INN News Thread

Started by Hugin, March 30, 2014, 09:08:49 AM

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INN Tikonov

ComStar Issues an Interdiction on Communications on Northwind, Home of the Northwind Highlanders
In the first use of Interdiction since the 4th Succession War, ComStar has cut off all HPG communication to and from the planet Northwind, after the planetary Clan Elders refused to meet with the Precentor Martial of ComStar. It is unknown what exactly was said between the two groups, but several messages were transmitted back and forth, resulting in the ComGuards withdrawl, and the subsequent interdiction.

ComStar officals have not said how long the interdiction will last.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


INN New Earth

Lady Hinata Isu in ComStar custody
ISCP Vice Director Badhi Hafeez announced today that ComStar holds charges against lady Hinata Isu for committing crimes. Lady Hinata Isu is currently in ComStar custody.

" ComStars Puplic Relations Office has declined further information on the matter, however our lawyers will be ready when it comes to a trial. We will also check for a violation of the ISCP-contract ComStar has signed, since investigations are running, I will not answer further questions on this matter. ComStar may announce that they must not discuss such matters with outside agencies, this however does not count for the ISCP as our contract states. ISCP workers have free travel rights through the signer nations, factions and agencies, specially when they are on duty, which was the case with Hinata Isu. If ComStar declines cooperation we will set further steps. "

"Wouldn't further steps normally include a trail against the ISCP-violation and wouldn't it be ComStar that holds the trial?"

"In case a nation would break the ISCP-contract it would be in fact ComStar that holds the trial, if however ComStar is violating the contract, we will set up a arbitrary tribunal of neutral judges. "

" Since you plan in this direction means that you assume ComStar is violating the contract?"

" We assume nothing, it is a fact that ComStar claims to have a valid point for holding Hinata Isu in custody. If this is so, we can't change it but we demand information on the matter and we will not settle with a single transmitted mail followed by silence. With this, I close this announcement. Good evening."


May 28th, 3041
INN New Samarkand

ComStar representatives across the Draconis Combine have expressed their outrage at the Coordinator's new policy to interfere with the smooth operation of communications within his realm. With ComStar's hub facilities now essentially on house arrest, and all outgoing traffic no longer being routed through them, much of their heavy traffic burden has been passed on to nearby Class B stations, which are ill-equipped for taking the massive extra strain. Precentor Dieron, head of ComStar's Draconis Combine operations, released this statement earlier today.

"Citizens of the Inner Sphere. It is with great sorrow that I must address you this day. ComStar has, for centuries, been a neutral arbiter of peace, and provider of communications. That reputation was shattered some months ago, by the actions of the Primus, and members of her inner council on Terra. Actions that many of us in the Order are as shocked by as you are. As horrified by, as you are all. I have ever been a man of peace, a believer that the pen is always mightier than the sword. That the Primus does not share my dedication to peace saddens me.

However, the actions of a few, however highly placed, cannot condemn those below who are unaware of them. I do not support the Primus' methods, even if I believe strongly in her goals. This action by the Coordinator is a blunt response to a problem. I sympathize with his intentions, to restrict the flow of resources to the ComGuard war machine currently marching around Terra, but interrupting the flow of messages through the major hubs of the Combine hurts only the Combine and its people.

This act, while targeted at the Primus, has affected all of ComStar. I have already spoke with the majority of my fellow Precentors in the Combine and we have agreed on a course of action. Untill such time as the Coordinator lifts his siege of ComStar facilities, the Combine will be placed under Interdiction. Coordinator, when you view this...I hope you realize what a grave mistake you have made, and come to your senses quickly.

Messages from soldiers on the front will still be allowed to pass through to their families. This interdiction is not meant to punish the average Combine citizen. But govornment and business messages will no longer be accepted or transmitted, and all in-transit messages will be stopped in place.

