[RP/MM] CSA v. FWL + Allies, Coventry 1417

Started by DisGruntled, November 18, 2010, 04:38:34 AM

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"Your word is worthless come and get what you've earned."


As Holt said Round 1 Order Init
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]


Pretty sure there's no separate init roll for reinforcement arrival, but your rolling the R1 with the initial rolls.

Not worth worrying about though at this point.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 3, total 5[/blockquote]


CSA continues the clean up committing 505 FP to the ground action.  (Grae please double check the SP portion.  I have it at 100.25 FP)

If you want to try and fight this in MM, I can probably do so this weekend (barring tomorrow of course).


Move and Round 1 Init are two different things, given the DC's higher roll, my orders go off first.

From an undamaged airstrip located on a long forgotten base a flight of fighters lifted up, "This is Tai-i Harrington commander of Alpha Flight of the Ryuken Brigade and i call for a ToG over the honor-less actions of Clan Star Adders, a rede was given to not attack this planet for 6 months, yet here you are. I call upon anyone with enough honor to call themselves a clan warrior to face my squadron and I in combat, over your actions."

The six fighters rushed to met their fate.

[ToG over the Adders broken rede, lets call it 1FP of fighters rise up.]


Quote from: DisGruntled on November 25, 2010, 04:33:06 AM
CSA continues the clean up committing 505 FP to the ground action.  (Grae please double check the SP portion.  I have it at 100.25 FP)

[ooc: confirmed...100.25FP from the SP of the SACS]


Hey Dis we got plenty of games to play out. Ping me online when you get on tomorrow.


Unfortunately black friday meant that the family that was in town stayed later then originally planned.  If we get the Allied FP upso we can determine the ratios, maybe we can get this one done or started this afternoon.  I'll plan on being on msn after 1-1:30 PM EST. I have psuedo plans for this evening though as I get to have some friends rib on em as I watch my alma matter choke v. u(sic)ga.


Wouldn't be averse to you guys responding on the other threads as well.


Just a quick heads up, my sister got in a wreck today, shes not hurt thankfully , but I'm helping her get things sorted.  I will poke Grae on the other threads though.


Thanks for the poke sorry to hear about your sister I am glad she is ok, wrecks even when everyone is alright are still budget breakers.


Quote from: Holt on November 25, 2010, 08:49:01 AM
Move and Round 1 Init are two different things, given the DC's higher roll, my orders go off first.

From an undamaged airstrip located on a long forgotten base a flight of fighters lifted up, "This is Tai-i Harrington commander of Alpha Flight of the Ryuken Brigade and i call for a ToG over the honor-less actions of Clan Star Adders, a rede was given to not attack this planet for 6 months, yet here you are. I call upon anyone with enough honor to call themselves a clan warrior to face my squadron and I in combat, over your actions."

The six fighters rushed to met their fate.

[ToG over the Adders broken rede, lets call it 1FP of fighters rise up.]

"Tai-i Harrington, there was no Trial issued for the world of Coventry. The challenge was for for FWL Naval assets. Let me replay the batchall for you."

Quote from: DisGruntled on October 11, 2010, 03:00:35 AM"Free Worlds Naval forces, I saKhan Tobias McKenna, issue a Trial of Possession for the FWLN forces currently in orbit or local to Coventry itself.  Specifically the Alexandria, Aenas, Corinth, Delphia, and their attendant battle groups and escorts.  With what do you defend your claim?"

"Note the specifics of the batchall, and I quote, issue a Trial of Possession for the FWLN forces currently in orbit or local to Coventry itself. Nowhere was mentioned the actual possession of the world, only the Naval forces, and then only those forces belonging to the Free Worlds League. The Draconis Combine, Federated Suns and Rim Worlds Republic was not mentioned."

"Clan Star Adder forces did not land on the planet itself until after the Free Worlds League laid waste to vast tracts of civilian population centers from Orbit. That your forces actually supported the FWL Military post-OB surprised me to say the least, but can be overlooked as a heat of the moment scenario."

