Capellan Confederation RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:25:39 AM

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Mario looked puzzled, "Task force CCZ-103 ... what is he talking about?" While Captain Zim was pondering how to respond, a slight man with glasses, a bookish look and a name tag that simply said "Simon" on it ogled at what he was seeing. After decoding the sub channel's message and comparing it to the database cross referencing the Task Force name with the code phrase being used the slight man looked around the room and nodded to a large operator who came over and blocked everyone else's view of the smaller and started a rather loud conversation with the person next to Simon to distract Claire who sat next to him. As soon as he was sure she was sufficiently distracted, he slid a device out from his satchel and attached it to the console.

Encyption Secured

Simon quickly typed in the password. A split second later, the device was activated.

We have an Unknown Agent by the name Youh without current call and response but operating on secure channels requesting a meet.
On top of that, the message was encrypted into a sub channel coming from a large force claiming connection to Task Force Z103 reported lost
on August 2nd 2369. How to proceed?

A message came back.

Forward Transmission.

Typing fast, Simon used a subroutine to tap to copy and filter the message to HQ. The next message took about two minutes to come though.

Filter all messages to and from TF-Z103. Direct request for vaccines thru med station Charlie.

Zim came over to the tech station, "Claire, until we find out who these guys are, we're going to put them on quarantine and share a little good will with the people. Have the good folks over at Med Station Alpha prep a list and a care package. Make sure they don't ship the supplies until we have the resident bureaucrats approval. The last thing I need is another dose of his bad breath. You got that?" The perky woman finished writing and said "Ken-shi." When Zim left the room the big operator leaned over to Claire, "Come on, it's time for your break" He said with a wink, "let Simon do that. It's all he's good for anyway." He gave her a flash of his winning smile, she looked around mischievously for a second, "Simon, do you mind?" He feigned a measure of indignant resignation and sighed, "Fiiine, give it here."  As she bounded off, "Thanks Simon, I owe you one." The big man lead her out of the room as Simon proceeded to change the request in order to reroute it though station Charlie instead of Alpha and gave it a special authorization that would ensure the right people knew to immediately launch the supplies to the ship.
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


bump for fate to continue before i respond.


Approaching the ships the small shuttles were like three tiny specs glinting with reflections from the sun. As they finished docking, Finch put his suit's helmet on. The fact that the visitors had inquired about immunizations first made it a loathsome necessity. He'd have much preferred to not be so encumbered, but that was the mission. He had been going over the strange dialect over and over again and thought he might have nailed down some of the nuances to a variation of the kyrgyzstan dialect that went out of fashion two hundred years ago when a standard Mandarin script became the dominant language in all Compacts.

Finch checked on the rest of the team. Mona was checking bags while Jun marked the package with the communications gear for this "Youh."  The number sequence on the bag was base code that any agent should be able to grasp. "Hold on." The shuttle jostled as the magnetic clamps pulled it down and locked it to the deck of the bay. Looking around, there were already others in suits, but as soon as the bay sealed the three shuttles in, they could see the gas jets of atmosphere being pumped in.

A light switched from red to green over the window to what Finch guessed was the operations station for the bay denoting atmospheric pressure had been established.  "Keep the suits on, while the rest of the medtech's draw their attention, we'll watch for our contact." Jun hit the button to open the shuttle door and the team descended the ramp and joined the others. Taking point was an old woman who  walked gracefully unencumbered by the heavy equipment the others carried or a helmet.

In Mandarin, she stood before the operations station, "Greetings. My name is Helen deMorrisey, Director of Operations at one of the med stations on the world below. We received your call for medical assistance in the form of immunizations. Judging by the list of vaccinations your people sent over, you've been out here for a long time. Is that so?"

Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


"The House of Scions votes strongly for the upholding of peace unless outside aggression forces our hands. This war we have survived luckily, under great pressure and sacrifices, with the invaluable aid of our magnificient allies, who we thank deeply for their help. The penalties by ComStar did not help with our righteous efforts and thus we must demand the ceasing of this punishment at once which only harms the Citizens of our nation. There is no basis for singling us out and this wrongdoing underlines the questionable actions ComStar has been attributed to, including but not limited to the latest interdictions of the Draconis Combine and Northwind.

We stand ready to defend the Capellan People at all cost.

As Speaker

Arthur Yu"

In the news in a minor note around the CC: Arthur Yu, after three months of absence from the House of Scions has been reinstated as Speaker of the House of Scions.
For the ultimate combined Arms experience:

Mechwarrior Living Legends full installer:,19089.0.html

or this:,19022.0.html


31, October 3042
St. Ives palace
0700 hours EST

lilchan walks out to a podium placed at one of the hall followed by 2 young twin girls.
Goodmorning all, thank you all for coming this early.
Today we the survivors of task force czz-103 and our fellow citizens of the innersphere are here to remember and celebrate in equal measures.
First, today marks 2 sad incidents in our former planets history, the opening attacks of a rebellion that after almost 11 years ended in the death of our home, and the same day the death of my father. Now for the good news and the reason for the party that is taking place in 6 other locations here in the capital of St. Ives and here at the palace, 12 years ago today, my daughters were also born, even though they have only know about the horror of war. The members of the family, our guards and the rest of the domestic staff helped to give them as peaceful of a childhood as possable, and also helped to teach them to be good and caring young women like their mother was.
All citizens and military personal are invited to attend one of the parties around town, free food and all kinds of entertainment are provided free to all.
Also there will be trick or treating provided through out the merchant areas till 8 pm for the childrens safety.

Again thank you for coming and please enjoy the day of celebration.


General news from the Capellan Confederation.

Capella – Central Region, Fairly inactive militarily, Industrially, they are very active as they are main dealing with supply lines to reintegrate  the worlds in the Liao sector with the rest of the Confederation.

Liao – Host to multiple staging facilities with the news of attacks by and against Comstar in the region. Protests have risen on both sides of the CC / FC supporters, but the large number of units in the area are keeping the peace while waiting for further orders.

Sian – Building activity as political discussions heat up over Comstar, ISDF, PACT and FWL relations. The FedCom continuously gets brought up, but a strong block is in place to enforce the treaty. Forces return from the front to patrol the FWL border.

St. Ives – After stalled talks about the ISDF, the compact has gone through numerous demonstrations to try and show their old supporters from the FedCom that they do not wish to abandon the connections made and treat many industrial and political influences to try not to lose their connections. This has met with mixed results.

Victoria – Booming strong as one of the central points of focus of the recent war, Advanced Military production at Grand Base, Menke and Victoria itself have revitalized this war torn portion of space with Cheefong IA leading the realm to recover lost technologies.
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


-unkown date-

"Any words from headquarters?"
"Not yet, everything silent still."
"How is he?"
"He is getting better, but it will still take months until he will move again."
"A shame, I could fall for him, if he just wasn't only a meat sack."
-rolling eyes-
" Oh, come on... as if you never feel the need for some... quality time. "
"Shut up you two..."
another person enters the room.
"We got intel from the Voice, we are moving out."
"As you command..."


Celestial City, Sian
Celestial Parade Ground.

COL Yen Ji-dan eyed the parade feel with a sense of remorse.  So many of the Stalwart Infantry had been lost trying to acquire a warship for the Confederation a few months after COL Sanders accepted the offer to become a mainline unit for the nation. No word from Comstar about the status of those brave men and women had been forwarded despite polite requests. The situation was quite precarious. The Confederation took action against Comstar and had yet to feel the reprisals. It was feared that a stronger plea would remind them of our actions and lead them to further investigate and initiate and interdiction which was the last thing the realm needed.

Looking about, he could count only twenty four men from the original regiment on the field. The standard, a blue shield with a rocket blasting off with a flag stood nearby, a black band added to its border to denote their sacrifice. The logistics of the unit were mainly intact and the barracks had been prepared, but it was most definitely not the same unit that joined the Confederation. In contrast to COL Sanders covert style, the unit had been designated as a defensive unit which is why he had been selected to lead it. Yen had turned down many offers to teach at the Capellan Military Institute on several worlds after Liao was liberated from the Commonwealth.

"At ease!" he shouted out. The troops relaxed their stance. "Citizens, ... Honored. A title given to those units that answered our Chancellor's call to arms. The sacrifice of the men who wore these uniforms before you will not be in vain. You will honor them by being the best! You will be the best because we will make you the best! The path to greatness is hard work filled with pain and sweat! Anyone who does not give their all should pack up their bags and leave now! I will give you a taste of what the next few years of your life will be like right now. If you way to leave, you may go,  but you will not be allowed to re-apply for citizenship for a period of two years. If you show up tomorrow, knowing what the future holds for you, I will expect everything you have to give to the Confederation at every moment as long as you wear that uniform. If you do that for me, I will make you the best soldiers this army."

Yen quietly moved up to the front of the dias and began removing his uniform. "Master Sergeant!" a broad shouldered Russian man stomped forward and saluted, "Yes Sir!" the Colonel continued to fold his uniform. "Stretch them out, get them ready for some drills." The MSG nodded then hopped off the front of the Dias, "Regiment!" The other commanders relayed the preparatory command down the line "Battallion!" "Company!" "Platoon!", "ATTENTION! Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Leeeeft- Face! Forward- March!" Once they were on line with the rear of Alpha, "Battallions-Halt! Alpha and Alpha only, Extend to the Right, All other Battallions, Extend to the right! Regiment-Move! Battallions, offset your men and prepare for stretching exercises!"
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


After allowing the commanders thirty minutes to stretch their Battallions, COL Yen had the technicians focus on him while watched the coordination of the new unit which had the expected awkwardness. Stretching Went slowly due to the size of the unit as there were almost twenty-five hundred soldiers present. He motioned for the Master Sargeant to ready them for the real work out. "Attention!" the big russian's voice boomed out. The sound of the unit shuffling took longer than it should have and he stepped forward.

"Hurry! The enemy will not let you have time to coordinate! If you cannot move as one, you will fall behind, those that fall behind become easy prey! Those of you who know some form or martial art know that the key to understanding what to do is to listen! Do not make assumptions, listen and do what is asked of you. Let us begin with something simple. Jump." There were looks of confusion all around, as some people jumped and others waited to see if others would jump. "That was truly sad. I count tenty seven seconds between when I said to jump and when I heared the last boots hit the ground!" He looked over to the head technician, "Start the clock." Before the technicion could act, Yen was off the dias and racing toward Alpha BN. The suprised commander watched him approach with wide eyes as he was thrown, fifteen seconds later, Bravo, Charlie and Delta commanders were also on the ground despite being 100 meters apart. Epsilon's commander tried to defend himself with a quick jab, but Yen ducked under and reached up throwing his arm around his neck easily tossing him over his hip. "Stop!" The clock read Twenty-Four seconds.

"Twenty-seven seconds on the battlefield is a lifetime. I was able to take out all of your commanders and all I was asking for you to do, was jump. If I had been an trained headhunter assassin, you would all be leaderless! Then the real chaos would start! So I say again, jump!" It wasn't immediate, but the entire regiment jumped and landed within three seconds. "Better. Once you learn how I want you to jump and how high, you will all jump as one and when you land the earth will tremble! This was one very simple test of coordination. By the time I am done with you, you will be enact complex combat manuever as one! But for now, the basics. Block! Punch! Kick! The most basic form of pugelism. Once you have a grasp of this, I will train you in other things. When you stand in front of me for these drills, concentrate and be ready. Now, a proper jump should be three inches off the ground. You should be able to sense the men and women around you and feel their presense. The tensing of their muscles, the rush of speed at their movement. Pay attention, and Jump."
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


1.October 3042

Exactly one year, after JADE-Puplic and FRN going online for the first time, something moved again on the communication market.


