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[Diplomacy] Turn 9 – 1231 Bowang **Complete**

Started by Parmenion, November 22, 2010, 12:53:08 PM

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Zenith Jumppoint, Bowang
Merchant class Jumpship "Phar Lap"

May 3091

The single jumpship which emerged into Bowang space it it's zenith point bore Duchy of Tamarind markings.  Following the post-jump systems check, a message was sent from the ship to the planetary surface.

"Greetings from the Duchy of Tamarind and the Free Worlds League.  I am Anthony Brett-Marik, and I come today on behalf of Duke Photon Brett-Marik to extend a hand in friendship to your world.  The recovery following the Blakist Jihad has reached a stage where the vast majority of our worlds are free of the toxic elements that has plagued so many of us.  Years of effort and vast sums of money spent have reformed our worlds to much like they were before the Jihad."

"It is known that Bowang still labours until a toxic threat, without the funding and technology to rid your world of this menace.  To be blunt, Duke Photon can gaurantee that work will start within six months to clear the toxicity levels of Bowang however in return, Bowang must join with the Duchy of Tamarind and by extension, the Free Worlds League.  How do you say?"


The image of a hooded masked and dark goggled figure stand behind a haze of static in the transmission. The man never addresses himself as he begins to speak, "Mr. Brett-Marik, thank you for visiting our little world. You have two options. Leave now, or send a delegation down to talk, we'll listen. We have little time for anything else. We've worked hard to undo the damages here. Don't know much about what's been going on out there, but most folk here are just tired of living under the influences of others. We've been manging, and despite the environment, we have ways to defend ourself if you just try to come and take us. Tainted or not, it's our world!"


"Representative.  Bowang is of course your world.  Although Duke Brett-Marik would have you lives, and the lives of your children, changed for the better."

"I will transfer to a shuttle and journey to meet with you in person."

ooc:  unless anything else, I presume we can proceed to the next stage, being the meeting on the planet.  Yes?


"Very well, I hope you brought some environsuits with you."

Once Anthony's shuttle was in visual range of the planet, they could see the surface was completely covered in dark clouds. The ominous visual swirled with untamed fury, and as the craft plunged forth, it was shaken despite it's stabalizers working in perfect order. The landing coordinates they recieved was not for a space pad, but a warehouse. The bright lights cutting thru the darkness like the lighthouses of ancient Terra led the way.


Having donned his enviromental suit before hitting atmosphere, the son of the Duke of Tamarind disembarked immediately upon landing.  Accompanying was less than a handful of assistants.  A couple of scientists familiar with the detoxification of worlds, a marine bioligist (just because) and a young woman who doubled as his assistant.


The group was ushered inside the warehouse as they got closer they could see some form of processing plant behind the building and a giant dish that looked reminiscent to an HPG Transmitter, right before they got inside, a huge burst of static radiated out from the dish and headed toward the sky kicking off a chain reaction that increased the amount of lighting that surges thru the clouds. Mini strikes of lighting in turn connected and surged down to poles located all around the complex. They seemed hidden by the thick clouds until they were hit again and again by the storm.

Once inside, the noises of large machinery and heavy wind no longer thudded against their suits. The light was dim but the room seemed brighter compared to outside. A motley of various people, all wearing cloaks and goggles but with their hoods down busily moved crates around while others were packing and unpacking. Most of the people here looked like workers, but perched above the crates on a catwalk were several individuals that didn't belong. Their cooling vests and shorts spoke more about their profession then the pistols they wore on their hips.

Following the lead of their guide, Anthony and his group were led through the warehouse and up some stairs to the offices. Once behind the sound proof glass, the room was like almost any other office across the universe with the hum of artificial lights and the faint smell of stale coffee permeated the air. Their guide knocked on the door to one of offices and briefly spoke with a man that came out to greet them. "Greetings." The man offered his hand, and from the color of the robe and the goggles around his neck was probably the man from the transmission. "I trust that your journey was bumpy. If it wasn't, perhaps some of this machinery wasn't working properly."


As Anthony shook the man's hand, he replied.  "I've had worse.  Combat drops aren't always the most pleasant of rides, Mr...?"


 "Giovanni, Nunzio Giovanni ... the third." Several other people shuffled into the room. Despite the number of bodies, the scent of a woman was faint but distinct somewhere in the group of robbed figures. "It was your decision to come down here Mr. Brett-Marik. We've become self reliant since the fall of the league, done right nice by ourselves with the lack of leadership, and once we're done with our little project, this world will be livable once again. We don't need your Duke, but I did want to meet the man who would brave these harsh skies to grace us with his presence. Perhaps you'ld like to stay here? See what our future holds?" The man's voice held a hint of dubiousness and his eyes were as stormy as skies outside.


"Mr Giovanni.  I wish you success in your endeavours to rid your world of the toxicity that envelops it.  The Free Worlds League is prepared to accelerate your project, with funding and extra equipment, however the price, shall I say, is for Bowang to rejoin the League.  Captain_General Marik and the Duke of Tamarind is determined to restore the Free Worlds League for the betterment of all.  The offer is there, Sir.  No one wants to see their people live like this."

Pausing ever so slightly, he continued on briefly. "And as it appears you have considerable work to do I will bid you good day.  If you are of a mind, you may communicate any position or decision as I return to my jumpship."


"Very well then. Enjoy your flight back." The man's grin showed that although they had decent machines here they must have been lacking a dentist. The party was led out of the office and around the gantry towards the stairs. As the robed figured in front one of the robes figures that had matched pace with the Duke's son. "That's it? Your just going to leave like that?" The feminine voice kept looking straight ahead and fell in line to go down the stairs after him.


Don't these people ever introduce themselves, Anthony thought to himself.  On the third stair down he replied, also without turning his head.

"Ma'am.  Mr Giovanni may or may not be the planetary leader.  He didn't elucidate as much.  However he made it abundantly clear his position in regards my proposal."

Continuing on down the stairs again in silence until they got to the warehouse floor proper, he again spoke.  "This," looking up to encompass the armed warriors above and the workers still busying themselves with the significant number of crates.  "This is what you have at the moment.  Will it be enough?"  Pausing to look at one of his assistants, a scientist who gave a small shake of the head.  "I doubt it. With our help, you will get be able to make Bowang a hell of better place in which yoru families can live.  Whether Mr Giovanni sees reason, or has reason thrust upon him on this day, that remains to be seen.  Miss??"


She walked around him the warehouse and as she slipped past she stuffed something into Anthony's hand. Her body covered the exchange as she kept walking facing away from him with her hood on. "It doesn't matter who I am, the Director is spending all their money to pay for his precious thugs. That monstrosity you saw sending lightning into the sky isn't doing a damn thing to make this place any better. He's lying to the people. Take that information and do with it what you will." The woman turned and maneuvered through the crates and out of sight.


On the return flight to his jumpship Anthony Brett-Marik slowly made his way through the information the unknown woman had given him.  Docking with the jumpship he ordered the ship's captain to begin the process of jumping the ship back to the MTC.  While waiting, he again looked at the data, and pondered if there would be any other further response from the planet.

(ooc:  let m e know if there is anything else, otherwise I'll mark this as complete.  thanks.)
