Periphery RP Thread

Started by Hugin, April 10, 2014, 05:38:33 AM

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Arkansas Warrior

Crimson, Canopus IV
January 10th, 3040

It had been a strange few months for Imperator Marius O'Reilly.  First, the revelations of Sean's embezzling.  He'd always known the boy was ambitious and secretive, had always wondered if he would one day suffer an "accident" when Sean wanted the throne, but draining Hegemony funds to support a dozen or more mistresses was too much.  Once he learned that he was a grandfather, the Imperator had quickly moved to have the plebeian girl and his grandson brought to Nova Roma.  Baby Julius was his new heir.  Sean himself had been stripped of position within the government, disinherited, and banished to one of the new colonies he had been siphoning money from, Herculaneum, which he had heard the inhabitants were already calling "Marius's Tears" because of the great disgrace their new colonist had brought on his father.  And then he got a letter inviting him to a pan-Periphery conference to discuss "the current situation and the possibility of cooperation".  So here he was, being chauffeured through the capital of his nation's most common raiding target to a meeting with the Magestrix herself and representatives from, presumably, the other leading periphery powers.  Any that cared to answer the call, at any rate. What strange times we live in, he mused.  Alliance is the order of the day. the Fed-Com Treaty, the Kapteyn Concord, and now the great powers of the Periphery were coming together.  Could this be the start of some coalition of Periphery states, or would they be unable to reconcile their many differences, Marius wondered as he gazed out the window at the people and the architecture of the Canopian capital.


Crimson, Canopus IV
January 10th, 3040

It has been so many years in the working, all of the secrets and deals. There were many times before that he had believed that this day would come, but then someone would say something dumb or a politician from one of the minor groups would make new demands stopping everything and sending it all back to councils and committees.

But now he could see the end of this journey; well not really the end of the whole journey, just start of another part. Leaders from multiple governments were now on planet; some decidedly small, but others like the Imperator himself. They all would be meeting soon to review the final papers. With hope now that the Marians were finally on board the neigh sayers would be quieted. 

Soon he would be able to come out of hiding and the many years of deception would be over, soon but not yet...


JumpShip Isolation's Weight
Local Space, Canopus IV
10 January, 3040

From the handheld communicator that the woman carried when she strode onto the grav-deck of the JumpShip Isolation's Weight came the sounds of a broadcast, one which the woman listened to with deliberation as her boot-falls reverberated on the deck plating. She was a petite woman of athletic build and graceful movements, clad in a form-fitting red jumpsuit with black gloves, boots, and a belt bearing a sidearm. And she was alone.

"This is Julien Trimnoux from Luxen in the Magistracy of Canopus.  I am standing in front of the DC Tower Office and Hotel complex where, during the last 10 days, various preparations for an important meeting have begun. Our sources tell us that multiple representatives from various other nations, including the Magestrix are scheduled to arrive within the next three months.  Currently we do not know what will be happening here on Luxen, but we will keep you informed on any progress.  This is Julien Trimnoux reporting from Luxen."

Turning off the device she held after the recording had finished playback, the auburn-haired woman looked out the viewport of the JumpShip's grav-deck at the world of Canopus IV below. The vessel had arrived clandestinely fifteen minutes previously from an L5 point near the Canopian moon of Inanna, in the shadow of which it now hid itself. And in the reflection of the window at which she stood, she appeared to smile just slightly, and she touched a hand to the glass as she spoke so softly that her voice did not carry beyond herself.

"So this is where it begins."

With that, the woman turned from the commanding view of Canopus and to the man who had stepped into the hatchway leading into the grav-deck where she stood. The newcomer placed his right hand to the left side of his chest in a sharp salute, his fingertips pressed to his thumb, and he assumed a crisp military stance.  The woman nodded sharply in response, placing her hands on her hips as she did so.

"Prepare the DropShip for launch. We do not wish to be late."

Arkansas Warrior

Crimson, Canopus IV
January 11th, 3040

The young Magestrix Emma Centrella looked up as the doors to the meeting room opened.  Her guards ushered the toga-clad Marian Imperator into the room.  Rising in greeting, she offered her hand to the older man. "Greeting, Imperator.  I trust your trip went well?"

"Quite.  Your capital is most beautiful, Magestrix.  Of course, I would expect no less than beauty from your realm."

She smiled "It is something we do well.  I'm sorry to say my preparations have not gone as well as hoped."

"Oh?  how so?"

"It seems this meeting will not be as well-attended as I had hoped.  Most of the invitees have rejected my invitation.  Of course, I expected that of some of the....lesser realms on the coreward side of the Sphere.  The journey is, as they say, long and full of terrors." She carefully avoided calling them "bandit kingdoms", considering the fact that most would consider the grey-haired man in front of her no more than the most successful of the bandit kings.  "Even the closer realms like Circinus and the Lothian League refused attendance, saying they wanted nothing to do with, forgive me, 'untrustworthy pirates cloaked in the barest legitimacy.'"

The Imperator smiled a bit at that.  "Yes, my nation has had a dark past, I'll not deny that.  Certainly not to the woman whose nation has felt the sting of our raids most keenly.  But I hope you'll trust me when I say that I'd not have bothered to attend this meeting if I did not want to bootstrap my people up from the old ways.  If I were still just a petty bandit king like Grimm or Valasek I'd not walk unarmed into the capital building of a former target of our raids.  I take it the response was better from the greater powers, Taurus and the Outworlds?"

"Your candor is appreciated, Imperator, and yes, the response was better, if only marginally.  The President Avellar also begged off on the basis of distance, but he wished us luck and asked to be kept apprised of the results.  Protector Calderon is sending an emissary."
"Let me guess, he's too busy checking under his bed for Davion assassins?"

The Magestrix chuckled at that, shaking her head.  "Now now, Imperator, we should not make fun of our potential allies odder proclivities.  I've said nothing of your attire, after all." she said with a sly smile.

Marius grinned.  "I think all the notable powers in human space have adopted one cultural veneer or another.  The ComStar adepts with their monkish robes, the neo-feudal trappings of chivalry in the Suns and bushido in the Combine, and so on.  My grandfather Johann wished to take Rome as his model, and felt it best to do so in more than just the way he organized his government.  He felt, I think, that adopting Roman dress, building style, and so forth would serve as a constant reminder to the people of what he was trying to achieve. " Marius shrugged and smiled at her "At least, that's what I tell my advisors if they question it.  I was too young when he left us to have spent much time discussing matters of state with him."

"And my condolences for your loss.  Whatever else he was, and whatever else it cost our peoples in bad blood, he was truly a man of great vision.  At any rate, I gather that the Taurian emissary is highly placed, Thomas sounded as if he fully trusted him and would abide by whatever his emissary agreed to.  He was a little secretive about it though, I'm as yet uncertain why.  But he should be arriving soon.  There could be other emissaries from small powers, but probably no one worth, shall we say, sitting at the grown-ups' table.  They'll follow our lead or they won't.  Perhaps we could review some economic figures while we wait?" she asked.


She nodded, called up the files on her computer, and added "Oh, one more thing, let me get us some refreshment" she said, activating her intercom system.


DropShip Thicker Than Water
Crimson, Canopus IV
11 January, 3040

The aerodyne form of the Broadsword-class DropShip hurtled through the skies of Canopus, leaving a contrail in its wake as it breached the atmosphere and proceeded with purpose towards the capital city of the Magistracy. The vessel penetrated the light cloud cover over Crimson, and the only passenger of note aboard the vessel looked out of her viewport upon the surface with an unreadable expression.

Even with the scars of heavy industry on the surface of this world, it is still so...breathtaking. She sighed once, quietly, and allowed herself the smallest of smiles. Perhaps the Council's decision was wiser than I thought. But are we ready to take this step? Once tread, there is no going back.

With that thought, the woman shook her head to clear her thoughts. The time for doubts had passed. She had committed to this path for good or ill, and her people were now counting on her to do her duty to the utmost of her ability. Her honor demanded that she not fail them, so she would not.

"Pilot," she spoke aloud after she depressed the com-button built into the arm of her chair. "Request clearance for landing, and also announce that the Magestrix should prepare to uninvited guest."


Crimson, Canopus IV
January 11th, 3040
Meeting Halls

"Excuse me, lady Magestrix, Imperator."
A small Man had been overlooked entereing the room by them two.
"My name is VicePresident Chuck Maledden... and Niops would very much like to sit... as you put it... at the grown ups table. Would this be acceptable for you?"

He looked a little funny in his suit, the bulging belly and the notepad under his arm.
And a little lost among the extravagant and extraordinary leaders of larger nations...


Crimson, Canopus IV
January 10th, 3040
Private Rooms outside Meeting Halls

She could barely sit up any longer; the disease had taken so much from her. Yet, there she had been told that the doctors here in the Magistracy may be able to help. That was an important reason to make this trip no matter how much against it her father was.

But, it wasn't the only reason; she was still Heir Apparent, the title had not been shift to Ian even though he felt it was his right.  She had made this trip to finalize the mutual economic and defense treaty that had taken so many years to bring about.
But still the wasn't the only reason she was here. After so long she would be able to see him again.

They would meet here before the main meeting to have a moment to talk and cry and smile, than business would have to take precedence.

Her guards opened the doors and allowed the visitor to enter. For a moment she was in shock, he stopped and looked at her...

Was he ready for this, after so long of being in hiding and having to play these secret games. Was he ready to come out of the shadows?