I wish you all well."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


ATTACK ON HESPERUS II - Terrorist Attack claims dozens of lives. Damage to factories enormous!!
INN Hesperus II

Today at 07:30 a series of bombs detonated at one of the newly built factories designated for 'special vehicle' production.
The detonations claimed the lives of several dozen staff members of the engineering and science staff assigned to that site.
So far TarHes Industries were unwilling to comment on the exact number of hurt staff but they gave us the following statement:

"TarHes industries is in shock and terror considering the shameless act of terror commit in our midst. Every single member of the scientific and technical staff was a high value member of our comany and vital to the survival of the Federated Commonwealth and while the damage to our production site is massive, the loss of lives is what really hurts us deep in our hearts. Machines can be rebuilt, lives can not.
TarHes will issue funds for the families, wives, husbands and children of those lost. They shall not suffer poverty or economical uncertainty."

INN Skye


INN Northwind, INN IS special announcement:

(play this while reading: The Pipes & Drums of Black Watch (The Royal Regiment of Scotland) / The Scots Guard USA 2013)
"Dear Leaders of the Inner Sphere.

Just several weeks ago, the ComGuards showed their force over Northwind, pretending to... 'come to liberate us' (again).
They, as most of the liberators before, have shown up in force, bringing overlords with mechs and military commanders with them.
We, the free people of Northwind will never fall for such a ploy again, the people rose, men and women of proud heritage and within hours the clans had assembled several dozen of irregular regiments of Clansmen to defend our world.
We shown them the middle finger and they had to leave, miffed and while the ale was flowing well, and the bagpipes were singing of victory, there are those among us who know that they will return, and in force they have.

We told those lads that there will not be a living Highlander on this world when they take it, and we are true to our word, but they will not come and fight us with honor, no claymore will strike their swords, no rifle their soliders, no mech will arrive to be taken down by our tanks. They will bring their ships, their weapons of mass destruction and they will glass Northwind like they glassed dozens, hundrets of worlds before.

The people of Northwind would die to show the the Inner Sphere what monsters they had become, but to what avail?

But: We will not waste the Northwind Highlanders, we need them to protect our children, our people, they are orderd to leave our home and protect our clans non combatants while the men, women and warriors of the clans are to stay behind and make an example of the dedication of our culture!

The final part has been subject of long discussions among the Highlander high command and several other commands with ties back to the original Star League Defence Forces.

(Maybe change music here: Edinburgh Tattoo 2010 Finale - Scotland the Brave HD)
The Clans of Northwind, namely

Cmdr: Archibald Wavell
Lewis Pugh Evans
Charles Melvin
Debbie McGee
William Rose
John Mackenzie
Frederick Guthrie Tait
David Finlay
Walter Cook

Have spent the last months training the best among the Highlanders. We have assembled the greatest pieces of our equipment and, as descendants from the original black watch regiments members, will form a renewed
Inner Sphere Defence Force Royal Black Watch Regiment.

Together with the remaining Shin Legion Regiment who will become the
1st ISDF Legion of the Capellan People
and a Sword of Light regiment who will be renamed to be the
1st Sword of the Draconian People

Other Units with great Heritage or great courage are also more than welcome to join this force, built to be a beacon of light, a rally point, and hope for everyone who is in dire straits in this Inner Sphere!

Our first and foremost goal will be to defend the IS against the madness rooting on Terra!

We do not ask for funding, we do not ask for men, but everyone is invited to donate or contribute forces to the ISDF army!"

The clans of Northwind
The Inner Sphere Defence Force
The Royal Black Watch


INN Tinkonov

Flash news report.
Merchang vessels from the Northwind system have informed us of a series of explosions on the surface of Northwind.
Reports continue that the first and second Comstar Fleet have joined forces above the planets atmosphere.
Sadly, with the HPG nonoperational and the system under lock down, there is still not more information available.

Be this the escalation of the conflict between Comstar and the Succsessor houses?
Did Comstar bombard Northwind?

Our art department has drawn a dramatization of this:


Statement picked up off of the Taurian News Network

Screen opens to Protector Thomas Calderon sitting behind his desk in the Protectors Office.

"People of the Concordat we have been through so much. Our history is filled with a constant battle for the freedom that we so richly desire and deserve.

I am the first to stand up, no I am the first to fight for each citizen of our Concordat to express themselves in seeking these freedoms.

Slightly over a month ago, I was given a stack of papers from a large group of our citizen soldiers. They asked me to allow them to resign their commissions in service for our lands. I met with some of them and their reasoning was they feared that they may not be able to uphold their duty to us all, because of difference of opinions. I did not feel this was a good enough reason, but could not hold someone against their freedom. So I granted their resignations.

Than mere weeks ago, our accounting office received payments for materials held by these citizens in their acts as our guardians. Most of the materials were person family gear, but some could have been deemed war goods of the Concordat. The memo accompanying the payment stated that our citizens wanted to insure that they were as close as able to not breach our trust and law. With our judicial analyst reading of our laws we released the materials.

Our, no my, belief was that these brothers and sisters would move further into the deep to find the freedom that they stated to me that they held dear.

With heavy heart I must report that something else happened.

Lead by my cousin Brenda Calderon these units claimed salvages of a recently recovered derelict warship form our history. They seem to have again been within our law, by their methods and movements thereafter now call everything into suspect.

As our investigators dug into the funds, abilities, and movements it now seems clear to me that these citizens took a path for what they saw as freedom, but it was funded by the enemy at our gates. The funds passed through Federated Commonwealth accounts, showing us once more that these historical enemies of our homes will even use our own quest for freedom to buy our loyalty.

I find it hard to fault these fellow citizens; perhaps even now they think that they serve the cause of justice, but when the devil pays the dues is the cause truly right.

These men and woman that have moved out of our realm and I am sorry to say can no longer be welcome to return, we cannot allow their actions to go without censure from our lives. The monies that they paid for their equipment will go to reforming the Red Chasseurs: Bright Flame Regiment and the Red Chasseurs Armored Reconnaissance; both of these units have a long history of loyal serve to our people. We will also send some of the funds to boast the forces of the PACT Marshals, an organization formed to keep the peace throughout the periphery.

The Federated Commonwealth paymasters have fooled some of our family into actions that we cannot condone, so to try to make the unright, right, we will use their own pay to build our Concordat and the PACT alliance even stronger against their actions of deceit and lies."


INN New Avalon

Today Duke William, Townshed-Davion issued a scathing condemnation of the brutal orbital bombardment of the surface of Northwind by ComGuard Naval forces loyal to Primus Waterly and the secretive cabal known as The Blood. The Duke compared the actions taken by the Primus over the past year or more as coming straight out of the Amaris playbook of dirty tricks and atrocities and a return to the indiscriminate warfare of the 1st Succession War.

He issued a call for all those within Comstar who are not party to Waterly's mad ambitions to stand up and either refuse to carry out her orders or to openly oppose her and her allies. All that is required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing, he paraphrased the ancient saying and that for those with the courage to stand to know that they are not alone.

When asked about the recent accusations from Protector Thomas Calderon, His Grace's response was (quote) "Poppycock!!!! I hate to burst Lord Calderon's bubble but he should lay off the paranoia flavored cool-aid that the Rom agent assigned to him keeps giving him. All we know presently is the people in question have expressed interest in joining this ISDF movement to oppose the lunatic cabal running Terra. There is and has never been any plan, scheme or inclination of the part of the Sun's State Command or the FedCom to interfere with the Taurian's internal affairs on any level sorry but I'm of no mind to repeat the Old  Star League's stupidity, I much prefer living peacefully with our Periphery neighbors."


INN Tikonov

Precentor Tikonov, Michael Dietrick, was recently asked by INN about Duke William Townshend-Davion's comments concerning the alleged bombardment of Northwind by the ComGuards.

"Well unless the good Duke was on Northwind at the time of this 'bombardment', I would say he is doing little more than rumormongering. As far as I know, there has been no verified evidence of what exactly has happened there. 'Explosions' on the surface could hardly be surprising considering the fact there is a war going on, and everyone knows how tenacious the Highlanders can be. One would expect them to be especially ferocious in defense of their homeworld.

And furthermore, I feel I must remind the good Duke that Amaris was not a combatant during the 1st Succession War: his own nation, aswell as others, were responsible for the untold atrocities of that conflict. Everyone remembers the Kentares Massacre of course: perhaps the Duke should remember who it is that has massacred who in the past.

In any event, the truth will eventually win out. If indeed that bombardment occured, then I am sure the good Duke will lead the charge from his white horse, swinging his white sword, wearing his white armor, to bring 'justice' to those that have been responsible for the deaths of countless innocents...starting with his entire family, for their unbridled greed."

The Precentor ended the questions after that, stating he had important duties to return to, and that he 'couldn't be bothered to respond to such an asinine, hypocritical statement' again. Before leaving, we attempted to ask him about the statements made by Protector Calderon, and the Duke's response to them.

"The Federated Sun's conflict with the Taurians is long and well-established. And their 'Company Store' policies are quite infamous among mercenaries. I do not know if it is true, but I would hardly call it surprising."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Free worlds Navy develops ist own jewel.
INN Atreus

It was not worth a press release, or would it have been but none was issued?
Be it as it may, but the Illium Shipyards Skunk Works Team, often dubbed the ISST has quietly and privately developed a prototype for a warship... and as it seems, completely on their own.
They call it the Zec and it looks very much like this:

The pictures our investigative reporters were able to shoot from the secret launch of the first ship, just two weeks ago make pretty clear that it is fully able to move on high – G speeds and also seems to be able to use its jump drive, as a source from Illium space customs explains:

"The Zec moved around in the system for three days and then jumped to an undisclosed location, announcing its jump procedure like 15 minutes before jumping..."

Is this the first new warship of the Inner Sphere?
Was it built privately by the FWL Naval Research?

We will find out!   


INN Rasalhague

Launch of the FRN
The FRR is testing Free-Rasalhague-Network, which is a short range service alternative to the HPG provided by C*. The devices can only transmit written messages to a adjacted Star System and the first transmission tests are running right now.

INN Terra

Information leaked, the Draconis Combine behind it all?
Documents where found bearing the crest of the Draconis Combine that include all worlds arround Terra in a neutral unnamed nation, spanning from Carver V to Dyev, from Pollux to Nirasaki and from blue Diamond to Northwind. Dates state back to the 10.2.3040 when this matter was discussed at the warlords meeting under Coordinator Takashi Kurita. Details are blackened out but we all have the same question... Has ComStar made a dire agreement with the Draconis Combine? What is behind this plan? And is this the source of the recent change in C* politics?

Stay tuned for more information on the matter.

INN Rasalhague

Thropse Enterpises introduce: The Fafnir
Ultimate power through ultimate fire... Thorpse Enterprises proudly announces the production run for its new Mek... the Fafnir...

"The Fafnir-5B is the strongest Mekk we ever produced and we are proud to show to our customers what we are capable off. "

INN Tharkad

Terror on Tharkad
Terror on Tharkad, civillians hiding in bomb shelters and everybody fears a new bomb. Millions are dead as we all have the same question: "Who is behind it and why?"
Brave civillians talk with us about their fears:

Man on the street: " No doubt about it, that were terrorists from within our realm... traitors that did not agree with the rulership of the Regent and his latest decisions!"
Woman, holding her child: " I did hear that the Draconis Combine was opening a embassy on Tharkad the week it happend, I don't think that this is a coincidence. "
Old man: " The youngsters are blind, only one would profit from such an attack, and that are the Comguards that invade our homeland."
Young woman: " My man fell to defend our borders... there is no doubt about it... the League just wants to get back what they frist stole and than had to negotiate back for the sake of the Capellans... They will try to once more take our homeland. I am sure. "

And so it goes on, ladies and gentleman. Officials are silent on the matter as investigations are running.

INN Rasalhague

Welcome the new Prince Elect: Brandalv Freberg
In the last quarter of this year, former Prince Elect Haakon Magnusson was charged with a motion of cencure, which turned out positive. The reason was a false flag military operation against the Federated Commonwealth under Combine colours. This is not only a breaking of neutrality and the fair-trade agreement between FC, FRR and DC but also a massive endangerment of the security and people of Rasalhague. The votum fell directly in the times of election for the Rasalhaguian Parlaiment which lead to a massive loose of votes for his party. His cabinet and himself are right now under charge.

However: the true winners of the new election are...

Folkpartiet liberalerna (FL): Standing for a strong, independent and neutral FRR. Which are providing, with a absolute majority the new Prince-Elect from their ranks and sporting 54% of the Riksdag

Dragiedemokraternay: Profiting from the former failure of the Prince Elect, the fear of a harsh answer from the FC and known for their pro-Draconian politics. They managed to claim 35% of the Votes

Newly elected Minister of Inner Affairs, Kustya Elsedotter (FL) announced that all charges will be investigated harshly and that she will not allow such a thing to happen ever again.

