Draconis Combine RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:25:18 AM

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-The Spire-

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sdJXTtH4NY As nearly always, musical support

On a octagon table the heads of JADE Enterprises were gathered. Before each of them stood their number in kanji, all their faces hidden behind masks. Numbers present from 2-9. A sliding door went open and number 01 and 10 entered together. 01 a woman, 10 an old man. Discussion was on what shall be done next.

" Repayment plans for the Draconis Combine and the Federated Commonwealth are made, for the FC we will meet it within half a year, for the Combine... it will take us another 3 years to get even with them, with the estimated income we will get from the latest expansion. "
JADE 10, the newest in the group, shook his head... "How much has the Combine invested in this project until now?"
"Let me see,.... about 19,509,039,103.30 C-bills.*, " said 02
Number 10 nodded
" Until now, we have repayed them about 1/7 of it. The Federated Commonwealth were offered 1,176,305,400.2 C-bills as covering for their investment. What is a fair amount, but we will need to delay repayment towards the Combine for another half year. "
" Anyway to shorten this?"
" The research is going well, but with the current budget we will see not much improvement... Visual transmitting needs a huge amount of data. This will cost us about another 1,000,000,000 .... roughly estimated at this point, " announced 03.
" What are the Rasalhaguians doing with their FRN? "
" They managed somehow to optimize audial output when the coop-team worked on the interfaces for transmissions between JADE-Puplic and the FRN. The research department of ASA.Inc takes quite some pride in it. "
01 nodded
"Get that interfaces from them then."
"Hai, " said 06.

01 turned her head towards 10" On a other matter, how is Primus Waterly?"
" Oh, she is just developing well..."

* That is enough money to build 3 Black Lions, or buy about 1700 LVL 2 Assault Battle Mechs, just to give you a feeling.


All over the Draconis Combine
ComStar Facilities

After the announcements of the Primus the Guards arround the HPG-Stations tightened.

" Apparently you will let us take care of the explosives, " said numerous DCMS officers. Wether or not a HPG will blow up in the realm of the Dragon, will not lay in the hands of ComStar.


Open Letter,
transmitted via JADE-/ FRN- Network

From: Coordinator Theodore Kurita
To: Lords of the Inner Sphere and Periphery, JADE HQ-Luthien (Jade Lotus Realm)
Subject: Safety of Communication

Ladies and Lords,

due to the lack of comittmend, failed negotiations and the reasend turn of events, I Theodore Kurita hereby order, that under no circumstances a Draconian, for whatever reason, shall use its power to interdict another nation. Be he of the lowest or the highest social caste or even Coordinator himself, the right of FTL-Communication is declared holy. Therefore it must be reachable for every world and shall not fall to the whims of an individual. I hereby declare that the Jade-Lotus Realm must defend the Jade-Network before fullfilling its duty to the Combine, by all means, even if it comes at the cost of total anhillation. So great is this task, as it is service to all known worlds, that the ones fullfilling it shall be treatened with the highest respects, even when they shall draw their sword against their former lords.

Coordinator Theodore Kurita

Open Letter,
transmitted via JADE-/ FRN- Network

From: JADE HQ-Luthien
To: Lords of the Inner Sphere and Periphery
Subject: RE: Safety of Communication

Ladies and Lords,

We thank the Coordinator for the trust he puts into us and will immediatly start negotiations with the new lords of Luthien. Your order was heared and we will act according to it. We hereby inform all readers, that JADE is now working in all nations of the Inner-Sphere, besides the Free World League, but will eagerly restart negotiations on the matter.

Signed, JADE 01

From: ASA.Inc
To: Lords of the Inner Sphere and Periphery
Subject: RE: RE: Safety of Communication

Lords and Ladies of known space,
the FRN-Conglomerate of Comm-Providers already is upholding that Communication is a essential right and should be free and should not be interdicted. So ... well... it sounds nice but we would highly suggest your Highnesses to write this down somewhere besides this mail. After all, Jade Enterprises is not the only Comm-Provider arround here.

Dear colleagues of Jade Enterprises,
you are alate. The FRN-Conglomerate of Comm-Providers is already readying infrastructure in the FWL, still need lisencing from house Marik though. So we must remind you on our agreement for market-zones.

Director Tuure    Skogsjö,


-The Spire-

"Just the gods know, how much I hate Skogsjö" - JADE 06


-unknown location-

"Reason... what are you the reason for?" said former Primus Waterly.

The old man, bearing the number ten, and the wardobe of JADE, knelt outside of the glass wall in a cone of light before here.

" It is about time, that I will answer you one question. It will be the first that you have asked me..."

" No... I want to get this question answered."

" Maybe all your questions will be answered with just a gesture... "

And he removed his mask... she looked in his face and it took some time, as he wasn't the person he once was... and everything became clear.

Why she wasn't killed
Why he knew so much about her


Why the symbol of the Jade-Lotus Realm is a flower...
Why the shown flower is in fact a Chrysanthemum and NOT a LOTUS.
Who is behind all this
What the reason...

"you... you... are... "

" I am the very Reason for everything. "

She began to laugh, about herself, the situation, the stupidity and the more than obvious signs

" It is time for your walk... Waterly. "

Instantly she stopped to laugh


Unity Palace

Before the old Forbidden City the Lotus Regulars were standing lined up. The ambassadors of all nations that had a embassy in the Combine had been invited, yet it was unlickely that all would attend and even the former Primus of Luthien was forced to attend before he would be deported. The reason for the gathering was the judgement of Ex-Primus Waterly...

Out of a curatin-box of white silk she walked, looking panicked, completly malnourished and wearing nothing but dirty white cotton cloths.

" Waterly, under the influence of the blood you orderd atrocities against the Realm of the Dragon, your place of birth. Once a promising individual you left us, betrayed us and raised your sword against us. You were fooled to move against us, yet you did move on your own. Therefore your punishment will not be a simple execution but rather the "Walk of Naginata". Everyone before you represents a feud, a grude or a crime you have begun. Everyone of them may strike you with his spear. So you may feel the pain you caused the whole known space and all mankind. "

She looked before her... hundreds of Lotus Regulars were standing there, all armed with Naginatas and at the end of the walk, a wooden box, resembling the Imperial Palace throning behind, with bloodred silk curatins, was standing.

" The Coordinator ordered: Before you lies the path of blood you have gone towards ComStar, before you lies your home, the Draconis Combine. If you survive this march, reaching its end, the palace, you shall be free to life on. If you fail you will die honorless."

A life in peace lying before her, but hundred of spears inbetween she hesitated... Two Lotus Regulars walked towards her to push her into the march but she mad ethe first steps on her own. Looking nervously to the left and right. She made a few steps and one of the warriors in traditionall japanese Armor swung his Naginata, scratching her at the arm. The pain followed up immediatly. he didn't say a further word, but with this gesture he ended whatever feud he held against her. And her march continued. Two strikes... three, four...
walking became pain and it would even get worse. It became hard to move with a cut leg... not all hits were just scratches... it was up to the warrior how hard he would strike and they were even free to just cut down her head. She tried to dodge, to protect her most vital parts but eventually she was stabbed.
Walking becacame crawling... she would have to try to reach the end... or die... at the end the Coordinator, the tenno was waiting... that was at least what she thought. Countless stabbs later, she reached the palace... behind the bloodred curtains she could see a figure... she smiled crawled forward... the wind blew the curtains a bit up, she could see the figure sitting behind it...

it was reason....
"Reason" she mumbled as she broke down.



Just before the Coordinator made his announcement, the Precentor reached a message.

After the anouncement DCMS troops stormed the facility. Arresting them, supervising the HPG-shoutdown and putting them into military transports. They were moved to dropships and readied for transport towards Terra. In a shadowy cell he was sitting alone when he found, that he wasn't alone at all...

" Who would ahve guessed that it would turn out this way?"

" Who are you?"

" Don#t you remember your superior?"

Subhash Indrahar showed his face

" Dou you have the list precentor?"

" Yes..."

" Good... give it to me then..."

A paper was exchanged

" You will be moved to Luthien then, as all that are mentioned on this list."


ARAR space

It was end of March 3042, Omiku Kurita now a young pilot in the -X- Wing, -Y- Formation of the Repuplic Navy, nicknamed "Lolita" by the other pilots for her stature and had quite a hard time during flight training. She had to make a name for herself and find acceptance in a realm that had mixed feelings about her presence. She rested, meditating in her chamber, thinking about the sudden turn in events. Until 3040 she had been raised in the way traditional way of a geisha and than her grandfather had arranged this wedding... "From Geisha to onna-bugeisha, from music to warfare, from noble-etiquette to the way of bushido, " she thought to herself. She remembered the rage her father had been in when he heard about it... that had made her sad, as she had  loved  her grandfather as she loves her father.  She rethought the position she was in... and felt gratitude for the position she was in now, as it put her aside from the intrigues and the powerplay that was always happening  in her former  home. Her mother had given birth to another child, another potential heir, another one that will be watched by the Order of five Pillars, another one that will be tested and forged to become a leader... The Keeper of house-honor would ensure it. But herself, who would be married to the house Avellar, who would never be allowed to become the heir, was free... and that relieved her... even if the life in the ARAR was hard for her...  she would take over the house Kurita-Avellar, which will become a sworn in subhouse of the family branches with the only task to guide and lead the Autonom Repuplic... this year she would turn 14 and therefore be of age to marry, yet her future husband was now not even ten years old.

