ISDF HQ, Tukkayid, Rasalhague

Started by Hrodulf, January 13, 2015, 09:19:17 PM

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May 5th, 3042
ISDF HQ, Tukkayid

Work on the grounds, buildings, and facilities had mostly finished by now.  There was still much to do, but at least the infrastructure was in place.  Even without the unanimous support of the nations, the ISDF was moving to fulfill it's mission.

The grounds where large enough to be a continent on old Terra.  There were bases to house multiple regiments, space ports for ASF and drop ships, and many locations for training, logistics, communication, and administration as well.
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!



-) May resolve non-compulsory recommendations to states or suggestions to the Security Council (IS-SC);
-) Decides on the admission of new members, following proposal by the IS-SC;
-) Adopts the budget;
-) Elects all members of IS-Eco-Soc-C;
-) Elects the 11 judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Each nation has one vote per 100 worlds controlled. Please note that (MW, CW, NC and RC count)

CC: 2 Seat(s) Arthur Yu, ?
DC: 3 Seat(s) Rikuto Ueno... he sits there alone, because the Dragon has just one will
FRR: 1 Seat(s) Hans Konning
ARAR: 1 Seat(s) Pedro Cevallos Guerra
FWL: 3 Seat(s) ?

TC: District Marshal Brenda Calderon

MoC: Colonel Nicolas Ramilie

Marian Royal Repuplic:
    LP: Eirik Olsen   Utlendr Sendiherra of the Lothian Palatinate
    MH: -currently empty-, votes by LP/NIOPS
    Niops: Jason Eurymedon, Niops External Relations Director
TOTAL: 12 seats

ISDF- Security Council:
-) Responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security;
-) May adopt compulsory resolutions;
-) Has permanent members: Every realm that is acknowledged to be a realm, is in the ISDF and has at least permanently contributed 1 Regiment (house Unit) to the ISDF may take seat in the Security Council

ARAR:  Boulivan Escara-Moles
DC: Kaori Matsumoto

Chairman-General and head of Secretary: Anastasius Focht

The ISDF-Chairman General is elected by the Council. He acts according to the Parlaiment laws/rules/agreements and answers only to the Security Council. He is the highest representative the ISDF has. His staff, the secretariat... Supports the other ISDF bodies administratively (for example, in the organization of conferences, the writing of reports and studies and the preparation of the budget)

The ISDF Forces and the ISCP troops are therefore directed by this ISDF body. (Further structure needed)

ISDF - Economical and Social Council:
Responsible for co-operation between states as regards economic and social matters;  Members, elected by the Parlaiment to serve staggered three-year mandates.
-) manages trade, joint researches

ISDF- Court of Justice
Decides disputes between states that recognize its jurisdiction;
Issues legal opinions;
Renders judgement by relative majority. Has eleven judges.

13.1.2015: To all Parlaiment Members, please read and note failures in statement directly via PM. Also consider red text elemnts for further discussions.

05.02.2015: Corrected CCs seats in the parlaiment.
14.02.2015: Filling in Chairman, by GM ruling.


Currently banked: 0 RP (turn 15)
DC provides 5% of National Income/ turn

Currently banked: 1,25 RP (turn 15)*
0.25 RP from CC every for turns (12, 16, ...)
0.25 RP from FWL every turn
0.5% of DC National Income/ turn

private investor accounts: 3.75 RP (turn 15)
+ ISCP funds
+ ISDF funds

Rules, Laws, Agreements

-) All membernations allow and/or provide free transport/travel for ISDF troops.
-) Membernations provide founding for the ISDF on a voluntarely basis.

-) Nations/Factions may lend out money for Development Projects (Infrastructure) from the ISDAB. Doing so adds 10% interest charges. The nation also must provide a repayment plan. Under certain circumstances (parlaimentary voting) there might not be any interest charges.
QuoteExample: Nation A wants to build a PF and has only 12 RP, it lends out the missing 36 RP from the ISDAB. The ISDAB charges 3.5 (3.6 rounded to the nearest 0.25) RP of interest charges to nation A. Nation A further agrees to repay the ISDAB in the following 4 turns the 39.5 RP (36+3.5). This means it must repay 10 RP in turn 1 to 3 and 9.5 in the last turn. Due to a outbraking conflict nation A is not able to meet payment in turn 3. The ISDAB extends the credit to turn 5. In turn 5 however the nation simply doesn't pay without reason. The ISDAB charges a additional 3.5RP interrest charges and extends the credit to turn 6. If nation A does not meet payment in turn 6, it will find itself infront of the ISDF-Court of Justice.

