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[RP] Hex 3342 - Carthage [Complete]

Started by Mekorig, November 22, 2010, 02:33:34 PM

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The Scout-class jumpship jumped in Carthage`s sun Zenith point. A few seconds after the jump, it radioed a message to the planet.

"To the representatives of Carthage government. I am John de los Santos, Taurian Concordat representant to this planet. I would like to have a meeting with you. I will await your answer."


"I was unaware we had a representant there Juan. No one asked us if we wanted one. Does that make sense to you?


Another transmition from the jumpship reaches the planet.

"Carthage government, I am John de los Santos Taurian Concordat representant to this planet. We will liko to meet with you. We will await your answer."


"Huh, a broken record. Apparently Juan thinks it does. Perhaps your an android stuck in aloop?"


Carthage does not agree to let any forces land. Not a single person.


Contested Landing - TC diplomat is forced to leave the system.

Please mark this thread complete.