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[Combat Ops] Turn 9 - 2109 Butte Hold

Started by tassa_kay, November 22, 2010, 01:14:33 AM

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At the nadir jump point of the Butte Hold system, several vessels bearing Clan Hell's Horses markings emerged from the jump point, beginning their burn in-system.  A transmission was sent out to the planet itself on an open channel, clear and unmistakable in its intent.

"I am Star Colonel Veronica Johnston of Clan Hell's Horses, and I have been tasked by my Khan to reclaim that which was once ours.  You see before you the warriors and machines that I have brought to secure victory, but it is my Khan's wish that we avoid a pointless conflict if possible and negotiate a peaceful resolution to this quandary.  But make no mistake.  I am prepared to use force in order to bring your world back under the aegis of the Hell's Horses.  Surrender, and be spared undue damage to your world and your people, or state the forces with which you intend to challenge my claim!"

The following units arrive on Operational Turn 3 on Invasion Orders:
Transport Star "Gemenon"
Transport Star "Leonis"
42nd Mechanized Strike Cluster - FL Medium Mech Cluster
94th Armored Lancers Cluster - Medium Armor Cluster
Trinary Alpha, 23rd Pegasus ASF Cluster - FL Medium ASF Cluster
Trinary Bravo, 23rd Pegasus ASF Cluster - FL Medium ASF Cluster


A broad ranged transmission was sent as a response. A large man, very wide at the shoulders, but without the full height of an Elemental, glowed from the heat of the intense flames around him. His bronze skin glistened as metallic bits were reflected the inferno he stood in. He reached deep within himself and let out a guttural scream. His silhouette did not show his features, but the man was obviously augmented.

"Who dares come to the realm of Sameal!? Could it be!? My vat brothers that spat on me and called me WEAK!? Aff, perhaps then, I was weak. Alone, cast into perdition, I wandered as an outcast..." He shook his head violently from side to side and shouted. "Neg! I was never weak! It was you! You who failed to see the potential of what I was inside, what I was yet to be! Once I was anointed I could see the path! It was a long road, over the bodies of the frail and unworthy..." He takes a step forward and the glint of metal is replaced by the full blown result of a bio-enhanced genetically bred Clan Warrior. His metal jaw snapped shut. "The Master said one day others would come with ships and on that day, we would be free! Free to rid the universe of the frailty of man. Come! Come join me in my world! If you be worthy of the blessings of Blake, I shall annoint you myself as I have all my Brotherhood!" The camera pans out to show more warriors shouting and screaming, "Come! Come for your Honorable deaths!"

Brotherhood of Samael
SL Heavy Mech Cluster
Heavy ASF Trinary
Heavy Armor Cluster


Aboard the flag JumpShip of the Hell's Horses attack force, the Jamukha, Star Colonel Johnston regarded this... Samael with a mixture of disdain, hostility, amusement, suspicion, and nostalgia.  Disdain, for his mind was obviously quite damaged.  Hostility, for he almost casually admitted to his Blakist corruption.  Amusement, for his steadfast refusal to see himself as anything less than what he believed himself to be.  Suspicion, for it seemed incredibly unlikely that such a large military force could be raised and maintained on such a backwater world.  And nostalgia, for his appearance and affectations reminded her of none other than Malavai Fletcher.

After a cursory glance to her XO, a rather-bemused Elemental named Isaiah, Star Colonel Johnston signaled for a broadband response of her own.  After being given a nod of affirmation from the technician-caste communications officer, she spoke in strident, even tones.  "Samael, you say that you are not weak, and your Brotherhood and the forces it draws upon would seem to attest to that.  So let us prove that you are, in fact, not weak."

"I challenge you to a Trial of Possession for all that you have: for the world of Butte Hold, for the men and machines of your Brotherhood... and for your own honor.  I bid myself, augmented... with what will you defend?"


" seek to use honor now? There is one thing I desire more then your death and that is your dropships. Give them to us and we shall leave here to fulfill our mission and you can have this rock or else we shall trample over your broken bodies as we the others before you."


After a moment of considering Samael's words, Star Colonel Johnston signaled for the transmission to be terminated.  Pity that she and her warriors would be forced to do this the hard way, but it was not as if a Clan warrior shirked from the ugly realities of war, was it?

Hell's Horses Initiative

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8[/blockquote]


BoS Initiative

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8[/blockquote]


BoS Initiative - Take 2

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6[/blockquote]


CHH, the Tiebreaker

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]


OP4 Orders - Brotherhood of Samael

The "Wings of Samael" move to Orbit / Atmo.

Orbit / Atmo: Move - Wings of Samael (Heavy ASF Trinary), E/Q, - 138 FP

Surface: None - Brotherhood of Samael (SL Heavy Mech Cluster, +, CA) E/Q 338 FP
Surface: None - Samael's Brood (Heavy Armor Cluster, CA, CA), E/Q 246 FP


OP4 Orders - Clan Hell's Horses

Jump Point:
Transport Star "Gemenon" [78 FP, R/R, No Orders]
Transport Star "Leonis" [76 FP, R/R, No Orders]
42nd Mechanized Strike Cluster - FL Medium Mech Cluster [138 FP, R/R, No Orders]
94th Armored Lancers Cluster - Medium Armor Cluster [125 FP, R/R, No Orders]
Trinary Alpha, 23rd Pegasus ASF Cluster - FL Medium ASF Cluster [74 FP, R/R, Defense]
Trinary Bravo, 23rd Pegasus ASF Cluster - FL Medium ASF Cluster [74 FP, R/R, Defense]



Initiative OP5


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]


Initiative OP5, CHH

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 4, total 8[/blockquote]


OP5 Orders - Clan Hell's Horses

Jump Point:
Transport Star "Gemenon" [78 FP, R/R, No Orders]
Transport Star "Leonis" [76 FP, R/R, No Orders]
42nd Mechanized Strike Cluster - FL Medium Mech Cluster [138 FP, R/R, No Orders]
94th Armored Lancers Cluster - Medium Armor Cluster [125 FP, R/R, No Orders]
Trinary Alpha, 23rd Pegasus ASF Cluster - FL Medium ASF Cluster [74 FP, R/R, Defense]
Trinary Bravo, 23rd Pegasus ASF Cluster - FL Medium ASF Cluster [74 FP, R/R, Defense]


OP5 Orders - Brotherhood of Samael

The "Wings of Samael" move to Jump Point charging at the defenders.

Orbit / Atmo: Battle - Wings of Samael (Heavy ASF Trinary), E/Q, - 138 FP

Surface: None - Brotherhood of Samael (SL Heavy Mech Cluster, +, CA) E/Q 338 FP
Surface: None - Samael's Brood (Heavy Armor Cluster, CA, CA), E/Q 246 FP

At this point, you chose which of you Top Level Units would engage with the Attacking Unit. 1 ASF unit can engage, or you can use one of your Dropships and support them ASF (not recommended as transports take damage to their cargo for every FP they take and the Curved scale can be cruel with nearly 50% odds to have 10% or less support.)