QuoteExample 2: Nation B wants to build a shipyard but has only 12 RP. It lends out the missing 24 RP from the ISDAB. The ISDAB charges 2.5 (2.4 rounded to the nearest 0.25) RP of interest charges. Nation B doesn't want to pay charges and calls for a parlaimentary vote in the ISDF. The vote succeeds, since the shipyard is essential for the interrests of the ISDF. Therefore the ISDAB is ordered to not charge any interrests towards Nation B. Nation B offers to repay 6 RP per turn, for 4 turns. Nation B fails to reach payment in turn 4, since there are no interest charges, nation B will have to justify their action in the ISDF-parlaiment. If the action is just, the credit may be extended by one or more turns. If not, nation B will find itself in front of the court of justice.

* for humanitarian aid only.

07.03 2015: Edited in current Founding/banked money. Since the DC is right now the only contributer towards the ISDF mainbody, I will keep track in my sheet of the RP.
13.04.2015: Edited current founding/banked money
13.05.2015: Inner Sphere Development Aid Bank: Private Investors added
18.06.2015: Agreements
07.07.2015: banked money


Turn 15:

ISDF Ground Forces (House Units)
1st Royal Black Watch
1st Royal Black Guards
1st Legion of the Capellan People *
1st Sword of the Draconian People *
1st Kearny Highlanders
2nd Kearny Highlanders
MacLeod's regiment
Stirling's Fusiliers
The Pact Chasseurs
Defenders of the Flame
3rd Taurian Armor Guard
Ramilie's Raiders
121st Cluster Infantry
122nd cluster Infantry
1st Magistracy Special Guards
2nd Magistracy Special Guards

ISDF Naval Forces (House Units)
1st Will of the Alpheratz People *
Vincent MK 39   Warship      Vandenberg

DC-auxiliary forces
Ground Forces:
1st Ghost Regiment
3rd Ghost Regiment
5th Ghost Regiment
6th Ghost Regiment 
7th Ghost Regiment
8th Ghost Regiment
9th Ghost Regiment
11th Ghost Regiment
12th Ghost Regiment

DCS Zangetsu

DCS Zangetsu Crew Marines

Aerial Deniars 1st Wing
Aerial Deniars 2nd Wing
Aerial Deniars 3rd Wing
Aerial Deniars 4th Wing

1st Daughters of the Sun
2nd Daughters of the Sun
3rd Daughters of the Sun
4th Daughters of the Sun

CC-auxiliary forces

Ground Forces:
Narhal's Raiders  - LtG William Matthews
Narhal's Flock(Armor)
Holdfast Guard  - COL Hardesy Blaze
HG: Quinn's Backboarders  - LTC Quinn Doyle
HG: 1st Blandford's Defenders  - LTC Lecciones Doig
Stapelton's Grenediers  - COL Will Blackthorne
Laurel's Legion - COL Elyse Laure
486th Special Operations Group

Naval Forces:
Hell's Black Aces (ASF)
Narhal's Flock (ASF)
ISDS Annehiem (Wagon Wheel)
ISDS Narbonne (Dante)
ISDS Gangut (Dreadnought)
ISDS Franco Liao (Du Shi Wang)
ISDS Dun Laohaire (Faslane)

ISDF - Foreign Legionnaires (Mercenary-auxiliary forces)

Ground Forces:
1st Dismal Disinherited  - GEN Ivan Fontral
1st Dismal Disinherited Armour  -
2nd Dismal Disinherited  -
2nd Dismal Disinherited Armour  -
3rd Dismal Disinherited  -
3rd Dismal Disinherited Armour  -
Bullard's Armored Cavalry  - MAJ Frank Bullard

* Star Marked Units where contributed towards the Security Council Standards. Other Regiments were considered "Nationless" on their joining, either by loosing of home or other circumstances.
got changed in the current turn

edit 18.6.2015: Forces uptdate to this post:,18769.msg56927.html#msg56927
edit 07.07.2015: Okami troops




Please answer to the working notes with their number and give your opinion so I can work it in here :) Also: Via PM or roleplay post in this thread.

1.) I suggest that ISDF - Economical and Social Council elections are ROLEPLAY ONLY... to keep it simple.

2.) Chairman: time of service: 5 Years aka 20 Turns... GM wants a permanent NPC in there...

3.) Chairman Election pending: Name a Candidate besides Anastasius Focht,...


May 6th, 3042
ISDF HQ, Tukkayid

Ariving over Tukkayid, was DC representative Kaori Matsumoto... a small woman, together with the DCs entourage for the ISDF. Maybe St.Ives was a failure, but just because some where unwilling, it didn't mean that the contributers wouldn't found it.

Two days later should Boulivan Escara-Moles arrive, the ARAR representative,... together with the ARAR part of what was once thought to become the Parlaiment Council.


May 7th, 3042
ISDF HQ, Tukkayid

"What are you writing Kuromoto?"
"The official hand out reports."
"For the members? Everyone has their own..."
"For the other realms..."
"That were also my first thoughts when I got the order from lady Matsumoto... but she insisted that the ISDF should be transparent."
- secretaries of DC representatives in a privat talk


May 10th, 3042
ISDF HQ, Tukkayid

" Another planet annihilated by ComStar? What else must happen until we see what has become of them. They clearly broke the ISCP contract and are moving against all human rights, agreements all nations have once signed. I tell you, the former guardian of humanity has become its greatest enemy. We can not let this go on any further!" - representative Escara-Moles during a ISDF meeting


Quote"With her ridiculous behavior, Primus Waterly surely will achieve a united Inner-Sphere... but not the way she expected it to be." - Coordinator Theodore Kurita, 3041, traveling towards New Samarkand after escaping Terra


May 12th, 3042
ISDF HQ, Tukkayid

So, what have we here? Statement from the Periphery Pact about the runaway troops from their realms... Is this correct? We haven't even elected the chairman-General and already have such a mess. Can anyone in the secre... right... we also haven't yet a functioning secretarait... May I ask the other members of this council to make their votes so we can move on and work this through? - Kaori Matsumoto during a security council meeting.


June 1st, 3042
ISDF HQ Tukkayid

With a voting of 66,6% on the security council, Anastasius Focht became Chairman of the ISDF. After some questioning by the DC side and the ARAR represantive, the way for his career was free. There was only one more voice at the Security Council at the time, the Capellans and that surely wasn't enough to stop this election.

Anastasius Focht became the first...

" Chairman-General, be aware that every one of your steps will be watched. Proof to us that you are worthy of this position, that at least some of the former C* employees still care for the lost ideals. Proof that this ISDF can be brought to life without threads, murder and anhillation of millions... without surpression and pain, as the ideals we want to achieve are high, old and noble. " - Kaori Matsumoto


June 1st, 3042
ISDF HQ Tukkayid

So we are discussing if, or if not, communication companies are being taxed by the ISDF to further enforce stability and hold the ISDF operationable? Let me tell you that there is nothing to TAX. JADE Enterprises is highly in dept within the Combine and repayment will take them at least a year, the Draconis Combine is the major investor into this project and before we aren't repaid, we will not allow further taxing. Not to speak of the latest JADE project and the huge investmentcosts coming with it. I surely hope, for JADE Enterprises, that their investment plan sees some light in the next 4 years, or it will become dreadfull. -Rikuto Ueno, during a Parliament meeting.


Hans Konning and the other ISDF committee members sat in stunned silence as they read the reports handed them by the ISCP.

"Barbaric, truly barbaric... and to think this was done by members of what used to be the neutral moderators of the IS..."
Låt de goda tiderna rulla!


" I am very proud to announce that within the next quartal, the Draconis Combine will increase the founding of the ISDF to 5% of its national income."- Rikuto Ueno, during a meeting.