INN News Thread

Started by Hugin, March 30, 2014, 09:08:49 AM

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Jan. 24 3042
INN Rasalhague

In an unprecedented move, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Estates, and the 3 Regioinal Riksdags voted to remove the current Prince-Elect from office, revise the constitutions, and hold new elections on Feb. 20th.  The KungsArme and the National Rasalhague Intelligence Service both released statements, while not condoning the move, that they will not hinder the move either.  The vote also ensures that there is a de-facto government (national and regional) shutdown until the Prince-Election and his cabinet step down and the care taker government takes over.

No word as yet from the Prince-Elect's office...
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INN Rasalhague

What started out today as another morning or protests and rallies, turned into a day of celebration.  A spokeswoman for the Prince-Elect gave a brief announcement.  She read a statement from the Prince-Elect, "I, the Prince-Elect, do not wish to continue this current situation of mistrust and protest.  I have done my best to represent the citizens of the FRR.  It seems that some parties have other ideas.  Rather than fight and cause harm to the FRR and it's citizens, i have agreed to step down effective immediately.  I am sorry that the current situation did not allow me to serve you as your Prince-Elect any longer.  Long live the FRR!  A free Rasalhague forever!"

There was an quick response from the coalition of parties.  They thanked the Prince for putting the FRR before self.  The caretaker government will assume the duties of the Prince-Elect and the Cabinet.  The new elections will be held on February 20th.  A new Prince-Elect and cabinet will be sworn in as soon as a majority of the parties can agree to form a new government.

The caretaker government is a collection of all of the major parties that have been involved in the negotiations with the previous Prince-Elect.  They have all of the powers of the previous Prince-Elect's office.  However, due to the nature of it being a caretaker government, they are very unlikely to bring forth new policies or laws.  The only sure things are the acceptance into law of the new Constitutional changes and the removal of the last of the military governors, leftover from the Ronin War years.

It has been a truly monumental day for the FRR.  Having been the most democratic of all of the major houses and factions in the IS and the Periphery for the time during it's short existence, how will the change to an even more democratic system change the FRR?  Time will tell.  Now we await the upcoming election and the results there from.
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Feb 21.3042
INN Rasalhague

This just in, the FRR Communications Department confirmed the following election results:

1 SweDe - 38.6%
2 RDP - 23.8%
3 GP - 9.5%
4 SJP - 9.4%
4 LyrPat - 9.4%
6 PPP - 4.7%
other parties - 4.6%

As there have been many new parties created prior to this election, here is the list of the main parties and their elected leader:

Elsa Lidstrom - Swedish Democratic Party (used to be the Folkpartiet liberalerna or FL)
Kustya Marksdotter - Rasalhague Dragon Party (used to be Dragiedemokraternay or DDP)
Juri Hedberg - Lyrpat Party (used to be Motsatt Stalining Parti or Motpat)
Sven Smith - Green Party
Nikki Littmanen - Socialist Justice Party
Ronald Nagumo - Peace and Prosperity Party (used to be Magnossun's party)

Now the FRR must wait while the parties in the 2nd Estate form a government.  If one party would have won a 50% majority, they could form a government on their own.  The results show that the most likely shape the new government will take is the SweDe Party joining with one or two more parties to form a coalition government.  This is all new to the FRR and there is quite the chatter and the street to see how this works and who will be the next Prince-Elect.
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Feb 21.3042
INN Rasalhague

On to economic news.  The 4th Estate is hoping that the dismantling of the 1 for 1 System (where the FRR must import good from the LC and the DC at an equal value) will increase growth.  The 1 for 1 System has been a real logistical slowdown and thus limiting trade between the LC and DC with the FRR.  Replacing the last of the military governors with civilian leaders should also bring those planets up to speed economically.

Also, it has been reported that the FRR is reaching out to strengthen economic ties with the DC, the ARAR, and the FWL.  Word has it that the negotiations between the FRR, ARAR, and DC are progressing quickly, but the FWL has yet to officially respond to the FRR's overtures.

