[RP/MM] T 44 CSC vs Lyran Ind. ToP/Invasion? Caldarium 0616 [Complete]

Started by Marlin, November 18, 2010, 08:43:26 AM

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OOC: Init for Cats: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 4, total 8[/blockquote]

I need a person to talk to though..

Dave Baughman

Redmond nodded slowly as General deSumersVille explained the situation, "Under the circumstances, General," he said, "and if you believe this represents the best chance to not only win our continued freedom and minimize collateral damage," he quickly added, "I have no objections to your action plan. To whatever extent they are able to assist, the Caldarium Militia are at your disposal."

Quote from: Parmenion on November 21, 2010, 01:17:38 PM
"Sir.  the Burggraf, Hauptmann Redmond has responded to the Spirit Cat batchall.  Stated that the SLDF is going to defend Caldarium against any Clan aggression."

Kit deSummersVille had an itch to look over his shoulder to find where exactly all those SLDF forces on planet were, but kept that inclination in check.  Instead.

"Get me the Burggraf.  Immediately."

In moments, the headquarters communications techs had made contact with the planetary command headquarters and the Burggraf. 

"My Lord.  No doubt the Spirit Cats will require a follow up response, so we do not have much time.  My troops are available to defend your planet, but just as how we liberated this world via a Clan style trial of possession, so we shall defend it.  The Cats, unlike those filth Mandrills, have honoured this world with a formal trial, and if you agree to my troops fighting under Clan honour rules, then I shall respond accordingly."

(ooc:  just as a thought, should the Spirit Cats and SACS roll for initiative to see who arrives first?)

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


The Canopian General quickly wrapped up proceedings with the Burggraf and then proceeded to have his communications cell patch him through to the waiting Spirt Cats.

"Galaxy Commander Nostra.  This is General Kit deSummersVille of the Magistracy Armed Forces.  It would be our honour to meet you on the field of combat defend the citizens of the world and the honour of the Lyran Commonwealth.  In defence against your batchall, I will field a battalion group of the 2nd Canopian Light Horse under the command of Major Hope Alcola." 

(ooc: 3rd Bn/2CLH plus armour to bring the force total up to 3FP)


"Excellent, General. My forces will begin bidding to match that force and to prove their superiority over yours.
However, regardless of the outcome, I wish to meet you in person, General, to discuss things of importance with you. Please state your availability, I will meet your schedule. Galaxy Commander Rederick Nostra out."


"Star Captain Jack Bauer will lead his force against Major Alcola at the designated area."

(Matching 3 FP, roll or try to play this? I dont care much. Although I would like the Cats to win, of course)


"Following the engagement, I am at your convenience, Galaxy Commander."

MoC simpres roll...

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 3, total 9[/blockquote]


Jack Bauer leads his troop to their fate..

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 5, total 6[/blockquote]

"Excellent, General. The troops are already descending to the surface and will start the Trial soon."


Mmmm... Magistracy chance of crit.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]


No crit.  Current situation.

CSC rolled a 6:   Deal 30% of FP to Opponent   = 0.9FP

MoC rolled a 9:   Deal 55% of FP to Opponent  = 1.65FP

ic:  "Star Captain Bauer.  Major Alcola here.  Your forces have fought honourably and with distinction.  Any other day, and it may well be you saying the same to me.  Your remaining forces are offered hegira, and I am sure that my commanders will be delighted to add such worthy warriors as that survive here as bondsmen, with the view to them attaining warrior rank in the Magistracy Armed Forces."


Roll if Jack Bauer belongs to you now: Say, on 8 or greater.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 2, total 5[/blockquote]

IC: "Major Alcola, you have defeated us. I congratulate you. I also accept your graciously offered Hegira."


"To the Magistracy Forces, this is Galaxy Commander Rederick Nostra. Caldarium remains free from benevolent Spirit Cat rule for this time. Thanks to the strength of Arms of the able Canopian forces. I will now meet with General Kit de Summersville."

Another Dropship descends to the surface, while others move to the waiting Dropships again, somewhat lighter than before.



Quote from: GraeGor on November 29, 2010, 05:43:55 PM
[ooc: any response to the Adder Prior?]


Quote from: GraeGor on November 19, 2010, 04:49:55 PM
"I ask to be heard by your leadership and your citizens. May I have permission to land?"

As you addressed the citizens of the world, and Caldarium is under civil government authority (albeit probably only on-world government, as opposed to those nice people of Arc Royal), then you might want to ping GM Dave. 


As the Dropship with Cat markings had landed, a man stepped out, clearly marked as Warrior, radiating competence and authority. That must be the Galaxy Commander.

Upon meeting General de Summersville: "I greet you, General and congratulate your Warriors to your victory. However, to discuss the things that brought me here, I would ask you to talk to me in private. It will be important and you will understand upon hearing it."


"Thank you Galaxy Commander Nostra.  The skill at arms and honour that was Clan Nova Cat and is now Clan Spirit Cat continues to honour your founders.  We may certainly talk in private, however I must state now that any part of it that involves this world will be relayed to the Burggraf as the government head of Caldarium.  From your own experience within the Inner Sphere, I am sure you understand why this is so."