Hard times for the new prince-elect are coming as the FC has not made any announcements on the matter and Coordinator Theodore Kurita sent a letter of displeasement via Courier-ship. C* was called on the plan to help clearing the situation but no further informations are given at the time.

Will the new prince-elect find a way through this political mess? In any case, we will keep you informed.


FedCom Co-Regents declare day of mourning and vow justice for the victims of the terrorist attack on Tharkad.
  In a join statement from both Duke Townshed and Archon-Emaritus Steiner a day of national mourning was called for in the wake of the nuclear bombing of the Triad and devastation wrought on the surrounding areas. Presently investigations are underway and while all possibilities are being looked into by the intelligence services more then a few are looking at Comstar, specifically the extremist factions following the orders of Primus Waterly and currently waging war against both the FedCom and the Draconis Combine.

  Regent Steiner who was attending a series of briefing at the Lyran State Command Center at Asgard when the attack occurred has set up temporary accommodations there for the time being as rescue crews and other relief efforts work round the clock to save any who can be saved. In addition she in a short interview with the media answered questions.

"Regarding the accusations of collusion between the Combine and Comstar prior to 3040 that were so conveniently leaked, that the Combine had a close relationship with them is no secrert, we learned that truth of this during the 3039 conflict. That said I know from my own daughter that Waterly also only a year or so ago was trying to buy the Commonwealth's friendship with promises of Losttech and all manner of other gifts such as the Invincible. Well we know now while she was offering with one hand she was readying a dagger in the other behind her back."

"To the questions regarding the our neighbors in the FRR, I am glad to see that the people of that realm have voted Prince Elect Haakon Magnusson out of office. I have seen the evidence obtained by LOKI on Tamar and the other worlds attacked that the invaders where  KungsArme units and mercenary commands in their employ pretending to be newly created DCMS units. Perhaps the Prince sough to take advantage of the distraction caused by the conflict with the Confederation to grab a few systems and distract us with a expanding conflict with House Kurita."

"As to our silence on the matter we have been conducting behind the scene talks with the Coordinator as to how to deal with this deception in addition to dealing with our common enemy on Terra? Our preference is that this situation be dealt with peacefully, with the withdrawal of all FRR forces from our space and the return of our worlds presently occupied."


INN New Earth

Recently trading activity has increased once more in the Draconis Combine, but the merchants returning from the realm of the dragon bring not only goods with them. Rumors state that every ComStar worker in the Combine was put under arrest, given barely enough time to turn down the massive HPG-facilities. No information was given what caused this drastic measure, be it the ComGuards recent activity or the interdirction the Combine was put under from Precentor Luthien.

On thing however is clear, the conflict between the Combine and ComStar intensifies.


INN New Earth

Breaking news: Head of ISCP, lady Hinata Isu, is dead...
Vice Director Badhi Hafeez has announced that he was given the information that lady Hinata Isu died on Terra, when C*-Forces engaged the personal guard of Coordinator Theodore Kurita during his attempt to leave the planet. The exact circumstances are still unknown, but should this proof to be true, C* broke the neutrality assignment with the ISCP and will be find itself in front of court.

Newly promoted Director Badhi Hafeez demands instant clarrification on the matter from C* and the immediate release of lady Hinata Isus body if this information is correct.

Strangely enough, C* had anounced just a few months ago that lady Hinata Isu was held for crimes of war, a charge counted as unbelieavable by the ISCP as the lady was "our shining light of peace for a brighter future" as Director Hafeez said himself.

Will we ever know what truly happened on Terra? Stay tuned for more information on the matter.


Jan. 10 3042
INN Rasalhague

Major protests and rallies against the current FRR Prince-Elect and other government officials are continuing and gaining in strength.  The RPB reports that the Provincial Riksdags and the 2nd and 3rd Estate have agreed and voted to hold new elections.  Since this goes counter to what the FRR Constitution allows, the question is, what will happen now?  Will the Prince-Elect choose to crack down on the protests and ignore the PRs, 2nd, and 3rd Estates?  Or will the will of the people guide the FRR on a new direction?
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!