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[Diplomacy] Turn 9 - 2525 Terra - Cease Fire [Closed]

Started by Fatebringer, December 15, 2010, 03:12:58 PM

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Brandi nodded once and pursed her lips. "That's why I'm asking you, what do you want. Not every offer has to come from the other side of the table."


((OOC- this is the last OOC message in this thread. Swang, I don't know if that comment you made was IC or OOC, but considering that all talk to dropping hypothetical results has been OOC chatter, i'll assume you weren't talking OOC comments IC.

NO MORE OUT OF CHARACTER COMMENTS. After this post, everything in the thread is to be taken and treated as IC, even if flagged OOC, and the poster will have to live with the consequences))

CC Ambassador:
"I am not demanding anything Director. I am simply stating what the Confederation would see as acceptable to end the conflict between us. A few days ago, you were prepared to hand over Spica and Frazer, aswell as Bromhead, Hoarsham, and Kafr Silim. Now you have withdrawn all 5 worlds. We are certinly understanding that the Suns do not wish to lose more worlds, but I think perhaps the inclusion of Spica goes a long way to proving to the Chancellor that we have more to gain through peace, than through continuing our conflict."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


(OOC: that was indeed IC, I'm going to post it again, expanded a little.)

I thought we were done talking about hypothetical combat? which is why we're not talking about Victoria, Harper, and New Samarkaand.  Let's not open it up again by talking about Spica and the likelyhood of the FS keeping it?


Royce chuckled. "Aaaaand, he avoids answering the question again."


I would just like to mention that the offer of those 5 worlds is still on the table, as long as the CC is willing to make a separate peace.  If the CC is not, then that is off the table.

Again, if you think that you are doing better by continuing the war, that is acceptable.  However, you know, as well as the Combine, that even were the war to continue and the Capellan front continues to deteriorate (from the Federation's point of view), the Combine would be severely crippled.  THAT IS WHY YOU ASKED FOR THIS MEETING.  If you come in expecting to dictate terms, I simply don't know how we can come to an agreement.

Our initial offer was based upon the mis-statement from the Draconis Ambassador that they had a deal with the Ravens and that the Ravens were going to stand down.  That offer is no longer there after the discovery of the mis-statement.  That is why you had the reduced second offer.  You don't want those worlds, thinking that will hurt your state, that's fine.

To restate.  All 6 planets together we think is a wash.  If you don't want that and make a separate peace, the only one we're willing to offer at this point is Manapire.


"WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING IN MY MEETING ROOM DIRECTOR COLLINS!" Brandi stared him down. "Let me try one more time here before you go tearing our progress apart." Bradi gave Royce a stern look. "And you behave yourself Mr. Avellar." She looked back at the Director, then to the others. "Mr. Avellar, you said that the Raven Alliance was preparing a tournament to coincide with the signing of a Peace Treaty?" Royce looked around suspiciously as the attention rested on him. "That was the plan. Not so sure about it now with the current situation." Brandi nodded. "How about another option. Would the Capellan Confederation and Federated Suns agree to fight for it? As part of this deal? We'll draw up two versions of the Peace Treaty and who evers champion wins gets control of Spica?"


(OOC: Sorry for using RP, but I don't know how much it would be in FS $)

As to Moderator Brandi's request, there are plenty of offers that we'd be willing to accept.

60 RP per year, for 5 years (basically, the economic output of Spica for the next 5 years)

or the compensatory repair of FS forces (up to a cap, say, 200 RP)

or the deeding over of equipment from an appropriate unit. (the 2nd St. Ive's lancers cost what? 180 RP?)

or we can trade Mencham for Spica, Frazer and Kafr Slim (if we're concerned about "straight" borders)

There are plenty of possibilities.  As stated previously, we just don't see the value of giving up Spica for free.


Heck, If you're so interested in a straight line border, we're willing to offer everything up the Hadnell/Avigail, Jaipur, Taygeta line (including Spica, of course) for a separate peace and a 2 year peace treaty.


Ambassador Liao-Centrella took each of the Federated Suns offers in stride. "We are not taking your sick worlds Director. Out of your options, the best offer we would make is to make restitution to the FS for all units that are still around after our combat" (55 RP to cover the 55 FP in damages you currently have)


Erm, no, Ambassador, the cap would include units damaged in fighting against your ally as well.

And the full offer includes 20 some good worlds, and 5 bad ones.  You easily come out ahead.  but I understand that you are willing to hurt yourself to protect your ally, a most commendable attitude.

We are provisionally agreeable to the Champion idea, although something of that magnitude would definitely need to be approved by the home office.


Ambassador Liao-Centrella smirked. "The extensive repairs for the whole Federated Suns is well beyond anyones expendable funds budget." She tapped her fingers on the table. "I will check with my advisors about the possibility of maybe accepting the Champion match."


GM: I am willing to let this offer stand on the table until DK can respond further.

For now, it looks like this offer might be acceptable to all parties and provide some sport. I am pretty sure neither side would want to run this in Megamek.

Please start thinking about the name for your NPC Champion, Mech, and the bad things their going to do to the other side.

Mechs can be cannon custom, XTRO, use special ammo, but must belong to your faction.

If this option is agreed to by both sides, then I will talk to each faction on the side to formulate a list of mechs with G/P skills, to balance the match.

The champion / mech will not be revealed until the match comes up in game.


Ambassador Liao-Centrella rifled through the paper fascimiles the FS Director had slid over to her. Ambassador Wu(DC) was doing his level best to remain calm, although it was obvious to most that he was vastly displeased that the Federated Suns thought so little of the Combine, that they didn't even seem to think they were worth negotiating with.

Eventually Ambassador Liao-Centrella pushed the papers away with an exasperated sigh.
"I simply don't understand, Mr Director. First, you offer us a reasonable deal, based upon the Combine Ambassador's assuptions that the Ravens and the Combine can reach an agreement. You take this to mean the deal has been made. Once it's clear the deal ISN'T concrete, you withdraw your offer, and decide that belligerency is your charted course of negotiations.

Now, I've looked through your figures, and I'm confused. Either we pay you for Spica's production, making the world worthless; we repair your forces that are combating a different nation, despite attempting to achieve our separation as mutually interested parties; or else we consign an entire regiment of mechs to you, in exchange for a single world.

Now perhaps they teach it differently in Davion territory, but within the Confederation, one usually negotiates depending on relative strengths. You have made inroads to the Combine, although admittidly, only the Ravens have done so into the Combine proper, whereas your attacks have only hit previously FS worlds. Our forces have penetrated your first line of worlds, and secured all but 3 of them, only 1 of which is currently not threatened.

Perhaps you see it differently, but I would say your position is not one of making wild, outragious demands, based in fantasy imaginations of what could come to pass under perfect circumstances. Unless you make a serious offer, one not quite so insulting as your current list have been, we will have no choice but to assume that your wish is to put up a brave face for your people as they are assimilated into the Confederation.

We will await your answer, but I do think I need a break from this room for a bit. I sugest a brief recess for the good Director to contact the Capital, as he has already admited he has only limited authority, and apparently needs to have his limits and boundaries more clearly defined for him.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Brandi looked at the Ambassador with an emotionless espression. "There is an offer on the table. This would go a lot faster if each side would stop demanding that someone else make the proposals, answer the questions they were asked and stopped trying to stall by consulting with people NOT in this room!" Brandi knew the situation had reached a critical point, they'd come to an almost workable arrangement twice now and it did not look as if things broke down again there would be a third. "Now, the Draconis Combine and Raven Alliance have agreed to settle on the current terms, the Capellan Confederation and Federated Suns have each agreed to consider the arrangement with the stipulation that the final outcome of Spica be resolved thru one on one combat. You've gone off three times now to go talk to your other representatives and we need an answer, here and now. Will the Capellans and Federated Suns agree to this!?"

(The Turn 10 thread is up, we need resolution on this today.)


"The Capellan Confederation will not resolve this battle via single combat, as we are not Clan Capellan Confederation. Once more- the recent deal proposed by the Raven Alliance, and agreed to by the Combine, is the offer we are currently ready to accept."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade