[RP] Turn 44 Schuyler Talks DC-TH-RD

Started by Holt, November 18, 2010, 04:34:00 AM

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Mr. JibberJab

 "The declaration was forced by Athena Kabrinski, I'v been up to my ankles in shit ever since trying to clean up her mess. So let me ask you, After this declaration, did we attack you? Sure you mention the wolfs and while yes Ghostbear naval forces were there, What did we do besides watch? Where were you when the Diamond sharks took over a space station we traded to the wolfs?"
   Reaching into his pocket the Elected prince took out a can of Skoal, tapping it before taking a pinch to put in the corner of his mouth. Taking a moment to enjoy the sweet nicotine the mechwarrior looked at Benjamin emory,"where are my manners. Want some?" He asked holding out the can knowing full well no one would accept any.

  "Your proposal is unacceptable because the Ghostbears and the Snow ravens have a constitutional right to be allowed to not only their clan heritage, but continued participation in the Grand council. Now is it illegal to be an asshole? no, its just concidered bad taste. As for our contributions to the grand council." The elected prince gave a smile that would have reminded a small school child of a Great white shark,"You really don't have to worry about that, The clans we chose to support seem to be falling out of the Clans, The scorpions come to mind. On the area of intelligence we really havnt given them much if anything. The spookers are controlled by Freja (dave you know how to spell her last name!) Who has no love for the clans who she blames for the death of the father of her child. Oh wait it wasn't the clans that killed him, it was you! speaking of which, did you know when you tried to assassinate all those khans you actually ended up fighting a Davion fox team?" his smile got wider,"Cameron kabrinski came so that he could personally tell Khan Diana pryde that she would recieve no units or support from clan ghostbear or the rasalhague dominion, for which not only was he kicked out of the conference, but after he nearly lost his life against your crazy cyborg ninjas. So please, WHO attacked who first again?"

" I have no qualms with taking up a position of neutrality, However you speak a good point about beligerant partys crossing our borders. I can only assume you mean yourselfs as well since your nation has used us as a freeway more than anyone has lately, However we also allowed the combine into dominion space to search for Steel vipers who had recently attacked them.
  If i had it my way tho, All of you would stop using us as some space freeway."


  The elected prince spit into a empty cup,"We will not concede to giving the position of our forces every sixty days, We have no plan of attacking the combine and are more than willing to share the information on our forces arrayed along their borders to help in a mutual defense of our shared border, Hell we share a world with them!"

"As for returning prisoners of war." The elected prince spit into the cup again, it was a nasty habit he enjoyed disgusting others with,"I have no qualms, These men have family that miss them."

  "Like i said, I have no objections to peace, The only question is will you go about this in your usuall Terren hegemony way of demanding you get your way or you'll throw a tantrum, Or will you prove you really are the leaders of the starleague and work twords a peaceful resolution? Because I honestly have no interest in recreating history and getting killed like my father did after talks with the Terrans failed."

Dave Baughman

"I did indeed mean to include the Hegemony when I spoke of no beligerant party entering your territory. If you are willing to close the Dominion to the Grand Council, we too will agree to not enter its borders for the duration of the conflict."

Emory made a point of ignoring both the prince's rather foul tobacco chewing and his questions about who attacked who first.

"If you will not allow a neutral party to verify your deployments, however, how can we know that you are not planning a surprise attack on our flanks? Surely there is an alternative..."

Emory pondered for a moment then smile, "Ah yes, I suppose there is a solution that will be ensure your honorable conduct and allow you to keep your secrets to yourself."

"Let us revive the old practice of Ostagium; if it was good enough for the Roman Empire of ancient Terra, it should be good enough for us. We will agree to waive all of our demands for verification, on the condition that your son, Rolf Magnusson, be sent to Terra as a guarantor of your good faith. While there, he will attend our elite naval academy and be treated as foreign royalty as protocol demands; however, if you break your faith with us, he will be killed immediately."

"If you accept these terms, I will announce an immediate armistice between our states, pending the Dominion's formal declaration of neutrality within thirty days (OOC: by the end of the turn). Upon that formal declaration, the TH will accept your new status and withdraw our troops."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Mr. JibberJab

 "and we all know how the romans turned out" Hanssen said smiling as he spit into his cup,"However, My son has all ready graduated, in fact if i may say so proudly, he has achieved the Rank of Galaxy commander, In charge of the Gunzberg Eagles galaxy. But if its a guarantee you want.."
    Reaching into his pocket the elected prince pulled out a small disc, smiling at it sadly he slid it twords Emory,"Cameron Kabrinski gave this to me before he left saying, One guy takes the life for vengeance and then someones gets revenge by taking his life. How is that kind of twisted thinking every gonna bring us peace? If you should kill someone's husband in battle, then his wife will despise you for that. And if you were to kill someone's son, then his mother will hate you for that as well..."
  "On that disc are Orders for Fochs Jorgennson, Should i fail to bring peace, Should i fall short of my convictions. Fochs jorgennson is authorized to kill me."

Dave Baughman

Emory resisted the urge to curse in frustration with Magnusson's circumloquations.

"As I understand it, Prince Månsdottir, you have now rejected two proposals for peace I have laid before you. As I understand it, you just want us to trust that you'll make everything better, but you don't want us to have any way of verifying your compliance or any means of leverage against you if you break your word."

"And this," he waved this disc, "counts about as much as a pinky-promise in my book, since you have no reason to make good on it once we leave this room."

"Oh, wait, I forgot, your Dominion," he made quotey-marks in the air "hhhhonnnnnnnorrrrrrrrrrrr. Silly me, but at this point, the good word of a Rassie goes about as far as we can throw it in the TH."

"You want peace? Put something tangible on the table. Otherwise, I have business on Grumium."

Emory then turned to Minoru, "Pardon me Coordinator, but perhaps you can offer a suggestion to the Elected Prince, since he seems disinterested in entertaining my proposals."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Bump. I believe we are waiting for the Coordinator's comments or lack there of.


[Writers block (and boss is still behind me), I will get it done today.]


"Gentlemen please, we are here to try and come to some understandment and hopefully peace; so let us not argue and throw accusations around." Finnaly spoke Minoru.

"I would not think peace can be obtained without both sides giving up something," looking over at Emory Minoru spoke, "if the Dominion pledges to keep it self apart from the Grand Council in advancing against the Terran Hegemony and pledges nutrality in the invasion, the Draconis Combine will take no coordinated action either in defense or offense with the Terran Hegemony, will not deploy any forces in systems within 90 light years of the Terran border; unless under Combine control as of this day."

Minoru looked at the Prince-elect. "The way i see it war will cost both sides dearly and i rather remove pieces from the board by choice, rather than having those pieces die. Basically we would remove ourselves from this conflict, neutralizing rather than destroying each other."

"I do not want harm to come to the people of the Dominion as much as you Prince-elect."

Dave Baughman

Emory crossed his arms, but nodded in consideration, "Coordinator, I appreciate the spirit of compromise which you bring to these talks."

Then to Magnusson: "In light of the unprecedented concessions offered to you by the Coordinator, are you willing to agree to the verification measures neccessary for the Hegemony to accept your position of neutrality?" he stopped then added a bit more, "It seems to me that he is offering you total territorial security in exchange for your exit from the war; I would think that agreeing to a small loss of privacy regarding your military deployments would be a trivial price to page."

The Precentor shrugged, "Since when did Clanners care if anyone know where their military units were posted, anyway? Consider Kurita-sama's offer carefully, Månsdottir - this may be the best you can hope for."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


It was obvious that the Prince Elect was holding back, until he spoke. "Fine, let's have another go at trying to reach an understanding. The first thing I want understood is that I didn't come here to negotiate with you." Hannsen pointed at the Emory. "I came to deal with someone I know is honorable. If you want a piece of this, you'll have to accept some realities. The Clanners that are with me, aren't punks, and aren't going anywhere, so you can put that baby to bed. If you want to play rough, fine. Your both military men who have obviously studied the arts of war. The Rasalhague Dominion is ten times as strong as it was when the Clans first smashed into us. No matter what you do, the harder you hit us, the weaker and more vulnerable you'll become."

