INN News Thread

Started by Hugin, March 30, 2014, 09:08:49 AM

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More Trouble Brewing on Skye?
INN Galatea
Mercenary Hiring Hall A

This is Keith Laumer reporting from Galatea. Strange tidings are coming from the Commonwealth these days. First the news of the unexpected HPG accident on Odessa, and now there seems to be more trouble brewing in the Isle, on Skye herself. Strange jump signatures were reported first over Galatea and Thorin, and now Skye seems to be under some kind of lockdown. Scheduled jumpship routes through Skye have been re-routed, while no vessel has come from Skye for several days now.

It is unknown exactly what has befallen the world, but it could have some connection to the aborted rebellion only a few short months ago. The 4th Skye Rangers massacred the rebel fighters, and together with elements of the LIC, rooted out the vast majority of the Free Skye Movement. However, such vermin are rarely ever totally exterminated. Could this be the beginning of a new, larger rebellion?

Only time will tell what is happening on Skye. The prayers of the Commonwealth are with you Skye citizens. This is Keith Laumer for INN Galatea."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Comstar issues new taxes on the Confideracy
Myndo Waterly on the Situation in the Lyran Commonwealth

INN Terra
Primus Myndo Waterly herself issued a twenty-five percent rise in HPG transmission costs for the Confedreation of Capella.
Her statement was as followed:
"...and due to the ongoing offensive military engagement by the Confederation of Capella, Comstar feels forced to increase HPG fees by twenty five percent as a first measure to ensure that this war does not last forever."
This is an interesting measure, trying to hit the rather weak economy of the Capellan state but if it is enough, we do not know.
The peoples of the Inner Sphere demand an end to this agression and while we are waiting for a truce, millions die or lose their homes...

INN Terra
Statement by Primus Myndo Waterly
"Ladies and Gentlemen. The Lyran commonwealth has made some serious and troubling steps towards endangering the security of communication in the Lyran Commonwealth and in the Inner Sphere.
Refusing access to vital resources so the Infrastructure of the HPG Network can be maintained is dangerous for us all.
Outside Comstar, no one fully understands how this network is functioning and I want to be very clear on this, we are not willing to risk the network of the Inner Sphere because of the mood swings of regional decision makers.
If this non cooperation continues, Comstar will have to cut parts of the Lyran Commonwealth off the HPG network until all sites affected are controlled manually and communication can be restored without endangering the grid.
I hope that the Leadership of the Lyran Commonwealth, the Estates General and the Archon understand the gravity of the situation.
Hindering our ships from delivering crucial goods to their destination is unacceptable.

Thank you.


INN Luthien


Hinata Isu has announced that the Draconian Carritative Program will start its work throughout the Capellan Confederation as the Chanellor has signed the respective agreement. We asked lady Isu if this was the reaction of the house Liao due to the latest tax increasement of ComStar on which she responded:

" The house Liao was, like all ruling houses, addressed way before ComStar raised its taxes. It is just a coincidence that we managed to finish the negotiations now. The DCP is a complex organisation and many things must be put into concern. "

The DCP will begin shipping emergency provisions, blankets and tents to the CC borderworlds. Mobile medical centers and refugee camps are in planning, as they must be situated in safe-zones around the battlefields.

" We are in contact with the CCAF and are very happy about their cooperation. We also hope to get into contact with the AFFS and the LCAF when we begin landing. "

As the negotiations are going on, we are wondering how many nations have already signed the agreement and it seems that the ARAR, DC, CC, FWL, the Realm of Lexington/New Earth and the Taurian Concordat are already in.

"We are proud to announce that we manage to talk so many nations into it in such a short time, I didn't expect this, but it also shows us that the great houses want to do set a sign for their people. We are also very grateful to the houses Marik and Liao, they did not only sign the agreement but also became donors to it, giving us the possibility to hire more ships and take more widespread possibilities into calculation. "

Does this mean the Inner sphere is looking at a great new age of humanitarian help or will the program fail? While we speak plans are made for DCP-hospitals, spaceports and research centers throughout the Inner sphere. We can't even imagine how much money is put into this, but what does this mean, for our future?

