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[Diplomacy/Combat Ops] Turn 9 – 1529 Mundrabilla

Started by Parmenion, November 22, 2010, 12:47:21 PM

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Nadir Jumppoint, Mundrabilla

May 3091

Stepping serenely into shot, the golden haired beauty smiled once for the camera before beginning.  "Citizens of Mundrabilla.  I am Vahina Giocante, commander of the 2nd Brigade of Duke Photon Brett-Marik 's Duchy of Tamarind.  On behalf of Duke Photon, and of course, Captain-General Corinne Marik, I extend an offer of invitation to Mundrabilla to rejoin the Duchy of Tamarind and the Free Worlds League.   We can all do more as a collective, than as individuals, therefore I urge you all to consider the benefits of once again being a part of the League, rather than as an independent forever looking over their shoulders for an attacker materialising from nothing."

ooc:  as an aside, the long range sensors of the Mundrabilla militia pick up military jumpships and dropships.  Strategic orders are:

Jump Point Escort:  4th Commonwealth Naval Squadron.  No Orders - 1st Commonwealth Transit
Atmo/Orbit: Ground Support - 1st Tamarind Aerospace Fighter Group (Mdm ASF, ST), R/R 49FP
Surface: Battle - 2nd Brigade, Duchy Fusiliers (B Medium Mech Regiment, ST), R/R 148FP


"Well Ms. Vahina Giocante, Force Commander, is it? I am Governor Stephanie Spruill. I invite you to come down to Mundrabilla and see just how prepared we are to maintain our independance. We are a democratic people and as such have decided to allow you to discuss the 'Benefits" of rejoining the league, despite the criticism. You, your staff and a reasonable honor guard can land at the Nullarbor Spaceport. Try to land all of your forces and this will be seen as an act of War and we have been well protected since our departure from the league by the Iron Guard. Peace, and our supplies has given them ample time to practice on the raiders that frequented this system. If you want a testament to thier skill, go ask the raiders why they don't attack here anymore."

Iron Guard RCT
"B" Heavy Mech Regiment
Heavy Armor Regiment
2xHeavy ASF Wing
Battle Armor Regiment


A single dropship made it's way down the planetary military spaceport.  Once grounded, a single lance of top of the line Free World medium 'Mechs exited to take up a short honour guard position immediatley outside the dropship.  Following on from this, Colonel Giocante walked down the ramp and over to where the Mundrabilla delegation stood. 


Coming to a halt, she saluted the group as one, and...


((Placeholder: RP forthcoming here. Info not on this computer))


...didn't even bat as eyelid as one of the Mundrabillians squeezed a fart out.  (j/k)

Any news from good ol' downtown Mundy?



The spaceport had extra security on hand as the delegates were shown to the shuttle that awaited them to take them to Mundrabilla City. Once the gates were open, they could see the large forms of the heavy tanks. Taking the lead was a beat up looking Von Luckner and pulling up the rear was an equally well worn Brutus. The lance of Heavy Tanks bearing the insignia of the "Iron Guard" escorted the shuttle all the way to the city where there were more units patrolling the streets and perimeter and the signs of past fighting were evident.

The capitol building was built of the old fashioned marble white that cost plenty to build, but had obviously been there a while. Distinctly, the old marble floors clicked loudly as the delegates were shown to a side room. Immediately, the group was stopped by the security assigned to the room, which was in addition to the security at the front door. The fact that they weren't trusting their own people spoke volumes about the situation on Mundrabilla. Once they were past the second check point. Plenty of people in the room continued to go about their work.

A curvy black woman of middle age and average height came over to them, any emotion she might have had looked to be drained away by lack of sleep as the bags under her eyes were very pronounced. "I'm Stephanie, welcome to Mundrabilla." She shook their hands, "Now, whaddya want?"


"From what we saw on our way here, Governor, you have a lot to do.  So I will keep things brief," replied Giocante.

"Duke Photon sees your system and it's people as the first step in re-establishing a true Free Worlds League once again.  Not these bastardized rump states that currently exist and that only serve to drain the public.  But rather, a League re-united under Atreus."

At the raising of an eyebrow of the woman opposite her, Vahina gave a slight shrug of the shoulders in return.  "That's the party line straight out of Atreus, Governor.  Take it for what it is worth.  But if and when Mundrabilla does return then it is to Tamarind that you will be looking for.  Which might be a good time to introduce one of my people.  Pascal Brusset here," gesturing to a middle aged civilian standing off to one side, "is supposed to be an economics expert.  I do believe he has the Duke's ear in regards public expenditure.  Isn't that right, Pascal?"  As she said the last with a grin.

A quick affirmative in response had the number cruncher already reaching into his bag, looking for goodness knows what.  "Later, Pascal.  Later.  I think we should wait on Governor Spruill's response."


"With all due respect to Duke Photon and your entourage, this isn't a numbers game. I'm interested, but not one hundred percent convinced I can sway the minds of our public, you see, many of them are convinced these recent issues that have arisen on our little world are because of his lackeys out there trying to force us back into the fold." As if to punctuate the statement, there was a shudder, dust fell in parts of the room and the lights dimmed, but did not cut off. Stephanie pushed her way thru the delegation to the door behind them and flung it open, "Karl!" the people in the room could hear a man shout something back at her, but was a distance away, "Later on that! Get Hopkin's and his boys to reroute the power from Sissy's place. We need to keep the records here updated and the juice on these batteries are halfway gone, we need a solid connection for four hours, got that? Four hours!"

Stephanie closed the door and brushed the dust from her suit. "And this, is why the people aren't happy with your Duke right now. Your agents can't reach the Space Port as most of the Iron Guard Armor regiment is stationed there, so every few weeks they play Mary Hobb with our Generators. Today's been particularly eventful," She looked dead at Pascal, "I can't imagine why." She said sarcastically.


"No Madam Governor.  This is real life, and not a numbers game.  Your people are dying and I can respect your attitude over that.  The brief I have from Tamarind though, certainly did not contain anything about any sort of covert operation being run by us.  You will have to look elsewhere for the reasons why what is happening to your planet, is occuring." 


Stephanie put her hands on her hips, "That's too bad then. If you'ld taken responsibility for these actions, then you could have told them to cease and dissist, then we could have time to talk about your Dukes proposal in depth. As far as people dying? You wish bub. No one has died from one of these little outbursts on my watch. That's what happens when you take precautions and prepare your defenses ahead of time." She walked to the side of one of the other desks and kicked a black box below it. "Back up batteries." she moved quickly to a box on the table and pulled out some silver wrapped bundles. "Emergency rations, dropped off here an hour after your people entered the system in case they started trouble." She tossed them ceremoniously back into the box. "We've got buckets of supplies stored all over this planet and backup plan upon backup plan." She looked at pascal thru slanted eyes and slowly sauntered over. "Things may be simple around here, but they work. No sir, not your ex-patriots, nor your troops in space can force our hand here. Now," She went back behind her desk. "If you change your mind and get those clowns out there to knock it out, perhaps I can muster enough support so that your Duke and the people of Mundrabilla can have a little sit down, make arrangements. Until then, there's the door."


"Governor.  A good day to you."

With that, Vahina Giocante turned around and walked out.

(ooc:  of note, was their a covert op run by my predecessor of the MTC for Mundrabilla?  If so, I found nothing on the orders sheet about it)
