Draconis Combine RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:25:18 AM

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Silently, like shades, a group of man tried to enter one of the city of enlightments laboratories. They managed to enter a special secured office and on its door a name was written: Makoto Hanso... the man who invented the PAL for the DCMS. They broke into a safe and left through a hall full of exoskeletons, PAL parts and while doing so there was the sound of a running servo...


Then a red dot appeared and a machine gun was fired. Instantly the men drew their own weapons but the bullets ricocheted, flying wild in the room. Then open the gun fired ones more, while glowing red eyes pirced through the darkness.
"Resistance is futile."
One made a run for it, trying to secure the objective and his life. Every single shot enlighted the laboratory behind him, he could hear the others scream in pain. He tried to obscure himself with a smog grenade when he saw something following him, then he heared a incredible loud sound, like a strong mechanical impulse. Than something clashed into the ground before him, standing up to full size pointing a gun at him nearly the size of himself. Golden scales shining in the light of a street lamp.
"Resistance will be eliminated."
A single shot was fired, the massive bullet tearing everything in its way apart, the impact throw the thief from his feet and left nothing but a bloody mess.

"Whats going on here? "
"Eliminating eye-witnesses..."
Another shot was fired.

edit: edited in the image... the locked design thread gave it away :P Totally forgot that we have him ^^


Since over a year,... since the interdiction, the ether above the Draconis Combine had become silent.

Because of this... the draconian Propaganda Ministry, the Voice of the Dragon, decided to break the silence with something traditional, declaring that the cracking noises were because of the low-quality, but priceless historical recording...


The people of the realm, listened with awe to the technological wonders the Coordinator has presented them with, eternaly greatful they took up the sounds transmitted from the stations all over the realm.

The transmission had a far greater effect on the countless memberworlds of the Combine, as they actually never had access to the C*-Network and literally were hearing a hyper-space transmission the first time in their life.


Of course, this was more than just a mere transmission for propaganda reasons, it was a sign... towards ComStar, but also towards the nobles of the realm itself. The strength of the house Kurita was nothing to mess with. With this critizisers of the way, Theodore Kurita had choosen, shall be silenced.

Yet, question remained, specially in the border region to the FRR, why the transmissions coming from their radiostations, had a far superior quality...


" I am not pleased with the results on Titan, Gunji-no-Kanrei. "
" I am very sorry my Coordinator, but we stood no chance against this fleet, we... miscalculated the situation. "

Theodore was furious. His plans were not working out as expected, but his old friend Asano was not to blame.

" We have to change strategy immediately. This is the worst situation that could have happened. ComStar gets back full access to all of its factories and had nearly a full year to gather resources. Pure madness will follow, if we don't find a way to solve this. "

" Gather the Otomo..." he screamed " I am heading out..."

" I will follow you... father..."

" No... you have to stay here and take my place in case of my demise. But you..." he looked ad a green hooded man, wearing a mask of glass, "you will come with me. "

" As you order, Coordinator. "

" As you order, MY Coordinator, " Theodore replied strictly.

"As you order, my Coordinator. "


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A warm welcome surely was something different. The moment Ex-Primus Waterly had announced her willingly stepping back from the position of Primus, she was given to the now all to famous Lotus Regulars, which had transported her and several survivors to Dieron. While "the others" received medical treatment she was transported further and finally locked in a windowless cell, heavily guarded and only feed enough so she wouldn't die. How many days went by, she coudln't tell... only one thing was sure: She would not see the tea-fields of her family again. No light, no communication, total silence began to nag on her and it was only broken for the short moments when a guard brought her something to eat. Mostly it was something soup like which can be eaten without any cutlery, just two bowls... something to drink and some more watery nothing that would at least ensure she stays alive. She wore no clothes, the cell wasn't exactly warm and the toilet was a squat one. Everything was out of plastic, so any attempts of murdering herself with the interior would fail, not that she wasn't monitored 24/7 via video.

The days and nights felt endless, she began to loost track of time... and herself. Screaming out: "Kill me already." Because this surely would be a release from this eternal hell. Yet, nothing happend.


Musik: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpfFSkv4iko

Coming down like meteors were the Regiments of the Dragon Guard, coming to retake the Dragons Territory. But for most they were, in fact, shooting stars fullfilling dreams of reconnection to the realm of the Dragon. Their marching was proud, strong, and fast... retaking without even firing one shot, letting the banners of the Combine fly through the sky.

