INN News Thread

Started by Hugin, March 30, 2014, 09:08:49 AM

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INN Terra Service announcement / outage warning for C* services

Ladies and Gentlemen

C* has just a service outage / interdiction warning for the entire Free Worlds League.
The message as it reads:

"The Comstar service might see a total outage for an undetermined period for the entire FWL.
This means that not only will Free Worlds League nation personell and military will be unable to send and recieve messages, but also foreign citicens or secret service members will be prohibited from sending messages.

This outage will begin in 72 hours and an end of the outage is not forseeable.

Hilton Head


INN News Service relaying from Tharkad, Federated Commonwealth.

Picture begins of a rather large briefing room, and quickly sees the arrival of a face familiar to all Lyrans and much of the rest of known space.

"People of the Federated Commonwealth.  Citizens of the Inner Sphere and Periphery.  Descendants of General Kerensky's Star League Defence Force.  I will make this brief."

"Regent Townshed-Davion and I have jointly arrived at the decision to summarily terminate the reliance of the Federated Commonwealth on the HPG network as run by Comstar.  This message will simultaneously be released within the Federated Suns region and will be the last messages transmitted.  Alternate means of interstellar communications are now available, and the means to do so have been forwarded to all planetary governments.  Business will remain open.  Companies and private individuals will still be able to communicate."

"This is not a decision made lightly, but considering the hostile nature of the leadership of Comstar, coupled with their indiscriminate abuse of the Ares Convention seen on both Northwind and Outreach, and with their abduction, torture and murder of a number of diplomatic personnel on Outreach and Terra, we will no longer give financial sustenance to their evil.  Comstar will no longer be able to utilise the income generated by our use of the HPG network for their terrorist ways."

"Planetary governors have also been given orders to cordon off the HPG compounds on their planets.  These HPG compounds forthwith have lost any diplomatic status. All Comstar personnel will be invited to exit their compound in an orderly manner and will be received by AFFC forces.  You can call it detention if you like, but for the interim, they will be interned until such time as those who wish to return to Terra are able to do so safely under our arrangements.  Those who desire to leave that organisation and resettle elsewhere will be catered for, once appropriate security checks and arrangements are undertaken."

"For those who remain inside their compound once the offer to leave has expired?  Well, they have made their decision.  I've lost patience with these bastards, and they will burn here in the present, and in whatever hell they descend to in the afterlife.  That is all."


From the Liao INN News Desk.

The Chancellor has been facing increasing pressure from the other Great Houses to discontinue the services of Comstar citing the numerous atrocities that befell the nations of the Inner Sphere over a year ago. The Chancellor herself was unable to be reached for comment, but the new House of Scions Press Secretary Margaret Yu had this to say. <Clip Rolls>

"If we were going to do that, it would have been when their Primus had Chancellor Romano Liao assassinated. As satisfying as such a unified action would have been, and the Capellan people would have surely supported the Chancellor if this was the decision, we are a nation at war with forces we can barely comprehend. Our realm is small by comparison to the other Great Houses but we have many, many citizens and we cannot afford to alienate anyone during this time of crisis. So no, we will not be cancelling our contract with Comstar at this time."

Madam Press Secretary did go on in further comments to state that any rate increases while we are at war with the Clans would be seen as an act of profiteering and in that case, they would be forced to reconsider their position.
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.

