[RP] Turn 4 - FS vs. The Dark - Flitvelt (4631) - Guerilla Warfare [Complete]

Started by Fatebringer, November 17, 2010, 04:54:33 PM

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Federated Suns forces vehemently pursue the remnants of the dark with sky watches, radar, sonar, and massively defended checkpoints, hoping they can get the trail of them when they leave the caves.

Shadow Galaxy
101 Cavalry Cluster
Elite / Fanatical, 3.5 FP


Fed Suns Guerrilla hunting roll (Diff: 10+ to Discover)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 4, total 10[/blockquote]


Devereux Caves

The sound of rain dripping off the stalactites from the recent rain served to cover the sounds of Laurie and her teams approach thru the back end of the caves. It was the second time the rain had helped them out this week with one of the local scouts having found the footprints three days earlier. Manfred had was a local to the area, raised cattle but knew the area well. He's shown them how to repel up the hill and quietly down into the mouth of a narrow hole they used to infiltrate what they hoped was the Dark's base.

Slowly she inverted herself on the rope, there was only so much the sound of dripping water could cover up and a rockslide was not one of them. Her old but slight build allowed her to manuever in the tight space. Once she was face down, she locked her legs on the rope and slid down slowly into the cavern's roof. There was a faint light at the far end of this chamber of the cave, still knowing the clanners didn't exhist this long by being fools, she suspected there were sensors in the cave and didn't go down further. Slowly she reached for her goggles and placed them over her face. Before turning them on, she closed her eyes to prepare them for the light, then she turned them on and slowly opened them.

The heat signatures of the cave were three fold, she could make out a pair of what looked to be sleeping bodies and a generator. The clan built model must of been good because it was running silent but hot, increasing the overall temperature in the cave. Having found what she was looking for, she took off the goggles and grabbed her mini light and flashed it up the tunnel long the side of her body. The others pulled her up as she got out of the harness. Michael handed her the handset. "Cowboy Actual, this is Batlady reporting in. Over."

While wiating for the reply she fiddled with the directional antenna, the signal wasn't fuzzy, she was just anxious. "Batlady, how goes the spelunking? Over." She motioned to Michael to hand her the map. "We believe we've found the Jaugar Den, tracks confirmed the area, we're transmitting the coordinates now. Over." Laurie pulled the hood over her head after feeling a bit of drizzle. More rain was coming. "Roger that Batlady stay put and initiate Operation Nightlight, it is imperrative that your team inform us when they've passes Phaseline King. Over." Laurie recognized the signs of the Artillery BN in the planning phase. They hadn't been Kings of the Battlefield since the first Mackie. "Roger that Cowboy, we'll keep the light on for ya. Batlady Out."


Devereux Caves

The team had spent two days in position waiting for the Dark to go out foraging for more supplies. After a few months on this planet and on the run, they had to keep moving. Manfred kicked Michael and pointed at the horizon. They weren't camped out at the mouth of the hill, the sounds were naturally channeled away from them, but the first sight of a mech's head in the distance sent the team into action. "Kommandant, they're on the move." Michael said grabbing the radio. Laurie was shedding her thermal blanket for a sweater and poncho, "You got 'em, start counting. They'll most likely meet up with their amigos before raiding. We need as many of them out there as we can before we call it in. Still send the sit rep to command."

While Michael was on the horn. Laurie grabbed the laser rangefinder, she didn't turn it on or use it, the sophisticated sensors on those clan beasts would probably identify her location, but that didn't stop her from getting it ready. As predicted, more of their mechs started gathering up and moving away from the compound. Instead of shooting the laser at the mechs, Laurie ranged a group of rocks past the mechs and over 800 mils from their line of sight. That would seriously bring down the odds that they'd be able to ping it back to her even if they did notice the signal.  She put on a short two second burst and stopped looking to see if any of the machines looked her way. Satisfied that none of them spotted her, she checked the range. "1600 meters, we have to wait until they're over 7000 meters way.

