HPG invitation - Turn 4 Event (pre RP because this might take some time)

Started by Hugin, June 14, 2014, 11:50:22 AM

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The aide bowed and looked relieved.  Theodore Kurita was a reasonable man, but the aide did not want to come back with no answers and more questions.
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


  Much as it galled him being stuck here Ardan had decided to play this silly game to the hilt, namely sending a barrage of inquiries to the Primus's and Precentor Marshal's offices. Time tables, logistics, joint training every aspect of the operation they'd proposed as well as how they proposed reforming a new Star League, how would they get the Periphery states to join, composition of the ruling council, representation etc, etc?


((Sorry I haven't posted here in awhile, I've just been dealing with alot of stuff lately and haven't been paying enough attention. I'll address this thread tomorrow after I wake up.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Terra, Sol System
Prauge, Europe
Japanese Tea Garden House
0330 Local

It was the time of night that assassins loved, and guards hated. All important persons were generally asleep, and only a handful of the best guards could manage to be fully alert. Of course, with the heir of the Dragon present, the Kuritan guards WERE that good. Luckily for them, the group of robed ComStar acolytes that came down the hallway towards the suit of rooms set aside for Ian Calderon-Kurita were not the sneaking assassins one fears at this time of night. The only curious thing about the group was the large, powerfully built man in the lead. His hood was large enough to hide his features, and the gold-trim of his red robes marked him out as likely an important member of the order. They came up to the guards and the red-robed man spoke in a low, powerful, but not impolite voice to the guards outside Ian's rooms.

"If you would please get Lord Calderon-Kurita, we have an important matter to discuss." The guard looked annoyed, but keyed his microphone to call the night supervisor of the guard detail, just incase.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Terra, Sol System
Prauge, Europe
Japanese Tea Garden House
0335 Local

Ian was woken by his guard, "There is a representative from ComStar here to see you."

"Alright give me a moment."

Florimel looked worried, he bent over and kissed her, "I will be right back. maybe it is a message from my father."

As he made his way out of the room; his personal body guard was there with a Periphery Marshal Guard and a Kuritan family guard. He smiled, this would be funny if the situation wasn't so tense.

Turning to his long time friend and guard, "Jason, please make sure Lord Kurita knows what is happening and have the staff bring Florimel some tea. I am pretty sure she is not going back to bed any time soon. I will meet the ComStar Representative in the south sitting room."

Ian got there first and watched as the guards took up position, everyone was on edge. He tried to make himself relax as he waited for his early morning guests...


Terra, Sol System
Prauge, Europe
Japanese Tea Garden House
0340 Local

"How polite of him, to let me know that he meets with ComStar, " said Theodore, who was sitting in another room when the message reached him. The Kurita was thinking about where to place the next shogi-stone. His opponent was one of his long time guards and servants. Then he set a stone and both man smiled.


The red robed man bowed slightly to Ian when he entered the room, and waited for the 4 other acolytes to filter into the room behind him. They stood back nearer the Kuritan guards in the room, but otherwise remained silent.

"Greetings Lord Calderon-Kurita. I apologize for waking you at such an early time. However, I must request that you and your wife, and any other persons from the Concordat please prepare to leave the building immediately. Before you ask, I have not been told the reason, only that it must be done."

As the red-robed man spoke, another activated a small device in his hand. It was impossible to see the action, as he simply clicked a button, but the device was wholly hidden within the folds of his robes. The handheld jammer would make the guards' radios useless, and filling them with enough static to render any conversation impossible to understand, though it wouldn't harm them in any way.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"Precentor, I presume...I apologize if this sounds rude; but I do not know you or really trust you. My family and I are guests of House Kurita and are secure here. Unless you have some information that I can share with the security of this building to insure everyone here is safe. I would..."

Ian's personal body guard placed one of his hand towards his ear and than looked around the room.  He started to reach under his coat and move towards his charge.

Since the Kuritan guards were busy eyeing up the ComStar Adepts it took them a second to notice him and they began to move...


As the red robed man frowned at Ian's bodyguard, one of the other robed acolytes turned his head and brought his own hand up to his ear. Before he could speak, the red robed man turned quickly and faced the Kuritan bodyguards.

"Get your Lord secure. There is trouble in the city. Someone has made an attempt on Morgan Hasek-Davion's life. The ComGuards are sounding a Red Alert." One of the ComStar adepts, a huge man, very nearly 2m tall and easily over 100kg, stepped into the hallway, and from his voluminous robes, he produced a large, multi-barrel semi-portable autocannon, and it was clear he was wearing a gyro-harness below his robes. He braced himself facing the direction of the main stairs and elevators, and spooled up his gun: there was little doubt that he would annihilate anything attempting to come down the hallway.

The red robed adept turned to see Ian's bodyguard with his weapon out, but he didn't even seem to flinch before saying to Ian, "We must ensure your safety. You and your man will come with me. Get your family. Your Kuritan bodyguards will be needed elsewhere I think..."

**at the same time, 2 floors up...**

A troop of ComStar adepts marched in formation into the hallway housing Lord Theodore Kurita. 1 of them approached the restive guards and told them what had happened.

"There has been an attempt on Lord Hasek-Davion's life. ComStar is placing the residences of the Great Houses on Red Alert. We suggest you attend to your master." At the end of the hallway, the 6 other ComStar members were setting up what looked like a support machine gun, and 2 had TK assault rifles and were watching the hallways feeding into the main one.

