Draconis Combine RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:25:18 AM

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-destination cencored-

One man was kneeling before a chopping block. Another stood next to him, with a raised sword.

"This is my oath, this shall be its sign. "

Arround him, 9 persons were in the same position as he was.


10 men let the swords fall,
10 arms were sepperated from the body,
10 man found themselves waking up after a long operation,
10 man looked at their new, myomer arms.


-somewhere else-

" So tell me Ruby, how does it go in your... office?"

" Don't ask stupid questions Emerald and tell me exactly why you did ... . You put quite a strain on me. "

" My apologies, but it is for the greater good..."

" We will see about that. "


-on a third location-

"Sheesh, you can't make good buisness when the stock markets goes up and down like this. "

" Well then you will be happy to hear that we will make a small fortune with our investments in the DDAB. "

" Ahhh, I like you... the first good news this week. "


-on a third location-

" Are you alright lord? Shall I bring you another sake?"
" I can feel it, somebody is once more dumping the prices, this is a bad quarter for me. "



An armored convoy was driving down on Luthiens streets, in the middle car high diplomat Akane Hayashi sitting and briefing herself for the following situation. Her heavy armored guards were nervous as she was, but the young woman couldn't allow herself to give away any emotion.

For the DC, she was a gem... all deals that the Combine made in the last year were done by her, be it the technological trade, the SL-troops exchange or the improvement of the IC contract. Yet another thing must be done by her...


June.18.3041 Luthien DCMS HQ

Gunji-no-Kanrei Asano was perplexed.  He looked over at his ISF Liaison officer.  "Give me all you have on the Tamar offense..."
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The convoy holds in front of it and the woman and her guards march directly to the entry. Her guards will push anybody aside that stands in her way and she is hear to speak with the highest represantive of C* The roses had faded off, Akane Hayashi was known for her calm and very political correct speaking but the recent happenings have changed a lot, within ComStar and within the Combine.

throughout the Combine

A lot of riot-control-sot-guns were taken out and the Civilian Guidance Police began to ready themselves. A lot of sirens were to be heared as endless number of armored cars were on their way.



Final preparations where taken, the tension was high as never before.

What will follow?

Yet, one person in the room was calm...

" Are you ready my Coordinator?"


Studio 3

Cameras turned on and Aiko Mori began her regular schedule of news and propaganda. When she suddenly was interrupted for breaking news...


" Bring this message to Precentor Dieron. Normally I would have spoken to him in person but it seems that Dieron is under attack by ComStars fleet and I am not entering a warzone. "

The C* represantative nodded and was given the message.

" With this, The Draconis Combine hereby rescinds from all Improved Communication contracts with the beginning of the next quarter. "

For a moment, everything stood still and it became silent...

-throughout the Combine-

Civillian Guidance Police took positon around nearly all HPG facilities yet only around the Improved-Communication facilities a real barrier was raised. They didn't hindre C* personal or civilians from entering or leaving the facilities at least on the normal HPG-compounds... but on the ICs it only took a blink of an eye and the number of customers was 0.


Coordinator Theodore Kurita orderd rescind from the Improved Communication Contract.
Aiko Mori was surprised, you could clearly see it in her eyes... then another paper was given to her and she began to read...

Investigation concluded, the elements that attacked Coordinator Takashi Kurita were members of ComStar.
The message was followed by the faces of the deceased attackers...

The message was dynamite... Within the Combine the Shinto religion was still strong, and shinto centered around the ruler... the Tennō, the Emperor, the Coordinator. Laying a hand on the Coordinator was nothing less than a attack on a visible god... the son of the sun... the highest prophet... on the presence of Amaterasu, the sungoddess herself...and on her folk... the Draconians a attack on the order and the dynasty that comes from her... on the pillars where the whole realm resided on. It was the worst thing anyone could do... It took only hours until furious people filled the streets and it came clear why the Civilian Guidance police was there... to ensure that the normal HPG-compounds are not attacked or destroyed.

Then puplic speakers were turned on with a larger or smaller time delay a speech was heared.

" Citizens, I Coordinator Theodore Kurita, feel the same rage that has befallen your hearts. But direct your rage not amongst the people working for you, who are your acquaintances, friends or even brothers. Direct it towards the invader, the attacker that dishonors our bonds, direct it towards the ComGuard who is so eagerly invading our worlds."

There furious screams could be heared everywhere.
"For the Coordinator!"
" For the Dragon!"
"For the Combine!"

It worked on some worlds better and on others not. Depending on their true loyality towards the Combine or how popular Takashi was on the planet but the overall tone was very clear and it didn't safe some acolytes to be torn apart by a furious mob.


It was about the same time when a message reached the C* representatives on Alpheratz reached the same message, the ARAR will quit her Improved Communication contract. But in the ARAR there was no fury and they only had two, with one just recently opened. They had never profited much from it and apparently the money coming from a other direction was far numerous.


-location information classified-

A person was walking through a dark, ill lighted tunnel. The structure was massive and the passageway only consisted of a metal girder arround the person dozens of cables were running and the air was filled with the humming voices of countless machines. Blinking lights of smaller devices were giving away that they where really busy.

The shadowy sillouette marched towards a door and the light that flodded from there down the passage. When he entered he met two persons, one sitting at a massive console with dozens of computers, typing something. Behind this person a massive screen was hanging but did show nothing more than numbers.

"Greetings 01, everything goes as planned, " he spoke to the person in front of him. The woman answered him "Excellent 08,..." her voice sounded elderly... " I want you to prepare the next step... Hisui no tenshi must be a success on all means. " They walked on and entered a massive hall, they where standing on a building in its center... dozen of workers could be seen... welding together all of this.

" Who was that behind there?" He looked back at the estimated location of the person who has been standing in front of the consoles.
"That was 09, he is new to our organisation. He will borrow us his knowledge. "
"From where did you recruit him?"
"From where I do recruit my men is not of your concern, as are their identities. You only need to know that he shares our interrests to a certain degree and that he has a lot of experience on this field. This should be more information than enough."
The man layed his head to the side, no emotions could be seen because both where hiding their faces under mirrored glass masks.
"I understand 01, " he then replyied.
The two walked on over a metal bridge.
"But doesn't that mean he is a risk?"
"It is your duty that he never will become one."
"I understand."

"STARTING TEST IN 5:00" a metallic voice screamed through the speakers. Counting down 5 minutes...

The two passed security guards, locks, doors and even a chemical shower before they entered a green lighted chamber and the doors where closing behind them.




Screamed the young girl out as loud as she could. The G-Forces pressing her in the seat, the blood rushing through hear head, the red blinking lights... RED LIGHTS... "Aaand you are taken out... return to base," said a voice via comm.

After a rough landing, she crawled more out of the cockpit than she walked,... only to hear a voice from behind: "Defender Kurita, you are going to clean this mess up..." The girl looked back, her whole life she was prepared to be an Geisha, now she had to become an ASF pilot.



Luthien, DCMS HQ

Anaso Was adjusting to his new position quickly.  He had to, there was no other choice.  When a new faction suddenly attacked the DC and that faction has more forces than the DCMS and ARARDF combined...

Not much was going to plan.  Then again, there was not much of a plan yet.  Mainly he and his staff were firefighters, moving from one flareup to the next.  The DCMS loses on Dieron had left a HUGE hole in the DCMS defenses.  As of yet, the assets he had were not even remotely positioned to help close this gap.

The loss of one of his former units did sting.  Yet he was not about to fall into the trap of retribution.  This was a high stakes game and it was just beginning.  The news the Yuuki's task force, including the 3rd, had made it off of Imbross III and onto Yorii was a bit of good news.  The FC also had a few counter attacks in progress.  Pin pricks to C*, moral boosters for the FC and DCMS forces.  But a fate could change in a heart beat, so one must never be too attached to anything.

Yet all these unexpected happenings were to be expected.  Asano knew warfare.  "A plan is only good until first contact with the enemy is made..."  And so it has been these last 7 months.
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Luthien, DCMS HQ

Asano turn his chair away from his screen and frowned.  More bad news front the Dieron front.  It had been a long dark year already, and it was not over yet...

Luckily the DCMS moral had actually improved.  Regardless if they prescribed to the "old" or "new" Bushido code, the desire for honor and vengeance on the battlefield was strong.  He often had a harder time holding back unit's enthusiasm for a fight than needing to encourage them.  He had faith in his units and they had faith in the DCMS and Theodore.  They all remembered the dark times preceding the War of 3039 and how they had come out of that stronger and wiser.
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In a large conference room, a man waited.  The door opened and another man was let in and kept his steady pace as he approached.  The two old foxes looked sternly at each other and bowed formally.  Then they both smiled unable to to contain their joy.

"It is but a first step, but we have a right to enjoy our little victories in these dark times, right Marcus..." stated the Red Duke.  It was a rhetorical question, both men enjoyed winning.
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