Lyran Commonwealth RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:24:53 AM

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Mc'Carson Pub Skye

"Dammn 'o Hag' Archon!"
"Ye! No tradin' wothless No'wind fo' 'o land?"
"Screw theees basterds!"
"Gents - your pint."
"Thanks lass. Soo woot we do no'?"
"Kill 'em... Brn' tha fisted flag..."

Liberty Square

It was as if everyone was gearing up for it... and suddenly, with the news of the Archon refusing to trade some far away worlds for the safety of Skye it boiled over... People were emptying staches, started up hidden tanks and mechs... and someone handily had made dozens of mechs avaiable...

Three days after news got leaked to INN a strong reinforced Regiment of irregulars was marching... marching for liberty while the commander of the 4th Skye RCT had his men stand down and stay dismounted in the barracks...


Solaris VII, May 17, 3040

ooc. as a side note these battles are played out in Megamek, However after we started doing the commentary i decided to treat this like your hearing it over the radio, saving me from making this any longer than it has too ^_^

It was that time of the year, when warriors from across solaris battled to prove themselves and win fame and glory. The solaris championships were beginning!
<Vic Romano> Welcome back, Mech Sports Fans, I'm Vic Romano and with me here today is Kenny Blankenship, as we bring you the finest in solaris fight commentary
<Kenny> Thats right Comrades of violence, The first match of the Regional finals for the CH CH CHAMPION! of Solaris pits two fierce warriors fighting for not only the pride of their nation...but their right to shout about it
<Vic> First up, in a marvel of technology the likes of which most mechwarriors will never see in their lifetimes, is Olivia Vincent piloting a Marauder, rumored to have been refurbished for her by the New Avalon Institute of Science.
<Vic> Vincent actually claims a remote tie to the Davion ruling line, far too distant to put her in the running for the throne, but perhaps close enough that she is not forgotten by her kin on New Avalon. I wonder if the royals are rooting for her Kenny.
<Kenny> Fighting against her is Tatum Kalka! Who try to win his fights by making his opponents say his name three times fast. His Flashman has been supplied by Uncle chandy, Who also is paying for this commercial time, Uncle chandys Cooling vests, Chill out in style.
<Vic> *quietly* Tatum Kalka Tatum Kalka Katum Talka... Damn it!
<Vic> Vincent is playing it conservative, Seemingly wanting to make the most of those particle cannons of hers. But will she be able to take advantage of them in such tight quarters as this arena?
<Kenny> It seems Tatum is going into the sand near the fire pits, Where theres smoke theres fire Vic and thats what the fans wanna see!
<Kenny> Swing and a miss Vic, they both open fire but not our hearts with that one
<Vic> Incredible Kenny, two aces in their prime and neither one can even touch the other. The Air is full of pain, but not a single blow finds home!
<Kenny> Victor got the better of that exchange i would say Vic. I think Tatum is still trying to find on the doll where he was touched
<Vic> Right you are Ken, that marauder put out more successful damage than the flashman, but just look at the infra-red camera. She's glowing like the sun now.
<Kenny> No Vic, what you're seeing is the Pride of the Federated SUN's. *keeps a straight face* The fierce glow of pride hanse must be feeling for her is clearly showing!
<Vic> *Laughter* Indeed! The Suns are glowing brightly in the arena tonight!
<Vic> Ooh, the Flashman is sure finding its mark now. All three of its large lasers are leaving the marauder a little lighter on the armor, but its spread out, no one area too damaged by it.
<Kenny> But the Dragon bites back! Truly anything can happen in the arena as this warrior proves
<Vic> and Olivia backs off, to bleed heat and gain some distance on the flashman. Can she get away?
<Kenny> No Vic, what you're seeing is her other half of hanse davion, Melissas icey cool glare. Watch as she uses it from across the sphere to cool her champion down in her moment of need. Hanse really is a lucky man
<Vic> The Marauder continues to scrabble for room, but, will it be enough? Those Experimental Particle Cannons don't do her much good in close.
<Vic> She's made it to her perch, but hasn't fired... I wonder if running hot has fouled her targeting system
<Kenny> Running does no good as Tatum scores a long range shot with one of his large lasers! You know Vic tatum grew up on a farm shooting swamp rats not bigger than two meters? hows that for a childhood
<Vic> Thats a pretty scary rat Ken
<Kenny> You should meet my mother in law then!
<Vic> Is that why you've come to solaris, Ken?
<Vic> Oh! Look there, the Marauder gets a penetrating shot on the flashman's right side, but I don't see any smoke or sparks, I think the shot failed to find anything vital, ken!
<Kenny> No Vic, I'm here because the good chancellor wants me to keep an eye on you heathens. Much like That marauder needs to keep an eye on its heat gauge! Stop treating this as your own personal sauna
<Vic> Right you are ken, Olivia has to be positively marinating in her own juices in that cockpit. That can't make it easy to concentrate on the fight.
<Kenny> Keep it PG vic, theres children watching! Speaking of children, this commercial interruption brought to you by GM Motors Cereal branch, GM Cereal! Get some...Diabetes!
<Vic> The flashman chances the geysers, as the marauder holds its ground, She can't answer back with much though, the smoke is fouling her shot
<Kenny> Theres so much smoke you almost can't see the flashman, Someone get the hippies out of there!!
<Vic> Could this be a comeback for the flashman? Every time its lasers score that experimental armor, i hear coins falling from the davion stable treasury
<Vic> Will you look at that! Even though she's deep in the smoke the flashman homes in on her position, like some sort of warrior's intuition has guided him there!
<Vic> And Tatum's medium laser rings her bell! Bet she won't need to go tanning now
<Kenny> Its the Honor of the dragon leading him to his opponent Vic, unlike me you're not from the combine, so you have no idea how much the power of honorable duel can move a man..literally to his opponent at times
<Vic> Just look at that kick! I felt that one all the way up here in the announcers box
<Kenny> And once again Tatum shows the combines superior ability at physically attacking their opponents. You know Tatum grew up on a planet where he had to kick swamp rats 2 meters?
<Vic> I do believe a rat that large would bite your leg off and come for seconds.
<Kenny> You haven't met my Father in law
<Vic> And olivia goes deeper into the smoke. Will the flashman follow this time?
<Kenny> seems shes trying to lure him into the swamp. Speaking of Swamps, Did you know Olivia grew up loving to swim?
<Vic> I did not, Ken. Looks like Tatum isn't taking the bait. Perhaps he's afraid of the rats lurking in the swamp?
<Vic> Oh no! Its over, its all over!
<Vic> Tatum comes from behind and decapitates the marauder! The dragon roars in victory!
<Kenny> He may have run into m...ITS OVER! Tatum scores a winning headshot with his laser! Showing again the combines superioress in all things that bring victory. Roar loudly dragon! Olivia seems to have ejected by the skin of her teeth. Good for her! Nothing like living through the shame right vic?
<Vic> You know what they say Ken, any fight you can walk away from
<Kenny> They say the same thing about Divorce. Speaking of which. This next commercial is brought to you by The free worlds Lawyer firm Janitor and sons, Divorce is nasty, let us clean it up for you!
<Vic> That's all sports fans. Thanks for joining us. Again, I'm Vic Romano, and He's Kenny Blankenship, and this was Most Extreme Mech Commentary!

Fans can be heard screaming in the background as plugs for the next match began to air. Down on his luck Max Kamau of the FWL vs! Brian Nabil of the Capellan Confederation
Clan Ghostbear: We may not like you, but your not bothering us,so you may exist.


With the second around about to begin fans were drinking mass amounts of beer only exceeded by the money they were gambling.  The mechwarriors deploying in the Boreal Reach Arena.

<Kenny> Welcome again to Solaris, From Boreal Reach we're coming to you live! With me as always is my hetero life mate partner and sometimes bowling teammate, Vic Romano!
<Vic> Thanks for the introduction Kenny! Today, we've got Max Kamau hailing from the free worlds league, in his old Wolverine 6M. Max has been having a bit of a rough patch lately, but let's see if he can turn his luck around today
<Kenny> Taking him on is Brian Nabil, Half chinese half russian one hundred percent bad ass. It's said he was kicked out of the red lancers for being too hard on the new recruits vic.
<Vic> One wonders just how brutal you've got to be to make a member of the capellan military step back and go "woah, hey buddy, maybe you should tone that down" Ken. This may not bode well for ol Max.
<Kenny> In fact there's one story about a banana in the tai- His kintaro takes off! trying to show that his mech speed isn't the only thing quick about him.
<Kenny> Brief fact about brian Vic, he owns a ferret named Hanse davion
<Vic> A ferret named hanse, you say? What does he feed this pet?
<Kenny> If hes like any true capellan, shame vic
<Vic> *Laughing*
<Vic> it appears our contestants intend to close in and settle this at short range, Ken
<Kenny> Making their way through the simulated city isn't a easy task Vic. We tried with mice this morning and the results were inconclusive...much like Hanse davions last war of 39, ZING
<Vic> Though neither has landed a blow on the other, the longer I watch the more I suspect max is going to need a miracle to win this one Ken. The Kintaro is dispensing quite a bit more potential pain than that old wolverine is capable of.
<Kenny> You know what they say in the combine Vic, if you Kintaro the heat, stay out of the kitchen!
<Vic> *Groans*
<Vic> Max's bad luck continues, I think I saw one of those SRMs punch through before exploding.
<Kenny> Brian lands some devastating blows and even manages to land a hit with his experimental homing beacon. I hear every time he uses it he has risks a chance of it blowing up? kind of like his credit card
<Vic> New toys like that must cost quite a bit!
<Kenny> not true vic, capellan child labor laws means anything can be built cheaper. speaking of which, this commercial brought to you by Daoshen playground equipment,Play with us!..or else
<Vic> I wonder if Max was counting on his name to save him, hoping that a capellan couldn't shoot somebody named after a capellan ruler
<Kenny> Not true, Where i come from in the capellan confederation Max is a very popular name, it means strength and Virility in chinese,now.
<Vic> Max just can't catch a break. I think he was counting on landing that punch.
<Foxx_Ital> <Kenny> they're really trading blows with those Short range missiles. Its almost like something out of one of those combine morning cartoon shows i would watch as a child on Dieron
<Vic> I think max is just afraid of ... Hey would you look at that, a powerful one-two right to Brian's dome!
<Kenny> Pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser, pow right in the kisser
<Vic> The way max spends those SRMs makes me think he's just afraid of having them blow up inside
<Kenny> Its like a slap box fight with SRM's Vic. Which reminds me, These games are brought to us by Hühnergeschrei Farms in the FRR, Hühnergeschrei Chickens and blood sausage, you can taste the screams.
<Vic> Screams always add so much flavor, Kenny. You can almost hear Max's though, this has been a most frustrating fight for him
<Kenny> Speaking of screams, in their SRM exchange Brian lands another hit on Maxs cockpit
<Vic> I think Max's only hope is to chew through Brian's CT before things get much worse.
<Vic> This could be it ken, look at Max struggling to stay upright!
<Vic> He may have made that kintaro a convertible, but he's on the ropes himself!
<Kenny> I've lost track of how many missiles just slammed into each others mechs. Brians so used to scalping his opponents its about time he got to feel what its like!
<Vic> Max just won't fall! He's got nothing left but pride, Ken! That old Wolverine is coming apart at the seams, but its still standing! Incredible!
<Kenny> Much like my Marriage there is nothing left of that Kintaros center torso armor there vic. All it may take is who gets the first shot, and i don't mean at my wife
<Vic> I think the only thing holding up the wolverine at this point is the building at his back. The tension in the air is palpable, and I would be shocked if this fight went on for more than twenty seconds!
<Kenny> Thats what she said!
<Vic> They're giving it their all ken, but you can see the telltale flop in how that wolverine fell, you only get that when the pilot's out cold. I think this is it, I think its brian's game now.
<Kenny> Getting your legs blown off doesn't help anything either vic. I think its safe to say this match is done...wait hes not..phew For a moment i thought Brian was going to finish max off. But we have strict rules against that now! least in the championships
<Vic> If I were max, I'm not so sure that I'd feel that was lucky. Release from my shame might be a relief after a defeat like that.
<Kenny> You know what they say in my home nation of the FRR vic, Fall down seven times get up eight!!
<Vic> My wife always told me that was Go down seven times get up eight... I can say that on air, right?
<Kenny> Thanks for joining us folks! Join us for the next round of these wonderful matches brought to you by... Grizzlbees! Try the new onion Shocker!

Clan Ghostbear: We may not like you, but your not bothering us,so you may exist.


  The stage was set once again for another glorious day of strength and passion as warriors from across the sphere battled for supremacy.

<Kenny>This is Kenny Hands don't need to be solo Blankenship with Vic romano for another day of beautiful napalm in the morning. Vic today we have Hans Gruber of the Baby food company money against Janet Tanabe of The black Wagon brociety" 
<Vic> The two titans seemingly homed in on each other, meeting halfway across the halls of ishyama, and laid into each other with savage barrages.
<Vic> The Devastator seems to have taken most of the pain from that exchange on the right side. Be interesting to see if the King Crab can continue to exploit that
<Kenny> It seems hans has caught bad case of king crabs as he fights off its ac20s with his own ac10s. Its like fighting my mother in law for a sandwich vic.
<Vic> I nearly lost a hand trying that at your last house party, Ken
<Kenny> I'm sorry vic, you know my daughter has...issues, your hand was covered in BBQ sauce and i warned you.

<Vic> The devastator pulls back, giving the King a chance to bleed some heat. You have to wonder, Ken, just what these pilots are thinking sometimes
<Kenny> Everything we do is televised, they have to be thinking, HI MOM!
<Kenny> We of course apologize to all orphans everywhere who couldn't not participate in that joke
<Vic> Somewhere, Batman is crying, Kenny.
<Kenny> But only because he WISHES he had this cave vic.
<Vic> My source inside the King Crab's stable tells me that the pilot opted to Hot-Load their LRMs, when they heard they'd be spelunking today
<Vic> And the King Crab has crept up upon the Devastator! That's not a sight I want to see coming at me out of the darkness
<Kenny> You should see my wife then vic. That king crab acting like a yakuza just trying to mug the devestator
<Vic> Ooh, and the King Crab continues to work the Right, flaying that poor devastator's side
<Kenny> Somebody call the orkin man because we have giant bugs on the field
<Vic> The Devastator closes within range of a kick. Questionable tactics against a monster like that
<Kenny> You know hans has been in tighter spots than this before, rumor has it he once dated Melissa...
<Vic> Ouch! The Devastator gets in beneath and takes a shot at the Crab's soft underbelly for Massive Damage!
<Vic> Its a miracle that crustacean is still standing!
<Kenny> As a lyran i can tell you vic, If we can't win it the good old fashion way...we will buy lady luck the lyran way.
<Vic> Oh, that's got to hurt, Kenny. The King Crab is down to one round of AC/20 ammo, five more shots of LRM and the laser is gone ken, GONE.
<Kenny> Hes gone from a king to a pauper vic. That can do that when a ac10 round removes your better half
<Vic> And it's over! that last AC/10 shot was absolutely Devastating
<Kenny> Speaking of Devastating, This commercial brought to us by Mecha Dynamics in Odessa. Mecha Dynamics, better living through better technology
<Kenny> Well thats it for this fight, Thanks for tuning in again folks! see you next battle!

Quickly moving locations from Kobe the announcing team set up to once again broadcast from Boreal Reach inside the federated suns territory of Black Hills.

<Kenny> Welcome to another chilly battle from Boreal reach! i'm kenny blankenship and as always my brother from my richer mother, Vic romano
<Vic> The Reach may be boreal, but the Match won't be boring. Today we see Travis Geller in his prototype enforcer, up against Hum sup lo in a Wraith
<Kenny> Hum sup lo in his Wraith seems ready to fight for his house and his dog in todays match up

<Vic> He bet his dog, Kenny?
<Kenny> Being from the fedsuns i don't know about that vic, But i do know you don't ask where the meat came from in your stew
<Vic> Some questions are just better left unanswered
<Kenny> Wish i thought of that on my wedding day vic. Speaking of which, this commercial brought to us by Hasek medical supplies, let us give you a hand, literally

<Vic> The enforcer appears to be picking his shots
<Kenny> You can pick your shots but not your family vic, trust me
<Vic> The Wraith does seem to be obliging him, closing in on the enforcer
<Kenny> Its a matter of who can hit first vic. that experimental gauss rifle seems to hurt, but that wraiths large laser seems insanely accurate
<Vic> The wraith does seem to be getting some hits it, despite that.
<Vic> I begin to question whether the gauss will even land a shot, Ken.
<Vic> Ouch, right to the helmet
<Kenny> Some vicious blows from the wraith
<Kenny> A questionable move going away from the gauss instead of toward it. speaking of questionable. This questionable ad brought to us by mösen-Dorf Tampons, Flow like water, or don't
<Vic> they seem to have fallen into a game of Cat and Also Cat, Ken
<Kenny> Except it seems our capellan fighter is pawing him. think this has anything to do with the ongoing fighting in the capellan march?
<Vic> That could be, Ken. Both fighters are likely to take it personal.
<Vic> Ooh, the Gauss finally finds its mark
<Ken> With olivia out of the tournament its up to Travis to represent the federated suns
<Vic> Travis is the last, best hope for the suns here, and its looking partly cloudy
<Kenny> theres always the steiners come to make it rain
<Kenny> Viciously cutting into his opponent with his medium lasers. I don't know how Hum can keep going
<Vic> This could be Travis' chance to rally
<Kenny> Both fighters trading physical blows, This is really down to the wire.
<Vic> That Wraith's powerplant must have been hit, its running way into the red, Ken
<Kenny> Indeed, its hotter than your wife right now Vic. Lets see how he handles the pressure
<Vic> And that's curtains, as Travis guts the Wraith's engine out!
<Kenny> Its over! Travis taking it home for the federated suns much like Hanse did Melissa
<Vic> Thanks for listening Mech Fans, as always i'm Vic Romano
<Kenny> And i'm kenny Blankenship, reminding you not to feed your House warrior after midnight.

Clan Ghostbear: We may not like you, but your not bothering us,so you may exist.


  The taste of money was in the air mingled with beer vomit and greed. Two warriors had spent the last hour trash talking each other on tri-vid and were ready to back their words up with lasers,auto cannon shells the size of cars even armored fist if need be.

<Kenny> Gooooooood morning Inner sphere, Your hosts for the solaris championship, Kenny blankenship and as always The guy whose penis i wish i had, Vic Romano. Vic how do you feel about our contestants today?
<Vic> Yasmin Minotoan, our contender in the orion, she's the only horse the FWL has left in this race. Lotta hopes riding on her today. What do you think of her opponent Ken?
<Kenny> Jason Bell piloting his Champion out of the Free Rasalhague Republic has a name almost as bland as his battlemech looks Vic. He likes underwater trains,Long walks on short beaches and hes a bachelor
<Vic> I believe I heard something about him having a career in the Rasalhague military prior to solaris, is that true Ken?
<Vic> First blood to the champion, proving that new toys don't always spell success.
<Kenny> Thats true, Not satisfied with just cutting tomatoes in the kitchen, he took up the sword, literally in some cases i hear, during the recent ronin war.
<Kenny> Showing the skills that helped him win his country freedom he gets the first hit!
<Vic> Well, any enemy of the dragon is a friend of mine. I'm rooting for Jason in this match, and his greeting to Yasmin does not let me down!
<Kenny> I'm wearing purple today to show the pride i have in my homeland vic. Yasmin Is my last hope in humanity, if she dies so do a lot of gamblers who can't pay their debts vic
<Vic> a grim thought Kenny, I don't quite know what to say to that.
<Vic> Yasmin playing it conservative, hanging back in the smoke of the fire she started.
<Kenny> Well if its like any free world vote vic, its divided
<Kenny> While jason takes refuge in the heavy trees. careful he doesn't get bogged down in the swamp!
<Vic> Yasmin letting loose, and not landing a single shot. At least she can afford the heat, even if your buddies can't afford their bets
<Vic> Jason continues to work that Ten Class like a champ!
<Kenny> Absolutely accurate with that AC/10 vic. its almost like he can't miss. Think its the spirit of his Samuviking ancestors guiding his shots?"
<Vic> Samurai King, Ken?
<Kenny> Hes what the combine, or a vet, would call a "mix breed" Vic. Hes both swiss and japanese. Making him speak Swedonese...which believe me gets confusing in the restaurant
<Kenny> Hes like a giant viking wielding a katana of freedom. Careful he doesn't cut himself!
<Vic> I had Teriyaki Stroganoff for lunch yesterday Ken, wasn't bad. Lets hope the mix works for Jason too.
<Vic> Yasmin abandoning the smoke as she tries to land a hit on our man from rasalhague
<Kenny> I think a quarter of the audience just vomited a little vic. Smoke is starting to obscure the field from a fire. hopefully it doesn't hurt our fighters vision
<Vic> Yasmin finally finds her mark, barely. glances that champion with a medium laser, and boils swamp water to steam with the rest
<Kenny> Meanwhile Jason slams into her left arm with his ac/10, three for three vic!
<Vic> Yasmin's finally showing us that she's no pushover here ken, but Jason's AC10 will just not let up!
<Kenny> He took some major damage, his right arm is missing armor and seems to be barely hanging on
<Kenny> Speaking of barely hanging on,I got to watch FWL parliament at work vic. Reminded me of a family reunion without the blood
<Vic> Unbelievable, both pilots send each other the clear message that they are playing for keeps as their AC tens connect in a simultaneous dual headshot
<Kenny> Yasmin doesn't want the Free world league to not be represented in the semifinals. but Jason Bell is showing just how well he can use his Autocannon.
<Vic> Yasmin standing her ground, that lack of motion deadly dangerous with Jason that close
<Kenny> I hope her lrms are hot loaded! speaking of hot loaded, this commercial interruption brought to us by uncle chandys Jalapeno Sausages,Burn your gut not your tongue! Uncle chandys get some!
<Vic> I don't think they are ken, we've seen a number of them bounce harmless... DOUBLE KNOCKOUT! *bolts upright* I can't believe what I'm seeing here, both mechs are down!
<Kenny> I can't believe it! they both shot each others heads off at the same time!
<Vic> This is a match the fans in the stands won't soon forget, Ken.
<Kenny> oh my god...They aren't done! Ladies and gentlemen both mechwarriors are shrugging off their parachutes and meeting in the middle of the arena to fight it out with their fists!!!
<Vic> The thick mud clinging to their legs as they slog towards one another... will the judges even care about the outcome of the fistfight, ken?
<Kenny> We're getting a look at the judges now...The judge on the field is making a ruling
<Judge Mills Lanes> I'LL ALLOW IT!
<Vic> Yasmin's got a surprisingly nasty left for a girl Ken. I wouldn't want to be down there in the mud with her
<Kenny> Yasmin seems to be getting the better of the exchange as the two warriors square off!
<Kenny> I dunno..i'd take a punch in the groin to wrestle in the mud with her, hell id pay extra!
<Vic> Maybe Jason agrees with you Ken, he seems to be taking it on the jaw out there
<Vic> But he's not out of this fight yet!
<Kenny> Hes out of his daze now vic as he lands a solid across her temple!
<Vic> That only seems to have worked to her advantage, that knee to the groin is a cheap shot. Not many mechwarriors who wear a cup in their mech, ken. Owch.
<Kenny> oooo, But Jason is knocked out as he's thrown off balance by the mud. Good try.
<Vic> I don't think Jason's coming back from this, Ken.
<Kenny> Your right, after this he may have to find a hole to go hide in vic
<Kenny> Well that was certainly an exciting finish to a already fantastic fight. Our next match is the last of the semi finals and we finally move onto the finals! stay tuned!
<Vic> I can't wait Ken. Tune in next time everyone!

The hosts smiled for pictures with beautiful women before being ushered into an armored limousine to be whisked to the next arena.

<Vic> Welcome to Silesia folks. Tonight we've got the lyran Jack Tosh fighting on home turf in his banshee "Facepuncher"
<Foxx_Ital> <Kenny> Meanwhile we have Mitsuki Ludvegsen in his ancient Mackie "C-Bill Pitt" fighting out of the Free rasalhague republic. Mitsuki learned to pilot battlemechs supposedly in the arcades Vic
<Vic> Clearly he's no n00b if he's made it this far Ken. But it'll take more than a couple tokens to continue if he gets too close to Facepuncher tonight.
<Kenny> I've just been informed that Jack Tosh recently got a job as a host on a local tri-vid show here on solaris, lets hope hes a better pilot than comedian. Speaking of which this commercial interruption brought to us by Star corps! Building better worlds,then taking them.
<Kenny> Mitsuki waffles it with those long range particle cannon shots vic. You think his strategy is to soften him up with those dual particle cannons then finish him off with his ac/20?
<Vic> I guess we'll find out Kenny. a timid start from Ludvegsen... I wonder if he's as good with an autocannon as our last FRR Pilot..
<Kenny> It must be something they put in the water. obviously something the combine DID NOT do before it pulled out. Speaking of which kenny. you know what the combine and I have in common?
<Vic> What's that ken?
<Kenny> We don't know when to pull out!
*Laugh Track*
<Vic> *Shakes his head* That explains so much, Ken.
<Kenny> Jack steadily moving in, its times like this i'm glad we're protected vic.
<Vic> Jack's not messing around either. solid shot with that Particle Cannon, but he only winged him with the Autocannon.
<Kenny> I don't wanna be a negative amaris but Mitsuki needs to land some solid hits if he wants to stay in the game his left arm looks like its missing half its armor
<Vic> Just look at the armor fly! Mitsuki landing some choice shots to that Banshee. You can almost feel it up here
<Kenny> Seems he listened to me! landing some glancing blow but still answering back enough to rock his opponents mech back!
<Kenny> They must be getting warm with all the fire going back and forth. Both pilots juggling not only the heat of their battlemechs but of the battle!
<Vic> Which reminds me, today's match is brought to us by Tharkad Breeze air conditioners. When the heat is on, you can count on Tharkad Breeze
<Kenny> Looks like Hes trying to get behind the mackie!
<Kenny> Between us, i wouldn't trust half of the people that sponsor us...oh shit the mic is live
<Vic> And the Facepuncher is only a sliver of armor on each limb from being LITERALLY dis-armed, ken! This may negatively impact its ability to do what it boasts and PUNCH FACE!
<Kenny> Working his autocannon into over drive Mitsuki nearly tore that banshees arms PLURAL with that auto cannon burst!
<Kenny> This is becoming more brutal than waking up next to my wife Vic *shows a picture*
<Vic> Folks, you can't see it at home, but we are seeing some absolutely merciless things here. *blanch*
<Vic> There's the telltale flash that says to me that Ludvegsen's AC-20 just ate Tosh's PPC for lunch!
<Kenny> Mitsuki just TEARS into that banshee meanwhile having his mackie turned into a convertible. do you think he can see us wave from here?
<Vic> if I were him, I wouldn't take my eyes off Jack down there.
<Kenny> Jacks battlemech is more torn up than my daughter was after prom Vic. I think it all comes down to if he can get another shot at Mitsuki's head, or what little of it is left
<Vic> And the consequences of pushing his autocannon too far catch up with Mitsuki... but Jack hasn't got many guns left at this rate, he's rapidly being disarmed, literally, the right one just came off!
<Kenny> oh ho ho ho you hear that vic! i can hear the click from here. that AC20 just jammed!
<Kenny> Look at that! Ladies and gentlemen Mitsuki not only Ejected the jammed round! he took the shots from his opponent while doing it
<Vic> Facepuncher finally lands a fist, avenging his own lost PPC by stoving in the aperture for Mitsuki's as he grandstands with that autocannon unjamming!
<Kenny> In the process CRUSHING one of Mitsuki's duel PPC's. Neither fighter is giving an inch and the fans are showing their approval with their loud screams. Oh it looks like we have a streaker folks!...Or did. Remember folks that during the matches to NOT run onto the field, no matter how drunk you are
<Vic> Facepuncher running straight towards that AC/20, almost like he doesn't care how much damage he's taking ken! is he insane?
<Kenny> Can't be anymore than my cat Vic, i've seen it save local children from dogs. Wait whats this? Someones hacked the PA system to play Daft punk! Good luck to them when the authorities catch them, until then lets all enjoy this music that seems to fit the fight!
<Vic> Can't punch faces from the floor ken, I think this is over!
<Kenny> The mackies medium laser cuts off the banshees remaining arm while that AC/20 just DEVOURS its torso. we're seeing smoke from the center torso...i think from the way he went down he may have lost his gyro Vic
<Vic> I think that's the end of this one. he's down and unmoving Ken. The FRR cleans up!
<Kenny> This should be an interesting semi finals Vic. I know i look forward to seeing a champion crowned!
<Vic> I can't wait either ken, its going to be quite the series of fights.
<Kenny> Thanks for Joining us once again Robot Jox! This is Kenny Blankenship and Vic romano saying, Only followers follow and only leaders lead, which means Aleksander kerensky left without any leaders!

Promotions for the semi finals were loud blurry and obnoxious. Photos of the mechwarriors were taken at every angle as they stood around the battlemechs that had so far won them fame money and glory. Gamblers everywhere threw enough money to topple governments in their attempt to aquire even more. When the news broke that a Mechwarrior from the MoC had all ready defeated his opponent to the point he couldn't pilot in a duel inside of a bar before their match in the semi finals. bookies went wild. 


Clan Ghostbear: We may not like you, but your not bothering us,so you may exist.


 The intro music played as fans erupted in excitement for their favored mech warriors as their battle mechs stepped onto the arena called the Factory. The flashman piloted by Tatum Kalka painted brightly to resemble the Japanese flag bowing to the crowd then its opponent. Yasmine Minteoan's Orion waving its right arm to the cameras and anyone else who would be looking.

<Kenny> The semi finals have kicked off folks and so has our battle. I'm kenny Blankenship and with me today is Former general and current heartthrob, Vic Romano. Vic todays matchup is against Tatum Kalka of the Draconis combine and Yasmine Minteoan from the free world league
<Kenny> It seems our match has started exciting right off the bat, with Tatum rushing up and getting some glancing blows from two of his large lasers
<Vic> Thank you ken, it looks like Yasmine wants to get up close and personal, she's rushing in heedless of her weaponry
<Kenny> With magma erupting on the field, Do you think our warriors have to look out for it?
<Kenny> Both warriors circling each other around the small lake.I'm sure that water looks like a tempting option if it gets too hot out there vic.
<Vic> I would if I were them, Magma hurts no matter what you're in
<Foxx_Ital> <Kenny> Woah you see that vic! his anti missile system just annihilated that swarm of long range missiles!
<Vic> Thats a pretty fancy piece of technology kenny, tracking all those airborne targets
<Kenny> Yasmine lands a blow with her autocannon and laser tho vic. Her aims gotten better since her last match. Think hes been spending time in the simulator?
<Vic> Perhaps she has! I do hear a rumor that an inner ear infection might be interfering with her ability to stabilize the mech. Do you think she pushed herself too hard, perhaps?
<Kenny> I hope not, oo she's rushing in. She better have her missle hot loaded if he wants to have a chance of really hitting
<Vic> That autocannon is serving her much better than those missiles are, short OR long range.
<kenny> Another batch of missiles knocked down but she scored off half of his left torso while most of Tatums shots seemed to have been spread Vic.
<Kenny> Some of yasmines missiles finally make it passed the Anti missile system and score some hits on Tatum!
<Vic> That chaingun can't fire fast enough to swat all the missiles.
<Kenny> It looks like that orions right arm is hanging on barely by it myomer, one more hit there vic and i think its gone. Speaking of gone, Tired of pests bothering you? Hire Bounty hunter Bug removal!
<Vic> That'll hurt yasmin's chances. Fortunately for both, thus far, no magma has touched them
<Kenny> so close they could kiss, You know theres a group of people called Murrys, kind of a robot mech Furry if you will
<Vic> ... that's terrible Kenny! You must be joking!
<Kenny> I hear it started in the Magistry of Canopis
<Vic> why am I not surprised?
<Vic> a brutal resolution, I do believe tatum is unconscious. will the refs call the fight here?
<Kenny> Not likely, he gets a count to see if he wakes
<Vic> not so good for Yasmin. she could be at tatum's mercy
<Kenny> He does! Backing up away from the orion it seems his tactic is to try and finish this off from range Vic.
<Vic> and it's finished, Ken!
<kenny> ooooooh, too bad. From across the lake with magma exploding all over the arena, Tatum Kalka manages to shoot off the Orion other arm while coring its engine

<Kenny> Yasmine gave it her best shot vic, Gave tatum is too! We're getting a feed now inside of his cockpit...its a mess and blood is everywhere, honestly its worse than the blueberry waffle my wife served me last valentines.
<Vic> *Swats Ken in the back of the head with a rolled up ad script* Ken! That's a horrible thing to say on air!
<Kenny> You honestly haven't tasted my wifes cooking then, THATS horrible. Open faced sandwich means something else when your wife is from the Capellan Confederation.
<Vic> From solaris, I'm Vic Romano, and That's Kenny Blankenship. Thanks for tuning in. Catch us next time for the next round of the semi-finals.

Music played as ads for the next match started, with two more mechwarriors down the championship was that much closer to completion.
Clan Ghostbear: We may not like you, but your not bothering us,so you may exist.


October the 7th 3040
Private launchpad of the Archon

Melissa was not happy.
Travelling always made her be away from her kids, her husband. She leaned back and stroked Arthurs head. He was lying on her lap and almost asleep.
It was good to bring him along. It kept her resolved and focused. He had a passion in his eyes and his mind that astonished her every day.
His temper was like winter, strong, he quickly made up his mind but for some reason she feared he'd not be around forever... just like winter, only to re-emerge just as strong and fearsome as before.
She heard the piano play when she looked at him, snuggled him, hugged him.
It was a sad song, a song that was far to soon to end.
While being strong, intelligent and lovely... he seemed to be like an ice palace, ready to burst every second.

He looked up to her, smiled and shook his head.
"Ned Aussi." he repeated again and again... Do not go out there
He had been repeating that line since they got into the car and started driving towards the landing pad of her Overlord.
"When you gona make up your mind Arthur?" she smiled
"We gona fly to Terra to see dad!"
He looked at her and repeated "Ned Aussi. Noooooooooo" shaking his head.

Her mind travelled back some weeks. Back to when she heard from the Grey Death Legion.
She had to smile. They had to be awarded with quite a bonus she decided. The GDL had proven as valuable as they could be, resourceful and creative.
Without their infantry sacrificing so much they were not where they were today.

"Mommy? Yvonme Vicky? Homm. Ned AUSSI!"
Something was odd about him today. He usually was looking forward to see spaceships, almost as much as he loved mechs. But today he was trying to convince her not to get out of the car since they had entered it.
He looked out of the windows, seeing the spaceport and the dropships they were passing and started to panic
"NED AUSSI, NEEED AUSSIIII!" twisting in her lap pointing at Melissa "AUA. Mamma AUUA!"
Melissa sighed, embraced him and tried to comfort him while he kept ranting.

Then they had arrived, the car stopped and Arthur totally lost it. Crying, screaming and kicking he kept yelling "NEIN NEIN NEIN".
She put him down, handed him to the sitter and smiled at him "Look Arthur. We are going on the biggy ship and fly to dad, okay?"
He sobbed, looked at her and said "No"
Melissa stretched towards the door, put a foot out of it, gave it some weight and lifted herself out of the car, looking around. It was a fair day, no wind, perfect weather...
Suddenly something was holding her jacked, she looked down and it was her son, looking up in her face, silent tears running down and he waved and said: "Bye."
She looked at him, puzzled, rested in herself for a second and then bent down to him to give him another hug.
In that second a strange sound was to be heard and the driver, her Heimdall guard, was hit by a bullet right in the chest. It threw him backwards while the bullet passed through his body, ripping a good part of his spine with it and finally penetrating the concrete floor of the spaceport.
He was dead immedeately and Melissa looked at him in terror!
Her head had been right in the line of fire only a faction of a second before.
Arthur grinned all over her and once more said: "NED AUSSI!" and threw her a kiss as she leaped onto him and into the car...


Lyran Commonwealth State Command

It has been announced today that the 3rd Lyran Guards, 'The Eversworded Third', has been reactivated following it's destruction more than a year ago during the rebellion on Skye.  A number of surviving members of the 3rd Guards were reported to make up the cadre of the reformed regiment, along with recent graduates of the Nagelring and other Academies.  It is also reported that Hauptmann Brienne Weber, a descendent of a previous commanding officer, Colonel Rekenzie Weber, has been posted to the unit.

The 3rd's current location is classified, however given the hostilities currently ongoing in the Terra corridor against radicalised Comstar forces, it is expected the regiment will see action sooner rather than later.


Tharkad City, The Triad
Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth
October 1st, 3041
0230 Local Time

The muffled cough of a suppressed weapon was barely audible over the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves of the trees that lined the broad avenues of the Triad complex. Infantrymen wearing the uniforms of the 1st Royal Guards patrolled the grounds, but here and there, a handful of them lay on the ground, their bodies unmoving, their radios already in the hands of men recruited from among the peoples of the former Commonwealth. Reporting in as usual, the Kapitan in charge of security for the Triad was satisfied nothing was amiss. He thought that right up until, 30 seconds after his hourly check-in, a wire garotte wound its way around his neck, and severed it all the way to his spinal cord. The other 4 officers in the security room died at almost the exact same instant, from knives and broken necks.

Men in stealth gear stole through the night, unseen and unheard by the vast majority of the security forces. Those that did caught glimpses of only shadows before swiftly being put down by expert marksmen and silenced weapons, or a well-thrown blade. It took the interlopers only 15 minutes to make their way, along with their special gear, to a very important elevator shaft. Another team was busy man-handling a very large container into a nearby office building, already cleared of personnel by the advance team.

20 minutes later...

The control room was secure, the technicians and their guards all dead. The aggressors were not trained nuclear reactor technicians, but then they didn't really have to be. They had a disk, which they inserted into the control room computer. One of the techs had been on their payroll and had removed the safety interlocks and disabled the emergency shut-down sequences. He had died as well, his usefulness at an end(and operators such as these left no witnesses). Within 40 seconds, the code on the disk had gone about its work, altering safety limits, altering flow patterns, disabling safety features, and doing other things which nobody in the control room could've explained. Their work done, they locked down the computers from outside access, and sealed all the doors shut with welds and booby-traps, in case by some miracle, someone stumbled upon what was happening and tried to stop it.