**15 minutes earlier, in the Davion-occupied hotel**

Over 2 dozen men in all black fatigues, wearing body armor, crept through the night. Several low ranking ComStar adepts had been killed with silenced pistols and wire garrotes. The men were silent, and their training marked them as an elite force. They communicated through minimal hand signals, and rigorous preparation. They moved silently through the hotel, avoiding the majority of the ComStar staff that had taken over the daily running of the hotel for the near future.

They traveled up the back stairwell to the level where the majority of the House Davion entourage was staying, actually a level below where Morgan Hasek-Davion was asleep at the moment. They opened the door silently and made their way through. Luck was not on their side however, and a Davion guard came out of a bathroom and saw them, with just enough time to sputter a warning into his radio before being splashed against the wall by the cough of silenced automatic weapons.

At nearly the same moment, the windows to the suite Morgan was staying in were blown inwards by prepared shaped charges. Flashbang grenades quickly followed, and the 6-man team that flew in through the exploding windows landed just after the disorienting grenades had left the guards inside dazed. They saw the room that housed the Davion official and moved in, but were pinned down by gunfire from the hallway: several of the Davion bodyguards outside heard the combined blast of shaped charge and flashbang, and had caught the interlopers without any cover, immediately cutting half of them down.

((Parm/Arv, feel free to throw some RP in there for this fight, but it isn't really intended to be more than an RP device, so don't feel it has to go anywhere specific))

***Zenith Jump Point***

While the assassination attempts occur on the planet, it was curious to note that the only Jumpships at the point were owned by ComStar, and the delegations of the various Houses. That soon changed as coordinated aerospace fighter strikes took out the jumpships belonging to the various houses, effectively cutting them off from any outside communication or even attempts to flee the planet short of hijacking a ComStar vessel.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


(Just a reminder Ardan Sortek is on Terra, Morgan is on Outreach DK)

Years of military  life had made Ardan Sortek a rather light sleeper and the blasting of the window in the outer room sent him rolling out of bed with the gun he kept under his pillow. Either Comstar was done playing this charade or this was just another staged terrorist attack, which ever from the sound of it there was a gun fight going on in the next room.

Speaking of which while their comrades from the hallway distracted the attackers, dropping three of them the guards in the room still able to dove for cover and began to return fire. Bullets crisscrossed back and forth when the the bed room doors few open and the barrel of a service pistol swept the room and fired at the first intruder Ardan spotted as he peeked around the corner of the door frame.

Meanwhile out at the jump point alarms blared thru the FSN Adventurer as lasers and missiles tore into the fragile hull. On the bridge the Captain watched helplessly as his crew tried to fight back with the few weapons they had but knew it was hopeless. Watching as the Comstar fighters wheeled around again he punched the intercom "Sparks talk to me?!!!!"

<Message sent Sir and security protocol engaged!!> the ensign nearly screamed back over the din , there that was all they could do on that and with that the Captain slammed him palm down on the Abandon Ship alarm.

"Everyone to the escape pods NOW!!!!!!!" he yelled chasing his crew off the bridge, and praying the damned Robes weren't going to kill them evewn if they did manage to escape the ship?


((Oh oops! My bad :P))

The fighters made no move to attack the escape pods, and within 20 minutes, dropships were out recovering lifepods, and transporting them back to Terra.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


The red robed adept turned to see Ian's bodyguard with his weapon out, but he didn't even seem to flinch before saying to Ian, "We must ensure your safety. You and your man will come with me. Get your family. Your Kuritan bodyguards will be needed elsewhere I think..."

Ian allowed his guard to lead the way as they went back to his room. Once there Taurian Guard and Periphery Marshals entered weapons drawn, holding everyone else out. They quickly and professionally cleared the area; than, Ian went in and gathered up his new family. Most of the Taurian staff were already close by and with in moments the rest hurried to the area. Most carried small arms, but the guards suited up in body armor and were issued automatic rifles.

They all awaited ComStar's next move.


The Kuritan bodyguards returned to the heir, reported and took their new assigned positions. The security net arround the Kuritans was now even more tighter and the air was so thick that it could be cut by a katana.

Theodore just nodded when the message reached him and he thought about what advantage ComStar would get, in case they just shoot Ian, or bring him to "security", then he moved the next shogi-stone, he sighed... it seemed Kuchiba will win this game.


When the red robed acolyte was satisfied that all of the Taurian personnel were present(checked against the planetary customs inspection of their entry documents), the adepts moved out, hustling the Taurians out of the building. They seemed to be in a rush, thought they gave no reasons for this. Curiously, once they had moved down 2 floors, there was no sign of any distress: no armed personnel, infact most people seemed idly confused by the sounds of gunfire. None however, stopped the party to ask, seeming to be all to quick to get out of the way.

Upon getting outside they were placed in a small motorcade of vehicles and quickly whisked off in the direction of the starport. The Taurians were stopped once at the entrance to the starport for a check of their identity, and then again at the foot of an Overlord dropship. There were other passengers, all robed ComStar personnel, boarding aswell. Another identity check(identity documents and facial recognition against their intake pictures), and the Taurians were taken aboard the vessel, which departed the planet for the drop point.

The situation back at the hotels however, was less pleasant. ComGuard ground forces stormed the hotel rooms housing the various dignitaries. The ComGuards engaged the various dignitaries guard entourages with orders to capture(or kill if nessecary to prevent escape) of the various VIP members of the Great Houses. Several elite ComStar ROM teams were also deployed in the effort to ensure success.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


((Leaving to Hugin the ultimate fate of the characters involved, but they would not stop being hunted until every last VIP personality was killed or captured.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade