Solaris Event :Turn 45

Started by Deathrider6, January 02, 2011, 11:42:40 PM

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  Solaris event continued...fight's on gentlemen.


One addition: the last sentence from the Turtle-driver was not in english but in German:

"Fahrt zur Hölle, Ligaschweine!"
"Ich werde tot und ein Held sein, und ihr werdet Solaris unterjochen.." *static*

If someone can tell me how to post the gamelog with this limit of 256 kb, that would be nice.



Winner is: TEAM #2

DirtyRottinGladiators: 0 BV remaining (from 10834 initially) 0 BV fled
cannonshop: 9192 BV remaining (from 14512 initially) 0 BV fled
Deathrider06: 0 BV remaining (from 0 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Enfield END-6Q (cannonshop)
Pilot : Lt. Al Dormer [4/5]
Kills : 0

Griffin GRF-6S (cannonshop)
Pilot : Sgt. Madelaine Boja [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Gray Death Standard [Flamer] (cannonshop)
Gunnery Skill : Sgt. Kim My Bui [4]
Kills : 0

Gray Death Standard [SRM] (cannonshop)
Gunnery Skill : Cpl Crispino Bonometti [4]
Kills : 0

Rottweiler #2 (cannonshop)
Gunnery Skill : Alessandro Diego [4]
Kills : 0

Sabre SB-27 (cannonshop)
Driver : Dao Tranh Ky [4/2]
Kills : 0

Sabre SB-27 #3 (cannonshop)
Driver : Mara Rodenburg [4/3]
Kills : 1

Sabre SB-27 #4 (cannonshop)
Driver : Karin Schoeppen [4/3]
Kills : 1

Hermes HER-4S (cannonshop)
Pilot : Felipa Tice [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Locust LCT-6M (cannonshop)
Pilot : Carly Canavaro [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Fenrir Battle Armor [ERML] (cannonshop)
Gunnery Skill : Yu-Hui Ni [4]
Kills : 0

Fenrir Battle Armor [SRM] (cannonshop)
Gunnery Skill : Rasine Zagorska [4]
Kills : 0

Fenrir Battle Armor [MPL] (cannonshop)
Gunnery Skill : Tamerat Lamaalem [4]
Kills : 1

Fenrir Battle Armor [MPL] #2 (cannonshop)
Gunnery Skill : Gordon Fitt [4]
Kills : 1

Flashman FLS-8K (cannonshop)
Pilot : Mounga Fueunati [4/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Graveyard contains:
Sabre SB-27 #5 (cannonshop)
Driver : Anh Tri [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Onslaught SA-OS3 (DirtyRottinGladiators)
Pilot : Sayatnova Jidjian [3/5] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Flashman FLS-8K (cannonshop)

Barghest BGS-1T (cannonshop)
Pilot : Morris Braime [4/5] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Onslaught SA-OS3 (DirtyRottinGladiators)

Wolfhound WLF-2 (DirtyRottinGladiators)
Pilot : Jo Fukuyama [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Fenrir Battle Armor [MPL] #2 (cannonshop)

Onslaught SA-OS2 (DirtyRottinGladiators)
Pilot : Subaru Narahara [2/5] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Sabre SB-27 #4 (cannonshop)

Thunderbolt TDR-5S (C) (DirtyRottinGladiators)
Pilot : Luther Kapz [4/2] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Fenrir Battle Armor [MPL] (cannonshop)

Sabre SB-27 #2 (cannonshop)
Driver : Baldwin Chu'an [4/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Spatha SP1-X (DirtyRottinGladiators)
Pilot : Desiree Papin [3/4] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Rottweiler (cannonshop)

Rottweiler (cannonshop)
Gunnery Skill : Cpl Manuel Ornelaz [4]
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Sabre SB-27 #3 (cannonshop)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


Ramp 2, Airfield A, 4th Inarcs Jaegers Cantonment

"Madre Dios Rodenburg!"  Captain Dao Tranh Ky hadn't even taken her flight suit off, and she was coming off the line truck trailing enlisted techs like ribbons behind her, "bạn người cha ngu ngốc gõ con chó cái!!"  

"Wha-?" and then, the little aviator slammed a fist into Lt. Mara Rodenberg's perfectly formed germanic chin-knocking her to the ground.