More mechs joined their formation and now a tank column was lining up. That would be the militia vehicles they took she noted as they finally began moving out. Spotting the direction they were headed she conferred with Manfred and the map determining they could only be moving out thru Hulsey pass. She motioned to Michael to get the radio ready. She furiously scribbled down some data for her reference and checked the list of pre planned targets. One most of them were securely in the pass she shouted out across the hill "Fire Mission!...."

1st Ceti Hussars - (Alpha CMD - R/F) - 8 FP - VIP: Gen. Alexander Davion-Malen
1st Ceti Hussars (Aero - R/F) - 3 FP
1st Ceti Hussars (Arty - E/F) - 6 FP
Point Barrow Acadamy Training BN - 1.75 (Spotting - G/R) - CMD: Kommandant Laurie Empen


Fed Suns Combat Roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 4, total 10[/blockquote]


Fed Suns - Crit Chance

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]


I'm gonna go ahead and roll out the Dark per previous guidance.

Dark Combat roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 6, total 7[/blockquote]


FedSuns deal 18.75 * .6 = 11.25
The Dark deal 3.5 * .4 = 1.5

No Crits

FedSuns: 18.75 - 1.5 = 17.25
The Dark presense on eradicated.

The Fed Suns gain .25 in Battlefield Repair
FedSuns: 17.25 + .25 = 17.5 FP

Flitvelt is no longer contested!

Total Salvage Pool is (112.75 + 5) * (2d6+15)%


Salvage Roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]


117.75 * .19 = 22.25

.5 is applied to the units from this battle
FedSuns: 17.5 + .5 = 18 FP

FedSuns bank the remaining 21.75 RP

1st Ceti Hussars - (Alpha CMD - R/F) = 8 - .75 = 7.25 FP - VIP: Gen. Alexander Davion-Malen
1st Ceti Hussars (Aero - R/F) - 3 FP
1st Ceti Hussars (Arty - E/F) - 6 FP
Point Barrow Acadamy Training BN - 1.75 (Spotting - G/R) - CMD: Kommandant Laurie Empen


Devereux Caves

The distant thumping of the rounds out the tube from the southwest kept up it's steady pace, only lasting long enough to cool their barrels. The first of the artillery delivered minefields had been placed at the back door to hulsey pass, then subsequently covering the 7 kilometers the Dark would have to run or jump thru to get back to base. Laurie's own training BN moved up to support their position on the mountain as the fast movers came in. The 1st Ceti's aerospace worked directly off the intel feeds from her unit while Alpha Command was being led by General Alexander Davion-Malen.  As much as she wanted to participate in the general abmush of the the Dark vat bastards, she had to go onto phase two of the operation. Her and her command were to storm the caves and root out the support personel.

While the tanks and mechs rolled around the front side, she could see the distict form of Cadet Captain Gutierez's Clint leading the way around the hill. Once this mission was over, he'd be headed back to base with the rest of the cadets for graduation. Once upon a time, that's how it worked for everyone. But not for Filtvet Acadamy Training BN Kommandant, Asumi Tomisawa had over twice the cadets under her command when the Dark first dropped in and of those Cadets, two dozen suvived the onslaught, but only three survived the blast when Comstar blew their HPG station, which reminded her to take her anti-radiation meds. She popped the pills and set her repelling hook to follow Michael down the hole. The next step, knock out that generator......


Manfred whistled down the tunnel, the reception in the caves was crap so went back up to see what he wanted. They'd already captured the prisoners, and to the best of her knowledge the mission was an assured success. The light jumpers that tried to make it over the minefield were engaged in air by the BN's VTOLs as soon as they lept and couldn't change direction, Fire Missions further out past the mine ate up the other Dark mechs before they could return back to their base, with Alpha Command bearing down on them, this should have been over by now. "It's all over the net Ms. Emper, Cowboy's down." She picked up the radio and listened indeed, the General was taken out by a Dark Mad Dog when the charged particles traced across his mech's torso up to the Rifleman's cockpit. "Damn." So many people had been lost, but another member of the Davion family, no matter how far removed from the line was a huge loss, and especially someone as purely talented as Cowboy was. "At least he went out with his spurs on."