Draconis Combine RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:25:18 AM

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Public RP thread for Draconis Combine
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade



N-TV story ark

Genyosha story ark

Red duke story ark

House Kurita story ark

Daily Life story ark

ARAR story ark

Draconian Carritative Program-Ark

Revolution on Skye

OOC-Notification: All news coming from Nation TV (and RyiochisMoris lovely Studio 3) may be considered puplic knowledge, since the endless networks of agents and listening stations will surely pick this up. This can however be true or propaganda and is most likely allready cencored by the Combine (as Ryota and his supervisor ensure ;) If you want to react to this please do so, Studio 3 is only for your entertainment!)

edit: message cleared (copied to next post)... i will put an index here, since the Combine story lines are to mixed up...


Sending date: 1.1.3040
Media: Nation TV
Headline: The Dragon Guard I

Message: The great Coordinator Takashi Kurita has announced the founding of the Dragon Guard. The newly formed Brigade consists of sixteen regiments and is commanded by tai-sho Isoroko Kurita. Including both, infantry and tank regiments, the main purpose is the defending of the Draconis Combine, as the name "Guard" let us asume. While the homeworld of the brigade is in fact Luthien, it was the wish of our great Coordinator that the rectruitment was done troughout the Combine, bringing a united will to every corner of our great realm. A recruitment facility can be found in every military district. Enlist now and protect our borders in the name of the Dragon.

Sending date: 15.2.3040
Media: Nation TV
Headline: The Guardians Roar

" And now we are connected to our reporter Hinata Kato at the Galdeon Recruitment Center. "Miss Kato, how would you describe the ongoing recruitment?"

A woman in traditional clothing comes into sight, behind her endless perfect lines of individuells, men and women.

" Dear audience, what you see behind me is the endless line of recruits for the newly founded Dragon Guard. Simillary sightings could be made in all recruitment centers throughout the Combine. The word of our great coordinator was heared and is answered by the roar of thousands and tenthousands. " In the background an armed trooper is seen, silently shouting something like "Back into the line!"

Yet, that doesn't stop the newsspeaker from going on.
" We heard, that by the rules of the new bushido, women are also accepted by the Guard. "

" This is correct. Itis clearly a breaking with the traditional course but in the chest of all citizens, there beats a heart for the same nation... and it is this fire, which drives this brave recruits. Yet, the guard is the only military institution which accepts wom... "

The picture is suddenly cut of, the newsspeaker turns the face back to the camera

" Thank you, for your report Miss Kato and thank you for your attention. In this great days the combine looks into a bright future of unity and safety, leaded by the strong and fair hand of our honourable coordinator. Only one question remains: Do you fight, by his side? For enlisting visit one of the following recruitment stations: "

The transmission ends, wtih the location of the different recruitment stations.


Nation TV - Studio 3

Cameras where off, Ryoichi straight face fell off and turned deep red. "What's up with this stupid cunt? Is she crazy? " His assistant was running towards him quickly bowing her head and reaching a cup of tea. " Please, Ryoichi-sama keep calm, your blood press..." She was cut of with a quick gesture of his hand. " Say that dumb bitch that she shall read her lines. If she isn't able to read she can quit. " He stood up and walked to his dressing room. Sweat was running down his face as he took a deep breath in the dark room. His collaegue was playing with their honour, their career and their life. "My my, what an outbreak... " Ryoichis blood was freezing in an instant. "I... I am terrible sorry. "



Dieron, Genyosha HQ

Newly promoted Sho-sho Asano stepped out of the regimental command post while his officers worked their way through a planetary assault on the strategic simulator.  The leadership of the 1st Genyosha regiment was performing very well.  They had been working on the simulator for over 10 hours now, and the fatigue was beginning  to show.  No real mistakes yet, but emotions were starting to show.  Had they not just completed objectives 1 through 4 of the exercise, Sho-sho Asano would have kept them in the simulator.

He spoke on the command frequency "Objective 4 has been taken.  I'm calling an end to phase 1 of operation Blue Skye.  The 1st Genyosha will stand down for the night."  Battalion commanders passed the order along to the company commanders and they in turn to their lance commanders.  In another building nearby, the lance commanders gave  the orders for their mech pilots to "shut down" their "mechs."  The simulators in this room were a combination of mech simulator and a strategic simulator.  This gave the mid-rank officers experience in how to handle their own mech during a field mission, while maintaining control of their unit at the same time.  The battalion and regimental command staffs were in adjoining rooms, that simulated the standard field mobile command units.

A young man stood patiently next to him.  As Sho-sho passed the young officer, "Tai-i Kurita, please see me in my office."  Tai-i Kurita quietly followed Sho-sho Asano's brisk pace.  As he sat down at his desk and check the latest reports, the young Tai-i stood at attention in the center of the room.  "You disagree with the tactics used Tai-i Kurita?"  Tai-i Kurita's body language and occasionally nervous sighs and throat clears had made his feelings very obvious.  "Permission to speak freely Sho-sho Asano."  Asano noticed that Tai-i Kurita was fine with some parts of the new Bushido code being instituted by his family member and heir.  "Granted."

"Do you not think that the companies were given too much flexibility in carrying out their missions?  While with the 2nd Sword of Light and while at the Academy we were always dril-"  Asano interrupted him.  "-led to color within the lines Tai-i?That got us the results of the 4th War.  These new directives got us the results of the War of 3039.  Which results were more favorable to the DCMS?"  Tai-i Kurita nodded and started to form his next sentence, but Asano cut him off again.  "Your scores at the Academy were noteworthy and your service record with the 2nd was honorable as well.  However, Gunji-no-Kanrei Kurita assigned you to my staff because you are not ready for an independent command position.  You obey and follow more than you see and react.  You need to learn to balance the two.  We want our commanders to obey, yes... but also to see and respond to the situation at hand.  The results have proven Gunji-no-Kanrei correct and we will follow his lead."  Asano stared the younger Kurita in the eyes while he spoke and then turned back to his reports.  Tai-i Kurita understood that their conversation was at an end.  "I will fulfill my duty Sho-sho."  He bowed sharply and left the room.

Just as Tai-i Kurita's father, Tia-sho (Isoruko) Kurita, had learned, a blend of the old regime's ideas and the up and coming regime's (Theodore's new directives) ideas had turned the fortunes of the DCMS from faltering to ascending.  Gunji-no-Kanrei was not expecting a complete new style of command structure and leadership, but more flexibility had to be forced into the regiments.  Rotating the best young officers into staff positions with the Genyosha and the Ryuken regiments had proven to be a very efficient way of indoctrinating the DCMS.  Tai-i Kurita will just take a little longer to come around, but he will stay were he is until he does, Kurita or not.

Gunji-no-Kanrei Kurita had issued orders for the number of exercises to be doubled this quarter.  The last time that happened, the war of 3039 followed.  Asano knew better than to ponder on the unknowns though.  He would be told what to do when it was time for him to know, that always was the DCMS way and it was not going to change with Gunji-no-Kanrei Kurita either.
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!



Alshain, Alshain Military District HQ.

The Red Duke once again noticed a lack of any communiques coming from the FRR.  He had always doubted the creation of the FRR.  It was Theodore's idea.  The Duke was adept at the power game in the DC.  Even the fact that his son was killed as a "ronin" did not cost him his position as Warlord of the Alshain Military District.  He was considered "efficient" in his leadership (no revolts and no issues with collecting the income that the DC so needed).  His gift of a copy of the Helm Memory Core had not hurt his standing either.  He would be patient and play his part.  If the current situation continued, he would have a card to play soon...
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


1.January 3040
Luthien, Draconis Combine

Theodore Kurita and his father where staying on a balcony of the Unity Palace, right above the same named Unity Square overseeing a military parade of the new formed Dragon Guard. 19 small formations of the Regiments were passing by, as the main forces were allready stationed in there garrisons and the Honour Guard of the Otomo Regiment and the Sword of Light were also present. It was a main event and of course the main purpose was the Propaganda.

Takashi Kurita sighed as the first of seven tank regiments began to pass by. He had accepted that his son has become the driving power of the combine, but his new "bushido" and now this "Dragon Guard" were quite something to chew at.

" Are you sure about this?"

" Yes father, the Dragon Guard is an all defensive force. Recruited out of all citizens of the Combine. Giving a feeling of unity to them. This is only one step in the forgeing of a nation wide bond. We can't allow that something like Rasalhague happens again. This is also why I suggested Isoruko as their tai-sho. He may not be fitted to rule in case of our both death, but he is calm and wise and more than suited for this task. "

The coordinator looked at his son, he was right, the separation of Rasalhague was tactic, not more, but would the bond have been stronger, it maybe could have been avoided. Silenty a officer came in front of the two, bowing his head, it was time and the coordinator stepped forward and promoted Isoruko Kurita to the rank of tai-sho and to the commander of the Dragon Guard.

What a great day for the combine.


Daisuke Isu had just arrived on Alshain and allready gave the recruits the hardest time of their life. He had served in the Genyosha under Asano and Yorinaga and was as loyal and fanatical as them. It was his aunt Jasmine Isu which brought to him the will of the coordinator. The Alshain Regulars where in a dire need of an elite force, an example for the new way and the new era the coordinator and the heir had in mind. Training was everything, mental and physical. Yet especially the indotrination was a problem, it was no secret that the alshains had a mostly questionable moral towards the coordinator unlike himself. The tai-sa knew, that the mobbing of the other regiments recruits will raise their fire as a unit... Unity... so often he had heard this word since the new year, it was undoubtly the upcoming of an era. He just had to be watchfull that his sho-sho won't backstab him.

" Is that all what you are capable of? I want a solution from you and your team recruit Yuuki!"


Nation TV - "Incoming News Dep."

In a small cube, on of dozens, all in the same pale grey colour was Ryota sitting, sorting out the incoming informations. " Promoted sho-sho Asano... no, Red duke...no, Female recruit for mech.... no" he shook his head. New times were coming fast over the Combine, faster than the old generation could handle and even the young ones had to take a deep breath to hold up. "Breakthrough in civillian tech .... announcing of new control worlds and an educational program were coming. It also seemed that the lady Isu was behind it. " He nooded and put the report in the left pile, very good material. Anything else here? Nearly automated he took the next report and read.

The first Sword of Light has left the Weisau system for an unknown target. No further information were given.
" To short for a report, " he said silently and want to put it on the right pile. " They are doing a maneuver in the border regions to the OWA and the FS. You may want to note this and announce it at the right time." Ryota held still, then nodded, he didn't look up "It will be my honour to do so." Then he put a delay stamp on the report and put it on the left pile.

He read on, report after report. Hour after hour. In the combine, working days were long.

At this evening, Ryoichi was sitting at his table, ready to read the news.

" Good evening. " With a all too familliar headbowing he started his show, anouncing the news. In a different building Ryota shred the reports of the right pile, leaving the studios for his small flat and his family.


Nation TV - "Studio 3"

" Good evening dear audience, it is our pleasure to bring you the news of the new developments to improve our life. The Unity palace spokesman Ajashi Katoru has announced that our great Coordinator, Takashi Kurita, will start a new educational program with the beginning of the next school year. The reconstruction of the educational system is a neccesity to secure the wise and noble traditions, without staying behind our enemys. The flower of the realm said to this matter: " The children are the future of our great realm. ""

" Furthermore, the coordinator announced that Luthien and the sorounding systems will become the prefecture Chatham which will be also a military and political district. The white Lotus district, ... "


"...as leading members of the House Kurita name it, shall be the pearl of the Combine. However it is not clear yet how this will affect the sorounding districts and prefectures. Katoru insured that plans are made to reconfigure some systems to different prefectures. Rumors say that the Xinyang prefecture will be left out and the noble houses will lead chatham prefecture instead, integrating the other systems to Tinaca, Arkab, Irece, Oshika and Kajikazawa prefecture so that every disctrict, except the far Dieron, has access to the white Lotus. We all look forward to the day, the stars are reformed to our Coordinators will and the starmaps will bear the sign of the Lotus, flower of purity, loyality, creativity and enlightment. "


Nation TV - "Studio 3"

Ryiochi looked directly into the camera,...
" Good evening dear audience, today it is a pleasure to bring you the latest news from our beloved Nation. " he swung his head. The director gave sign to switch picture to camera 2. Ryiochi took on a serious face..

" It was announced that severall forces throughout the Combine have received marching order and are preparing to leave their systems. Yet, it wasn't communicated were they are headed. To the question wether this is a measure to the latest conflicts between the Cappelan Confederation and the Federated Suns it was said that these are unrelated. Rumors say that it might be a measure to the unknown location of the First Sword of Light. "

He then switched his head back to camera 1

" Furthermore, our great Coordinator Takashi Kurita has assigned Markus Kurita for a diplomatic mission in the Free Rasalhague Repuplic. However, the cousin of our great Coordinator wasn't reachable for a commentary. "

Switching to Camera 2

" Meanwhile the new educational program is coming with great steps. It was announced that the new curriculum will include the school subjects of 'Work, family, fatherland' and also 'Patriotism through faith'. "

Camera 1

" And for the last, the world of Leiston will become a control world, through the structural changes of the "Lotus District". "

Camera three, frontview

" We can truly say, the Combine never stands still. Good evening. "


Nation TV - "Studio 3"

" Good evening dear audience, today it is a pleasure to bring you the latest news from our beloved Nation. " he swung his head. The director gave sign to switch picture to camera 3. Ryiochi smiled...

