Capellan Confederation RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:25:39 AM

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Public RP thread for Capellan Confederation
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


3rd January 3040
Nadir Jump point

The ancient Scout JumpShip had been hanging on the jump point for over 3 months now.
The ship was ready to fly and its sole docking port held the sole Gazelle dropship.

Both ships were flying the colours of the CC but still, they primarly showed the logo of 'Chefong Interstellar Archeology'

Onboard the ship the group of scientists was running the numbers a thousandth time.
Wan Chefong twisted his back. Zero gravity had, as usual, his impact on him.
"So we are in agreement?" he asked looking at his core team.

Sabine Ikerna, basically his second in command and most trusted scientist noded shortly.
"From what we got collected, we know what it was, we know the rumors about a possible final location... We just do not know what happened to it.
C-3A9I/7 is our best guess..."

Joshua Faith sighed "IF this is not the correct solar system... We have to go back to zero, you know that?"

Grim nods were exchanged.
Everyone knew that CIA had invested a lot of resources and most of its savings into this project. If results were not comming fast they would have to go back dirtside, start research again and send their most precious asset, their Jumpship onto leasing duty for some years...

Noone wanted this - but all knew the facts. IF they were not succsessfull, they were pretty much broke.

Wan pushed a button and thus opened a channel to the captain of the Jumpship. "Andrea? would you please initiate the jump? We are ready to go..."

The sound of the bell announcing the jump-countdown ringed and the prerecorded announcement started:

"Everyone onboard. This is Wan Chefong speaking. We are about to jump to our target location. This is not a drill. We do NOT know what we will find there but be alert. All armed forces are to ready themselves as trained. Thank you for your cooperation."

Fifteen minutes later the jumpship disappeared... and re-materialized near its maximum jump range in C-3A9I/7

C-3A9I/7 was a sole star without any planets besides one Gas giant in the outer regions of the system. They appeared near one of the La-Grage pirate points of the system, waiting for the jump-distortions to ebb down.
Minutes later they got the first scan results and hell broke loose as Jushua suddenly cried out: "There it is! I can't believe it... There it is!"


3rd January 3040
Unknown LaGrange Point

Kim Hwang-soo, along with being a member of the DropShip's bridge crew, was a deep cover agent of the Capellan Confederation's Maskirovka intelligence agency. His mission was to maintain surveillance of Professor Wan and see where his research was leading him and his associates. Sitting at his sensor station aboard the Gazelle-class vessel, even he could not believe what the long-range sensors indicated. The sensors aboard the DropShip were not as efficient as those aboard the JumpShip, but if they proved true, it would be an outstanding discovery. Verification was paramount before he could draft a report for his masters back on Madras and Sian beyond.

OOC: Sorry if I overstepped, but I thought I would help push this forward while still being vague


3rd January 3040

Spirits were high onboard of the Gazelle-class 'Cháng'é-sānhào'.
The first scans showed the object that everyone onboard had been longing in some way shape or form.

While Wan and his team opened a bottle of champaign, the armored spaceboarding crew prepared for their mission.
The dropship got detatched from the jumpship and started its three day travel to...


6 January 3040

As the Cháng'é-sānhào began its deceleration burn towards their target, Wang-soo fine tuned his sensors to get etter read on the object he could see that the 'station' was several hundred meters long and nearly as wide. At their current range of 20,000 kilometeres he couldn't spot any docking collars or heavy weapons, but he could tell that it was not powered up as there was no heat signature. The hull appeared to be intact and showed no significant wear. This surprised Wan's team and himself. If this station had been here a long as Wan thought it has been, there should have been some damage. Perhaps as they got closer, there could be more evidence of whether it would be useable.

As he sat there transfixed by the image on his screen, he suddenly felt a presence over his shoulder. "So, Mr. Kim, what do you think of our find" asked a feminine voice. It was Dr. Sabine Ikerna, Professor Wan's associate. He hesitaed slightly, "It's a great time for you and the professor. Your theory has been validated. It's an honor to be a part of this historic event."

Dr. Ikerna smiled, "Yes, it is a relief to see that all of our work was not wasted. If we had been wrong, we would have hadto start all over again. It would have destroyed some of us,but now we have saved from ruin." As she turned away,"Revel in this moment, Mr. Kim, it ma the greatest time of your life"

"Yes, Doctor, I will and it is" Hwang-soo replied. He knew that this was the most significant moment in his life. He also knew that once word got back to the powers that be that her success would be taken from her and the professor. It was too important to leave in the hands of civilians. Th Confederation had a greater need fo this station than Chefong Interstellar Archaeology.


