old memories Precentor, but they and the Primus have allowed their apparent thirst for power to likely be paving the way for our collective subjugation down the road and not by whatever fantasy they hold of a renewed Terran Hegemony lording over a 2nd Star League."

He got up from his seat and moved to the window and looked out over the city from it, and shuck his head "We will do what we can..what we must Precentor, I'm afraid one way or another there will be a great deal of fall out for you and your fellows who are not party to this madness across the Inner Sphere, lost trust that will not be won back easily...or if at all." frowning at that he turns around to look back at her "speaking of which I have a message to send to Sian , which should also provide sufficient reasoning for our chatting in private I believe."


She offered a simple weary smile.

"You may of course send your message, Duke. I would suggest you wait untill tomorrow. I have a feeling that there will be a new Precentor New Avalon by then. Some things are simply never safe to speak aloud. I suggest your guards stay close to you." She got up slowly, and slowly began making her way to the door. "I bid you farewell Duke, and godspeed."

She slowly made her way to the door.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Being a few decades younger then her he made it to the door first and opened it for her "Thank you for your time Precentor , do have a safe trip." William said bidding her farewell with his best somber smile then watched as she and her party departed down the hallway. Once they had left he returned to his desk and commed his secretary "Janet, please get Minister Allard for me right away, we need to have a chat."

<Right away Your Grace.> the voice on the other end replied before closing the line leaving the Regent with his thoughts about what he had just been told.


The Precentor and her small group made their way to the armoured staff car that had borne them to the meeting. Veronique was not surprised in the slightest when, upon having the door opened, a janitor from the HPG compound was within, a stern look on his face. She merely closed her eyes, but her bodyguard, aswell as a Davion infantryman behind her who saw the vest of explosives, attempted to draw their sidearms.

They did not draw in time.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


New Avalon
April 28, 3041

Location:NAMA Training Grounds, Live Fire Range.

It was shortly after 2 PM  and the usual security around the training grounds was visibly stepped up by the presence of a full combined arms battalion of the 1st Davion Guards in addition to the NAMA security guards and staff. Mechs and tanks prowled the perimeter while over head several flights of Corsairs circled on the look out for anything entering the now restricted area. On the live fire range a single battlemech strode along one of the lanes picking apart targets as they appeared.

At 85 tons the Battlemaster is a mid-weight amongst assault class mechs, as fast as most heavies but far more armored. Wearing the colors of the Guards this one bore the seal of the First Prince and today was the first time it had been seen in operation since before Hanse's murder. Inside of the recently expanded cockpit William piloted the machine with the practiced ease of a veteran, but also a huge grin that matched the one worn by is 11 year old nephew in the rear seat.

He'd promised Victor a ride and after all this was now to be his battlemech once he was old enough to enter which ever Academy he chose to enter. The refit of the cockpit had delayed the gift, not that young Victor had minded, he , like his sister had a lot on their minds and as family William wanted to help preserve this connection to Victor's father. Besides it would be some time before his  Grandmother was well enough to take him for a ride in her old mech and William was having too much fun back at the controls himself.

This was their third run along the course and this time he had let the young Prince take a turn at the weapons while he focused on navigating their way thru the simulated wasteland. Up in a nearby control tower the range staff activated a set of controls and the camo netting around a old husk of a Manticore, heavy tank came down off to their left. 

In the cockpit their HUDs blinked as the newly designated target appeared "Tank, 300 meters, 30 degrees left." the Duke called out as he turned the 85 ton machine towards the contact. Behind him this gunner worked the controls, bringing up the machines right arm as he aimed the huge Donal PPC at the now highlighted tank hulk. The targeting reticle now covered the target and he called out he was taking the shot and a cerulean bolt of lighting leapt out and shaves a quarter of what was the turret in a shower of sparks and molten armor.

Both Uncle and Nephew let out a cheer "Good shot there Victor, good shot indeed." William commended him "A few more runs and we can try this at run." The lad certainly had a talent for for gunnery  and was thinking about letting him try a full simulator when their communications panel started buzzing. As he opened his =mike the Duke also noted the time and cringed "Oh Dear.....I assume you have a message from my , lovely Wife to relay Colonel?"

Behind him Victor locked away the weapon controls "Ohhhh...we're running late aren't we Uncle?" asking even as he checked the time himself.