Boulevards were decorated to welcome the saviours, the brave soldiers of the Combine. Little did they know that this war had been ended on a different level, little did they know about the sacrifices made. Yet, who cared for now? This was a time of celebration and so the troops marched towards each planets capitol to raise the flag of black and red.


-Draconis Combine wide-

When the Draconis Combine had once seen a large number of recruiting for the Mustered Soldiery, now it was the Admirality. From everywhere reached the call for the stars and after the fights of Titan, this call was heared. Yet a clear plan behind it... The Draconis Combine was building up its fleet and Aerospace forces and for this thounsands over thousands of recruits were needed. Be it to man the coming warships, fly the escort ASF or simply as boarding troops in battle taxis.

This was largely discussed behind the scenes and the rivalry between DCMS and DCA grew anew as the DCA got lots of the attention of the Coordinator.
" The DCA is a mere transport for the true warriors."
" True warriors? What helped it on Outreach, or Northwind that true warrios were present? Nothing compared to the firepower of a warship. We cannot stay behind, the DCA needs own ASF and warship, not those lend out troops from the Outworlders. We must not show weakness on any battlefield. "
" Silence, warlords. My decission stands, we do need a strong fleet for what lies before us,..."
" Admiral Isu will be furious about this plans..."
" If he truly is furious, he shall say this to my face, not behind my back, but I doubt that he will do so, because it would proof him to be an ignorant fool. He will see the greatness of this greater plan. "
" With all due respect, it will leave us protectionless and unmoveable..."
" But only for short..." - discussion during a meeting between Coordinator and his Warlords



His hands were shaking as he was marching towards the pathology, to hear the doctors exam.

" Lord Isu, " bowing before him was the head of the facility, he only replied shortly.
" We can garuantee that this is lady Hinatas body that was delivered from Terra. "
His heart felt heavy.
" And the cause of her death..."
" I see, so it is as I was informed. Let me see her."

"Lord Isu, she is dead since over a half year and whoever took care of the body..."
" This doesn't matter."

So, lord Isu looked at what was left of his beloved niece... it was hard to take...
" Leave me alone."
" As you whish. "

Without anyone, he could allow himself to show some feelings, that would otherwise considered a weakness. He did not know how long he cried this day.

New Earth
ISCP-Compound INN

"We hereby announce the dead of lady Hinata Isu and will forever remember the first director of what once started out as a Draconis Combine Carritative Programm and has become, unde rthe wings of the ISDF, the largest innitiave for human rights and welfare. It is my duty, as new director, to announce that lady Hinata Isu died of seppuku, which is a honorably way of killing herself. I first, did not understand why she would do this, or would consider ComStars attempt to capture her or the Draconian delegation as true reason, but I was explained, that lady Hinata isu has done a great sacrifice by doing so. Wouldn't she have killed herself before being captured, the ComGuard would have broken the ISCP-contract they have voluntarely signed. Which would have been a major drawback for the program... When the ones that should protect it, break it. "

He made a pause, to let this settle,

" I personally do not understand the draconian way of life, but I do understand what a sacrifice is, therefore I shall remember, as every worker of the ISCP should do, her martyrdom and ask you all out there, to stand up with me, for a minute of silence. To remember her and her sacrifice. "

In front of the camera, the reporters stood up and at least in all ISCP there was silence for a minute.

" I thank you all for this. The Isu clan will hold now for 49 days the traditional mourning, after which her ashes will be laid to rest in the family tomb on New Samarkand. "
-Director badhi Hafeez, ISCP

With this, the transmission endend and the ISCP will not hold any charges against ComStar, at least not for the breaking of contract.

New Samarkand

at the point that the message from New Earth and kervil have reached the Isu clan, a family meeting was held....
" On official position, the honor of the family is restored. The feud may be declared over. "
" I don't want to believe this, surely this is a trick of this rotten Terrans. "
" Her uncle has confirmed it, do you doubt his word? Do you not want to acknowledge her noble deed? "
A resignating "No" was the answer.
" Still, I want a represantive of our clan at the execution of the Primus. As repayment for my, for our pain. Maybe, I will personally take up the naginata. You all are dismissed."
With this, the rulers of the sub branches left the main branches estate.


