Free Rasalhauge Republic RP Thread

Started by Daemonknight, March 29, 2014, 02:27:17 AM

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Public RP thread for Free Rasalhauge Republic
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


1st Hussars Bivouac
Ferleiten, FRR
12. January, 3040

"Ja.. And I told that Drac that if he didn't apologize, I was going to break my foot off in his ass. The next thing I know, he is all 'Banzai!!' or some other nonsense... Överste Karl Stigrsson only half-listened to the Korpral driving the staff car, his mind was occupied with the business of the day. As far as the KüngsArmee was concerned, he was the new commander of the 1st Hussars. In fact, he had ordered the unit to Ferleiten while he was still on Rasalhagüe. But he had not yet joined with his command. He was expecting some resistance, there always was when an outsider took command. The Överste was from the 1st Drakøns, the most prestigious unit in the KüngsArmee. But Stigrsson wanted action, and wanted a command, neither of which was likely with the Drakøns. So when command of the 1st Hussars became available, Karl went for it.

Karl's musings caught up with the ground car stopped, and the Korpral staring at him. "We're here sir. The unit's officers and senior command staff should be in there waiting for you. You want your luggage taken to your tent sir?"

Karl simply laughed at the situation. "Yes, that will be fine Korpral." The officer got out of the car and just stared at the tent for a moment. Finally, he straightened his overcoat and proceeded to enter the tent. Let us see how the hounds howl..."
"The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost."
~Arthur Schopenhauer


1st Hussars Bivouac
Ferleiten, FRR
12. January, 3040

"ATTENNNTION!!" The Fanjunkare's bark rang out like a gunshot, instantly silencing the din of the tent full of people. Överste Karl Stigrsson held his subordinates at attention long enough to cause an uncomfortable air to develop as he slowly scanned each person, making eye contact before moving on. Finally satisfied, Stigrsson called At Ease as he moved to a small dais, removing his hat and overcoat before turning to his audience. Each of these men and women were the officers and senior staff of the 1st Hussars, the men and women who would carry out his orders.

The Överste was a bit young for his rank, but he was no Lyran Social General. And he needed to make sure these people knew it. His greeting of "Good Morning" garnered only a luke-warm response. "I actually had a speech prepared, full of grandiose prose about Glory and Honor. But I think I will forego that and just get into it, ja? I am not just some political appointee, some favorite pet officer of some politico on Rasalhagüe. I was with the First Tyr Regiment. I served during the Ronin Wars. I am combat tested, and proven. As my service record shows, and of which I am certain most, if not all of you, have read. My posting with the Drakøns was because of my past accomplishments, just like my receiving my promotion to Överste. I understand I likely stepped into a position some of you felt was yours, and with good reason. But let me be clear about this one thing... When this position became available, I applied for it, just like you did. It was not a guarantee. I did not pull strings. It was the High Command's decision, without any more input from me than my interviews, and my service record. If you do not care for that decision, write a letter. Otherwise, walk it off and get over it. You and I have a job to do, so be a professional and do your job. Is that understood?"

The responding "Understood sir" was stronger, and more confident. There are still those who will resist until I prove myself... A few will never get past it. I just need to see if they will do their jobs, or will I have to get rid of them.

"With that out of the way.. Any questions?"
"The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost."
~Arthur Schopenhauer



Jan. 5 3042
RPB Network

"Good evening viewers, and welcome to the Larson and Jakobsen News Hour.  I'm Lars Jakobsen and next to me is Aneke Larson.

Following this program, the 5th episode of "Our Ancestors: the Vikings and Samurai" will air on Frontline.  And if you have not yet taken the opportunity to become a member of Rasalhauge Public Broadcasting please take a few minutes and join the millions of other RPB supporters by making a small, or large, donation.  This will ensure that the RPB can keep quality programing coming to you.

Now, in the news today...."
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"Earlier today the three Provincial Riksdags and the 2nd and 3rd Estates voted to hold new elections.  In their support were thousands of protesters in the streets at every planetary capital.  While the 1st Estate and the Prince-Elect have stated this vote is not allowed according to the Constitution, they are under immense pressure to defuse the situation.

The 4th Estate (large business and land owners) quickly voted on a response to the ongoing protests.  To summarize, the 4th Estate will stand with what ever rational and reasonable solution the Provincial Riksdags and the 2nd and 3rd Estates have.  Thus having essentially abstained from supporting the Status Quo of the 1st Estate and the Prince-Elect, the pressure is mounting for a major change in the FRR's political landscape."
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"and now Aneke with a quick review on how we got to where we are today"

"Thank you Lars.

In April of 3040, we were all stunned to hear that our KungsArme let DCMS units us our planets as jump off points to invade the former LC.  This overwhelming force completely overwhelmed the few FC units in their way.  For months afterwards, all were wondering how this could have happened, what the FC response would be, and what the DC forces would do next.

Starting in May, media reports started coming in from the newly captured DC planets that some of the forces involved seemed to act and behave a lot like our KungsArme.  This opened up a whole new line of questions.  Why would the KungsArme be involved in such an operation vs our Lyran Brothers and Sisters?

Throughout these months, the Prince-Elect and KungsArme refused to answer questions and could not find a reasonable explanation for what we were uncovering.

For 5 months little was discovered about the Tamar Invasion.  Then in October, the dam broke.  Investigative reporters found conclusive evidence that there never was a DCMS offensive.  It was all a ruse.  The operation was a KungsArme operation alone.  The Prince-Elect Magnuson and his staff, and the KungsArme leadership were also fully involved according to documents uncovered by the investigation.