"There are two things that I hold that the Clanners want and that I've been denying them. My realms border has the shortest paths to Luthien and Terra. If this charade continues, I'll give it to them. Minoru, you said the Clans wouldn't come, do you think they wouldn't come for that? For you?" He looked over at Emory, "And you know they'll come for you. So let's stop pretending like I haven't done anything for you two. As a leader of my people though, I realize we didn't work this damn hard to reunite the realm for me to piss it away on pride, that's why I'm here. You want something from me? Make it reasonable, I have sway in what happens with two of the largest remaining clans now. I can take deals before the Tribunal, production limitations, solid boundaries, continued fair treatment of prisoners, not Ultimatums from people hovering above our worlds."


"I still have my doubts the Clans would come, sure some might; but not all. The Spirits according to my intel have actually removed themselves from the Inner Sphere, the Adders are too busy claiming the former Lyran worlds and now dealing with the Free Worlds League, the Hellions are too busy picking off the scraps the Adders are not claiming, and the Jade Falcons cannot leave their huge flanks open to predation. So this just leaves a few Clans with limited forces, so though they might come they will not change the outcome; both your realm and mine will be in ruins."

"I have given you something reasonable and the troops over your worlds are on hold because of I do not want war between our people, I am not making ultimatums to your Prince-elect and i believe all these points we cannot agree on can be addressed."


"As far as I can tell, the Spirits are gone as well and the Adders are entrenched in the Lyran theatre something fierce, but the Hellions, Falcons, Diamond Sharks, these forces would come for the Hegemony, possibly even the Vipers would make an appearance if they could carve out themselves a new niche." Hannsen leaned back. "My goal is offer this security to the Draconis Combine, not for some love of our neighbors, but for the people. I'm not asking for universal peace, let's just not fight on our own soil. Let the battles that must happen, happen. I can probably keep the Bears and Ravens pointed away from Terra for ... two years, maybe, citing a need to protect our holdings and a need to re-enforce our supply lines to the Homeworlds. Granting production to the other Clans in exchange for surkai was Athena's baby. With her out of the way, we can sway that back towards looking after our own needs. With a narrower angle of approach, the Hegemony could focus their defenses and assaults?"


"Two years of peace from the Dominion, would that include no deployments outside Dominion territory? I would prefer a universal peace, but I know we cannot achieve everything."


"Let's not put words in my mouth. I'll keep these talks to promises I can keep without addressing council. What I said was, I will keep the Dominion off of Terra, and to that extent, the Hegemony's current holdings and yours for a period of two years. They would remain participants in the Grand Council and use their power to fight with civility for as long they can. The trust the Clans had for each other when they first called for the blood of the Not-Named has pooled, there are cliques again and not full information sharing despite the re-emergence of the Inter-Clan watch as a staple feature amongst them. In short gentlemen, what I promise is to not bring the war to your doorsteps if you do likewise. This agreement will be publicly re-enforced despite the consequences it will have to the Dominion's relationship with the Clans, so that our envoy here can see the truth of it."

Dave Baughman

"To an extent?" Emory was clearly slightly irritated now, to say the least, "You'll keep the Dominion out of the Hegemony, to an extent?!"

"What extent, exactly, do you have in mind? Freedom? Syrma? Thorin? Rigil Kent? I'm done listening to your Rassie double-talk and lies, Månsdottir. Last chance: agree to the Coordinator's peace plan, or I give the order to drop on Grumium and Orestes."

"Or is the real reason you've been flip-flopping back and forth that you know you know you can't agree to a real peace agreement because your Clan keepers are in control and your power ends at the foot of your throne, just like Anton warned you it would?!"

Emory locked Magnusson with a hawk-like stare, "I'm waiting Månsdottir. What will it be, war or peace?"
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Magnusson didn't waiver. "I have already said the original terms were unacceptable and I have already answered your question of what extent with crystal clarity Precentor, the Hegemony's current holdings." Without looking back to Minoru. "What say you to these terms Coordinator of the Combine? Shall we agree that any fights should be diverted to already exhisting battlefields so that we may save our people from suffering, or shall we begin with Orestes, Grumium and wherever that fleet outside is headed and see where this takes us? I am prepared to defend my position with every warrior at my dispossal, using any means to maintain my borders and I do mean, every warrior."