Over the radio the somewhat amused voice of the Range Master replied <Affirmative that Your Grace. She said tell that Old Fart to park that over grown Agro-mech and get back to the palace or they won't leave any ice cream or cake for either of you.> You could easily imagine the fellow trying to say that with a straight face while everyone else in the tower was snickering under their breath. Upon hearing that his gunner sagely for a 11 year old advised him they'd best redeploy to the rear before the women folk carried thru on that threat.

He certainly wasn't going to argue with that, after all he knew his wife all too well and he had lost track of the time so he turned the mech around and announced they were done for the day then beat a hasty retreat back to the Royal Hangar bays. Today was his grand daughter was one year old and they were having a party for her and neither his wife or daughter-in-law was going to let them miss it.

The party was also just as much for his niece and nephew who were now without a father or mother, though he still held onto hope that even that lunatic Waterly wouldn't be that stupid as to have had her killed once she'd managed to capture her. Course she'd had an assassination attempt made already on Melissa so who could be sure of what? So now he was filling in as more then a Regent, and that made some decisions rather more difficult as these crazies had not just attacked his country, they'd directly attacked his family and by God he was going to see that they paid for that. Speaking of which he needed to speak with Justin about finding those mercenaries who had been with the late but not missed Waco on Outreach.


(Continuation from last post)

In the main living room of the residence Lady Anna T-Davion and her daughter-in-law Rosanna sat before the large fire place drinking their tea as they watched 8 year old Katherine walk slowly around the room with her infant cousin. The now 1 year old Morgana was being held up by her cousin  on who's feet she was standing atop of and giggling none stop as they moved about the floor under the careful watch of the two women.

Young Katherine had taken an instant liking to the baby girl upon her arrival much to the adults relief as it had lifted her from the dark depression that had settled over her since the murder of her Father and her Mother's apparent capture on Outreach.  Anna attributed much of it though just to the joy of having another girl around and not being outnumbered by her brothers even if Morgy was just an infant.

"So have you looked at that message from Robert that arrived Rose?" Anna asked setting her empty glass aside "Or saving that for later?" she'd been a touch upset with her son for cutting his leave short to return to duty, course that was when it was just the Capellans compared to now. A retired AFFS aerospace pilot, Anna was all too familiar with missing family events due to the demands of duty. It didn't make it any less irritating but she was determined that Robert miss as little as possible , thus explaining the rather out if place looking NAMA cadet following the two girls around with a hand help holocamera.

Rose chuckled over her own tea as she watched them as well "I'll watch it with her later, so the Ministry finally got around to sending me some stuff to work with in my spare time. My friend Angela , you remember her she was my bride's maid?"

"Of course I do, lovely young lady and so quick on her feet." smiling, impishly at the memory "How she so deftly side stepped that bouquet which you I believe lobbed right at her, must be quite the dancer and determinately single still I assume?"

Nodding Rose didn't try to deny that implication "That's her, she thinks she may be finally talking to someone for the first time since the League ambassador left her and the MOC hanging over that border incident."

The mention of the Periphery makes Anna roll her eyes "Good luck with that, if she's talking to the Bulls all she'll be hearing is give back the Pleiades Cluster just to talk, mind you they are the only folks still going on about that, cause the people who actually live there aren't screaming in the streets demanding it."

Several floors down in the mech bay William and Victor had just emerged from the locker room, showered and dressed when they and their escort were met by the Chamberlain who informed them that a messenger from the Coordinator had just arrived and was asking to speak with him. "Victor you go ahead and  tell them I'll be along in a few, matter of state." then leaning down he whispered conspiratorially "Save me some of the cake." then sent him and his guards on.

From there William went to his study and sent the Chamberlain off to go bring him their Combine guest.


A short time later once their sudden guest and company had been shown out and to their quarters William found himself joined by Justin. For a fellow who had almost died beside his Prince the Minister had driven himself thru recovery  at a pace few could have matched. He had to be carrying more scars now then some spec op teams , William mussed to himself while he waited for him to close the door.

"I assume you heard most of that?" the Duke asked off handily, and Justin nodded "Alright then we need to move on this immediately Justin I want a priority Fax message sent to the good Marshal his eyes only. I trust him to do this following the directions I'm surer you have already committed to memory  Justine." Coming out from behind his desk he patted the other man on the shoulder in passing "Once you see to that, you really should come up to the residence for a bit, I tasked Victor with securing some of the food for us late comers. My daughter-in-law is quite the baker and considering how she went to the trouble we may as well partake shouldn't we?"

Justin assured him he'd be along asap, Williams arrival was quite fortuitous as he walked in just in the nick of time to witness the birthday girl's first unaided steps.