Quote from: Altrak on February 23, 2015, 03:19:11 PM
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A warm welcome surely was something different. The moment Ex-Primus Waterly had announced her willingly stepping back from the position of Primus, she was given to the now all to famous Lotus Regulars, which had transported her and several survivors to Dieron. While "the others" received medical treatment she was transported further and finally locked in a windowless cell, heavily guarded and only feed enough so she wouldn't die. How many days went by, she coudln't tell... only one thing was sure: She would not see the tea-fields of her family again. No light, no communication, total silence began to nag on her and it was only broken for the short moments when a guard brought her something to eat. Mostly it was something soup like which can be eaten without any cutlery, just two bowls... something to drink and some more watery nothing that would at least ensure she stays alive. She wore no clothes, the cell wasn't exactly warm and the toilet was a squat one. Everything was out of plastic, so any attempts of murdering herself with the interior would fail, not that she wasn't monitored 24/7 via video.

The days and nights felt endless, she began to loost track of time... and herself. Screaming out: "Kill me already." Because this surely would be a release from this eternal hell. Yet, nothing happend.

Waterly had panicked as gas was streaming into her prison, after the failed attempt to hold her breath long enough, she began to feel numb and awakened... well all feeling of time was already gone, not knowing how long she had slept. Exprimus Waterly foudn herself in a new room. This time all walls but one were massiv and she had found herself dressed ins something that resembled DC-prison clothing. "At least something" she thought. Then she felt as being watched, percepting the shadow of someone on the other side of the glas wall of the room. "Who is there?"

Then a light turned on, it was a central spot above the person standing there. "Is that important Waterly?" She locked away in pain, for far to long she had been in the shades. The figure before her wore long greenish-black robes and a mask of mirrored black glas, hiding its face. The voice was that of an old man, an old weak man to be precise. He was standing there, resting his right arm on a walking staff, after her eyes could a bit more accumulate to the light, she saw that it was the hand of an elder, wrinkles and thick veines, spots of age, and a very thing figure ... he looked as standing there was indeed a pain for him.

"What do you want from me? Why haven't I be killed? Who do you think you are?"

" Mymy, your fire hasn't gone. I hope you enjoy my presents, your new housing and the cloths... But apparently I will ask the questions here and maybe, when I am satisfied, I will answer one from you..."

" You really think I will tell you anything? Not even under tort...."
" Why would I do that? I am not the person that has imprisoned you,... and the question that i have is simple... Why?"
" Why what? " she wasn't sure she got the old geezer.
" Why did you choose this path? Once you were a brave student, even to a degree that your education was sponsored by the order of five pillars and the ISF. You were a promising candidate..."
" You do know a awful lot, do I know you?"
" Oh yes, you do... " did she hear a snickering? Was this man laughing at her.
" My pardon... I didn't want to upset you. I was merely laughing at the situation, not about you..."
" Well, if I get out of..."
" If you get out of here... who shall come for you?"
" Being Primus over the years... you get to know people..."
" The same people that give you away this willingly? That cut you from their flesh like a parasite? I doubt that... you were sold out. "
" But the true strategy lies deeper, you were not only sold out, you were used by them, instrumentalized..."
" Cut your poor attempts to convert me... this is futile."
" Converting you? I doubt that... but it wonders me.... how someone who had left the Combine because of the killing of a fellow student, a good friend, could turn into a person ordering the death of billions..."
Midsentence he turned away, slowly walking away.
"Mymy, such temper, think about my words Waterly, answer my question the next time we meet. Maybe this will safe your life after all. "

With this, she was left in darkness once more, apparently one must admit, she had inhaled every bit of light she could get. After such long time in darkness...

"Who was he? Why did he know so much about here? Was he connected to the O5P or the ISF? Why did he know about... him?" The questions carved on her brain and with nothing else to do, it was quite hard to think about something else... this cicle of sleep, took long to come.




On Dieron, Sirens began to quiver, Warlord Michi Noketsuma declared the highest status of emergency.

The propaganda towers were anouncing: " All Combine citizens, move to designated security area. Keep identification badges visible at all times,..."

Schools were closed, rations bunkered,... Dieron had seen one recent war against ComStar and they will be prepared this time. Draconien families began to send away children and woman to further away systems, to far relatives, if there were any, but most would look for any way out of C* reach, even if they hadn't any family at the far end of the realm. Nobody wanted to end in a massacre like Northwind or Outreach. The fear was real, as was the threat.

