Federated Suns RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:24:29 AM

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In his study William turned off the monitor at his desk once the INN feed was done "If only all of the Primus's rats would squeak so conveniently when provoked? It would make cleaning the vermin out so much easier , but still one more for the list." he said to himself as he got up and went to check on his family before retiring for the night himself.


September 1st, New Avalon

12:30 am Royal Residence

  The Duke's reply was not what Lady Anna had been hoping for "Absolutely not." he replied without hesitation as he looked up at her from the reports she had just delivered from the Foreign Ministry.

  Going with her most diplomatic tone she opted to not simply give up on the subject "But Your Grace, we need to have someone attend this meeting on St. Ives and not simply the nearest AFFC Officer we can toss onto a ship to get there. There are a number of diplomatic issues that will need to be addressed, just from the reappearance of the Camerons for starters and a simply military representative will be poorly equipped to deal with them."

   Setting down the file William leaned back into his chair as he regarded her, forcing himself to not dismiss what she was saying , even if that was his immediate , gut reaction. Damned it all if she wasn't making sense, course she was a diplomat and damned good at talking you into agreeing with her. "The alleged Cameron's!!" he said finally "First I'm not simply going to take word of that...woman alone. Even assuming this isn't yet another of her deceptions, they have no nation to support them and frankly they're going to cause us more troubles with the Taurians then we already appear to have Anna."

  "Now you are right about us needing someone from your side of the street for this, so I want you to get with your Boss and find someone we can send who can actually get there in time. Even if I ordered them to set up a command circuit you wouldn't get there in time. Besides, you have a daughter to look after and considering that no one has returned that we have sent to the last two diplomatic meeting like this , I will be damned if your going and that my dear is final!"


October 2nd, 3041
St. Ives, Capellan Confederation
Federated Commonwealth Embassy

It was still a few days before the big meeting between the bigwigs of the various IS houses met to discuss the situation against ComStar. However, one smaller meeting was already underway within confines of the FedCom embassy. A man in the non-descript uniform of a mercenary mechwarrior sat in an interrogation room, sipping at a tea he had been brought. Despite his outfit, he was actually a Demi-Precentor in the ComGuards detatchment assigned to the St. Ives HPG compound. Having been posted out here, he was uninterested in the politics of the Primus and the First Circuit, but he had no wish to see further bloodshed spread in the name of ComStar. The young DMI officer sat across the table flipping through some preliminary notes.

"So, Demi-Precentor you said you had some information to share with us. What might that be exactly?" The Demi-Precentor took a last sip of his tea and leaned forward.

"You'll understand I cannot give names. But i have many friends throughout the ComGuards, men I have served with in prior units and such. What happened on Lyons got spread around, despite Terra's attempts to quash the disemination of the incident. A ComGuards line unit going rouge on them...not good for morale you know. I've got word from some friends that they believe other units might be interested in taking up a similar offer. But it won't be easy. Chances are the Precentor-Martial knows which units arn't reliable either. They'll be stationed on worlds that have other Divisions nearby, which'll be plenty to discourage anyone from leaving." The DMI officer nodded and jotted all this down.

"Is there anything more specific you could give us? Unit names, locations, the names of officers who you think would be willing to see reason and join us?" That got a cold stare from the Comstar officer.

"Lets get something straight, FedRat. Just because some of us disagree with the way the Primus is doing things, doesn't mean we're on your side. Infact, most of us, even the ones who're not on board with the Primus, we still think your nobles deserve to be taken down a few pegs. Your propoganda machines arn't as good as you think they are. Sure, you convinced the other nations the ComGuards on Outreach killed little Arthur. But the ComGuards know it didn't happen that way, kid is probably still alive with the Combine spook. And it wasn't ComGuards, it was that psycho Waco. And he got put down quick by Miller's Marauders, didn't he?

I'm sitting here telling you this to help my friends, not YOU. They wont fight against their brothers in the ComGuards under your officers. They don't trust your nobility, nor should they. Its the damn nobles who fuck everything up in the first place. But they might just sit things out on the sidelines, or join up with the ISDF someday. Some stuff is going down, and you just find yourselves a bit of luck with that outfit. Thats all I have to say." He picked up and downed the last of his tea.

"Can I get back to my unit now?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


March 3042
Avalon Hussars Command
New Avalon

"What is the latest Kaija?"

