HPG invitation - Turn 4 Event (pre RP because this might take some time)

Started by Hugin, June 14, 2014, 11:50:22 AM

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((Not to retcon you Val, but I was writing this as you posted :o

-also note that this would be happening in T5, since Turn 4 has effectively ended, and its just time to crunch numbers and do sheets))

As the various delegates were chatting and gathering their things, a robed ComStar adept entered the room. He did not speak a word, and his face was obscured by the heavy cowl of his robe. His arms were crossed across his chest, and he stood very stiffly, but he did not speak. The cowl moved, indicating he looked at each of the remaining ComStar personnel in the room, who silently and swiftly left the room.

The man continued to wait, despite several of the gathered representatives giving him curious looks. When finally all eyes were upon him, he spoke. His voice was not loud, but it was strong, and carried an air of authority.

"Delegates of the Great Houses. I am afraid that I have some very serious news. It seems that here and on Outreach, there have been terrorist attacks against ComStar facilities. Precentor Outreach has even been killed in the blast there. I know this news must make you anxious, but for the moment, I must request that you all return to your respective hotels and stay on the premesis untill the situation can be investigated. Also, unfortunately, I must inform you that the Spaceports are not currently considered safe, and that there will be no dropships leaving the surface of Terra until we are positive those responsible are not plotting further attacks against you. Some of my Adepts will escort you to your accommodations. Thank you for your understanding."

As he spoke, a group of similarly robed men(albeit with their faces visible) entered the room. They were all big men, averaging nearly 6' tall, and easily weighed over 100 kg each. Military backgrounds were evident in the unconscious march the individual groups walked in(6 men for each delegation). One the escorts had moved near their principal, the robed man nodded to the room and then left. The robed acolytes did make any attempt to rush the assembled delegates out of the room, but they continually told the delegates that the palace was no longer considered safe, and that they would be much better off in their secured hotels, where entry and exit were more easily controlled.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


OOC:  DK did Lady Hinata Isu leave Terra prior to the "lock down"?


Once back at their quarters, the Kurita/Calderon/Avellar party readied and sent transmission to their jumpship.

The Jumpship captain checked the clock.  "Note the time the message from the Dragon Heir on Terra was received.  Send it on to Dieron,  Luthien, the ARAR, and the TC immediately.  Marked URGENT-SECRET."

The tech looked up from his screen "Captain, the HPG station is off line.  I'm not even able to log onto their system..."
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


OOC: I don't know. Was she there for the meeting? If so, then no she didn't, because Robes shows up basiclly right when the first person is about ready to leave the conference. Also, I don't know why you would make the assumption Theo hasn't been able to contact the jumpship. He was simply taken back to the hotel he was staying at. He hasn't been kidnapped or anything.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on July 29, 2014, 08:44:55 PM
OOC: I don't know. Was she there for the meeting? If so, then no she didn't, because Robes shows up basiclly right when the first person is about ready to leave the conference. Also, I don't know why you would make the assumption Theo hasn't been able to contact the jumpship. He was simply taken back to the hotel he was staying at. He hasn't been kidnapped or anything.


She was present at the start of the meeting but had left somewhere in the middle of page two.

Good to know.  All com. lines are open then.  I will revise my post.
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


The cloak and dagger stuff was the sort of thing Ardan despised the most , and had for many years. A soldier at heart he preferred the open battlefield in the cockpit of his mech to this drek, and it was this sort of thing that had killed his best friend and Prince. The entire trip back to their guest accommodations he'd had to hold back the urge to do something violent and foolish towards his *escorts*

They'd always suspected Comstar's claimed neutrality had been a carefully maintained farce, that had slipped more and more since Waterly had taken over between her revealing the the innocent bunch of  tech worshiping monks had indeed their own army. Then the supplying of regiments with or SL era mechs to the Combine prior to 39, forcing the creation of the FRR, a shadow war against ROM infiltration of the FedCom and now this.

Back in his stateroom he waved one of his staff over "Well we may as well let the drop ship crew know the situation." he said casually "Have them relay the news to the jump ship as well and ask for an *update * on their status while your at it Jason?" The young officer nodded and promptly left have the simple, innocent message radioed to their ship at the space port.

At the nadir jump point sometime later that day aboard the AFFS jump ship that floated their her sails deployed since shortly after their arrival, her com officer replayed the message for the Captain. He didn't like the sound of this turn of events , and the word *update* made his expression grow tighter "Right...transcribe this and Fax it immediately then send the status report back."


Quote from: Hrodulf on July 29, 2014, 09:55:45 PM
She was present at the start of the meeting but had left somewhere in the middle of page two.

Good to know.  All com. lines are open then.  I will revise my post.

HPGs are down. Not even a ping if you try accessing the system.

