[Diplomacy/Combat Ops] Turn 9 – 1530 Paradise **Provisionally Complete**

Started by Parmenion, November 22, 2010, 12:45:05 PM

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Nadir Jumppoint, Paradise

May 3091

Colonel Cameron Clarkson, longtime member and now commanding officer of the 'Pit Bulls' pulled no punches as he spoke.  "Citizens of Paradise.  By order of Captain-General Corinne Marik, I have journeyed to your world to ensure Paradise once more becomes an active member of the Free Worlds League.  Now we can do this two ways... the first and easiest is to accept that your world can no longer remain aloof from international affairs and must stand once again alongside the other worlds that comprise the League.  Do so in a peaceful manner.  The other way is military force and all the horrors that this contain.  I await you decision!"

ooc:  as an aside, the long range sensors of the Paradise milita pick up military jumpships and dropships.  Strategic orders are:

Jump Point Escort: 3rd Commonwealth Naval Squadron.  No Orders - 4th Commonwealth Transit
Atmo/Orbit: Ground Support - 3rd & 4th Naval Wings (Mdm ASF, ST), R/R 49FP
Surface: Battle - 20th Marik Militia (B Medium Mech Regiment, ST), R/R 148FP


"My name is the honorable Reverand-Colonel Willie P. Sharp and will all due respect Colonel Clarkson, we did NOT get our independance by twiddling our thumbs. We were once part of the great and glorious Free Worlds League, FREEDOM! My dear Colonel was our watchword! Oh, the things that were done in thy Captain Generals name disgraced your line forever. Know the strength of the lord and beware his messanger's Warning. We do not stand firm against you for the sake of Blake or Marik, we stand before you in the Name of GOD! You shall NOT enter Paradise good sir! You shall not defile us again with your bitter offers of peace instead or annihilation. That judgement is reserved for the LORD and we shall fight to the better end to protect that wich the LORD hath created, AMEN!"


Raphael's Warning - "A" Heavy Mech Regiment


OOC: Hey there, for the inital post all you have to do is post unit name and unit type. You get to keep some of your cards in your hand until combat starts but also you need to post the Operational turn your unit arrives in. Travel time can eat up a unit's combat time.


Cameron Clarkson replayed the tape of the Paradise fanatic for what seemed the hundredth time.  Then looked over yet again, and what intel had been able to discern about the defending forces.  And while that was not much, it gave him pause.  Pause to think.

Finally, his mind made up, he walked out of the conference room allocated to him as the task force commander and down towards where his staff waited.

"Ladies and gentlemen.  With no aerospace assets detected at this point in time, it does give us the advantage in being able to control space and the atmosphere.  However that unit of Mechs they have is the great unknown.  To that end I want a message sent back to Atreus requesting a second Mech regiment and it's supporting aerospace.  In the meantime, establish a bloackade of the system.  I definitely don't want these religious fruitcakes getting lose."


GMs... unless something else appears, the MTC is going to continue the blockade of this system into next turn, awaiting the hoped for arrival of reinforcements from the Commonwealth.

Will make it as Provisionally Complete, with a new thread to be opened for T10, and the Cassus Belli ongoing.


Correct, no need to rerun that project as the planetary people stay on the ground.