"Sabine, stay here in case things something goes wrong. Joshua, you and Hwang get your suits on. As long as this station has been out here, it is highly unlikely that the atmosphere is still stable." Sabine grimaced slightly and muttered to herself, "Jen mei NAI-shing duh FWO-tzoo (Extraordinarily impatient Buddha); I did not sign up to watch the shuttle!" Professor Wan heard her comment but chose to put his energy into more useful pursuits than stroking a bruised ego. Sabine was a great doctor and researcher, but there were a number of problems that could go wrong once inside the station and he preferred to have his best medical officer out of harms way.

"Do you see the docking collar?" the Professor asked. Joshua looked out the window before putting on his helmet. "Affirmative, the station is massive, they are all over." Kim put his helmet on and then looked so that Joshua could take the controls back. It was indeed as massive as described, the ship was over 3 Kilometers long and half that in height with at least half a dozen docking collars showing. There was enough light to see the prominent green fist clasping the Capellan Dao against the drab gray of the ship's hull near the bridge. From this side, Hwang-soo noted something else near the rear of the vessel, "Professor, the ship appears to have a drive beyond the station keeping drive. Is that to be expected?"
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


With the docking collar being unpowered, the docking procedure took twice as long. Simply because they had to bring a portable power generator over, patch it into the collars power system, bring up its software and then dock the dropship to the station.

Once this was done they entered the Station through the Dropships airlock.
Wan had been right. There was air in the station but it had taken on several nasty attributes before it finally got cold enough to stop developing more 'habits'.
Still, the fungi that were in the air were better not inhaled. Sabine, getting the life feed from the teams sensors made a note that the air in the station had either to be vented, or the stations filters to be replaced by new ones, ones that hopefully were unused and environmentally-sealed.

Meanwhile the trio started to drive into the station.
Everything seemed to be nice and tidy, no signs of combat, no corpses, no obvious damage to the station.
Going deeper into the structure they finally came across a large sign with directions.
"What do you make of it Joshua?" Hwang asked.
"Hmmm... Well there are some points of interest. I guess we should search all of them... but where to start? We could either go to the bridge and see whats going on there, go to the engine room and look after the reactor... maybe we can restart it? There is also the drive departments and finally there is the Main hangar. This one looks interesting..."
"Am I seeing what you see, Gentlemen?" Professor Wang leaned forward, illuminating the sign with his flashlight. "Is this hangar really taking up a good part of the stations internals?"
"Ja... This one could be interesting as well.... Maybe we find something interesting? At that length... you could fit an Invader Jumpshsip into it... maybe even a Starlord or a Monolith?" Joshua was pondering "If this sign is in scale... the hangar would have a length of almost 800 Meters... Let's say 700 to 900 for sure?"

They nodded and moved out, further into the station to explore its depths...

(OOC: Back to you guys...)


Joshua took point, "All right Professor Wang, we take the ship in sections. As much as I would love for you to find what happened to the crew and see what could be still in that hold, I think our main priority needs to be checking for power and then see if they have any replacement filters or something we can use to make some."

The professor checked his oxygen gauge, there was enough for another five and a half hours, but time spent out needed to be subtracted by how long it would take them to evaluate the ship and to get back and it didn't help that they would have to float it. "Your right, It will only increase the amount of time it will take to inspect the ship we you have to keep coming back here to refill your tanks."

Sabine chimed in from the dropship. "On a ship that size there should be a couple of recharge stations. Try to keep track of where your at and I'll have Lucy scan for your heat signatures. From the dropship, Lucy replied, "The name's Fengora and like, why don't you just get back into your little shuttle and come back here so we can redeploy to the aft dock? Save ourselves a whole lot of time!?"

As much as Sabine really didn't like the youngest member of their ship's crew, the girl had good instincts and was rarely ever wrong. They had been out looking for so long, they had just wanted to get started so bad that they attack the problems facing them head on when there was an obvious work around. Pursing her lips and grimacing her face, she tried to let the frustration not be heard in her voice. "She has a point. We can save a lot of air and time by going strait to the problem."

The crew hurriedly returned to the shuttle to switch docks. As they passed another three ports, they could not see any structural damage. The aft port was a workers dock and much larger than first one and was obviously made only for dropships. "Let's get out there and open her up, then we can bring the entire shuttle in."

The guys still had the suits on, but had topped off their air tanks during the short ride over, they hadn't used much after all. Joshua popped his back on and moved to the air lock. The others followed and Sabine used the controls to unlock the door so they could get out. Hwang-Soo carried the power adapter out there, but to their chagrin they found only an old manual override. They took turns cranking the old hatch open. When the seal popped there was a rush of stale fungi ridden air strong enough to maneuver the shuttle slightly.
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


Turning the shuttle, Sabine blasted it's forward search lamps into the area. Bits of fluid were mucking about as well as the odd tool, but for the most part, things were fastened down as they should be. The lack of debis was promising. She eased the shuttle forward. The hold was set up so that when it had a rotational spin, the wall ahead was used as the floor. Without the spin though they did have other places to land a shuttle. She deployed the magnetic guides wires that made no noise as they solidly connected to the plating and she reeled the shuttle in. The others were already waiting for her having slipped though the opening themselves and were already making their way to the door to try and run off to find the power relays.