And on Saffel, Quentin, Altair, Yorii Imbross, Dyev, Asta, Styx Nirasaki, Athenry... it was similar.


Quote from: Altrak on April 02, 2015, 05:54:17 PM
Quote from: Altrak on February 23, 2015, 03:19:11 PM
-location cencored-
-date cencored-

A warm welcome surely was something different. The moment Ex-Primus Waterly had announced her willingly stepping back from the position of Primus, she was given to the now all to famous Lotus Regulars, which had transported her and several survivors to Dieron. While "the others" received medical treatment she was transported further and finally locked in a windowless cell, heavily guarded and only feed enough so she wouldn't die. How many days went by, she coudln't tell... only one thing was sure: She would not see the tea-fields of her family again. No light, no communication, total silence began to nag on her and it was only broken for the short moments when a guard brought her something to eat. Mostly it was something soup like which can be eaten without any cutlery, just two bowls... something to drink and some more watery nothing that would at least ensure she stays alive. She wore no clothes, the cell wasn't exactly warm and the toilet was a squat one. Everything was out of plastic, so any attempts of murdering herself with the interior would fail, not that she wasn't monitored 24/7 via video.

The days and nights felt endless, she began to loost track of time... and herself. Screaming out: "Kill me already." Because this surely would be a release from this eternal hell. Yet, nothing happend.

Waterly had panicked as gas was streaming into her prison, after the failed attempt to hold her breath long enough, she began to feel numb and awakened... well all feeling of time was already gone, not knowing how long she had slept. Exprimus Waterly foudn herself in a new room. This time all walls but one were massiv and she had found herself dressed ins something that resembled DC-prison clothing. "At least something" she thought. Then she felt as being watched, percepting the shadow of someone on the other side of the glas wall of the room. "Who is there?"

Then a light turned on, it was a central spot above the person standing there. "Is that important Waterly?" She locked away in pain, for far to long she had been in the shades. The figure before her wore long greenish-black robes and a mask of mirrored black glas, hiding its face. The voice was that of an old man, an old weak man to be precise. He was standing there, resting his right arm on a walking staff, after her eyes could a bit more accumulate to the light, she saw that it was the hand of an elder, wrinkles and thick veines, spots of age, and a very thing figure ... he looked as standing there was indeed a pain for him.

"What do you want from me? Why haven't I be killed? Who do you think you are?"

" Mymy, your fire hasn't gone. I hope you enjoy my presents, your new housing and the cloths... But apparently I will ask the questions here and maybe, when I am satisfied, I will answer one from you..."

" You really think I will tell you anything? Not even under tort...."
" Why would I do that? I am not the person that has imprisoned you,... and the question that i have is simple... Why?"
" Why what? " she wasn't sure she got the old geezer.
" Why did you choose this path? Once you were a brave student, even to a degree that your education was sponsored by the order of five pillars and the ISF. You were a promising candidate..."
" You do know a awful lot, do I know you?"
" Oh yes, you do... " did she hear a snickering? Was this man laughing at her.
" My pardon... I didn't want to upset you. I was merely laughing at the situation, not about you..."
" Well, if I get out of..."
" If you get out of here... who shall come for you?"
" Being Primus over the years... you get to know people..."
" The same people that give you away this willingly? That cut you from their flesh like a parasite? I doubt that... you were sold out. "
" But the true strategy lies deeper, you were not only sold out, you were used by them, instrumentalized..."
" Cut your poor attempts to convert me... this is futile."
" Converting you? I doubt that... but it wonders me.... how someone who had left the Combine because of the killing of a fellow student, a good friend, could turn into a person ordering the death of billions..."
Midsentence he turned away, slowly walking away.
"Mymy, such temper, think about my words Waterly, answer my question the next time we meet. Maybe this will safe your life after all. "

With this, she was left in darkness once more, apparently one must admit, she had inhaled every bit of light she could get. After such long time in darkness...

"Who was he? Why did he know so much about here? Was he connected to the O5P or the ISF? Why did he know about... him?" The questions carved on her brain and with nothing else to do, it was quite hard to think about something else... this cicle of sleep, took long to come.