New Samarkand

" Ambassador,... We have over 10,000 visa requests from DC-citizens that want to travel to our realm. All are woman and all seem to be enlisted by the DCMS."

also: CAT! Seems like my picture links became invalid :D


-DC embassy-

Since the Capellans were already seeing the first fights against the clans, it took only little time before the DC ambassador asks for a copy of the ruleset of the clans "honorable way of fighting"... "Zellbrignen" or how they call it"


The Star Adder - Code of Zellbrigen was  included with a note that each Clan apparently has their own interpretation of the rules. There is also a holovid with some of their weapons capabilities taken during pre-trial exercises.

"Greeting, I am Colonel Jeremiah Sagehorn of the Kamakura's Hussars. I am making this vid so that you can see firsthand how devastating the power and range the Clan Weapons are. Please disseminate this information to other commanders so they may best prepare for the defense of the Confederation. I expect that due to their advanced technology they might still get the better of us despite them allowing us superior numbers for this trial. They've opted to fight our Heavy Mech Company with only five of their own machines. I've picked the twelve best pilots we have to give us the best chance at defeating them. If they stick to their terms, we may be able to prevent the first domino from falling. If we fail, then all is not lost. We did find that one of their terms, Safcon, would us to request our remaining troops to withdraw since they were not bid in their declaration of possessions to trial. Two days from now, we shall meet on the training fields. Footage of the battle should be available from the units participating in the "circle" of warriors that watch."

The BattleROM footage shows that it was a close battle, but the adders were allowed to engage one at a time which evened things out more then expected. The speed and devastating short ranged firepower seemed to be the determining factor. By the end of the battle, it was two on two, but one of the Hussar mechs, a beat up Marauder, was shut down from heat while the other, a Catapult, was missing it's left side and and was out of ammo on it's missiles. The more efficient streaks systems kept the clan mechs fed throughout the fight while their Ultra auto-cannons stripped armor as a break-neck pace. The two remaining pilots were allowed to yield and taken bondsmen with the other 6 pilots that survived the fight. True to their code, the Hussars were allowed to withdraw.
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


Faslane Class Ship Dun Laohaire
-location censored-

Sho-sho Yuuki Hadono looked outside one of the small windows to see how work was going. Only two more months and the DCS Zangetsu will be ready to produce the needed war-material with superior draconian technology for the southern front against the clans. One by one, more and more Okami warriors were arriving here. On -location censored for puplic safety- surface, the Taurian and Magistracy Infantry-men, were training with their new equipment. Brand new draconian Power Armor,... while embracing the hate they felt for the clan-invaders. For the onna-bugeishas of the Combine, it was however a time of patience, because they could not fight before the next 5 months were over. This left however time for more training, learning the needed skills. After all, the Okami were among the first large formations in the Combine military, that would be cross-trained, as pilots, as infantrymen and of course as mechwarriors. Finding the aspects of bushido in all weapon s and the Dieron Regulars, the Sword of Light, the Genyosha, the Otomo  and some other Elite Formations were finding themselves in similar programs. Another reform Theodore Kurita was enforcing while the realm marched on with larger and larger steps.


Follow up:,18943.msg57139.html#msg57139

Faslane Class Ship Zangetsu (transl.: "moon visible in the morning")
-location censored-

"So they are wearing black and red, sing about the Megitsune, wear fox masks and the smile of us woman... while being accompanied by Ghosts? " said Yuuki hadono, while smiling broadly. " That is like a greating from all DCMS ISDF forces...well, could come worse from the Voice of the Dragon, at least we are not forgotten. " while looking at her units insignia...

She stood up got over to a console, pressing a button.

" Attention Okami, we are marching out, start jump procedure... I want to taste my enemies blood. "