INN News Thread

Started by Hugin, March 30, 2014, 09:08:49 AM

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A FedCom reporter stood up next "Do you have any information on any of the FedCom representatives that were seized on Terra during the conference with Comstar, or Archon Steiner Davion or the Duke of New Syrtis who were on Outreach when it was attacked by the Comguards?"


"While I am not informed on their exact current status, they will be released with the negotiated Prisoner exchange program and be handed over to the Combine within the next 48 hours on Dieron.
The Draconis combine had insisted on the exchange of all prisoners, so they were included."


Next came a question from a reporter employed by one of the major Lyran news agencies.  "What of
Northwind and Outreach?  Does Comstar fully acknowledge the atrocities enacted on these two worlds by units of the ComGuards and which therefore must have been carried out on the orders of the Orders hierarchy, and what reparations will Comstar offer to the survivors so that may mourn and rebuild their worlds?  And indeed, if Comstar does admit guilt in these acts which go contrary to the Ares Convention, what then does that mean for the Federated Commonwealth, as we here see no indication of any peace deal being struck here today between that realm and your Order?"


He narrowed his eyes
"We upheld service in the Federated commonwealth. We returned the hostages that were kept save in our custody. What else does the Federated Commonwealth want? An apology? I do not see any need for this. As for Outreach and Northwind: It was time someone took care of those..."


"Those......what?" the FedCom reporter asked leadingly from beside her Lyran affiliate "Please do elaborate for us why your Peaceful Order felt the need to commit mass murder against those people?"


"Both got what they deserved for their defiance against the Holy Order. Comstar has long enough played the peaceful dwellers on Terran soil.
We are the only hope to steer the InnerSphere trough the coming turmoil that will be caused by the Clans wreaking Havoc in the Inner Sphere.
They are not coming any more, they have arrived! Message reached me from Canopus that they are starting their Invasions as we speak.
But as foretold in ancient texts, Comstar will be there for the Inner Sphere because.."
He sported a strange melody while speaking on:
"You are all our children
You children are born of Sin.
We all are born of Sin
That is why we must let
The light of Toyama, the light of Blake
Into our hearts my children.
You are all children of Blake
But to him you are sinners
We are Sinners
We must let the light, the love of Toyama
The wisdom of his words into our hearts.
Or you will burn
Burn in Hell
Birn in Eternal Slavery and Damnation!"

he had tears in his eyes but spoke on normally

"We had offered our help against the clans and the Houses of the Inner Spere rejected it."
directly at the camera now
"Now we will see the Houses burn with only the Light of Terra remaining!
This is your test, Mankind! Will you find Blakes words and fill your heart with light?
Or will you die in the darkness of Space?
Come to Terra, you who are willing to stand alongside the Order in this times, Come and join the Holy Order.
Or burn on Atreus, Sian, New Avalon, New Samarkand and all those stars in between!"

back at the reporter again

"You ask why they had to die? Because they were filthy scum! Just as you all are!
Submit to the holy order, or face darkness. You have 72 Hours to submit your nations government to the Holy Order.... Or face the breakdown of all communication."

Back at the camera

"Terra does not need the Inner Sphere to stop the clans. The Inner Sphere needs Terra to stop them.
And we will stop them. Be it on any world near the Periphery... or on Terra itself!"

The man stared with an rage-ridden red face into the stunned crowd of reporters...


A man, probably a reporter of the Draconis Combine stood up, slowly applauding.

"What a marvelous declaration of war. You are continuing the way of madness the former Primus started, starting it the same way she did... by a betrayal, a breaking of contract. How dishonourable you have become. Your order has fallen deeply, from the protectors, the power of balance, the ones everyone could trust to the greatest threat. 72 hours are not much time to leave this planet, but I rather life in darkness dying in the cold than bath in the consuming fire that has befallen you."


 Standing up as well the FC reporter shuck her head as she turned to her fellow reporters "It's not a declaration of war as much as a announcement of their suicide." then actually managed a bit of a smile "I look forward to seeing you all again when we cover the funeral for this lot in the near future."


A man pushed onto the podium, shoving aside the Primus
"Ladies and gentlemen! Please! Calm down! I would kindly ask you to cut all footage of the last two minutes. This is clearly not the official position that Comstar wants to take!"
shouts from the assembled reporters arose
"For this sake my personel will now collect your cameras, notepads and so on."
he nodded to a guard and doors swung open letting in more personel in ROM uniforms
"Please comply. We wish not to talk about this any further. Also thank you for coming today. This press conference is over now."
The ROM Agents moved in on the reporters, determined to collect all possible evidence of the... outubrst...


" You don't want to talk about this any further? The whole Inner Sphere was LIVE! All eyes on Terra, even by now all of the Periphery must have seen it. "

Now that the ROM agents were in front of the Draconian, it seemed that he didn't have any camera, notepads, or anything else... strange...

" What is up with the order? What are you hiding? How can someone like him become Primus? "


The reporter from the RPN was pondering... "C* does not do anything without a plan.  They are the masters of keeping all behind the mask or facade.  So what to make of this.  A message to the IS, that C* might just be a fragmented mess and capable of more atrocities?  Or a simple warning to back off of C* and let them figure things out for themselves.  Glad i'm just reporting it and not having to decipher it like the MIMIR."
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


INN Terra
C* broadcast
Statement by the Primus

With the arrival of the clans Comstar declares a state of emergency rising the C* tax to 10% for all participating nations using the HPG network.
Furthermore C* will move troops to the Terran System from all over the Inner Sphere and demands travel rights for all worlds in the path. This is especially important for the Federated Commonwealth, the Capellan Confederation and the FreeWorldsLeague.

Last: Comstar will prime all HPG stations on all worlds with explosives to detonate them if the Clans take the world.
A one mile security zone is advised!

-End of Statement-


"I... I can't send this!"
" You can and you will ROBE."
" But..."
*BLAM* the shot penetrated his scull and his brain was sent flying.
" Anyone else here who can't push a sending button?"

INN New Samarkand
Imperial Palace
"ComStars Politics" MUSIC!

In sight came Coordinator Theodore Kurita.

" The holy order, between a lord and his cort, between a lord and his warriors, between a lord and his subjects is not a bond of one way. The lord may rule from divine rights, but he must lead, protect and rule wise. - Isoroku Kurita, meditating on rulership in the Monastry of five Pillars

While this relationship does not apply between the Draconis Combine and ComStar, it holds wisdom within. If ComStar does not participate in the protection of the Inner-Sphere or the Periphery, we also shall not reach our hands out towards them. Since more than a year the Combine is not paying any taxes to ComStar, and we surely will not start now with it, as there is no need to do so. Instead we shall use the money to found the ISDF for the coming conflicts.

The Draconis Combine will execute all laws currently in process if ComStar troops dare to move through our territory. Furthermore, I declare ComStar traitor to the Draconis Combine and all mankind for their doing. Not only do you gouge the known space, terrorize the civillians, assasinate those who would not bow, but also torture in the most gruesome inhumane ways... while threatening all with your arsenal of warships. And even after all this, your treason does not stop there... your rulership is corrupt, traversed by insanity and the very most evil. It does not matter wether you call it "the blood", "the Minesotta Tribe" or " Clan Wolverine" the ComGuards and the Inner Circle are compromised. You would rather see the Inner Sphere burn and all mankind with it, than lift a finger and even uphold one of the laws that were once invisioned by your founder.

To you Clans... descendants of Kerensky,... I do not know if you are coming for the Wolverine, or for another reason, but I see no reason to protect Terra from you as it has lost its worth. It may have been the birthplace of all humanity, but currently it is the root of all doom. When we first heard of your comming, it was I who said: Let us see first if these clans are agressors or not. You, Clan Jade Falcon have even claimed to come to free the people of the Inner Sphere from us nobles. Now let me tell you this: Before you free someone, you should ask if there is anyone need to be freed... I hereby declare that I will welcome any Khan in the void AS GUEST to New Samarkand. I shall garantue him free and safe passage inside and out of my realm. I will not hold them from reaching Terra but if anyone of them draws his sword against the people of the Draconis Combine, attacking a single planet, I will take action accordingly. And since honor dictactes loyality towards our allies, which are the people of the FWL, CC, MoC and the TC. I shall say that the Okami is coming. Remember this banner... as they shall come to challenge you in the ways of bushido... "

And behind the Coordinator the following unfolded:

" People of the Draconis Combine, I hereby ordering the worlds next to Terra to be evacuated.

To all DCA troops, immediatly return to your home planet and stay guard above it and all systems arround.

To all Samurai Clans...
Kawachi no Aya,
Kawachi no Fumi,
and all clans that descendant from these noble founders: Ready your swords.

To all Warriors of the Combine, be they of the Military Districts or the Member Nations, ready your swords.

from hereon forward, we are the Realm of the Dragon, consisting of 3 that are one.

Draconis Combine, birthplace of our way I shall command:
Dieron District, you are the scales, the armor of the Dragon.
Pesht, you are our body, were we reside.
Galedon, you are our heart, where we were born.
Alshain, you shall be our sword, ready to strike.
Benjamin, shall be our breath our devastating flame.
New Samarkand, the jewel, our allseeing eye.
Realm of the Jade Lotus shall become the Dragons Hoard, guarding what is our greatest treasure.
ARAR shall become the Dragons Wing, lifting us to freedom and a bright future. Stay strong and independent President so that the flower will bloom as it was invisioned by my father and you.

To all people of the Draconis Combine, ready your Iron Will, show them all what -THE DRAGON IS ONE- truly means. "

Then he went shortly silent.

" I am proud, proud to be the ruler of the realm that has moved so much in the Inner-Sphere, without you, my subjects, there would not be a Inner-Sphere defence force, there would not be the JADE-Network, there would not be a nations spanning welfare, there would not be a rebuilding of the Outworlds, there would not be trust and peace with our neighbours and in fact all nations of the Inner-Sphere. There would not be the spreading of knowledge, there would not be growing wealth within our borders. Since I came to rule, my motives and my ways were questioned, but as our code of honor demands you trusted and followed me and through this holy bond, we proofed our worthyness in the whole known space. Truly we are, ONE... The last thing that has to be done, is clearing the elements that are traitor and danger to us, by cutting them from our insides...

" I hereby order that all workers of ComStar, regardless if they are inbound to these sects or not, are to immediatly be deported to Terra, were they shall rott with their once holy order. Anyone who dares to rise his hands against this is to be immediatly executed. You will not threaten any of us with interdiction anymore, as this is the last HPG-message ever to be sent from the Draconis Combine."

With this the screens turned black.


INN Terra

"The announcement of the Coordinator, forbidding the HPG-Network had investors on the international market worried for a short time, yet the Ryu course is climbing as are Draconian Exports. Current course is 1 Ryu worth 1.82 C-bills or 1 C-bill worth 0.55 Ryu. Seems like the stories about the hoard of the dragon were true after all. The ISDAB is giving out further credits, as more companies invest in the Realm of the Dragon. Yet, we will have to see, if this is jsut the largest economic bubble ever, or the united will of draconian workaholics."


INN Canopus
Clans bombard Trade World Herotitus

Reports are incoming that after announcing that after "They don't want to cause civilian casualities." Clan Star Adders warship fleet orbital bombarded cities on Herotitus. The descendants of the Star League seem to have lost the values of life in their travel through space. Ambassador Shin Honda of the Draconis Combine, stated on a interview here on Canopus "That such atrocities are the worst. " Calling that the Clan Star Adder is honorless as ComStar itself by doing this murderous act. Massiv troop movements of the Inner-Sphere-Defense-Force and Draconian Auxilliars are currently moving rimwards to meet the threat to the just achieved peace.
" We managed to have peace for less than three months in the Inner-Sphere, then the clans came... " Shin Honda was once more quoted, " after all the hard work we have yet another warmonger knocking on our door. The crimes done by the Clans will be answered, I have contacted the ISDF-HQ and the Coordinator, help is on the way, we just have to stay strong until then. "
With this, we close this report, hoping that the evil in our middle will meet judgement!

Somewhere in the FWL
A lone user was seeing the news on his personal computer, after the report a window popped up:


and of course... he clicked... being moved to a talkshow... "SPHERE_TALK" was its name and the todays tematic: "CLANS"...

"Now this wannabes from outer space come back after running from the conflicts and what do they do upon arriving? Bombarding Herotitus. They are just as the Star League of old... a brutal regime!"

" You can't just say the Star League was a brutal regime, prosper growth derived from it, it were days of glory and many people still look up to these days. "

"Yes, exactly, glorification of old days is exactly what we do NOT need. The young generations have forgotten how bad it was and even this new attempts with the ISDF are yet another wanna-be-Star League, founded on hatred Mercs and Clans have on ComStar. And this former peacekeeper, has also turned nuts. "

" The ISDF is a chance for many that stand between the conflicts of the great houses and apparently it is accepted by all but two."

" And this wo rule over more than 50% of the Inner Sphere, they are not worth their name... HalfSphere and not Overun Periphery Defense Force maybe. Where is their participation in the conflict? What have they done to save the Taurians or the Canopians? What have they done against ComStar?... That's right... Nothing!"

" The ISDF is in a building and founding process, its not even a full year old and you have to organize and bypass old hatred and conflicts. "

" Well, if they take so long, nothing will be left of the Inner-Sphere or Periphery before its orbital bombed away by the Clanners. Apparently all seem to have forgotten the values of warfare... like the Ares Conventions."

" The Great houses are upholding the conventions since the first succession war, and they are upholding it more than ever since the disasters of Northwind and Outreach occurred. "

"Yet they are building one warship after another... and when there is one thing true, than... that a weapon will be used, if its there. It is only a matter of time until we see disastrous destruction like in the first succession war and we once more will face dark times. "

" I don't share your ill visions. The houses have changed... look for instance at the current politics we see from the Draconis Combine... the realm is evolving and opening up. "

" Also they arm up like crazy, having the estimated largest fleet and giving out weapons to everyone who is not a work-slave. "

"  They do however do not use heavy armed warships and use mostly corvettes that are not effective in orbital bombardment!"

" Nonetheless they also have the largest and best armed ships in the inner sphere!"

" This may be true, but they have taken it from ComStar itself. While doing a great politic on unifying the inner-sphere. For instance the Coordinator has reformed completely the plans for the ISDF that were announced by house Liao. "

" Yes, they have so that they currently rule within their so called Defense Force, the other nations can't even really participate and the ARAR is only a marionette to the Dragons will. And the house Liao... o don't start with them, they have started this whole mess when they begun this century with another territorial war. "

" The conflict between the FC and the CC was no surprise, a lot of old feuds were hanging unresolved in the air and still are. Yet I believe that we will see at least some cooperation against the invaders from outside. "

" I doubt that, the houses will continue their shadowy war, and we will be the once that will bleed for it. No good came ever from nobility and all but one repuplic in this inner-sphere are mere jokes. I would put all my hope into the FRR, but they are to small and weak and also suck on the dragons chest like a baby. "

" You are going to far, the FRR has done great deeds in the ISDF and have brought a large part of the inner sphere and periphery free communication. "

"How nice of them, yet they haven't contributed enough... according to the draconian rules for the ISDF... or shall I say, Star-League-Light? They don't have a seat in the security council and all troop movements are going without there word. Furthermore... the chief general of the ISDF is a former C* worker... OH WHY... why hasn't he moved against Terra I say? He is just another toaster!"

" Mr.Focht was spoken free of all alligiances..."

"By whom..."

"... the... the Coordinator..."


" Oh I beg you... the Coordinator was himself imprisoned on Terra"

" And he was also the only one who made it away alive. Together with Marik, who still proudly announces his alliance with C*."

The moderator spoke up: " Ladies and Gentleman, todays thematic are the coming clans, not the great houses. "

"He is right... so back to them. What are they named STAR BOMBARDIE... oh, my bad... Star Adders...  "We don't want civilian casualities... come out here..." and suddenly EXPLOSIONS in the midst of a trade world. "

" Something else must have happened that drove them to this extreme. "

" What happened is that the batshit-crazy descendants of the Star League got fucked in the head. They don't have a common sense and... and have you even read this shit about Zellbringen? Of course they don't know about human rights or at least some honor of war. CIVILLIANS ARE RESOURCES ACCORDING TO THEM. "

"You can't be serious."

" Read it, its all leaked over the NET. Humans are ressources... Hello mister tea-bag, I am as important as you. Good to be at the same value of a grenade shell. Or am I worth less as I don't fight? Hypocrits they are, nothing more... man I felt like to walk into a draconian work camp after reading it. At least THERE I AM A HUMAN BEING."

The discussion went on... and finally escalated ending with one speaker hitting the other. The audience applaused and the showmaster ended a once more succesfull episode of "Sphere-Talk- Where nothing is taboo." Apparently the broadcast will not reach everly realm because having no taboos was strictly against the Voice of the Dragons Propaganda plans.

After the end of the show, he drank some Coke and another window popped up:


And oh god, yes he wanted...

-Codes of Honor-
Multiple codes of honor are in use in the Inner-Sphere. Most famous, the Ares Conventions, which were introduced during the Star League era, and reintroduced during the Succession wars allowed for a largely ritualized battle that would secure civilian life, by forbidding weapons of mass destruction, chemical weapons, bio-weapons and restricted the use of warships bombardment.

Zellbringen, the Clans counterpart on the Ares conventions shows large similarities, but it must be stated that every clan interprets this rules on his own behalf and might even act against them, according to records and leaks of military documents.

Furthermore the houses have developed own honor codes, according to their culture. For instance, House Kurita, which introduced the Code of bushido together with the Dictum Honorium to the House and the DCMS, which are by far the most strictest codes in the Inner-Sphere, going literally down to declare how to take a dump correctly, while on a foreigners toilet:
" While using Lyran- or Federated style toilets, a warrior must not sit, having both feet on the ground, as a true warrior is always ready to strike. He may remove the trousers on one leg, or whatever legwear he is having with him, from one of his legs. Sitting straight up. This will not only greatly influence the flow of KI, but he may also quickly stand up to face a opponent without fearing to fall over because of entangled feet. It is not dishonoring to fight a enemy without trousers, but to die unprepared and surprised."

He laughed, but while it was mere fun to him, he hadn't forgot about the horror that were the EVIL CLANS to the Inner-Sphere. And while laughing at the belittled Draconians, the propaganda sunk in. The clan Star Adder had made a bad move... and someone in the Inner-Sphere had just waited for this to happen.

And another one popped up


and he clicked another time... being redirected to INN New Avalon

" A new subculture is growing in the NET. CLAN-MEMES... here are our top 5...