She didn't know how much later he came back again. This time he had brought a TV with him.
"I do think that you can find this interresting, sadly enough it is not even made up... "

It showed the recorded outburst of the new Primus.

" Can you tell what has become out of ComStars ideals? Or shall we come back at the first question I asked you? "

This became her daily routine, she... refusing to answer, he always asking the same personal, not very secretive questions, always with something actual from Inner Sphere politics, most of the times ComStar related, or something about her ideals and backround. She didn't know wether she was carving for the conversations or hated them... and always he was accompanied with light, if she answered he gave her small threads, like something better to eat, if she "missbehaved" he left her in the dark.

After some talks, he introduced himself as "Reason". And reasoning it was what he wanted to her the most it seemed,... fitting...


New Samarkand
-12 hours after the outbreak-

On New Samarkand the DCs high command truly became busy when the outbrake of the new primus occured.
" So much for the peace treaty..." said Hohiru, having a tea with his father...

" Yet, we will have to wait if they really turn of the HPGs. I would love seeing them doing so. "
" I must say father that I do not understand your position, wouldn't it be the best to hit them hard before they can set anything up? "
" It would, and preparations are met, the fire was strong with me too and they tampered me into taking a fast action, but this is not how the inner-sphere works. We msut take a deep breath and wait that they make the failure of breaking the contract first. Either by stoping the HPG service or invading our territory. Everything else would lead us to a honouable outcome for ourselves. We do not need ComStar anymore and I hope they are aware of this fact, if not, it shall be their doom. "
" May I ask you father, what you have prepared if they break contract?"
" The execution of every ComStar member. Right now, while the 72 hours are coming to an end, the civillian guidance police and the DCMS are moving into position, right now, every ComStar member is being watched and on the worlds on alarm, like Dieron, they are sorted out, seperated from their families and prohibited to enter security shelter. "

Hohiro took a deep breath.


New Samarkand
-24 hours after the outbreak-
INN and N-TV

Cameras turned on and it was the spokesman of the voice of the dragon adressing the nation, COmStar and the whole Inner-Sphere...

" Due to the latest Outbreak on the Terra conference, the Coordinator informs ComStar that he will never give over the Nation to a person sharing thought with the former Primus Waterly. He will not sit by and watch the Inner-Sphere submit to a tyrany, may it come from the deep periphery or the core of the Inner-Sphere. We inform ComStar that we see this development as treat to our newly achieved peace and if this is truly not ComStar position on the current situation, we advice ComStar not only to rethink its position but also to properly anounce it. We inform ComStar that the statement of the Primus is clearly implifyingr violations of points 1, 3 and 7.1 of the agreement between us, which state:

QuoteComStar agrees to:
1.) Comstar relinquishes control over all DC planets taken in the current campaign
3.) Comstar re-establishes HPG communication in the DC

in exchange the DC agrees to:
7.) The DC does not participate in any actions against C* for the next 10 years.
7.1.) The DC will declare this part of the agreement nullified, if C* takes actions against the DC, the member Nations of the Draconis Combine or its current allies.

...In his treat, of Interdiction and submit of rulership the Primus has violated all points stated...

Due to the lack of VALID official news and statement, the Coordinator hereby declares following laws:
1.) All ComStar personal within the Draconis Combine is not allowed to own or wear weaponry or armor, this counts also for vehicles, planes, Mekks, warships, and so fort. Doing so will result in arrest or execution. Resistance will be met accordingly.
2.) All ComStar personal has to wear at all times identify cards and arm badges, stating their connection to ComStar. They must inform authority every 12 hours about their current location. Arm badges will be handed out by authority. Opposing this law will result in arrest.
3.) ComGuard and ROM troops, or any other military/armed organ under C*s control are banned from the Draconis Combine, as their presence is a major treat to internal security. ComStar has time until the end of this quarter to remove them or face confiscation and/or arrest.
4.) ComGuard and ROM troops, or any other military/armed organ under C* control must inform flight control 3 months ahead before arriving in DC territory for whatever reason, or face consequences stated under point 3.