"Today, and for the rest of this week the Nation wide well known Natsuno Contest is held, artist from all over the Combine are gathering to measure their skill against each other. Many famous man and women visit this event like the head of the famous hayashi house, lady Akane, which has the honour to follow a long family tradition of diplomats in the Combine. "

A young girl is seen on the screen, likely younger than 20, wearing traditional clothes and is tightly secured by a good dozen of body guards. " Lady Hayashi, how do you think about this years contest? " The girl turned her head to the camera, making a step forward and formly bowing her head, she spoke in a clear voice " It is, as always, a great pleasure to be her, " as she spoke on,  something walked by that looked like a 2,5m high mechanical Samurai. The girls eye gazed upon him, turning around, crossing her arms before hear chest making fists but leave the small finger straight and growling in a deep voice. "Muahaha Kokoru, you will never defeat me." In this moment, the Samurai did the same pose, and the two began to laugh insanely while it could clearly be seen that one of the bodyguards was facepalming himself. While a other started... "kazoku-shochō Haya..."

Quickly the camera shut down and Ryiochi continued as if nothing happend. "What youthful spirit... "

" This year, the contest is held on Kagoshima and as allways it is our pleasure to show you the last years winner."


Ryiochi looked a little stunned.
" Well that was ... surprising. "
But he fast regained his standardized face.
"With this, we wish you a good evening"



The Red Duke swallowed.  "There went my pride" he thought...  "Loyalty to the Kurita family has it's price.  Still, i can't say that i have not gained more than i have given."

He confirmed to his aid to send the message. 
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


Luthien - Forbidden City

Takashi Kurita was sitting in his office, sighing... it was a long day and there are so many things to arrange. Then a shadow was showing behind the paper wall. Silently waiting and clearly bowing. "You may enter" he said. The door opened automatically, A servant, nervously shaking was pressing his face to the ground. Takashi raised an eyebrow "Speak".

"My great Coordinator. INN... The anouncement was sent."
His eyes became small slits.
"What announcement you speak of?"
The shaking became stronger.
"Start TV-Channel INN, " spoke Takashi with a commanding voice. A wooden plate sunk into the ground and a screen turned on. Takashi was seeing the Genyosha commercial and his face became furious.
" Inform the DCMS, we have a leak in Nation TV. Arrest everybody, interrogate them, if I don't have answers with the end of the day, executions will follow. Form an investigation team on Nwe Samarkand. I want answers... now. "

"Yes my lord Coordinator. " The servant wanted to close the door, but Takashi spoke on

"And bring me my son, he has to answer me some questions. "


Nation TV

"and now, for the weather, brought to us by Miss Fujimoto, " said Ryiochi. Camera 4 was turned on. The women was starting to give the weather forecast for Luthien as suddenly masked man stormed the studio. Screams could be heared and even some shots were fired and Ryiochis voice could be heared in the background "I have done no..." then a screen popped up... Technical difficulties... The break seemed endless but actually it wasn't much more time than 5 minutes.

" Good evening, my name is Aiko Mori and I am the new face of our news programm." The table, she was sitting at had some burnmarks. " And I am very proud to announce you that the new senior chef of N-TV is Katsuo Wakahisa. He was promoted today to this honourable position. "

She turned her face to camera 2

" Furthermore, news reaches us that the DCMS is right now interrogating traitors here on Luthien and further arrest are made on New Samarkand. Officer Itsuki Ueda assured that results will be received within the next 4 hours."


Sending date: 1.July.3040
Media: Nation TV & INN
Headline: the Coordinator speaks
Message: The sending startet with the Coordinator himself, standing on a podest, a read carpet leading to him, numerous samurai to both sides of it, building an alley of honour. Behind the coordinator the flag of the Combine was flying, sided by two flamming shallow bowls, the fire reaching near under the ceiling. Then Takashi Kurita began to speak: "With great interest we follow the latest events in the inner sphere. The Combine appreciates the freeing of the occupied realms of the Capellan Confederation. The nearly unresisting behaviour of civilians as of the military forces of the Federated Suns prove of the rightoutness of this movement, and the will of the folk homecoming to the arms of Sian. However, whenever a sword is drawn and interest clash, blood is spilled and we want to ask the Federated Suns, in all modesty, not to spill to much of the Capellan Blood, as this will truly soil their honour. "