"Now that we're in the aft section," Joshua said, "We should be able to find and evaluate the situation in two hours." The professor asked, "Do you think it will take that long?" Joshua clumsily nodded his helmet. "Yes, we are not just dealing with length of this ship or it's height, it's also almost two kilometers wide. Searching up and down decks? We should be ready to be disappointing our first time out, but look at the bright side Professor, the hard part is done, we found her, we're inside!" Although the sound of the man's actual voice did not reach them, his enthusiasm did as he bound up and turned his feet to the opposite side of the hold and redirected his bounding action to pivot him towards the door. For a second the professor envied the young archaeologist, then he himself attempted the maneuver, it wasn't quite as graceful or deliberate, but he landed where he was trying to get to near the door. Hwang has passed him up in flight and was already assisting Joshua to get the door open.
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


Seventeen hours later

Powering up a fusion core is a lot of work.
Powering up a fusion core that had not seen any activity in an unknown time and was of the size of a 10 stories building was really hard work.
They had split up in two groups. One team had been going through the air filters, removed the old ones unpacked the few that were not yet spent and plugged them into they system.
Team two installed an auxiliary power plant on the reactor, one that was built for firing up fusion cores, went through the necessary routines and finally dared to re-ignite the core.

A well known humming was to be heard when the massive fusion core came back online.
"Bring up life support first. What does the computer say? How long will it take to bring back breathable air and temperature?"
"Well professor... with a ship of that size... two days or a week?"
He nodded... but where to go next?


Hwang-soo knew where they needed to go. The station's command center was the obvious choice. It was there they could find out what happened on this station all those many years ago. What happened to the crew? IF abandoned, why? It was there they would find the stations logs. Whatever happened it was not catastrophic as the station and its core were intact and they had not discovered any human remains in their early exploration.

This station had mysteries, mysteries that needed solving.


A large capellan space station. Hidden in an unknown system outside of capellan space...
The station being in good condition having been mothballed centuries ago.

Something was strangely off about that whole thing. It was almost as if it had been hidden on purpose and as if all, well almost all records had been deleted regarding this jewel.

When they entered the command deck of the station they faced an enormous task: Getting to the right station at the right time.
The Station had been built with a command crew of at least two dozen technicians and/or officers in mind.
There were comm stations, navigation stations, environmental monitoring stations, docking control stations, the command holo tank and so on and so forth.

It took them a while until they had everything they needed figured out but finally succeeded in rebooting the command console near the holo tank and access the system and the ships logs.

Hwang-soo accessed the last entry first, opened it and read:

"Ninth December .....


"WE GOT IT!" Professor Wan burst out, he was unusually excited.  First the fact the station had a working Holo Tank! Then the true value behind the mission, the logs were still in tact! "Sorry. Please, continue."
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.


"... by decree of Chancellor Ursula Liao this station is to be mothballed for later use. The diplomatic and military situation in the Periphery is… difficult and… nigh to impossible to navigate. I guess the last thing the Chancellor wants to do is explain the content of this station's main hangar bay. Ninety-nine percent of the stations population have been boarding dropships and left the system within the last seventy-two hours. I am looking forward to completing the mothball-procedures with my skeleton crew of thirty men within the next 48 hrs and returning to Victoria.

It is a shame to leave that many goods and that wealth behind, after all, Brandov station is a great prototype for space habitats featuring six grav-decks, three dozen docking collars, the plant, the massive hangar; That, together with its experimental jump-drive makes it one of the greatest assets the Capellan people have.  But I am rambling again and I apologize.

To whoever gets to reactivate this jewel: Behold its greatness and put it to the best use for the Capellan people.

Captain Grant Imai"

Upon realizing it’s content, Hwang-soo read the final lines as thoughts of what this entry could portend for the Confederation and its future. He looked up and around at the astonished faces of the other crew, “Whatever happens from now on, the existence of this station must now and forever remain a state secret,” he thought to himself.Fortunately, since the only people who knew anything about the station where all still within this star system, his mission would be manageable. His thought process was interrupted as Professor Wan exclaimed, “Most Excellent! This is even better than I hoped it would be." His glassy eyed expression belied that he was thinking of possible futures for this station too. As the others poured over the other files in the systems, Hwang-soo slipped out of the room.


Brandov Station
11 January 3040

Sabine put the coffee pouch in the hydrator and pressed the button. It was almost impossible to rest, but after nearly a week of pushing themselves to the limit to get as much cataloged as possible, they had all reached the point of exhaustion and settled on a ten hour rest cycle before the others headed out to open the main hold.  So far Brandov Station was shaping up the be the find of a lifetime! At every turn they were getting more and more for their sponsor's investment. When the bag was bloated like a tick, she pulled it out and shook it to mix the hot water and coffee like substance.

Looking around, they had already explored the fore and aft sections, the rooms closest to bridge were officer's quarters and medical suites that were fully equipped and functional. They would of course have to put in an official request to be stationed here for the foreseeable future and help research the full potential of the habitat, but that was typically a formality for the research teams that discovered finds like this one. If they were really lucky Chefong Interstellar Archeology would be granted a permanent station here! She felt giddy at the thought of possibly working in such luxuriousness instead of out of four transported crates like she'd been doing the last five years.

She checked the crude map that were formed from their previous forays into the ship over the past days. The aft sections were housing for crew as well as a very advanced Hydroponics system spanning three hundred meters on no less than four different decks. Like everyone else, she was eager to get back and report their findings, but as weak as the local solar sources were, they knew jumping so far out would mean for a long recharge. It would still be another three days before the jumpship could head back. There were few worlds in the Confederation as sparsely inhabited as Muridox and like C-3A9I/7, the system has poor light, but there was a cache of supplies and enough of an economy there to buy seeds and eggs so they could start to grow the first food on the station in over four hundred and fifty years.

She went back to looking at the massive blank spot in their map. The meat of the ship, the main hanger and the central factory that was mentioned Captain Imai's message, was still sealed off.  Sabine thought about it for a second. There was a major in the Kingston's Legionnaires, a Kotaro Imai ... was it possible he was related to the Captain that left this vessel behind? While she mused, she looked over at the video from the lead member of the research team. From Professor Wan's camera, she could see Joshua and Hwang-Soo ahead of him. The code cracker finished running it sequence two hours ago and they would finally get to fill in the biggest missing puzzle piece. "How are you guys doing?"

"Smooth sailing. It's a shame we still need these suits." said Joshua looking back at Wan's head piece. "There's still plenty of contamination out there. It's better for you not to tempt fate into giving you a staff infection." She noted the crew was in extra high spirits after the good rest and breakfast. She sipped her coffee slowly as she read the markings on the wall they past. "Were almost there, a minute more, if that." Said Wan who came to the same conclusion she did. Turning left, they reached the crate with the code breaking equipment. It was old Maskirovka gear, but that is exactly why they picked it. It was used to dealing with old codes, but this was something different. The machine took three times longer than expected to get done.

Shining the light at the heavy bulk doors it would have taken them half the time to cut though with the equipment they had, but that wasn't the goal, they wanted things in tact so which is why they had time to explore the fore and aft sections. For a bit, they thought they found a Jefferies tube that would take them into the air ventilation system, when they were replacing the enormous scrubbers when they were working on life support, but it turned out only to be one of the many tunnels that led back to the Engine room, but on the other side where they found the empty helium rings. Part of the mothballing process was obviously to remove the helium to prevent any unnecessary explosion in the K-F Drive chamber. Until then, they had some faint hope of just starting her back up and sailing the whole station back to Victoria.

The lights above the massive doors started spinning and the doors made several catching sounds as large mechanical gears pulled them apart. It was still dark inside as the only source of light was still coming from their suits but there were practically no particles in the air. "Whatever is in here, it wasn't organic." Joshua found a large switch and flipped it up, it turned over with a loud thud. The hum of electronics could be faintly heard in external microphone and slowly got louder. From the bridge, Sabine switched the image over to the holotank and stood back. It only a guess, but she figured the sensitive technology would give a better picture.

She picked up her coffee and sipped on the straw. Despite this room being pressurized and clean air being pumped back in, the drives weren't working so they didn't have gravity. She watched as they moved out of the corridor into the main Hanger, their lights were insufficient to pierce the dark, but the detail in the holotank was amazing as it's light amplification program was designed to detect distant stars. "Professor, can you ..." Sabine nearly choked on her coffee as she saw the massive round structure in the dark. She coughed to try and clear the coffee from her throat. "Sabine, are you all right!?" She took several deep breaths and there was a flash on her screen as the holotank adjusted to the first of a hundreds of lights popping on to reveal an immense circular structure. The professor panned the camera back and forth to get the full spectrum of what they were seeing, "Oh my!"

Unconsciously, Sabine dropped to her knees and began uttering a prayer she hadn't uttered since she was a child at her grandmother's funeral, "Hail Mary, full of grace ..."
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.