Lyran Commonwealth RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:24:53 AM

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Dec 3042

Koniz Command Region
Sudeten Logistics Group

Only just finishing overseeing the expansion of her base area following the forced acquisition of a further twenty acres of land, Kommandant Antigone Mallard found herself once again on the hop as news arrived of a further AFFC regiment due on planet in two days time.

Though definitely only a staging area for the regiments, supplies and personnel moving into the Wotan Command area for operations against the Rimmers, that Sudeten would be used as a logistics node for the onforwarding of the aforementioned assets, was a given.  She was thankful that those opportunistic wankers across the border had given the entire Theatre a wake up call a little over a year ago.  The mistakes made then had been ironed out so that with a real threat now to the sovereignty of the Federated Commonwealth, the logistics flow was running a lot more smoothly.  Which on some days meant not as many snafu's as usual.



Half a year after large areas of the Periphery and the whole Capellan Confederation went online, about a thousand new JADE Enterprise stations began powering up. Doubling the Black Box Network size in known space by more than 100%