We inform ComStar, that we do not wish to find ourselves in the need of taking action against them.
We inform ComStar that above laws are no violation on the peace treaty, but a ensurance that peace will be held. The security of Draconian citizens, even the ones working for ComStar is our outmost wish but until Terra has cleared its position, we must continue on this path.
We inform ComStar, that elements of authority will take position in all C* facilities in the Combine to ensure safety for all, we do not wish that any side is harmed. This is also a security meassure for C*-personal as the last interdiction lead to civillian rallies against C* that cost to many innocent lives.
Lastly, we inform ComStar that currently, the majority of the Inner Sphere and the Periphery are considered allies to the Combine. This specially counts for the members of the Concord of Kaptyen and the members of the Inner Sphere Defense Force. A interdiction and a treat for submission is seen as violation of our agreement. "


January 12th 3043
Draconis Combine Embassy, New Avalon

8 AM local time a urgent message is delivered by a Royal Courier with a message for the Ambassador. The fellow hands over a message chip bearing both the seals of the Foreign Ministry and the Townshed-Davion family crest. Nothing out of sorts can be found , no explosives, toxins or such assuming it gets a full security check, on it a video message and having met the Duke's family the Ambassador will recognize his Daughter-In-Law when played. (Note bit of a mess up on my end of things Anna T-D is the Duke's wife and their daughter -in-law is Rosanna)

"Ambassador Wakahisa , please accept my apologies for the lateness of this communication." Rosanna began "I'm afraid in the effort to keep the wrong ears from finding out about this I only just found out that you had not been contacted about this. My Mother-In-Law is in route to and may have already arrived at Deiron to bring back Archon Melissa and her companions back to New Avalon." pause for a moment the young, diplomat all but rolls her eyes in frustration "She is traveling aboard a destroyer, the FCS Squire to be exact and with all the paranoia about Comstar and that insane rant from the new Primus, security went overboard on trying to keep this, well secret from the Robes. I've attached to this message all the required data needed for you to ID the ship and hopefully avoid a terrible misunderstanding, Please foreword this to your government and again our apologies for unintentional concern  the ship's appearance may have caused."

The other data IDs the Squire as a Essex Class Destroyer and other info allowing for IDing the ship.


January 12th 3043
Draconis Combine Embassy, New Avalon

Wakahisa was an old man, former warrior of the Combine and had since a year, the position of ambassador for teh Federated Commonwealth. He had now spoken multiple times with the Townsheds but this was the first message that actually made him smirk. He looked through the documents, two times, before he tought on how to send them. It was a distance of about 285 ligh years to Dieron. It would need at least a week to arrive. On the other side... a ship would need also about a week to reach the planet. So there was in fact enough time. No need to force something through ComStars Improved Communication Service... No need to set up a story, encode messages and start a diversion. It will be on time, but a bit late. Michi wouldn't jsut shoot down any warship entering Dieron space, would he?


January 1th 3043

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muqM4rV7ovM meaningful music for the realm update

Luthien and the Lotus District had changed in the last 2 years massively, due to the complete reform that Coordinator Takashi Kurita had begun and was further advanced by his son, the Lotus District had truly become the flower of the realm. The city of Enlightment was located there, as was JADE Enterprises HQ.

The massiv, circular complex of the "city of enlightment" it's countless laboratories, libraries and research facilities, accompanied by a complex of universities made Luthien the center of knowledge throughout the Combine. The population recognised a significant growth since from the whole realm students were arriving to enlist on at least one of it. The city of enlightment was different than its traditional surrounding. It was young, dynamic and innovative and due to the genious founding program the DC was upholding since the 3040 year, the different universities could proudly announce that every great scientist of the latest years, came from this city of scholars.

The other new satellite city of the Imperial city of Luthien, besides the well known eiga-toshi, was the enourmous HQ of JADE Enterprises. Known to the locals as "Jade-city" it was remarkable for its looks as the modern and futuristic buildings alienated every traditional Combine architecture. Going with the Companies doctrine and marketing, truly every building was coloured in the green-tone that gave them their name. Inside, not only the research labs and office buildings were located, but also the flats for employees and a smaller military complex. In the center of the city, in the middle of the communication plaza the "Spire" was standing. A massiv building, more resembling a huge antenna than a office building. On its top, the heads of JADE reside controlling the second largest communication service in the inner-sphere from above all.

So important became the Lotus-District that the Coordinator decided that he will give it the same status as the Autonom Repuplic, a nation within a nation, as it was in the old days... in the days the Combine was a combination of realms and its ruler, the Coordinator, carved his title. Once more, the realm of the dragon had 5 military districts, but now two member nations.