"I offer you this one opportunity to distance yourself from the criminal acts perpetrated by the Free Worlds League and withdraw from this conflict. The Star Adder Commonwealth States and Clan Star Adder will not hold the past actions engaged in here against the Draconis Combine and its Warriors."

"Should you choose to remain, then your it will be of your own free will, for which the Draconis Combine shall be wholly recognized as being in support of the Free Worlds League's criminal, barbaric and Amaris-esque acts, and treated accordingly as a collaborator."


Gritting his teeth as he fought gravity, Harrington replied. "Your Clan had pledged not to attack the world of Coventry yet here your troops are. Though the actions of the FWLN are unfortunate and will be dealt with, it was not your Clans place to attack this world. You may lump us in whichever way you want, for the Adders have always been liberal with the facts, but the fact that your clan broke its rede."

"I say once again, are there any Adders warriors left with any shred of honor in this system to answer my challenge?"


"This is Tai-sa Smith commander of the remaining DCMS forces located at Coventry, if you wish to honor your rede; remove yourself from this world. The offending FLWN assets have been removed and the FWL units located on world had nothing to do with the Orbital Bombardment. If you call yourself honorable leave now, we will not."


Quote from: Holt on November 30, 2010, 02:03:15 AM
Gritting his teeth as he fought gravity, Harrington replied. "Your Clan had pledged not to attack the world of Coventry yet here your troops are. Though the actions of the FWLN are unfortunate and will be dealt with, it was not your Clans place to attack this world. You may lump us in whichever way you want, for the Adders have always been liberal with the facts, but the fact that your clan broke its rede."

"I say once again, are there any Adders warriors left with any shred of honor in this system to answer my challenge?"

Quote from: Holt on November 30, 2010, 02:13:18 AM
"This is Tai-sa Smith commander of the remaining DCMS forces located at Coventry, if you wish to honor your rede; remove yourself from this world. The offending FLWN assets have been removed and the FWL units located on world had nothing to do with the Orbital Bombardment. If you call yourself honorable leave now, we will not."

"What of the unspoken, moral rede that the FWL broke when they slaughtered thousands of civilians because they were losing the Naval Battle? What of that same rede that your Warriors discarded when they chose to side and fight beside the Ground forces of the Free Worlds League after the Orbital Bombardment? A greater breach of faith and trust of which there is no greater."

"What honor did you show, when your forces injected themselves into the Trial between the FWL and Adder? What honor was displayed by the vaunted DCMS when they took active participation alongside the Free Worlds League after the Orbital Bombardment? As the one Inner Sphere nation that has a greater understanding of the concept, you have shown a severe lacking of possessing the same as of late."

"We honored that rede to the letter, the Free Worlds League did not, thus the rede between them and us lies shattered alongside the thousands of Coventry civilians that died under the guns of the FWL Navy."

"Honor is not given to bandits and war criminals, only extinction. Clan Star Adder did not side with, nor support, not condone, what Clan Blood Spirit did to Combine worlds, yet you did side with the Free Worlds League."

"IF you have any honor, then you should realize that what you have done, and continue to insinuate, places you in the same category as Clan Blood Spirit in spirit, if not deed. Withdraw and let this be settled between Clan Star Adder and the Free Worlds League."

"For they have shown us, at least, that they cannot be trusted to guard and protect civilians from the horrors of war. We shall not make that mistake again, and shall not leave under any circumstances. Coventry chose to become part of Clan Star Adder, they did not choose the Free Worlds League, Star League, Draconis Combine, Rim Worlds Republic, Federated Suns or Terran Hegemony."

"And we at least are honoring the will of the majority, we shall return Coventry to the Star Adder Commonwealth States, for no other reason than it is what they declared they wanted. Who is everyone else honoring, it surely is not those who survived the atrocities by remaining?"

"This world shall not be given over to any that support the Free Worlds League, whether actively or passively, and most certainly not the Free Worlds League. To remain is to suffer as the FWL."

[ooc: gonna leave the next response up to Dis, as I really dislike RPing his character(s) unless absolutely necessary]