The excitement of seeing her again was overbearing. He thought that he had gotten over the heart ache and the loneliness. The Constabulary and the Ministry had done an excellent job of keeping him isolated from anyone who might have gotten wind of what had happened. That was an added benefit as having them work together built in a back door to help this treaty get signed and then enforced. This mission was beyond anyone's personal feelings; no one believed that this day would come.

He straightened his jacket once more and then moved down the hall. The guards moved with him, the floor had been cleared and checked many times.  His party stopped at the doors and the military guards here did not budge. The Brigadier that escorted him handed the Force Sergeant a hand written order.

The man's eyes shot wide, "Sir, I need to confirm this."

"Force Sergeant read those orders again, see who signed them. Now stand aside. These guards will hold you here until you are released by myself or one of the individuals named on that paper."

Snapping to attention the Force Sergeant saluted, "Sir, yes sir...I am just in shock." Turn towards the escorted man, he began to speak, "I did not know, how could I have..."

The Brigadier snapped, "Force Sergeant hold your tongue, those orders are eyes only. Your men around us have not seen them and they do not need to know what is written here."

"Sir, yes sir." Turning to those gathered, "Corporal allow this party through and until further notice the Brigadier is in command of this detail."

The guards opened the doors and allowed the visitor to enter. For a moment he was in shock, he stopped and looked at her...


2 days later
The main meeting room

All participants of the meeting had been assembled and the hall had gone into closure.
The group of people was pretty much what was expected.
The representatives from the TC, Moc, MH, Niops and also that strange woman in a dark jumpsuit had been secluded in the great meeting hall.
It had been swiped of all electronical devices, cut from the outside and there was a second of darkness when all cuts and ties to the outside world were cut and the generator under the floor took up work.

The magestrix smiled into the group, opened her arms and spoke

"Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to the meeting. Maybe we start by introducing each another one more time officially so we all know what we are dealing with here."


Crimson, Canopus IV
January 13th, 3040

An aide passed along a message shortly after the meeting began.

QuoteThere is a rather insistent Capellan Ambassador that is rambling on and on, demanding to know what's going on in here. I think he payed someone at the spaceport to find out who is here because he knows of at least three other people here and he's camped out in our foyer threatening to speak to the press if he's not heard... should we escort him out?
Crows take to the sky,
As an old star points the way,
The storm approaches.

Arkansas Warrior

With a not-too-subtle glance toward the woman in the jumpsuit, she shook her head and whispered to the aide "We've plenty of uninvited guests at this meeting already.  If we had wanted the Confederation's presence we'd have requested it.  Tell the ambassador he'll find out when there's something to say beyond 'we're having a meeting.'  I doubt he has anything new to tell the press, since this meeting is obviously less than a secret at this point."


At that, the woman smiled with warmth, though it did not quite reach her cool blue eyes. She brushed a loose lock of dark red hair, bound back into a pair of almost girlish ponytails, and stepped forward at the unspoken summons of the Magestrix.

She had changed from her shipboard jumpsuit to something a bit more...provocative, though who would think so on Canopus? Clad in black and crimson leathers, her attire consisted of a collared, sleeveless vest over a low-cut tank top, skintight leggings tucked into thick-heeled boots that stopped just below her knees, and studded bracers that encased her arms from wrist to elbow. If anything, the woman looked like a pirate, though the bearing with which she carried herself suggested a disciplined, almost military precision.

"Magestrix Centrella, I wish to thank you for allowing me to speak at this momentous conclave, and I also wish to apologize for the mystery surrounding my arrival in your capital. But after you hear what I have to say, I think that you will agree that secrecy at this time is paramount."

This is it, she thought to herself. The moment that my people have dreamed of since the day of our foundation.

"I am Ashanti Zadok, and I bring you greetings from Clan Blood Spirit. We are the true heirs of the Star League, and we have come home."

Arkansas Warrior

Oh boy.  Better speak up before the Taurian loses it.  Marius thought.  "I am Marius O'Reilly, Imperator of the Marian Hegemony.  To expedite things a bit, I'll introduce my neighbor here" he said, turning to the small man in the next seat "This is Vice President Chuck Maledden of the Niops Association.  Ms. Zadok, I hope you'll forgive my rudeness, but what exactly do you mean, 'true heirs of the Star League'?  I think I speak for everyone in the room when I say we've never heard of 'Clan Blood Spirit'." He asked, brow furrowing more deeply by the moment as he tried to puzzle out her remarks.   Home?  When was the Star League's home ever out here in the dark?  Clan?  What the devil is she talking about?


Ashanti did not shift in her stance, which for all her efforts to look relaxed was rigid and unyielding. Her words came even and almost strident in tone, though she softened them a bit when she twisted her lips into a smile...or a sneer, perhaps.

"Neg, you would not have heard of my Clan, Imperator," she replied as she regarded the toga-clad man with arched eyebrow and penetrating gaze. "As surely as the only Hegemony I know was destroyed long ago, at the hands of the traitor Amaris and the selfish and greedy Successor Lords." Her smile widened, flashing brilliant, perfect teeth at Marius. "Something I believe each of you in this room know something about, quiaff?"

At that, the woman returned her gaze to the Magestrix, her expression softening as did her words. "My people departed the Inner Sphere when the great Star League fell, rather than watch the Successor Lords destroy everything in their venal lust for power. But we have always known that we were destined to return when the time was right. And so we have. We are the Children of Kerensky. The legacy of the Royal Black Watch."

Ashanti regarded each of the gathered Periphery leaders in turn, even sparing a lingering glance on Niops' Vice President Maleddin. "We no longer wish to live in exile among the stars, but to return to the worlds of our ancestors. We want to return home."


Janice and her party had just entered the room and took her spot. Eyes watched her as she was pushed across the floor towards the Concordate's area. She had taken long pains to make sure that she was presentable, yet knew that her weakness shown through. She waited as the others to introduce themselves.

She already knew about the Cappellan delegation waiting in the outer hall and was glad that the Magistrix decided at this time to keep them out. This was periphery business, for too many years the "Great Houses" of the Inner Sphere looked down on us and now when they sniff that there is growth and maybe concern they come demanding a seat at the table.

She knew that the Marian's would be at the table and was glad to see that Niops had sent a delegate. It was sad that the Illyrian's, Lothian's and Circiusian's had not chosen to attend. We would need to send speakers to them as soon as able to try to build our bridge.

The one she did not know was this stranger dressed so scantly. Did the Magistrix know of another small realm that had sent a representative? Hum, maybe this lady was from Herotitus, things there were loose to say the least. Maybe a pirate band from Astrokasy, the women was trying to come across as a pirate.

Janice held herself to allow the lady to speak, everyone here knew the realm she was from; but only the Magistrix, knew what was to be announced this day.

Quote from: tassa_kay on April 17, 2014, 02:07:58 AM
"Magestrix Centrella, I wish to thank you for allowing me to speak at this momentous conclave, and I also wish to apologize for the mystery surrounding my arrival in your capital. But after you hear what I have to say, I think that you will agree that secrecy at this time is paramount."
"I am Ashanti Zadok, and I bring you greetings from Clan Blood Spirit. We are the true heirs of the Star League, and we have come home."

What, what craziness is this. The hands on her shoulder tighten for a moment and she looked up at her escort in confusion. He smirked and spoke quietly, "Some crazy from the outer realms. Let us watch and listen."

The Marian's where quick to react, Janice had really no experience with them so took note of their actions.

Quote from: Arkansas Warrior on April 17, 2014, 02:14:50 AM
"I am Marius O'Reilly, Imperator of the Marian Hegemony.  To expedite things a bit, I'll introduce my neighbor here" he said, turning to the small man in the next seat "This is Vice President Chuck Maledden of the Niops Association.  Ms. Zadok, I hope you'll forgive my rudeness, but what exactly do you mean, 'true heirs of the Star League'?  I think I speak for everyone in the room when I say we've never heard of 'Clan Blood Spirit'." He asked, brow furrowing more deeply by the moment as he tried to puzzle out her remarks.   

All eyes continued to watch the Clanner person. Clanner the word made Julian smirk, what a dumb name.

Quote from: tassa_kay on April 17, 2014, 03:26:44 AM
"Neg, you would not have heard of my Clan, Imperator. As surely as the only Hegemony I know was destroyed long ago, at the hands of the traitor Amaris and the selfish and greedy Successor Lords."

She smiled, "Something I believe each of you in this room know something about, quiaff?"

She turned towards the Magestrix, "My people departed the Inner Sphere when the great Star League fell, rather than watch the Successor Lords destroy everything in their venal lust for power. But we have always known that we were destined to return when the time was right. And so we have. We are the Children of Kerensky. The legacy of the Royal Black Watch."

She looked around the room, stopping at the Niops table. "We no longer wish to live in exile among the stars, but to return to the worlds of our ancestors. We want to return home."

Wow, this lady is truly crazy! Janice's first thought was that the woman was checking out most of the men in the room. Her next thought was that this was really a crazy person, but diplomacy came in effect and she knew that if there was any sort of truth here the implications would be mind boggling. She leaned back and conferred with her escort, "Ii think we should wait to see what is happening here. The Magistrix, if she knew about this has secrets she is holding from us.  I thought ours was the only secret mission revealed today. Many cards are in play."

The man nodded and furrowed his brow, "I have been here a long time. I thought I was pretty close with the Magistracy Intelligence Ministry, but not a bit of this have I heard even a hint of. Let's continue to wait for the moment."

The Taurian's continued in their silence to watch the show.