[RP/MM] FWL-SACS Alarion ToP Sector 1220 [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, November 24, 2010, 04:39:35 AM

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"With what force do the running dogs of Charlie Steiner bid in the defense of this world"


"Unidentified forces, you have entered restricted aerospace.  Identify or be destroyed the choice is yours." -CSAN Lynch

As per the other thread for this hex, there's a Naval Blockade in place.


In addition to the reply from the CSAN Mynch, the following message is on all frequencies:

This is Khan Stanislav N'buta

Unless personally authorized by myself, all Military actions directed at worlds within the border of the Star Adder Commonwealth States are hereby to be treated as an Act of War.

Any move to launch Fighters, detach DropShips, establish or run Blockades, or any other action that can be viewed as hostile will be considered an Act of War.

You have enough time to recharge your Drives and depart our systems and Territory before your presence is declared an Act of War.




As a number of jships jump away of forces depart 38 FP of Fighters moves to challenge the Blockade.

Aerospace 38 FP


Unfortunately with the wait here, Grae's CPU died, and I've got to track down where I put his sheet while being slammed.  The release of cataclysm isn't helping as it's now past my bedtime for the night.  I'll try to get some movement here once I get back up, but I can't promise it'll be before tomorrow or Wednesday.


Quote from: DisGruntled on December 07, 2010, 12:22:33 AM
Unfortunately with the wait here, Grae's CPU died, and I've got to track down where I put his sheet while being slammed.  The release of cataclysm isn't helping as it's now past my bedtime for the night.  I'll try to get some movement here once I get back up, but I can't promise it'll be before tomorrow or Wednesday.

[ooc: fortunately it wasnt the CPU, it was my Master HD...just had that confirmed earlier tonight; and just as fortunate I have friends that let me hop on thier systems to check up on things from time to time

with luck I should be back to semi-normal in the next two to three days..need to reinstall/redownload a bunch of programs

and Dis, once you find the SPs orders for T44, could you email me a copy (or upload to Yahoo Group) ...I didnt have a backup of those saved]


Hey I understand how it goes had the same thing happen with my master HD.

I recommend mounting the old master HD as a secondary and running a chkdsk -f driveletterhere:

Sometimes you get some of your old files back and can move them to the new hard drive. Its how I eventually ended up recovering the map files (after trying loads of way way more complicated things).


Quote from: chaosxtreme on December 07, 2010, 04:39:45 PM
Hey I understand how it goes had the same thing happen with my master HD.

I recommend mounting the old master HD as a secondary and running a chkdsk -f driveletterhere:

Sometimes you get some of your old files back and can move them to the new hard drive. Its how I eventually ended up recovering the map files (after trying loads of way way more complicated things).

neither I nor my friend could even get it to boot up...when I first discovered it was having an issue, it would make a tick-tick-tick sound as it ran/spun...not the kind of sound one wants to hear from a HD from what I was told

I have another friend who might be able to salvage a bit more from it...hope he's willing and has the time when I can afford to send him the HD

in the meatime I'll keep up to date as best I can, but contributing will be minimal until I get my system back


Yeah for the procedure above to work you need to install windows onto another Hard Drive.

Your not going to be able to boot from the first hard drive.

And if you have the clicking sound its really bad.  Your probably not going to get anything off that bad boy at all.

And if you do get it off you will need to move it to another HD and get a new one.


OOC: There are peace talks RP going on. As this never got started and with the mind that it should be reciprocated.

Alarion Invasion is called off. And all FWL forces take the Adder broadcast to withdraw.

IC: What! Why? We've got these bastards dead to rights just because the Rimmers ran means nothing!


"Signal the Fleet we are..withdrawing to rally point gamma."


The above works fine by me, though your first wave would not have been enough.   Sorry for delays been having some real life issues to deal with.