Also, I will have to talk to Hugin about Lady Isu, because I apparently completely missed that. However, it really depends on where she went. Did she simply return to the Draconis hotel rooms? Or did she attempt to leave the system? Her dropper wouldn't have been given clearance if so. Also, she would likely see smoke rising from the city(the HPG in Prauge was hit).
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The HPGs are down too now?  Could we get a full update on the situation?  What are we allowed to do and what we aren't or can't do?  I'll have to rewrite my post again, but i'd rather do it just once more :-)

According to Altrak, Lady Isu was leaving the meeting and the planet.  He was afraid she might be trapped there and wanted at least one of the party to make their way off the planet.
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


As I said in my post when Robes came into the room: the HPGs on Outreach and Terra have been attacked(he didn't tell you how widespread the attacks were, just 'attacked'). Precentor Outreach was apparently killed in such an attack. ComStar has locked down the planet at some point prior to when Robes actually enters the room(he was ostensibly outside waiting for the meeting to break up before mentioning it). You don't have any further information than that: HPGs are down, planet is on lockdown. If jumpships are going to attempt to leave the system, then it will have to be dealt with in another way.

Lady Isu mentions leaving the meeting, but not the planet itself. As I know the timing of my own actions in relation to the meeting, I'd say that as she is leaving, or even when approaching the Spaceport, she is informed that the planet is in lockdown and nobody is cleared to even enter the spaceport at this time, and would be directed back to the Combine hotel rooms. If you'd like to dispute that, we can leave it to Hugin to decide if she is able to beat the ComStar lockdown and get to her dropper in time.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Okay, that makes sense for Lady Isu.

Neil wondered out loud "how did our hosts here know about the HPG going out on Outreach when the HPG on Terra is out too.  Did the Outreach attack happen that much earlier and they just conveniently skipped that bit of info?  Am i over thinking this because we're all stuck here playing tiddlywinks?"

Theodore paced, paused, and spoke "first a big invitation, then the Only 4 out of the 5 major powers show up, then the "lost" SLDF bit, then the request of half of all of our mech regiments, and now these "attacks" on the HPG stations on two planets and our lock down...  I'd say that this is not what i expected of our C* comrades.  The Terra system is locked down tighter than a Giant Ripter's jaws, how did terrorist even get near this system, let alone onto Terra?"

Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


An aid asked the nearest C* official "could we get an update on the attack and when C* expects the situation to be safe enough for us to move about freely?"
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


OOC: this would have taken place shortly after being escorted from the meeting.  I've meant to get this out early but have been busy / lazy with stuff I didn't have to get done.

Imperial Suite
Sacher Hotel
Vienna, Terra
Sol System

Thomas was disappointed in the outcome of the meeting, though not entirely surprised at the outcome.  Over the last centuries, barbarianism had been on the rise and it was only recently that civilization had started to make progress once more.  Thomas hoped he was doing his part in this struggle, but the pettiness and self-centered actions of several of his contemporaries, while not unexpected, were not helping.  Some people just couldn't look past their immediate wants and needs.  If the Primus viewed these "Clans" as a threat, then most likely they will be one down the line.  Comstar had always done him well in the past, and also done their part for civilization.  Unfortunately there wasn't much he could do with his country being threatened at the whims of Katrina Steiner.  If the war ended, things would be different.

Now I just have to convey that to the Primus, he mused to himself as he sat down to work on his correspondence.....

OOC:Thomas is interested in learning more / doing what he can to help Comstar.  The necessity of defending his people / realm are still foremost, but his ability to lend aid will go up drastically if the 5th SW ends. 

This is to open up the option of dialog between Tommy boy and Comstar / Primus. (if you want it of course ;))


((You arn't prisoners in the hotels...per se :P You're free to roam the hotels, and there are adepts floating around on business, so feel free to initiatite dialouge with whomever. The ComStar personnel are generally quite polite, even if they dont seem to know much of whats going on.

Also, Altrak: could you give me who exactly came in with the Calderon scion? Like, family members and such.))

@ Rudd: Your peeps find an adept working with the hotel staff seeing after the guests needs.

"I don't know much myself m'lord. I know that there have been scattered reports of small arms fire in different parts of the city, and that the HPG station is about to start undergoing repairs. I think it will take untill the Primus is satisfied that those responsible on planet have been captured. Who can say in such matters?

Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The aide paused, looked slightly uncomfortable as if searching for the will and words to ask again "actually the Heir to the Dragon would like to be briefed on the ongoing events here on Terra by Comstar as soon as possible.  To whom should i speak to request such a briefing?"
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


The adept bowed.

"I will convey your request to Precentor Apollyon. He is in charge of the task force that is securing Terra against these terrorist assaults. He may not personally brief Lord Kurita, but he will surely be able to provide someone with more knowledge than myself on the topic."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade