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[Diplomacy] Turn 9 - 2525 Terra - Cease Fire [Closed]

Started by Fatebringer, December 15, 2010, 03:12:58 PM

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In the calm and demure voice that she used before Brandi spoke up. "This is a rather generous proposition by the Federated Suns in the name of peace. However, I must note the redundancy of the planet Wapokoneta in this proposal. Considering the amount of territory the Federated Suns is already given up and that this is the sole planet in that system, I would recommend removing it from the list of Combine claimed worlds? Just a suggestion. If this can be agreed upon, we can discuss the specific details regarding the salvage."


(Gahh...  The problems of copy and pasting when i'm in a hurry...  fixed.)


The following thread is closed.

Resolution results in Cease Fire for the entirety of Turn 9 for all factions involved.

Units that had movement will end their turn in their destination hex but will not initiate combat.

Final Peace Agreements to be submitted by the Raven Alliance Turn 10 and witnessed by the SHAFT moderator

Hexes that are contested remain contested until the Peace Accord is signed. At that time, units that are on foriegn soil will make their way out of the system at best possible speed.

Any units that can not get off planet for legitamate reasons can declare an end to the contestation while waiting for their rides.

All participants are invited to bring a Bottom Line Mech Unit per the Tourney rules Lushann to participate with the Raven Alliance sponsored games that coincide with the peace signing.


The following is the proposed the RA will submit as a Peace Treaty for Turn 10. Please review and comment.

QuoteThe Cease Fire between these following nations shall be extended thru Turn 13, in that time of Peace, all units on soil deemed foreign per this Treaty shall make their way off of those worlds at best possible Speed. Any units left on hostile worlds at the end of that time will be deal with at the discretion of the Land Holders.

CC will keep all salvage on the worlds they control. For the rest of the contested zones, the salvage will be split 50/50 with current combatants, or kept 100% by the province owner on those provinces no longer under combat


DC will acknowledge loss of: Klathandu IV to FS, Chirala to RA
DC will withdraw and turn over control from: Ubidi, Wapokoneta


FS Acknowledge loss of: Marlowe's Rift, Huan, Bergman's Planet, Harrow's Sun, Thestria, New Aberdeen, Elidere IV, Misery
FS will withdraw from: Dobson, Breed, Harper
FS Acknowledge loss of: Victoria, Jacson, Ikast, Verlo, Weatogue, Mendham, Jonzac, Glentworth, Sirdar
FS Turn over control of: Kafr Slim, Bromhead, Horsham
FS Withdrawal and turn over control from: Manapire
RA will withdraw from: New Samarkaand, Koulen, Harrow's Sun, Bergman's Planet


The Capellan Ambassador points out that the document is lacking the world of Spica, which was initially to be turned over to the CC, according to the original FS draft, and it must be added to this one aswell.

DC Ambassador wishes the cease fire be extended to Turn 15, and notices that no mention is made of salvage. DC demands the same terms that were extended to the CC.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


As the GM running this, I find it unfortunate that things have changed so much as to cause controversy when we were so nearly done. It is really difficult to officiate when everyone kept editing their posts.

Yes, there is a section just above the worlds list that stipulates all salvage splits.

Per the current Spica thread, the world is NOT in CC/M hands, and despite the pressure the CC is bringing to bear, the Federated Suns are withdrawing from worlds they have stronger forces at as well. (Victoria, Harper)

I have gone thru this thread and all I can find is the Capellan Ambassador agreeing to the deal, which had been edited 12/20, a week and a half ago.

Also, please note that Udibi is already in Federated Suns possession, it is Cassius that the Draconis Combine is being requested to withdraw from so that the system is not contested.

To that end, I am putting up the following information for parties involved to comment on.


The moderator will suggest in the name of peace that the Federated Suns give up Spica if the Draconis Combine is willing to part with Breed & Dobson. The Reason being Spica is a well known and cherrished and traditionally Capellan held world. The Federated Suns have already given up many worlds for the sake of peace. Dobson and Breed have the same unique distinction as Spica, they were both traditionally Fed Suns worlds. Each of these systems, if reclaimed by these factions would reduce the threats to each other's borders.

A 3 Turn Cease Fire was mentioned before. The RA feels that a 5 turn cease fire is a bit excessive when compounded onto the current cease fire that will last through turn 10. The RA will object to any periods longer than 3 turns and not give specifics.


Current Propsal

The Cease Fire between these following nations shall be extended thru Turn 13, in that time of Peace, all units on soil deemed foreign per this Treaty shall make their way off of those worlds at best possible Speed. Any units left on hostile worlds at the end of that time will be deal with at the discretion of the Land Holders.

CC will keep all salvage on the worlds they control. For the rest of the contested zones, the salvage will be split 50/50 with current combatants, or kept 100% by the province owner on those provinces no longer under combat.


DC will acknowledge loss of: Klathandu IV to the FS, Chirala to the RA.
DC will withdraw and turn over control from: Breed, Cassius, Dobson, Wapokoneta.


FS Acknowledge loss of: Bergman's Planet, Elidere IV, Harrow's Sun, Huan, Marlowe's Rift, Misery, New Aberdeen, Thestria to the DC
FS will withdraw from: Harper
FS Acknowledge loss of: Glentworth, Ikast, Jacson, Jonzac, Mendham, Sirdar, Spica, Verlo, Victoria, Weatogue
FS Withdrawal and turn over control from: Manapire
FS Turn over control of: Bromhead, Horsham, Kafr Slim
RA will withdraw from: Bergman's Planet, Harrow's Sun, Koulen, New Samarkand


(Note that the FS negotiator have left the room after the second offer.  I'm assuming that you had commed him for clarifications, also note that I put in "(edit: blah)" after all my edits.  And the ONLY edits I've done to the two offers are for Cassias/Udibi, which I got mixed up)

For immediate release to all parties:

The Federated Suns hereby reaffirms that Spica and Fraser were NOT included as part of the second offer to turn over to the Capellans.  As mentioned in the second offer, The Capelllans and the Combine must accept both offers as is.  If the Capellans wish to accept their portion of the first offer, we will accept that, but at that point, all offers to the Combine are off the table, and we will resume operations against the Combine as of July.

While we appreciate and acknowledge the efforts of the Moderator, the nature of these negotiations preclude us from being able to evaluate the proposal without it coming from the proper representatives.  Until such time as such proposal is made from the proper representatives, the only proposal that we are considering is the second offer that we have proposed (or, if the Commonwealth chooses, half of the first offer.)


((The proposal comes from the RA, not the moderator. So basiclly, your stance is accept our offer, or we go back to fighting? Or, the CC can drop out in which case you go back to attacking the Combine...))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


No, Our stance is that if you wish to accept the offer, both parties must accept the offer.  If the Capellans wish to accept the previous (better) offer, they need to know that they do so by rejecting the second offer.

If either the Capellans or the Combine wish to make a counter proposal, we would certainly hear that and evaluate.


GM: Okay guys. Here's the deal, it's been two months real time. It's been a few days game time as this meeting precludes OP1 and are being conducted as OP1. At the conclusion of these talks, it will be the start of OP2. It's early May still here, not the end of June. There is no reason these talks need to spill over into Turn 10.

Also, it was the Raven Alliance who asked for this joint session that includes the FS and CC, to that end, they are only offering to pay for 1 Armistice Opportunity. If the parties involves cannot settle on a combined peace agreement, then we cannot run the Armistice for turn 10.

I know that Swang wasn't here the whole time and I allowed him to take over the Fed Suns early so he could RP out the remainder of this turn for his faction as it has a huge effect of his future, but the Federated Suns came to this table with every intention of making a deal, not to stall. I ask that Swang please consider this as we go forth.

If the talks break down, I will step out from this as the Moderator and let Dave resolve this during Turn 10. As I will need to reconsider the Raven intentions for this meeting to take a more politically aggressive approach. You know us, we're Ravens, and DK is already too involved as well.

Quotethe nature of these negotiations preclude us from being able to evaluate the proposal without it coming from the proper representatives.

These NPCs ARE empowered to make the choices for their nations.

From here on out, please refrain from including opinion, threats and possibilities. We need solid responses from the representatives present on their current feeling on the current proposal on the table.

So please stay IC for the remainder of this thread and consider the current proposal a tangible draft on a data file for you to puruse and edit for future posting. Quote any passages you don't agree with along with your RP and any official proposals you have.

Thank You,



The Cease Fire between these following nations shall be extended thru Turn 13, in that time of Peace, all units on soil deemed foreign per this Treaty shall make their way off of those worlds at best possible Speed. Any units left on hostile worlds at the end of that time will be deal with at the discretion of the Land Holders.

CC will keep all salvage on the worlds they control. For the rest of the contested zones, the salvage will be split 50/50 with current combatants, or kept 100% by the province owner on those provinces no longer under combat.


DC will acknowledge loss of: Klathandu IV to the FS, Chirala to the RA.
DC will withdraw and turn over control from: Cassius, Wapokoneta.


FS Acknowledge loss of: Bergman's Planet, Elidere IV, Harrow's Sun, Huan, Marlowe's Rift, Misery, New Aberdeen, Thestria to the DC
FS will withdraw from: Harper, Breed, Dobson
FS Acknowledge loss of: Glentworth, Ikast, Jacson, Jonzac, Mendham, Sirdar, Spica, Verlo, Victoria, Weatogue
FS Withdrawal and turn over control from: Manapire
FS Turn over control of: Frazer
RA will withdraw from: Bergman's Planet, Harrow's Sun, Koulen, New Samarkand
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


QuoteThe moderator will suggest

(seems to imply that the moderator made the proposal.  In any case, the RA proposal was not the one we agreed on.  Spica was NOT included deliberately, particularly since Dobson and Breed were declared non-starters.

Also, the DC and CC get same salvage rights in the proposal.  Whoever owns the province gets 100%, if it's contested, then it's split 50/50.

Fate as RA (or, for that matter, Fate as GM) never broached the latest moderator proposal.  The last role play from FS stands, we have no idea of the validity of the proposal, and even if it is valid, we're not sure we want to agree to it.)



Brandi looks at the DC counter-proposal that Ambassador Wu silently submitted. "The only change on here I see is that Spica goes to the CC without compensation, is that correct?"


((rping as the CC Ambassador submitted this one))

Ambassador Liao-Centrella smiled sweetly.

"Not quite. If you look closely, we are willing to give up Kafr Slim, Bromhead, and Hoarsham, if the Suns will accept the inevitable at Spica, and also grant us Frazer, one of our original targets. While I appreciate the attempts of the Suns to broker a fair truce, we chose the worlds we wish carefully, and would prefer to gain those holdings instead of the proposed ones. As you can see, this actually causes a net gain of one less planet for us, and we think that it shows we are willing to compromise to see this agreement is finalized."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade