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[Combat Ops] Turn 9 - 3324 Breed - [Complete]

Started by Fatebringer, November 18, 2010, 07:56:19 PM

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The Davion Heavy Guards enter the fight!

The following units arrive on Operational Turn 3 on Invasion Orders in the name of the First Prince!

Dynamico Limited TD-B - Transport Division B
Davion Heavy Guards - "C" Heavy Mech Regiment


Heavy Guards Initiative
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]


Seeing a large warship blockade in place in the system those units destined for Breed waited for the Dobson crew to respond, during this time, the Cease Fire was declared.

The attackers were mildly relieved that they didn't have to try and run the blockade, but frustrated at their mission being put on hold.

Cease Fire in place.