[RP/MM] T38 ToP CDS v's CW - DP3911 Trelleborg *Completed*

Started by Holt, April 12, 2010, 07:21:35 PM

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The sudden appearance of emergence waves trigged the alarms of the deep space sensors at the Clan Wolf command post, then came a booming voice;

"This is Star Colonel Edric Horn of Clan Diamond Shark, commander of the 1st Naval Strikers Marine Elemental Cluster here to trial for control of the Trelleborg Station and its facilities. Who among you will rise up against my claim to the former holdings of the dezgra Ghost Bears!?"

ToP for the Trelleborg Station and its facilities;
Eta Galaxy (Coast Guard)   1st Naval Strikers   Regular   Reliable   Marines   15
Clan Wolf techs also pick up faint signatures farther out, signaling that the Cluster might not be alone.


"This is Star Captain Frings, commander of the Elemental contingent of the Trelleborg PGC.
My Elementals will oppose you in this trial. As a counterbid I demand the control of Suda Bay and its facilitiies."


Additionally fighters are launched to recce the rest of the CDS force.


"I must apologize Star Captain Frings, but if Clan Wolf wants possession of Suda Bay and its facilities they can travel there and challenge its defenders, since i cannot pledge something that is not mine to defend. If you wish your counterbid to be something under my control please state it. Otherwise with what forces do you defend my claim."


Star Colonel Horn, this is Star Colonel Romero Mehta of the Trelleborg PGC, this facility is of strategic importance and not to be trialed away lightly. You do not have anything to offer worth the risk so I have to deny your trial.


"What i have worth the risk? If its of strategic importance bid as such, denying my trial because i have nothing worth to offer is the cowards way out."


"What do you make of this Star Commodore?"

"Have the Inner Sphere Clans really have fallen this far from honor? Nav, start plotting a micro-jump in case we need to join the marines and i want all hands to action stations. I have a bad feeling about this."

As Star Commodore Hu Nawasaga starred out into the void in the direction of the Trelleborg station he began to contemplate the outcome if the wolves kept showing no honor.


"This is Star Admiral Nora of the KMS Tukayyid, Delta Naval Star. The Wolves have acquired this station from the Rasalhague Dominion in a fair trade, if the Sharks wish to claim it I trust that they will properly negotiate with the Wolves to stage a fair trial? With their well-earned fame for bussiness it should not be too hard to do so, quiaff?"


"Star Admiral if the Wolves have acquired Trelleborg Station from the Rasalhague Dominion as you said then you have no voice in this matter, you have every right to be where you are; but as far as the matter in front of us, its is between the Wolves and Sharks." Colonel Horn shut off the communication before speaking to his comm officer, "Contact the Star Commodore and inform him of the situation, i also want everything recorded in case the bears decide to grow a pair."

"But i will answer your question Star Admiral, how much more of a fair trial can i stage? I have shown my forces, stated my claim and asked to see who had the honor to face me. I am no merchant, i am a warrior; if i want something i take it by force or perish in the attempt."

Many AUs away.....

"Stravag Dezgra Bears, why were they not seen?"

"Commodore, they were on the other side of the planet and we are too far to even detect them now, only the laser comms from Colonel Horn tell us what is going on."

Nagasawa gritted his teeth, "a full star.... record everything we can, batch it all together and send it before we jump if we have to, we cannot give away our position right now."

[Edited stuff that made no sense, dont type half asleep kids...]


"Stravag Wolves keeping us waiting," spit Star Commodore Nagasawa, "how long must be wait for them to show some honor!"

"Contact Star Colonel Horn and tell them we are about to join him, if the Wolves dont want to show honor, we will force the issue and prepair the HPG transmission before we jump," spoke the Nagasawa before bracing himself for them jump.

Around the Marine jumpship new contacts began to materialize, their short jump signature indicated these were the contacts the Wolf techs had picked up before.

QuoteTerror of the Deep   Regular   Reliable   Warship LF   24
Megalodon   Regular   Reliable   Warship LF   34
Bloodlust   Regular   Reliable   Warship LF   25.5
Haai   Regular   Reliable   Warship LF   17
Squalo   Regular   Reliable   Warship LF   17
Titanic   Regular   Reliable   Warship LF   51
Tsunami   Regular   Reliable   Warship LF   51

"This is Star Commodor Hu Nagasawa to Wolf forces, show some honor in answering our bid or show just how far your clan has fallen. Star Admiral Nora, though it their is little respect between our clans i fail to see how your forces or mine should engage in combat as you are not the target of our trial."



[Last day of the turn leaves only one option.]

"Dezgra Wolves, where is your honor? For days you have kept us here awaiting your response are you trying to find even a shred of honor, is that the cause of the wait?"

Hu turned to his commtech, "inform all stations we are going in."

Slowly the massive vessels Haai and Squalo move to to form the vanguard of the invasion in front of the Marines.

Aboard the marine ships elementals moved calmly to their battle armor ready for combat.

"I, Star Commodore Hu Nagasawa hereby claim Trelleborg station, your lack of honor was forced me to commit all my forces towards this goal, you had a choice Wolves honorable combat the way of our society; instead your time with Spheroids has washed the honor away. Admiral Nora your vessels will not be targeted as long as their targeting systems are not active, move in an offensive manner or try to lend aid in defending the Wolves and i will take that as an act of aggression."

[Haai 17FP, Squalo 17FP (York-class) will engage the Wolf ASF to allow the Marines (15FP) to take the station. The remaining warships will see what the Bears are going to do or led assistance if the assault on the station.]

Dave Baughman

CWS Inverlyon disengages.

CWS Trelleborg PGC aero element (15 FP R/R) attempts to defensively interdict.

CWS simple res roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5[/blockquote]

CDS simple res roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 6, total 12[/blockquote]
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.