[Diplomacy/Combat Ops] Turn 9 – 1531 Cajamarca **Thread Complete**

Started by Parmenion, November 22, 2010, 12:55:48 PM

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Nadir Jumppoint, Cajamarca

May 3091

A product of the Marik Commonwealth diplomatic corp, with twenty years of service, and a successful tour of Terra as the chief of staff to the MTC Ambassador stationed there, Eugene Castellan's latest assignment was directly from the Captain-General herself.  Waiting patiently for the nod from her own staff, she tugged on her jacket once more, all the while running through her head what she was about to say.  When the communications specialist off to one side of her raised his hand and started a five finger countdown she took a breath and then began.

"Good day.  I am Eugene Castellan, Special Envoy appointed by Captain-General Corrine Marik herself.  You will have no doubt picked up the arrival of several vessels at your Nadir Point.  They are here, because, well, you can no doubt guess why.  Corrine Marik, Captain-General of the Free Worlds League, extends an invitation to the planetary government and the people of Cajamarca, to once more be part of the greater good.  Rejoin the League under the command of Corrine Marik and stride with the rest of us into a new era.  Life has been hard, and remains so.  Many of our worlds are devastated and families lost.  However the Captain-General has ordered that many of the worlds devastated by the Blakist scourge be returned to their natural state, and this has been done."

"Now is the chance for your world to once again be a part of a united Free Worlds League.  A League that commands the respect and attention it so rightly deserve throughout the Inner Sphere and beyond.   Will Cajamarca join with the rest of the League as we move into a brighter future?"

ooc:  as an aside, the long range sensors of the Cajamarca milita pick up military jumpships and dropships.  Strategic orders are:

Jump Point Escort:  2nd FW Legionnaires Escort Flotilla.  No Orders - 2nd FW Legionnaires Transport Flotilla
Atmo/Orbit: Ground Support - 2nd FW Legionnaires ASF Wings (Mdm ASF, ST), R/R 49FP
Surface: Battle - 2nd F/W Legionnaires (A Heavy Mech Regiment, ST), R/R 176FP


"Special Envoy Castellan, your presense here is most welcome. Our people have been spending all of our resources trying to survive, we barely have enough supplies to make it thru the winter. We had a nasty flood a few months back, wiped out most of the crops, took our the dam. We've been trying to hail but without the main power station, the HPG's been silent and the comstar folk haven't wrangled together a new one yet. And the only people traveling thru this system keep taking our stuff! We have a militia, but most of the tracked stuff is trapped by the floods still. We had more pressing matters then trying to free them up though. As it stands, we were going to try and have them cross the ice when it froze. Guess it was a bad decision to try to use the caves by the shoreline as a hiding base for them huh? Needless to say, we need your help!"

The people of Cajamarca heartilly accept the MTC's rule.


The Stygians, accompanied by their attached ASF component, journey to the planet.  Once on-ground, they adopt a low key presence whilst Envoy Castellan and his small staff meet the planetary rulers to discuss the transition to MTC rule, aid assistance and the myriad of civil matters expected of such an occasion.