This was Hieron Yukasame from Luthien


INN Skye

This is Keith Laumer reporting from Skye. In a troubling turn of events, it seems that Free Skye separatists, masquerading as Skye Port Authority officials and military officers, took control of the Skye Recharge station and denied access to the station to a pair of ComStar jumpships attempting to ferry supplies to the Odessa system. Word of the Odessa HPG malfunction was reported earlier, and the hold-up of supplies, and subsequent response by the Primus, led the Archon to launch an inquiry into the happenings on Skye. After a face-to-face consultation with the Primus on Tharkad earlier this week, Lyran Special Forces boarded and retook the Skye Recharge station.

Fighting was apparently light, with most of the militants surrendering. Apparently their goal was to disrupt HPG service within the Commonwealth, and to also foster animosity between the Blessed Order of ComStar, and the Lyran government. However, with the re-capture of the recharge station, the issue seems to be cleared up. Several of the separatists have been taken into custody and will be tried on Skye on terrorism and treason charges.

Thankfully, no civilians were harmed in the terrorist action, and it seems no lasting damage was done to the recharge station. With the station re-taken and the terrorists killed or captured, normal jumpship and HPG service has been restored to the Skye system. For INN, this is Keith Laumer reporting live from Skye, in the Lyran Commonwealth.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces Debut Newly Reclaimed Armored Infantry Suits Not Seen Since The Days Of The Star League!
INN Furillo

Greetings, this is Dennis O'Leary for INN-Furillo. A monumentous weapons demonstration took place today on Furillo at the Defiance Industries factory. Defiance has apparently met with success in replicating the SL-era Nighthawk PA/L suits. A full platoon of Royal Guards infantrymen were drilling in the suits earlier today, when LCAF spokeswoman Hauptmann-Kommandant Christa Nadine allowed limited media coverage of some of the suits in action. After allowing INN to tape some of the drills and obstacle course the soldiers did, the Hauptmann-Kommandant said that Defiance had been hard at work attempting to reverse engineer the armor for years, but recent breakthroughs in the process had greatly sped up their progress.

"It was as if someone woke up and had seen a suit dissasembled in their dream or something. Things suddenly started fitting together and technical challenges were overcome that previously had few workable solutions. While there was success with the original Nighthawk suits, much of the suit is still extremely complex and thus difficult to manufacture."

Defiance has said they plan to produce a less complicated but still impressive suit in the near future for the Lyran military, aswell as looking at ways to improve on the PA/L designs. If so, expect to see our brave Lyran soldiers fielding the new armor systems in the near future.

For INN-Furillo, this is Dennis O'Leary.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade



Gunyo-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita speaks to the houses of the inner sphere
"Lords and Ladies,
nobles of the inner sphere,

while the Draconis Combine understands that every faction has the interrest to keep its territory save, as it is the matter with the house Davion, we also understand that a nation wants to retake its home worlds, as it is the matter with Liao. Also, we understand the bond and the honor to defend your family and allies. We accepted the fact the Capellan Confederation would get an answer for their undertaking and declared it a conflict between the Federated Suns and them. While it is normal to aid your ally in time of need, it is not acceptable that the Lyran Commonwealth moves this hard against the house Liao.

So I unfortunally must declare, that if further involvement of Lyran troops in this crisis continue, the Combine will have to take further steps and this will include military movement. I am awaiting an answer from the house Steiner and no answer will be marked as disagreement to this demand.

However, since the noble houses will meet on Terra, I offer a third option: We all lay down our readied weapons and stop battling for as long as the negotiations go on. In which case, I am awaiting a short writing from every nation involved in the conflict, copied to every other leading house.

I am looking forward to your responses and hope for a fast solution. "

With this Theodore Kurita bowed slightly and the videotransmission ended. Leaving only the crest of the Combine on the screen.

"Are we seeing the begin of an even larger conflict, or its end? For INN-Lutien Marta Yakamoto."


Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion Addresses the Commonwealth in response to Draconis Combine threat of military action
INN Tharkad

"Citizens of the Lyran Commonwealth, and beyond. We have heard today from the son of Coordinator Takashi Kurita, that the Draconis Combine does not feel it is fair that the Commonwealth comes to the aid of it's ally, the Federated Suns. The Suns did not start this war. They did not provoke this war. The sole provocateur was the Capellan Confederation, and it's Chancellor's desire to see her name covered in glory.

The irony of the situation should not be lost on us. The Capellans started the war, knowing full well the Commonwealth would come to the aid of our Davion brothers and sisters. I have no doubt that the crippling cost of employing such formidable mercenaries such as the Wolf's Dragoons, Dismal Disinherited, and Hansen's Roughriders put quite the strain on the Confederation. Where would the Confederation acquire the funding to pay such high-grade mercenaries, yet still operate it's own military? The Combine of course. What better way for the Combine to weaken the Federated Suns border than to pay the Confederation to keep the Suns busy.

And surely the Confederation is in no worse straights than the Circinus Federation when the Free Worlds League swallowed them whole without preamble. But no, it is the Lyrans that are in the wrong. We are warmongers for adhering to a treaty with another sovereign nation that was attacked without any cause than 'because we want our lost things back'.

Gunji-no-Kanrei Theodore Kurita wants the Commonwealth to back out of it's treaty with the Federated Suns, to allow the Capellan Confederation to achieve it's goals. They do not care for peace, hence why they are threatening military action. The Kuritans wish to make the citizens of the Commonwealth afraid of their military might. But it is they who should fear US."

Melissa took a few steps back from the podium she had been speaking on, and indicated a large projection screeen behind her. It swam to life, showing the infinite black of space, spotted with the hard crystaline light of thousands of stars.

"This, my fellow Lyran Citizens, is why we shall not fear the Combine, or any other who threatens our nation."

The screen showed a dark shape blotting out the light of the stars behind it. The image became full screen on the broadcast, as INN got a direct video feed. A massive steel-grey shape was shown, seemingly coming from an aerospace fighter. As the camera angle pulled back, the massive snout of a gun barrel came into view, and then more. Banks upon banks of weapons were visible on the hull of the ship. the light of the star shone across the vessel, and as the viewpoint pulled back more, several drop collars were visible aswell. There was an audible gasp from members of the crowd as a single, blood-red word, prefixed by 3 seemingly insignificant letters were painted across the prow. The Archon spoke as they came fully into view.

"My fellow citizens: I give you, the LCS Invincible, returned to Lyran hands after missing for over 200 years. And we will not shirk from unleashing it's fury on any who dare set foot on Lyran soil. If the Combine wishes to end the Capellans' pet war, they should see about promoting peace instead of more war."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


INN Alpheratz

A nice looking guy in a suit comes into the viewers eyes, next to him lady Isu from the DCP is sitting.

" Hello and good evening, my name is director Harald Smith and I was the former director of the national bank of Alpheratz. I am very proud to announce you that the Draconis Combine and the ARAR have signed an agreement to found the DDAB, meaning Draconian Development-Aid bank. We all know how much progress was already made in our to nations but as it was said so many times before 'we want to share'. Many nations out their can't afford the cost intensive civillian programs but we offer an solution. The DDAB  will give credits to get such civillian programs to run. You need a better infra structure? You get it. The DCP will arrange everything with the Draconis Combine engineers, while you get the money from us. For all the paperwork we just take a 10% onetime-tax which than can be payed back over longer terms, so that your economy doesn't have to meet to much restraints. Our investors would gladly give money to you, you just have to ask. "

He then turned slightly to lady Isu which said:

" Let us build a brighter future in the inner sphere, were we don't have to watch our children starve but instead... go to school, play and grow. Then within our children, recides the future of the inner sphere. "

- Applyable to all civillian and non military technologies. For further information please ask your DDAB advisor -


Wolf Dragoons officer starts gunfight in Comstar Station
INN Axton

Today at 1 PM a Wolf Dragoons officer started a gunfight in a Comstar station.
The officer, we do not know the identity so far, is said to have been walking into the station, recieving a HPG message ment for the attacker and suddenly drew a gun, a laser pistol, shooting the acolyte through the head.
The assailant then went forth executing several other staff members of the station and engaging in a gunfight with the compounds security team. The person then was bailed out by a Wolfs Dragoons APC that came onto the compound, guns blazing, saving the officer.

The death toll are twelve members of the Comstar order, two civillians who got caught in the gunfire event and several dozen lightly wounded.

Investigation as to why this happened is ongoing.
What we know so far is that the Wolf's Dragoons Unit stationed on Axton is the (in)famous Wolf Spiders formation of Natasha Kerensky


INN Alpheratz

With reports of armed, unrest breaking out on the world of Ramora in apparent reaction to the former OWA joining the Draconis Combine the Federated Sun's Consulate has issued a travel advisory to all Sun's citizens in the former Periphery state. The Sun's ambassador also released the following statement.

Image of Ambassador Ronald Desal standing behind a podium "Violence is hardly the response that comes to my mind whenever the people of this nation have had issues with anything aside from piracy. I'm not going to comment on why this may be happening, we're not here to stick our noses into local politics, but I will say that this is not the way to address any legitimate concerns. Political oppression has never been a trade mark of your nation, however resorting to armed rebellion should never be the first option taken. That said I ask that people of Remora try talking to their government to address their questions and or reservations before this escalates, they're new allies do not have a history of dealing gently with armed revolts."

To: From Abassador Ronald Desal, Foreign Ministry Federated Suns, post Alpheratz


Comguards sponsored ad:

Ladies and gentlemen.
We bring you the new ComGuards Advertising clip:

A woman in a white uniform on a corridor enters the field of view
"Good Day, Ladies and gentlemen. I am Demi-Precentor Melissa Dynes of the 3rd ComGuards Division.
I was asked why I joined the ComGuards and if I would be willing to share my thoughts with the Inner Sphere."

she kept walking and entered a white room
"I joined for the medical support. When my younger brother became sick of Leukemia the doctors on Donegal gave him another year but were unable to help him any further. Then I was made aware of the medical support program for family members offered by Comstar and I quickly decided to join.
Comstar offers full medical support and coverage to all family members of the ComGuard."

walking next to a younger man in an as white coolant vest
"Today, me and my brother David are both proud members of the ComGuard and willing to protect mankind from dangers within the InnerSphere and from without!"

--- switch ---

An ASF fighter passes by a dropship, flying over and below various Jumpships and then turning towards a massive object catching up with the dropship fleet.
The image changes to the pilot in the kockpit. He gives a thumbs up and speaks:
"I joined the ComGuarts fleet because I wanted to see the Inner Sphere.
I was lucky and got assigned to the CSV Invisible Truth. The flagship of the ComGuards Fleet and you can see her over there. She is a beauty!
Now we fly mock missions against space, air and ground targets, preparing for any threat against humanity.
We need more good pilotes though. If you are willing to put your life on the line for humanity you'll be my brother in arms!"
smiling wildly:
"And you'll maybe get such a nice Gotha as I got it!"
the camera zooms out of the cockpit and shows a Gotha ASF who then turns and passes a massive Carmeron Battlecruiser painted in pure white.

--- switch ---

White screen with blue writing appearing

'Join the ComGuard. Become part of humanities proudest army!
Join the ComGuard. Shape a future for the Inner Sphere!
Join the ComGuard. Protect your loved ones!
Join the ComGuard. Destiny awaits!
Join the ComGuard. End the petty wars in the Inner Sphere!'


INN Ramora

12 Dec 3040 - Ramora's Capitol building steps

The following walked up to the throng of reporters;
Chairman Jarri Johanson - Ramora Planetary Leadership Committee Chair
Chairwoman  - Leslia Ullanor - United Outworlders Corporation, Ramora
Chairman  - Jan Tanaka - Ravenna Electronics, Ramora
Chairman Enrique Abenze - Alliance Grenadiers
Chairman Korshk Xerminsk - 4th Alliance Air Wing

Chairman Johanson spoke "Earlier in October, a group of rebels took up arms against the Government of Ramora.  Speaking for all of us here, we wanted to discuss and work through the issues with the rebels.  We were never able to have any meaningful negotiations, let alone conversations, with them.  Earlier this week our Elite 5th Rep. Regulars, the Alliance Grenadiers, moved quickly upon the rebel forces.  Wishing to avoid as much collateral damage as they could, they closed quickly.  Risking their lives and taking heavier losses than they would have if they would have "gone by the book," our Alliance Grenadiers destroyed the entire rebel force.  Losses were high on both sides.  As of last hour, 95% of the rebel forces have been accounted for."

"I would like to apologize the the citizens of Ramora for the disruption to their daily routines these last two months.  I want to praise Chairman Abenze and Chairman Xerminsk and their staffs for the work they put into the planning of this operation.  I want to thank the Chairpersons of our major industries for their cooperation and assistance.  I can not thank the men and women of our Alliance Grenadiers enough for their service and sacrifice.  While i am proud of our forces, i am ashamed that we had such rebel elements in our mist.  In the future, i encourage our citizens to use the proper channels to deliver their approval or disapproval.  In the end, nothing good can come from such rebellious actions."

"We will now be available to take a few questions..." at which the throng of reporters did what they have done for centuries and pelted the Chairpersons with multiple questions at the same time.  Thirty minutes later, the news conference was over.  The media would have (or create) plenty to write and talk about for another week or so, but for the Chairpersons, their tasks related to this event, would continue long past that.
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


INN Liao - Breaking News
Rebroadcast throughout the Sarna March and to all points of the Federated Commonwealth and adjoining states

Comstar - Child Killers!!

We have just received word from planetary command of further news from Outreach.  As is known, Comstar has launched a massive invasion of Outreach for reasons unknown.  What is known is that there has been severe damage to the orbiting infrastructure and that massive flotillas of military dropships were heading towards the planet.

In addition to this, it has been confirmed that Comstar forces on planet engaged a defending force comprised of Wolf Dragoon training cadres and a number of mercenary commands residing on planet.  It is further confirmed that the Comstar forces systematically targeted buildings and other ground based infrastructure, clearly disregarding the Ares Convention.

Part of the complex targeted by Comstar was a residential estate where Archon Melissa Steiner-Davion was staying during her visit to Outreach.  No word yet on the Archon's fate, but it is known that her residence was specifically targeted and that young Arthur Steiner-Davion, a boy of just four years of age, was inside at the time.  It is therefore expected that he and the other inhabitants are dead.

So there you have it.  Comstar has decided to wage war on a four year old.


INN New Avalon - Breaking News
Rebroadcast throughout the Crucis March and to all points of the Federated Commonwealth and adjoining states

New Regent For The Federated Suns Half of the Fed Com Sworn In
April 20th, 3041

After weeks of debate after the assassination of First Prince Hanse Davion and the apparent capture of Duke Morgan Hasek-Davion at Comstar hands the Suns Privy Council announced in a surprise early morning press release that the Duke of Numenor, William Townshed-Davion III had been chosen to assume the post of Regent and would be sworn in later that same day.

Duke William, born in 2981 on Numenor attended the Albion Academy going on to serve for most of his career with the 3rd Crucis Lancers. Shortly after the 4th SW he was transferred to the Crucis March Militia. eventually reaching the rank of Major-General before retiring to assume the family title after the death of his father in 3031.


INN New Avalon - Emergency Report

Reports have begun circulating throughout New Avalon and the Crucis March, that Preventor New Avalon(and defacto head of the HPG network within the Federated Suns half of the Federated Commonwealth) Veronique Beauvais was killed in an explosion only moments after leaving a meeting with Duke William Townshend-Davion, recently confirmed as Regent of the Federated Commonwealth in the absence of Archon-Prince Victor Steiner-Davion's mother, Melissa Steiner-Davion.

An explosion from within the offical ComStar car that carried the Precentor to the meeting, eyewitnesses report a man was present within the car upon it's explosion, leading many to speculate that it could be a suicide bombing, although no group has come forward to claim the action as it's own.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade