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[Diplomacy] Turn 9 - 2525 Terra - Cease Fire [Closed]

Started by Fatebringer, December 15, 2010, 03:12:58 PM

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Brandi looks at the data again and pulls up the planetary status files for Kafr Silim. Putting the data pad down, she hangs her head in despair. "Seriously?" She says looking at the Fed Suns Director, exasperated. "What kind of peace can there be here if you're trying to pass off your sick worlds? I knew you were going to be trouble," She waves her hands in the air as if trying to find the worlds. "What kind of message does that convey to your people?" giving him a sideways glare, she goes back to reviewing that latest proposal from Ambassador Liao-Centrella. "Now that I see where the Federated suns 'generosity' came from. I can re-evaluate this." Shaking her head. "I still see a lot of take and no give here. I see you don't like my proposal regarding Spica for Dobson and Breed, but can you explain why? From my point of view these worlds are like branches filled with fruit hanging into their neighbors yard, just tempting someone to come along and try and pick it. Trimming these branches removes that temptation."


Ambassador Wu answered her.

"I see no reason why the Draconis Combine would give 2 of it's worlds away for no gain to itself. Would Dobson and Breed gain the Combine anything? No. Perhaps it would gain the Capellans a single world in return, but that still does not explain why the Combine should be involved in the equation. I hold no special feelings twords the worlds, and would have little issue trading them for others. But if the Combine is to trade it's worlds, the Combine should gain the benefits, not an ally."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Royce laughed at the smuggness of the Draconis Ambassador. "I have two words for you, New, Samarkand. The deal here is currently dependant on a dual acceptance. The Raven Alliance has so far been very dissapointed with the lack of value this proposal has for our returning the second most valuable planet in Combine space. Perhaps if the Federated Suns aggreed to throw in Frazer with Spica for Dobson and Breed. I'm sure you two" Pointing at the Capellan and Combine negotiators, "could come up with something on the side that would make that kind of decision...less difficult?"


I will need to comm the home office about this offer.  However, my feeling is that they will let me know that given the new offer, we will only be willing to settle with the Commonwealth on those terms.


And I'm glad to see the Combine ambassador acknowledge the alliance between the Combine and the Commonwealth.

Which makes it obvious that previous protestations of non-alliance are really lies.


Finally, I'd like to point out that it was the Combine that called for this meeting.  So far, they've proposed nothing, and their alliance has proposed nothing acceptable (as far as I know, maybe the First Prince will be gracious, but I don't know why she would feel the need to.)

Perhaps, we could hear from the Combine?


Ok, let's not complicate things.  Here's our next offer.

1) Salvage: If a province is contested, everyone gets 50/50 salvage, if you already own a province, you already got the salvage.
2) Ownership: Everyone keeps what they currently own, except: Manapire to CC, Wapokoneta and Cassias to FS, Koulen to DC
3) Forces: Everyone is to be out of provinces they do not own by the end of October (end of T12)
4) Peace Treaty: Everyone is enjoined from declaring war again on any participant until the end of the year (end of T13)


All the talk about "Allowing" People to keep what they currently have, has been removed from the topic. The following is the bare bones basic offer. This offer includes Spica, but not Frazier. Let us restart the negotiations from here.

The Cease Fire between these following nations shall be extended thru Turn 13, in that time of Peace, all units on soil deemed foreign per this Treaty shall make their way off of those worlds at best possible Speed. Any units left on hostile worlds at the end of that time will be deal with at the discretion of the Land Holders.

CC will keep all salvage on the worlds they control or in contestation.
For the rest of the contested zones, the salvage will be split 50/50 with current combatants


DC will withdraw and turn over control from: Cassius, Wapokoneta.


FS will withdraw and turn over control from: Manapire and Spica


RA will withdraw from: Bergman's Planet, Harrow's Sun, Koulen, New Samarkand.


All units currently in uncontested hexes that are not listed fall under the universal stipulation.

"Any units left on hostile worlds at the end of that time will be deal with at the discretion of the Land Holders"

I am double checking the list of contested worlds now.


"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Good to Hear, the Ravens also find the arrangement acceptable.

I have verified that I did not leave out any contested worlds. Only a few of the worlds actually started out with two forces on the ground.


The FS does not see why it needs to give up Spica, however, would accept the agreement if Spica is removed.


"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Brandi looked at the others with a face of mixed frustration and contentment, serenly she spoke, "We're down to one world. But, it's a very important world to both sides. The Federated Suns currently have the world, and was one of their greatest prizes to come out of the last round of conflicts beween them and the Capellans. The Capellans, I'm sure would like to see the return of many of their citizens."

Looking at the Federated Suns Director. "There is a Warship over this world blockading your forces, and the Red Lancers. One of the top Capellan units stands ready to push towards the world. Your claim to this world is solid but fleeting. Is there anything the Federated Suns could accept for the peaceful turn over of this world? Perhaps a split from the Capellan Salvage? Perhaps if they could cover the costs of some of your repairs?"

She looked at the Capellan representative. "I'm not promising anything on your behalf, just trying to initiate dialogue that might complete these proceedings." Then she looked back at the Director expectantly.


There are plenty of actions/payment we would accept from the CC in return for Spica, We just don't see why giving it up for free is in any way remotely close to our interests.  We haven't heard an offer yet.  only demands.

(edit: changed first person singlar to first person plural...  The director is speaking for the FS)