[RP/MM] CSA v. FWL + Allies, Coventry 1417

Started by DisGruntled, November 18, 2010, 04:38:34 AM

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Tai-sa Smith shook his head as he replied. "You are not judge, jury or executioner of the land. The FWL should be held accountable for their actions, but you do not get to break your rede under these pretenses, as you now claim the citizens of Coventry chose to join Clan Star Adder, but among the clans their is no greater law than that of combat. Your clan lost Coventry and the right to invade it for 6 months, if you had chosen to come back then I would not fault you for it, but coming in now and breaking your rede? You show no honor and i wonder what the Clans would think of you and your so called clan?"

"Tai-i Harrington's challenge still goes unanswered, I guess their are no honorable warriors left."


[Bump because i wouldnt want this squashed into a small time frame.]


"Tai-i you seem to wish a Trial of Grievance over these actions.  You shall have your wish.  Coventry shall be the circle and your resting place.  Once the taint of the FWL and it's allies are removed we intend to retire from this world barring relief operations." 

As per earlier, post CSA moves with 505 FP on invasion orders. 

I'd like to prevent this stalling out again if possible (no reason really this shouldn't have been done last cycle since there were only 3 rounds).

I can't find the place were we have a separate initiative for reinforcements and round 1.  I'd always thought it was one and the same, and probably have just looked over it.  Could you please point me to what I'm missing via link or quote?


[Movement has always been different than Round 1 initiative, but just like individual turn initiative no one actually did it; I ran it through Dave before i did anything. Since the DC won initiative my ToG action supersedes your invasion orders, so this needs to be addressed before any invasion can happen.]


So it's not in the rules thread then?  If not it needs to be added.

And our response to the trial is to launch the invasion.  If you want to attack real quick before hand post up your fp, and I'll post up the cluster(s) that will face it.  The chance for zell clan trials at Coventry went out the window due to FWL actions last cycle.


[Trying to get Dave to confirm the Init thing, but so far he hasnt responded to my PMs, i didnt think us going back and forth would be productive.]


Okay Folks here's the deal...the DC won initiative the Adders have the option of ignoring the trial issued or fighting the DC regardless of the Adder's choice this thread MUST be complete by 11:59PM EST January 4th 2011 or it will be simprezed.


Okay Folks since it is now past the deadline set this thread will now be simprezed. I will be reviewing orders and the thread to check forces for both sides Allies and Adders then will be rolling. Results should be up tonight or by mid day tomorrow (Pacific).


Round one.

DCMS Challenges..SACS/CSA move to invade anyways.

  DCMS Attack Roll  [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6[/blockquote]

Adders return fire [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6[/blockquote]


DCMS does .3 FP to Adder/SACS Naval units (using 1 FP for the challenge/Trial)

Adders/SACS obliterate the DCMS flight that was intercepting (70% of 282.3 FP or @ 196FP of Damage).


Round 2 Init required for All forces

CSA/SACS: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11[/blockquote]

Allied Forces: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 2, total 5[/blockquote]


FP Totals:

CSA/SACS 504.7 (282 of this is Aero/Naval)

Allied Forces on insystem: 304FP (37.75 is Aero)


CSA Moves in to land troops Allied Forces Arrive in system and move to attack the Adders.

Allied arrivals (233.25 ground supported by 855.25 Aero/Naval)

CSA Attacks Allied troops on Ground [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 1, total 4[/blockquote]

Allies Counter attack [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 3, total 8[/blockquote]


Crit chance for the Allies [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5[/blockquote]