Noticeably lacking out off of this list is the FC.  A source in the FRR's diplomatic department stated (off the record) that the FC has been very chill to any improvements in the FC and FRR relationship on any level.  The weight of the Tamar Invasion and the cloudy reasons why they took place hang heavy over the small possibility of improved relations.  The source continued to state that, prior to the FC, even the LC was not all that interested in closer relations to the FRR, while the DC has been pushing and making offers for the last two years.  The FRR has benefited from it's DC relationship.  The FRR would like to benefit from it's relationship with their Lyran neighbors too.  While the FRR does not want to return to the 1 for 1 System, it would like to bring the relations with their neighbors more into balance.  However, there has been not official word to this effect.
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" At the beginning of the month, a massive warship fleet of ComStar has gathered and was moving towards on Titan, we have message that also jumpships and a single warship of the draconian admirality has entered the system, battles are fierce as Repuplic Navy ASF-wings engage C*, we are seeing right now the largest naval engagement since the end of the Star League. This rare video material was given to us from our military reporter Keith Smitticks."

" Welcome on board of the INN shuttle Laru, we are in the warzone and prohibited space arround Titan,..." the camera was turning towards a window, nothing but darkness when suddenly the large gas giant Saturn came into vision. " We are only a few hundred kilometers from the space station that was attacked by the Wolfs Dragoons and the Draconis Combine 4 months ago, since then, reports came in from strange happenings. For instance a transport shuttle was hit by a large metallic object that was bearing the word "Vision". Now rumors state that."

Without a sound a sound a Shilone formation flew by, bearing the Repuplic Navy sign, stearing what could be considered upwards right now, then a C* ship showed up... firing its Autocannons at the Wing.

" We are in a battle! " screamed the pilot increasing the thrust " We must get outa here!"
" But that material is gold!"

Then a massive explosion hit the C* ship as the "Blakes Strength" fired its weaponry and hit hard.

" No way I am staying here..."
The pilot turned the shuttle heading for Terra

The screen turned back to the reporters in their studio

" As for now, the fleet, under Admiral Isus command has not made a statement, but since he is the uncle of the former ISCP director Hinata Isu, we are guessing this incident is also a personal agenda for the Isu clan. We hope this conflict will soon be solved and as always, we keep you informed. "


March 5, 3042
INN Rasalhague

Surprisingly or maybe not a surprise at all, the care taker government is still in place in Rasalhague.  Some expected the SweDe's overwhelming victory to quickly translate into them finding one or two partners and forming a government.  Others expected the parties to struggle through this new process.  The later is what is taking place.  The SweDe party is secure in knowing that they are in the "drivers seat."  Suitors are negotiating with the SweDe for a chance to be part of the new government.

Those in the governing coalition will be part of the cabinet and have a say in what the platform for the government will be.  As this is the first time any of these parties are partaking in such an event, it has dragged out.  Stories of the ancient Kingdom of Belgie going without a government for over a year are told.  Some of the population is wondering if they took the correct course in taking on this form of government.  Most are anxious to have a new government formed, but accept that, this being the first time, it might take longer than expected.

Rumors abound as to who is or who are the front runners to be the coalition partner(s).  The RDP (pro-DC) has the "inside track" as it is the second highest vote getter.  They can claim the mantle of second most voted for party and thus rightfully the chosen partner for the SweDe.  Other parties with smaller voting percentages are leveraging what they can to try and bump the RDP out of the running.  However, with the popularity of DC friendly relations increasing, the likelihood of this happening seems to be diminishing.  To most of the population, it is very much a "what have you done for us lately" frame of mind.

Recent polls suggest that a large majority of the FRR population does not even consider the Tamar invasion, and the KungsArme's involvement there in, when thinking of relations with the DC and the FC.  The FRR population anxiously awaits the findings of the Tamar Invasion Investigative Committee.  They would like to place the blame and move on with their lives.  The fact that those responsible will likely be handed over to the FC to be tried, does not seem to faze the average citizen on the street.  "They get what they deserve," is the popular sentiment.
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March 6, 3042
INN Rasalhague

The cameras focused on the Rasalhague Intelligence Service spokesperson.  "Good afternoon, the RIS is releasing their findings of the Tamar Invasion Investigation.  You will be sent the complete findings directly.  To summarize the findings:

The RIS found that the plot was planned and orchestrated by the former Prince-Elect Magnusson and the former Chief of Staff of the Command Council of the KungsArme's General Mansdottir.  There were lesser players involved, but they were not found to have been invested in the scheme.  These other players were following instructions and orders on the good faith that uniformed members of the KungsArme should have in their commanders.  They should have questioned these orders but did not.  Therefore, the KungsArme has handed out disciplinary actions to these other involved individuals.

Former Prince-Elect Magnusson and the former Chief of Staff of the Command Council of the KungsArme's General Mansdottir will be handed of to the FC to face justice there.  We fully expect the FC to adhere to their legal code and provide them with a fair and just verdict.

One rumor that i will address is the supposed DC involvement in the Tamar Invasion plot.  Our investigation found no traces of evidence of any DC involvement."

Later on in the RPB new broadcast:

"As of today, the temporary Chief of Staff of the Command Council of the KungsArme, General Gustaf Mannerheim, has been chosen to be the new CoSotCCotK."
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April 10, 3042
INN Rasalhague

In a plain ceremony in the 2nd Estate's meeting hall, a new Prince-Elect was sworn in by the Landtmarskalk.  Actually, for the first time, the FRR now had a Princess-Elect, Elsa Lidstrom (leader of the SweDe Party).  Also sworn in was the vice-Princess-Elect, Kustya Marksdotter (leader of the RDP), and the remaining cabinet members of this coalition government.

The opposition parties did not have much to say.  It would seem that they are still organizing themselves and finding a common platform to agree on.
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June 1st, 3042

INN Thakard

  Today former Prince-Elect Magnusson and the former Chief of Staff of the Command Council of the KungsArme's General Mansdottir arrived under heavy guard where they were quickly shuffled off to a undisclosed location pending questioning prior to any charges being presented against them. Archon-Regent Steiner promised both men would receive their day in court, to answer for their plot to instigate a new FC/DC conflict by invading the Tamar region with FRR units operating under DCMS colors.

  Immediately after that she announced that the FC had just completed discussions with the newly elected Prince Elect's representative. The aim of the discussions were to mend the rift instigated by the deposed Magnusson and begin a new relationship. Much has changed of late Katrina noted, that it was in our best interests to help the Republic move out from beneath the shadow of it's failed leader and of being a Comstar creation. The FRR is here to stay and the FC will defend their right to exist  provided they remain good neighbors of course.

  In other news on the other side of the FC spokesman for Duke-Regent William Davion announced that Arthur Steiner-Davion was not only alive but had been returned to his family on New Avalon. No details about how the young heir had come to escape the horror on Outreach was immediately disclosed, only that they would be in several days when the Regent addressed  the people about the news that has filtered out concerning the fates of Northwind and Outreach.


June 2nd, 3042

INN Rasalhague

"The Princess-Elect Elsa Lidstrom is very pleased to announce that the FC and the FRR have entered a new stage in their relationship.  Both realms hope to put the event of the Tamar Offensive behind them.  From the start, the FRR has been part DC and part LC, we aim to keep both of these traditions and bonds alive.  The FRR believes that, like our relations with the DC, these improved relations with the FC can also greatly benefit both realms.  We thank Ambassador Laura Timmonen for her tireless work on this agreement.  The FRR also thanks the Archon-Regent Steiner and her govenrment for all of their work on this agreement as well."

In other news, General Gustaf Mannerheim, CinC of the KungsArme, released a statement that the KungsArme's lone assault mech regiment, the Gunzberg Eagles, will now assume the traditions of the Tyr Regiment.  "The Tyr Regiment holds a special place in the hearts of the Rasalhagian people.  With the renewed relations with the FC, the KungsArme felt that a active Tyr Regiment would honor that occasion."  The Tyr regiment will be part of the new Aesir Mech Brigade.  In honor of the strong bonds the FRR has established with the DC, there will be a new infantry brigade, the Samurai Brigade.  The regiments therein will be named after some of the ancient Samurai Districts in then feudal Japan.
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(Something I wanted to do every 4 turns, but got overwhelmed by real life. There may be some edits coming as I continue to review this.)

State of the PACT

PACT Council
Thomas Aquilinus, Arbitrator of the PACT Council, announced today that the PACT, "formally acknowledges the force now stationed with in the ISDF" the unit is made up of independent PACT armed forces that had used legal means to take their equipment and join the ISDF. In order to show that the unit is a united PACT it will be under the command of the PACT Marshal's, a security and policing force created by the PACT to enforce and act upon the rulings of the treaty organization.
The 3rd Marshal's Calvary Regiment, commanded by District Marshal Brenda Calderon, has been given funds to build up its support units of armor and infantry to full strength to include the new Battle Armor. Inside sources have let slip that the other unit attached is Ramilie's Raiders, a long time mercenary unit of the Magistracy of Canopus, will also be adding to their mech regiment with the funds delivered.
Arbitrator Aquilinus was clear in stating while the PACT supports the ideals of the ISDF, they still have concerns over the structure of the charter. Ian Kurita-Calderon has been named ambassador to the ISDF and is traveling now through the Inner Sphere to meet with the leaders of the organization.
It has also been announced that the planet of Independence will be made into the new PACT council home planet; the planet will be ruled by the council and act as a completely neutral place with in the protected territories.

Taurian Concordat
As stated Ian Kurita-Calderon is moving with his new wife and family to the Draconis Combine to take up his duties for the PACT. Protector Thomas Calderon bid farewell to his first grandson in a private party held before the unannounced departure. Representatives for the Protector stated that the Taurian Concordat  is a loyal member of the PACT and supports the ISDF's goals, while pointing out that as of last report, the Federated Commonwealth "in their continued actions does not support" this new initiative. Adding to his statement Protector Calderon went on to say, "once more we see the great Federated Suns (Commonwealth), does not seek peace, instead they look for excuses to bring war to our independent periphery PACT. The Taurian people will be defended from all aggressors."

Magistracy of Canopus
The loss of the 2nd Canopian Fusilliers Armored Guard as they moved to further secure the PACT against pirates has hit the Magistracy hard. As further data comes in it seems that the pirate band on the lost world of Detroit had an aged warship that suffered a major core breach, which decimated all parts of the system. Humanitarian aid pours into the area from throughout the PACT with even Draconis Combine representatives seen in the area. The PACT Marshal's are pointing to this and the complete genocide on Cygnus from curable disease (if the planet had contact with the MOC health care system), as further reason to continue operations securing planets outside PACT space.
Ashanti Centrella, a close cousin to the Magistrix, was last seen on St. Ives for the initial ISDF talks, but has not been heard from since. It is believed she will join the other PACT ambassadors on Independence.

Marian Hegemony
Imperator O'Reilly has been seen on the planet of Niops with his grandson Julius, there he meet with the President of Niops and the Dróttning (Queen) of the Lothian Palatine. Not much was shared about the meetings. The Imperators only child Prefect Sean O'Reilly has been given command of the Ultima Legio ex Mortuis and stationed in the Lothian Palatine. The rumors continue to circulate that this is an exile, but official channels state that only an O'Reilly can pull these lost souls back to loyal service to the Imperator.

Nips grows into an interstellar realm with addition of Astrokazy to its protection. The realm has seen a major increase in production since they have joined the PACT and their militia was the first to match the Inner Sphere's deployment of "Battle Armored" Infantry. Niops has decided to swll their armored units to the Lothian Palatine as they concentrate on the deployment of multiple new armored infantry regiments. Little is known about the meeting with the Hegemony and the Palatine, but afterwards the conventional armored units started shipping as did mechs and battle armor to the newest PACT signee. There are unconfirmed reports that the Free World Ambassador also meet with the Leaders, but nothing was stated in official communications.