"YOU FUCKING STUPID BITCH YOU DROPPED YOUR PAYLOAD ON OUR OWN GUYS!!!" Captain Ky bellowed, as tech-Sergeants pulled her off of Mara.  "Get your blind, stupid, clumsy fucking ass off my flight-line, I will have your fucking wings for that, you idiotic little gái điếm."

"what happened to-" Mara tried to say.

AsTech Guerney was helping her away, "Two birds were sabotaged, Ell-Tee, someone put Helium 2 in the fuelers they used to tank up Two and Five...that's Chuan and Tri, between that, an' your bad-bounce..."

"bad bounce? I was dead-on!" she insisted.

"Bad bounce, wiped a squad of suities on your last pass." Guerney told her, "Nevermind the captain, she'll settle out, but you might want to avoid her for a few hours."

"She punched me..."  was finally filtering in.

Behind that realization, was the horrid feeling in the pit of her gut-the feeling of knowing you killed your own.


Continued from here

"...Leutenant, the Captain's been pulled to Staff, the Company is yours-Normally, I'd congratulate you on what looks like two promotions inside of a month, but..." Major Weinstock's nasal Neerabup accent grated on Al Dorner's nerves-the man was almost as obnoxious sounding in German...
"BUT, sir?" Al put his Neurohelmet on the desk, and wiped sweat from his eyes with a towel, it had been less than twenty minutes since they'd rooted out "The Wilde Bunch", and he was still hot, sweaty, and tired...well, if it gets me out of writing those letters to family members a little longer...

Losing 2nd Squad from the Recon platoon had HURT.

"But...I need you to take your Company and relieve a Free-Worlds unit that got themselves cornered-Bravo's the nearest unit we can send in time-their asses are in a crack, and it's getting tighter-Command says they got maybe another two hours of ammo left."  the Major said,  "And that assumes they can hold the opfor off until the guns run dry."

"Air Support?" Al asked, "Not that fucking idiot that pickled on my Recon troops, I want someone who can fucking fly."

"You're getting priority, Al-hell, you've got authorization to call in Navy birds if you need it..."  the Major told him.

"Okay, let's look at the map and the recon data, then-see what kind of shit I'm taking my kids into..."


*tight beam message* Hana sighed. What was now? The campaign lasted for some months now and so far, the Purples and their UIW dogs were victorious on every occasion. The peeps were becoming desperate, despite holding out in relative safety and even supported by several bases, it was not getting better.

She opened. Haupt-Gladiator Frank Guttenberg, made himself commander of a bunch of Lyran Gladiators from Silesia, spoke: "Hana, ich will, dass Du das schnellstens weitergibst: wir haben eine Gruppe von Ligisten in der Falle. Es ist nur 'ne Frage der Zeit, bis wir sie vernichtet haben. Das Problem: die dürften bald Verstärkung erhalten. Alles, was laufen kann, soll den Zugang von den Entsatztruppen erschweren, oder vielleicht sogar verhindern. Das könnte unser erster echter Sieg werden. Frank Ende!" He nodded into the field-cam and looked quite certain.

Hana prepared the message. Translating it for all was no thing for her. Hopefully, they could achieve a victory, eventually.


Silesia Spaceport, 1200 Hours, May 9, 3070...

They weren't kidding when they said the Leaguers were in trouble-someone had gotten the goddamned gladiators to start fighting like a unit, and Bravo Company was now bogged down on the northern fence-line of the 'port itself.

"NO go on that airstrike Captain, I have friendlies inside the drop-zone." the radio cracled, and Al cursed-the rat-fuck uptown had the aerojocks too nervous to pickle.

"Okay, Shrike lead, do a fast pass southwest and see if the bastards have reinforcements coming, then bring up a pass south-to-north to get some of the pressure off the friendlies."  He muttered another oath, and noted idly that the FNG had managed to slip and run straight into another building. What do you expect, putting a Zeus jock in a Locust? "New Guy, get your wreck out of the building and your ass back to base, we don't need a recon-mech and you're too fucked up to fight."

Today, was turning into a guaranteed load of shit...

"Second Platoon, see if you can't get your suits moving into that base and push those fucking Gladiators off our Tarmac."