Jackson Davion sat in one of the more luxurious chairs residing in his younger sister's headquarters.  Although Kaija had no direct command over the regiments making up the Avalon Hussars, it was her responsibility to ensure all logistic, personnel, and command and control requirements those regiments required, were met.  As such, she had channels of communications to those same regiments which ran independent from what came out of Theatre headquarters.

"Everything is on track, Jackson.  They, and the other commands should be departing for the rendezvous point within the next few days.  Missing out on the last op against the Crappies chaffed them, but the units are all at 100% effective strength, so are looking forward to getting stuck in now."

"Good.  A lot is riding on this, not the least the political capital we will make out of this when we are successful."



September 20th 3042
Location: undisclosed nadir jump point
FCS Hotspur (jump ship)

  Aboard the Overlord attached to the Hotspur , the communications rating numbly handed a just decrypted message to their Captain. The CO a grizzled , old AFFS veteran read the message and bit back a curse, then calming himself left the bridge to give the message to His Grace.

  The Duke was in his cabin chatting with the Marshal when he found him. Noting the emotions roiling from the spacer William started to rise "What is is Captain?"

  The Captain motioned for him to stop "You may wish to sit down Your Grace, we've received a communication from the Combine concerning..." he hesitated as he struggled to keep his voice level "The .....robes..delivered our people to the Dracs on Dieron." walking stiffly he approached the Regent and handed him the communication pad "There are..only three survivors Your Grace."

  Williams felt his whole body go numb, he barely heard Ann's gasp of shock, his hand seemingly of it's own accord reached up and took the pad from the man. The next few minutes seemed to last forever as he read the ghastly tale, despite the clinical terminology used, of what was left of three of the strongest, best people he had known.

  He didn't even recall handing the pad to the Marshal, only that  he wanted all of those robed, vermin fed to Numerian Eel Sharks, them and every merc who had taken their money to help them on Outreach. William didn't even notice the Captain edge back from him at the wrath blazing in his eyes, then in a blink it was swept away , replaced by a grave, yet more sane expression "Thank you very much Captain, if you and the Marshal would let be alone for a bit I have some thinking to do and some messages to prepare, that is all."


September 25th 3042
New Avalon

It was a nice day on New Avalon. People were minding their business, stroling in the parks, picknicking and do other leisure things.
Noone minded the Man in a dark green uniform, not showing any unit or rank marks who was carrying a strange looking box in his hands.
He was walking slowly looking at the masses having fun while himself being completely detached from his surroundings.

The man directly walked towards the Davion palace, crossing the city by foot and really taking his time for this endeavour.

It was close to sunset when he finally reached his destination and the sun was in a bright golden with some brass mixed into it, hanging right above the palace.
He looked up, smiled and walked to the guard.
"Dear Warrent Officer. Would you be so kind and deliver this box to either Justin Allard or Duke and Regent William (dunno the name right now) - Davion? This is an ordered item delivered by the order-code BH-351/e3#3042|A."

The guard looked puzzled

"Look up the code in your system. You will be directly forwarded to at least Mr. Allard. Anyhow. I did all I had to do. Thank you gentleman. And if you will, resist the urge to look into the box. The content is rather... gory."

With that he tipped his hat, turned, and walked off.

The guard looked up the code and whistled when he saw the note 'do bring directly to Justin Allard'....

OOC: Inside the box is one head of Grissom Miller and a 'mission completed' note as well as a bank account number


Due to the Duke being off world the package was taken to Minister Allard, who was looking at the box sitting on his desk when Lady  Anna Townshed-Davion entered. Justin immediately began to get up from his chair but she waved at him to sit back down as she crossed the room, eyes on the box "That is the package my husband ordered isn't it Justin?"

That she knew was a bit of a shock to him, but he recovered quickly "Yes Milady it is."

Anna simply nodded , her expression dark and cold "I doubt he suffered enough before the end, not after what was done to our people." Referring to the message that had arrived from the Combine Ambassador on the state of the three survivors. He knew she hadn't given the children the full details of their mother's condition yet, how do you tell them that she had been tortured and maimed like that?

Justin felt his own hate rising , and mirrored in the normally kind hearted, noblewoman before him he simply nodded "No Milady, I don't imagine so."
course not, he hadn't killed the man with his own hands he thought to himself.

"I'll take care of the payment, just make sure this is properly preserved for when William returns, oh and I imagine the blacklisting of the mercenaries  Comstar used won't cut it anymore with him. Find them Justin, they haven't begun to pay for this, now if you'll excuse me I have to return to planning  Ardan's funeral, and we need to start looking at candidates for Champion as well."

"I'll get started right away Milady."


October 1, 3042
New Avalon and Thakard

In another sign of the continuing integration of the AFFS and LCAF, the Lyran and Sun's state command PR departments announced that all military space craft will now be under the authority of the newly formed Federated Commonwealth Naval Command. Therefor all such vessels would be have their designations would be changed from FSN or LCS to for example FCS Invincible, or FCS Fearless.


December 3042

Regimental Headquarters
Knights of St Cameron
Outreach 3042

"Ma'am.  We have another one."

Lieutenant Skye McIntosh was on her fourth straight day of Duty Officer for the Regiment, courtesy of an infraction in a recent field exercise that had caught the Adjutants eye.  With only three days to go until one of her cohorts took over, she welcomed the news over the insufferable pile of forms that still waited her action.

"Who and where from this time, Corporal?"

"A mechjock Ma'am.  Young guy. From Group W.  Claims to be a Rutger Becker.  Shot out of his 'Mech early on in the piece, and before being overrun by Waco and his pirates, was whisked away by a couple of locals who headed up into the hills.  Probably just as well, as it looks as though he had a broken leg so he wasn't go to get very far on his lonesome."

"I see.  Have you checked the database?"

"Yes Ma'am.  And there is a record of a Mechwarrior Rutger Becker in Group W's second battalion.  And a bit more.  The kid is supposed to be some sort of relative of the CO."

At that last bit of news, McIntosh's eyebrow raised ever so slightly.  They had had exactly three survivors of the units that had fought under the command of the Archon come in to report since the regiment landed on Outreach.  She had heard that the Dragoons had recovered several, but since they had combat dropped several months ago, she was not surprised.  Still, the pitiful number of survivors was extremely low, confirming the slaughter inflicted on the defending force by Comstar.  Either during the battle or following, as Comstar executed those it found.

The Colonel would need to know this as well as the AFFC Liaison Officer.  With tests done to obviously determine whether or not the young man waiting outside was indeed who he was.


New Avalon

Half a year after large areas of the Periphery and the whole Capellan Confederation went online, about a thousand new JADE Enterprise stations began powering up. Doubling the Black Box Network size in known space by more than 100%


New Syrtis Algonquin Military Area
Capellan March
Apr 3043

"In summary Sir, we have the Syrtis Fusiliers here for another nine days before they rotate out, then a week after that the Light Guards arrive for a three week training mission."

"And in May and June?" responded Colonel Marco Tchapko, CO of the AMA, to his aide.  Tchapko was ultimately responsible for ensuring the Area was available and fully active to receive the next unit rotating in to use it, a task made considerably more difficult given the turmoil in the deep periphery and the extra training directives coming from Planetary Command.  He himself had never seen as many units of the AFFS on one world in his thirty year career.

"The Guards exercise will overlap into May of course, but only for the first ten days.  The rest of the month is currently free, and we have informed HQ that we will need that time to refurbish a number of the firing ranges following heavy usage, as well as a number of other activities.  They have given tacit approval to this, but has warned that come June, we should expect a fresh unit."

"Mmmmm.  And what about money?   Have we received the extra funding we've asked for?" One of Tchapko's major headaches was that the funding given to him to maintain the AMA had been based on a semi-peacetime operational level.  It cost money to replace targets, refurbish areas dispoiled by 80 ton Mechs churning up the place, and the myriad of electronic training aids needed constant maintenance.  His budget for the year was just about exhausted, and despite a number of submissions to HQ asking for a supplementary amount, nothing had been forthcoming.

"Nothing confirmed yet, Sir.  However I spoke with Captain LaFoyle this morning and she told me that there is a finance meeting tomorrow afternoon.  She owed me a favour, so our submission will definitely be one of the points raised."

"Good.  Stay on her case and inform me as soon as you hear something.  Without that funding we are screwed.  HQ knows it just as much as us, so if they want this extra training done, especially in this Clan style, they need to cough up the cash."


Addicks PDZ Headquarters
Jul 3043


Brigadier Hans Gneisenau stopped reading the latest report on his screen and looked up as his aide, one Captain Isabelle Giovanni, entered his office.  A rather opulent office, considering his position as Chief of Staff to Marshal Vanessa Bisla, Addicks Command CO.  He personally preferred something a little more spartan, but given his current job, and the need to speak to some fairly high ranking visitors on occasion, he had to put up with it.

"Yes Isabelle."

"We have just received word from Formalhaut, Sir.  The world is ours again, with the robes putting up no resistance.  Nothing at all apparently."

"I see.  Ensure Colonel Durnford is informed then that his own operation is now on.  We won't wait to get the final go ahead from the Marshal, as she has already notified me that New Avalon, and Tharkad for that matter, has sponsored this.  Which no doubt is why the good Colonel also has charge of a couple of hundred civilian specialists as well!"


Follow up: http://intelser.org/forums/index.php/topic,18957.0.html

10th July 3043
New Avalon

A formal letter reached New Avalon.

" Regent William Townshed-Davion,
the Draconis Combine is dissapointed to hear from your latest decission on clan-politic concerning the Capellan World of Weekapaug.

Ambassador Wakahisa"

It was more a short notification than anything else, but its overall duty was only to inform, not solve.


A few days after the presentation of this letter Ambassador Wakahisa is invited to meet with Minister Allard.  Passed straight through the myriad of security, Justin meet the Kuritan Ambassador in the corridor before walking with him into his office.

"I must admit Ambassador, your letter took us by surprise.  Yes, your assumptions in regards Clan Star Adder are at least partly correct in that they approached us through an intermediary several months ago at roughly the same time they first made their presence known in the periphery.  The gist of that and the follow up meeting was about what every Clan wants.  To get to Terra first, defeat Comstar and therefore be declared the ilClan.  Given they made no demands on Federated Commonwealth territory, at least at this time, we have agreed to allow them transit.  From what we know, and we were informed of, we were expecting their fleet and accompanying ground force to continue on towards Terra."


" Minister Allard,

let me say, that we were the ones that were surprised... but this is not about the approaches of Clan Star Adder and Clan Hells Horses towards you.
It is also not about that you allow them to move past your realm to reach Terra,
the Coordinator has made more or less, a quite simillar offer.

Yet this is about our concern about the integrity off your nation.

Let me say, that if any khan would have taken our offer of free transit towards Terra, we would have never allowed them to strike through our territory another nation, even if it was our most dire enemy, a position we would have thought the Federated Suns in only a few years ago... but this is past, right?"

he made a short pause...

" We do acknowledge that the Federated Commonwealth has seen dire conflicts and great losses in the past years and for the stability of this Inner-Sphere, we moved great amounts to show a good will... be it by the project you have with the ARAR, your lords we rescued, the Amaris conflict, the ComStar conflict in which we were partners... Yet we do see you continiouly torpeding this efforts... If the Federated Commonwealth does not change it's course, so sadly we will have to. "

" We see your support for the clan, invading our ally as disrespect of everything we have offered you. This is not about them moving towards Terra... otherwise your men, would not stand on the bridge with khan Zakary Truscott, which are..."
he seemed to begin to search on the next side of his notes....

"Not mentioned with their names because of..."

" oh... well because of the intelligience embargo... I will come later to that... Let me continue..."

" You use the Star Adders merely to solve your conflict with the Confederation. I admit, we do not know the details of your... agreement... but disappointed we are at your choice. "

"Therefore, the Realm of the Dragon, will withdraw all forces readied for your support, from your realm or your borders. Furthermore there will be restriction on trade-agreements for warships, space stations, military infrastructure and of course, military equipment. Also we can not share any intelligience with you anymore, since we must fear that it reaches enemies ears... Lastly, and just mentioned so you are aware of it... tenno Theodore Kurita has allowed the ARAR to finish their current deal with you, but afterwards there will be no more until this embargo is lifted. I guess the planned finish is at the end of this year? "

He sighed...

" We would be glad to see a move of the Federated Commonwealth towards peace and not another conflict, but with the move of clan Star Adder, we just see and fear the repeat of the last conflict between Federated Suns and the capellan Confederation, worsened once more bei foreign troops, just that this time, it are clanners and not warriors of the not any more existing, Lyran Commonwealth..."

" I ask at this point, that the Federated Commonwealth does not see this as a rise in conflict, but rather concern... I will give you that the capellan Confederation has seen simillar restriction, due to their continued use of the HPG-Netowrk and therefore their collaboration with ComStar. But we would have asked of you, if the ComStar conflict is truly the reason you allowed the Star Adders to move through, that you have spoken to us first, you would have been introduced to at least two plans, that I also don't know NOW because of this embargo, that would have solved this, peacefully... "