Lothian Palatine
With Niops this realm has seen the most activity in the last few years. This realm joined together, than petitioned the PACT as they were concerned about the further aggression of the Free Worlds League as they had occupied the Palatines longtime nemesis the Curcinus Federation. They seem to have gotten an excellent deal as the Hegemony has stationed a full Legion here, Niops sells them units a cost and PACT Marshal's deployed throughout the territory. Their own ambassador Eirik Olsen sat with the PACT representatives on St. Ives and is seconded to Ian Kurita-Calderon as the PACT ISDF representatives.


INN New Avalon

INN Palace Correspondent Linda Lanner got an opportunity to ask Duke William his reaction to the latest accusation from Protector Calderon? Video clip cuts to the Regent turning to one of his aides "Did anyone propose anything during the briefing about attacking the the PACT?" the young officer shakes their head as well as the other's behind him.

Off to the side Intelligence Minister Allard makes a show of checking his notes "No Your Grace nothing of the sort."

The Duke lets out a stage sigh of relief "Good, I was fairly sure I had managed to not nod off today and miss something like that. Now Miss Lanner in all seriousness either the Protector is delusional or just desperate for attention. They've already did a 180 degree turn from their last wild claim so this is more of the same along with some quick tap dancing to try and save face after all but calling his grandson a traitor before who ran off with the family car. Though I said it before I shall say it again, the Fed Com is not seeking, planning or frankly wasting our time with plans to go to war with Taurians, the Canopians or the Marians or any of the other PACT member states no matter how desperate some of them appear wish we were. Now if you will excuse me I have a meeting with the Combine Ambassador with whom I wish to relay my personal thanks to the Coordinator and the brave people who got my nephew off Outreach alive and back to us, thank you."


INN Terra

Leadership Change Announcement
A very busty woman holding a microphone is showing, standing on the beaches of Hilton-head Island:

"INN Terra is gladly announcing that there is a change of leadership happening right now on HiltonHead, Terra.
The first circuit has been conferring for over seventy-two hours now, trying to find a new path for the not so well running war against the Federated Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine.

Reports from the Titan scenario show that the Draconis combine forces were able to hold off an all-out infantry assault onto the Titan yards and still control the vast and sprawling shipyard array.

We heard rumors from several HPG messages that were sent off into the currently interdicted HPG grid of the Draconis combine and the same, reliable sources also rumor that there might have even been HPG messages coming FROM the Capitol of New Samarkand to Terra.

Anna-Nicole Smith reporting for INN"

+++++ UPDATE +++++

"As we have just heard, the Inner Circuit has finished conferring and is about to give a press conference.... Which is starting right about now... we will switch to that in an instant!"

switch to a conference room with the large Sword and Nova Symbol of Comstar in the background.
A man in his fourties approached the board:
"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Inner Sphere.
My name, as some of you might know, is William Blane, Primus William Blane to be precise. I was called to Terra to help steer this ship through troubled waters and will, effective immediately, act as fourteenth Primus of the holy order.

Primus AD Myndo Waterly will return to her family home on Kuzuu in the Draconis Combine and remove herself from politics.
She has asked me to express her deepest gratitude for all the cooperation with the peoples of the Inner Sphere, her respect to the leaders and citicens of Comstar and the wish to be respected in her decision to return to growing Tea, choosing a life of solitude.

About the ongoing war, well there will be a change of course. I can not go into details but I have a different vision of what Commstar will do and how the Holy order will redefine its role in the Inner Sphere.

I will now answer up to six questions. Feel free to ask."


a reporter from the RPN from the FRR stood up "with the recent events showing that C*'s fees, for the HPG services they provide, are enough for C* to not only run their communications network and their research and exploration branches, but also a nation sized military... will C* continue to expect it's clients to pay the current rates and thereby sponsoring a rival military faction?"
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"We are currently looking into the situation but nothing is decided as of yet. The Comguards are a, as time has shown, necessary contribution to Comstars assets in this Galaxy. We might even look at expanding them in the future.

So yes, the Taxes will keep existing and might even see some fluctuation in the near future