They left the same way they came in, their rearguard team reporting no hostile contact while the assault team was below. They ex-filtrated as planned, catching hover cars to take them away from the Triad. They caught a sub-orbital hopper away from Tharkad City, landing in a relatively uninhabited section of wilderness. The teams placed their thermite charges at the important points of the hopper, on all identifying serial numbers, and especially the air frame's 'black box' recorder. After their dropship reached an altitude of 2km, they detonated the charges, destroying the evidence of their egress from the Triad.

It was about this time that the reactor core, having been in a critical red line state for almost 4 minutes, reached critical meltdown temperatures. It was also at this time, as unchecked radiation was saturating the lower levels of the Triad's reactor complex, that the almost 3 dozen 15Kg pentaglycerine charges detonated throughout the subterranean complex and above, weakening the sub levels and causing a huge sector of the complex to sag as its supports were damaged.

In almost the exact moment the reactor went critical and began an uncontrollable chain reaction, the prepared Killer Whale warhead(packed with additional pentaglycerine around the primary charge) detonated, finally overwhelming the structural supports of the reactor complex, and sending a massive plume of irradiated material several hundred meters into the air. Because the weapon was placed on the 6th floor of the officer building, and considering the already weakened state of the sub-levels, the resulting massive air burst, and huge amount of radioactive material being thrown up from the reactor meltdown, the effect was very much like a nuclear bombing going off, directly in the heart of the Lyran half of the state.


(Lovely, so who is died and what all did we just lose? Will be waiting with baited breath for the fall out, literal and figurative.)


35 Lyran generals and their socialite flunkies.  And the tea lady.

The tea lady, Gertrude was her name, will be missed.


The DCMS immediately sends out a courier with a gold adored ceremonial sword for Gertrude.  Good tea was hard to find in the former LC, Gertrude would be missed indeed.
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


((This actually is a terrorize Mission. By game rules this hex is terrorized but nothing else happens)


19th February 3042

Hesperus II
Lyran State Command

Hauptmann Donald McKenzie jumped out of the groundcar he driven from where the remnants of the regiment were located, wondering if things would be different today.   Every fortnight since they had finally arrived from Solaris he had come to headquarters inquiring about replacement mechs, replacement parts, and especially replacement mechwarriors, but had come away with only a few bits to help cobble the remaining 'Mechs together and a litany of half promises.

Showing his security pass, he was directed to his usual seat, where he summoned up just enough enthusiasm to check if they had labelled the back of the chair especially for him.  "Nope.  Damn!"

Settling in, he had just got comfortable for his extended period of watching the paint begin to peel on the opposite wall, when his name was called.  "Hauptmann McKenzie.  Hauptmann Donald McKenzie.  Come this way please Sir."  Startled by the suddenness he rose too quickly, almost knocking his chair over to catch up to the young Luetnant who had called him.

"Your down to see Colonel Saumerez Sir.  District head of Rep-Dep.  Ah, here we are.  Go straight in please."

Still slightly bewildered, McKenzie at least had the nouce to pat himself down once to straighten his uniform before entering.  Inside a civilian sat at a desk, using a stylus to move data around a hologram. Eyes flicking up once even as he was just about to introduce himself, she spoke. "No need, Hauptmann.  This is Hesperus, not Tharkad or Donegal.  The Colonel is expecting you."  The last spoken as the door into the inner office slid smoothly open.

Moving forward, he could see two officers, both senior than him, in the room.  So taking the position that Hauptmann's in the LAAF weren't dumb, he saluted them both.  "Hauptmann Donald McKenzie, Sir" although directing his comments to the Colonel sitting behind the desk.

"Sit, Hauptmann. Sit.  We need to have a talk.  And yes, I am Colonel Saumerez," even as the senior officer waved McKenzie to the nearest chair.

"So, Solaris was a bit of a shitfight, especially for the 22nd.  No surprise there, really, considering the state of the regiment and the then CO.  But on the other hand, it was noticed by more than one person, that Bravo Company of the 3rd Battalion got out with over half it's 'Mechs still standing, while the rest of the regiment pretty much fell apart.  Your command, I believe, Hauptmann." 

"Err, yes Sir."

"Indeed.  Some others have also said that that would have been because you either deliberately shirked away from the fight, or that you got plain lucky.  Just as well at least of few of those saying that crap died in the fireball on Tharkad, and there is gun-camera footage to disprove others.  Plus one of the battalion commanders in the Mud Wrestlers had some nice things to say about you in the retreat.  So you owe her a drink.  And it has been noticed that you have done good work in getting the remaining elements of the 22nd up on their feet with what you have been able to scrounge in your time here.  So, I think it time Kommandant, that you meet your new commander," indicating the till now, silent officer sitting off to the right.


Marc 3042

Arc-Royal Research Facility
Lyran State Command

Duncan Cooper looked over once more at the hard copies the government hacks had deposited in his office.  A fraction of what was contained in the data cubes to be sure, but it spoke of several long nights of research to be sure. 

It has all been rather a surprise when 24 hours previously, he, in his capacity as director, had several unannounced visitors.  They hadn't stayed longed, as obviously their intellectual capacity didn't run above the ability of being able to gain a BA in geology, but for a scientist who had spent a number of years in the field of military research, what they had dropped off more than made up for their lack of qualifications.  He had even shaken their hands and escorted them out to the waiting ground car before hurrying back inside.

Of course, working with other researchers within the Commonwealth would prove troublesome, not to mention when he had read further down as to who else they would be liaising with.