Soon thereafter, in a wave of political reaction, the Prince-Elect was removed from his office and new elections were held.  Two new parties gained the majority of the votes.  The Folkpartiet liberalerna (FL)won 54% of the votes and the, even newer, Dragiedemokraternay (DDP), won 35% of the votes.  The Motpart and Magnuson Parties were decimated.  The new Prince-Elect picked by the FL was Brandalv Freberg.
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After the October elections and with a new Prince-Elect and ministers in place, things seemed to go be to "normal."  Then in December, evidence kept being unearthed about behind the scenes power plays and conflicts.  None of this happened in the public eye, as the FRR population had a right to expect.  It seemed that agreements were made and facts were brushed aside or covered up.  The initial evidence that broke open the dam of secrecy on the Tamar Invasion might have been partially truth and partially fabricated.  More and more things pointed to the fact that we, the people of the FRR, had been manipulated, not once, but twice.  Protests had been gaining in strength over the last weeks.

This brings us to what we are witnessing today.  There are truly monumental events happening in our FRR political system.  It feels as if a great political reform movement has started and is gaining momentum.  The question is, where will it lead..."
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March 20, 3042

"Sources tell us that a new government has been formed.  The details of the proposed government are now at the Landtmarskalk office.  The Landtmarskalk will review the proposed government to make sure it is constitutionally legal.  It is expected that there will be a press conference given by the Landtmarskalk on the 21st or the 22nd, depending on how long the review takes.

As to the potential make up of the government, it will likely be a coalition between the leading SweDe Party and the RDP.  The RDP, having enough votes by themselves to bring the SweDe party a majority, and with the public sentiment of the DC at an all time high, was always the front runner to complete the coalition.  If this will be the make up of the new government, it will be left to see how the SweDe and RDP have divided up the cabinet and compromised on the ruling platform.  The other question will be if the LyrPat can form a united opposition block from the wide variety of parties not in the expected coalition."
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


April 12, 3042
Rasalhague KungsArme Parade Grounds

General Gustaf Mannerheim stood on the platform overlooking the hundreds of troops all neatly lined up and formed in companies.  He spoke loud and clearly "men and women of the new Bragi Regiment, it is an honor to formally establish this regiment as a unit of our KungsArme.  Our mission is to protect the people of the FRR and their freedom.  You are now entrusted to this task."

"As i am speaking to you, Generalmajor Margrethe Minuit is speaking to the Kakunodate Samurai Regiment on Spittal.  With them and other units, you are the new addition to our proud KungsArme.  We, the command of the KungsArme, will do our best to train, improve, and incorporate you into our armed forces.  You will go out to do your duty and wear the badge of the KungsArme with pride."
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


May 5, 3042

Press release from the Princess-Elect

"While our current administration was not the one that agreed to the basing and establishment of the ISDF HQ on Tukkayid, we recognize the economic benefit that the Tukkayid area has received.  This project has been a real stimulus to many industries.  We also recognize the goals and ideals of the ISDF as being universal.  A free and prosperous IS and Periphery is what the FRR wishes for all.  That said, the FRR is not directly involved with the ISDF at this time.  Actions taken and/or statements made by the ISDF should not be construed as being supported by the FRR simply due to the ISDF's HQ location.

The FRR's current stance on C* is guarded.  The FRR has a lot to thank C* for over the years.  Those deeds will not be forgotten.  Yet the changes in C* lately, both in statements made and actions taken, cause us to worry that this is not the C* we knew in our infancy as a nation.  The latest news coming from Outreach on Jamie Wolf's execution and the devastation to that planet (coming on the heels of the devastation of Northwind), are troubling from a geo-political and humanitarian standpoint.  The FRR hereby requests a response from C* in the FRR regarding our concerns."
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July 6, 3042

Lars Jakobsen was standing in a OP on a KungsArme training ground, "Looking behind me, you'll see, what looks at first glance to be, a normal infantry training exercise.  Yet if you look closer, you'll notice some of the troops running strangely and making incredible leaps and bounds.  What we are looking at is a training exercise of one of the KungsArme's new 'Battle armor' regiments.  These men and women were formerly a standard infantry unit.  Now they are practically mini-mechs!"

During the conversation, the camera zooms in on the training grounds behind Lars to show small (strangely proportioned) figures jumping up some inclines, leaping across ditches, and sprinting at incredibly high speeds.
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As the news of the Apollo battle came in, there was a quick meeting called between the Princess-Elect, KungsArme HQ, and MIMIR HQ...  This was not what anyone had expected to happen.  Was there more than just Lady Death out there?
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RWR?  A new nation would not phase the FRR much... Yet when they were given the tape of the conversation with this new "faction" via the FC embassy, they did not like what they heard.  This new "RWR" was truly belligerent, violent, and with a side of delusions of grandeur.  In short, not a nice addition to the neighborhood at all.
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


(jumped the gun a little)

Oct 4, 3042

"... and the latest Galloping Pony polls are out.  Confidence in C* was at an all time low according to the result of last month's poll, these latest torture reports, on the captured FC leadership, has lowered C*'s numbers to under 10%.  Confidence in the FC continues to improve, moving up to 40%.  This is partially due to sympathy factor due to the torture reports and partially due to the renewed relations and cooperation between the AFFC and the KungsArme.  Confidence in the DC is still near an all time high of 65%.

Business with the C* HPGs has continued to lessen.  Many businesses and individuals are willing to take the extra time it takes with the FRN.  Also, the lower amount of data and the limited forms that the data can be transferred in, seem not to have slowed the desire to use the FRN."
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