New Samarkand

Mitchell Avellar, on the other side found that there was no such thing as childhood in the Combine, specially for a boy  that will become samurai, trained in the house Kurita. He found himself alien to the household he lived in, his mother was by his side, while his father remained in the ARAR to rule... and cultural differences hit them all quite hard. Rebecca deSanders wasn't a humble, silent, following woman and she surely hadn't raised her son to complete obedience, what was " a pain in the ass" to describe it in Outworlders slang, for his draconian teachers. After one year, the boy didn't meet the expectations of the Keeper of House Honor, therefore his teacher was blamed and dismissed. This happened two more times and finally it was Tomoe Sakade who whispered into her husbands ear and another arrangement was made. The new teacher, Mohammad sheikh al Rezai came from the worlds of the Azami. Long serving in the DCMS, being a noble of his homelands  and trusted friend to the Sakade-clan, he should ensure the education of the boy. He was living the principles of bushido and even was regarded honorable by some samurai ...but differently to them, he was open minded. He acted the draconian traditions but upheld within the true  Islamic tradition, which held wisdom, intellect, education and most importantly, the mentioned open mind, in high regards.  This led however to new uproars, as Mohammad ordered the former, Outworld teachers of Mitchell to come over to New Samarkand. The boy found himself in a household of three traditions, three kinds of living and three ways of thinking and his new teacher was very proud about the ruckus he caused by doing so.


-cencored location-

A FIREWORK! Yes... that was the idea... Chandrasekhar Kurita organized the party of his life when the news from the stock-market came in. What a great day


New Samarkand
"Black Dragon under pressure"

Indrahar Subhash was marching in long steps towards the Coordinators private chambers, the door was opened for himfrom some servants and inside he automatically fell to his knees to appropiatly greet the Coordinator who was sitting on his throne. When he raised his head again he found Chandrahar Sekhar and the head of the Order of five Pillars, the Keeper of House Honor... Florimel Kurita-Calderon. It caught him by surprise... and he was wondering what meeting was going on between this three. "Welcome Indrahar-sama" said Florimel. Since her husband and she have traveled to Combine territory and since Constance had left the O5P, she had been introduced to this important position. Also, with the current situation in the Taurian Concordat, her position as high-ambassador had become obsolete. Nobody would risk her life by letting her be there any longer.
" Greetings, Keeper of House Honor. " he replied. This was bad...
" What brings you before me?" asked Theodore.
" It is, the sunrise my lord... "
Florimel raised an eyebrow.
" Continue... " said Theodore, leaning back.
" I was informed that you have solely introduced it towards... Florentius. "
Florimel looked up, that was the codename her brother beared.
" Correct. Don't you think it is most fitting for him? After all the battles he fought against ComStar?"
" With all due respect... wouldn't it have been better, if..."
"If you do it? Indrahar, you are chief to my entire security force... you shouldn't have the time for this. Regardless of the importance that the Sunrise is to our realm. "
" I..."
" I think you understand well..."
"... Yes my lord, " he bowed deeply. Once more, the second house has messed with his affairs. Indrahar was furious. Florentius had become a main issue to his plans and he had the feeling that he has earned the mistrust somehow.... He was already on the leave when Theodore once more spoke up.
" Indrahar... the O5P has found a hideout of a mischievous organization calling itself "the black dragon society." Apparently it seems Markus was in it, but he has met his fate. You wouldn't know anything about them.
For a moment he thought his heart would stop, immediately he turned around bowing his head. " I am ashamed but I have never heard of them. But if you wish I will instantly start the search for them."
Florimel was smiling
" I am looking forward to your success Indrahar-sama. "
" My deepest thank for your kindness. " When exactly had this humble... girl... become this intrigant? He would have to move fast... and left the scene under continued bowing.
"Now, back to topic. I want to speak to JADE Enterprises and the heads of the FRN. I have a plan on the urgent matter with the clans... and apparently this is also needed for the sunrise. "
"Please, share your enlightend thoughts with us, " said Florimel while uncle Chandy just smiled from one ear to another. Apparently, he already knew.


New Samarkand
"The warrior caste"

Now, the clans weren't the only ones with a five caste system. So was the Combine... and while not the top class the warrior class was still the second class, after the nobles. Therefore respect was high for them and the art of war was considered the ultimate deed one could offer as sign of loyality. Lately the Coordinator hat greatly founded the fleet and while this was a military interest, the majority of the DC-military were ground warriors, who haven't seen much of the Coordinators attention lately. So it came surprisingly that the Coordinator had addressed the noble warrior clans that resided within the Combine. Many families within the Combine watched this noble ancestors with great awe, wether they beared their name or not. Even larger was the surprise when they heard what else the Coordinator had on his mind for the coming quartal and it brought him a lot of sympathy with the caste...
" Is it wise to arm the warriors not enlisted in the dragons army with mechs father?"
" In ancient japan, every warrior was allowed to wear a sword. In imperial japan this was forbidden but so was the true way of bushido. Yet, we are honoring this traditional code of honor, trying to achieve their glorious way of life. But we can never achieve it to the fullest, as we are hindred by a structure that was invented thousand of years later. "
" But hasn't there be a reason why it turned out this way?"
" Yes, there has. But to further strengthen the honorable samurai spirit, we also have to advance. By this measure, we will bring the way that the Genyosha is already going, to a broad position of people. Faring teachers of swordmanship we must have, families giving their weapons from one generation to the next, additionally with their skills. The large academies, we already have... like Su-Tzang, but true swordmanship comes at the path of solitude. Enlightenment on devotion and the greatness of deed on humbleness. "
Theodores words had truth within, but wandering masters of arms and armed planetary chairman houses also brought a problem of control with them. Yet, with the coming of the clans it was clearly what the Coordinator wanted to show... "You have 20 clans counting a few billion on a dozen of worlds and 500 years of tradition. We do have hundreds of clans, counting 800billion on hundreds of worlds and thousands of years of tradition. "


New Samarkand
"strategical meeting"

"So here we see the informations we have on the deep periphery. According to the Meeting C* held on Terra a few years ago... Strana Mechty should be about here..."

The map showed up, warlords, and regents began to nodd and mumble.

" Estimated traveltime are, with our current possibilities between 3.5 and 4 years. We will have to bypass Rest Stop, the New delphi compact around the Gum Nebula beween the "clans gate" as we call it... a area between Gum Nebula and the Caliban Nebula, which is called "Veil of the Protector" by the clans and from there it is another 480 light years. Abou 150 light years from the Aldrin Nebula."

" Well, thats a shame... for now. But when they think they can bring war to our beloved inner-sphere and stay unharmed and safe at home, they are direly wrong. "

An evil smile made the round.

" Yet, what about the differences between the stated coordinates by C* and their shown map? Do we have clarification about it?"

"We haven't... if the coordinates are right, as they were stated by Anastasius Focht, Strana Mechty should be on the same radius, but about 15 degrees counterclockwards. "

" Can we somehow clarify this?"

" We can invite Mister Focht over. "

" Agreed. Sent out a invitation for a strategic meeting to Mister Focht. I wish to speak to him personally, we haven't seen in a long time, apparently since Terra. "

Now, only the Coordinator smiled, it had been a lucky day for him, besides what happened then.


[Turn 14:RP] "Seiun yōsai" Station
-coordinates classified-

The station was still one of the best hidden secrets of the Draconis Combine, but not much longer and it will be unveiled. Built due to the needs of increased production capacity, the Coordinator had announced the start of an ambitious project over a year ago. The official opening ceremony will be held in July 3042 but functioning was this behemoth already.


15.April. 3042

For draconian scientists, the reign of Theodore was a golden age, there was not much to add to this statement. The realm had become rich and so also the founding for research in general was plentiful, it was an age of growing for the Combine, even when the next conflicts just waited next door, be it rimwards or corewards.


About Moral

Moral... moral means everything in a war, moral can decide battles and iron will, united will was always one of the Dragons strongest attributes. But with the recent propaganda, achievements, conflicts, reeducation, structurisation. Fanatism was on the rise. "One will" wasn't just a phrase in the Combine. The people believed it, lived it, more than ever. it was burned into their brains like a mark of destinction. Thw workers class was proud to work 18 hours a day, the warriors were proud to give their lifes... They wanted to hear the Dragons call and the inner fire burned more and more fierce.

In a questioning the ISF found that 83.132 % of population were fanatically loyal to the Coordinator and 16.868% were reliable. Nobody, not even the caste of unproductive or the troops, that were recruited from their ranks, would even think of betraying the Realm of the Dragon or question its rulers.

Indrahar Subhash was surprised and worried. This was just another stab into the black dragon society and therefore he couldn't appreciate this statistic as he should do. At least, he wouldn't have to make another plan to ensure the safety and nature of the realm, but under this circumstances he asked himself how long he would be able to uphold the society itself, as even their ranks begin to fall from the organisations cause, also possible leaks were to occur. He had to take meassures... but apparently, the troops that could leak, the Alshain Regulars, or better, the former troops loyal to the society, were moved away to the Rimworlders War.

Was these yet another trap by the Coordinator?
Was he tested?

The head of the draconians Internal Security Force, began to feel watched, endangered and outsmarted... feelings he didn't had since a long time.