[RP/MM] Turn 45 CSC vs. Niops -- 0935 Niops Invasion/Blockade [complete]

Started by Marlin, January 09, 2011, 10:38:12 AM

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Oh, and what NVA forgot is the Field Repair of 10 %, so the Niopsians have still more forces left.


Niops force:

32 FP with Field repair and the 15 from the other planets.

Cat force: 383,5 FP.

(Field repair included, but not the stuff from Nuke damage)

What now?


CoPS will not "go to ground" but if they want to fight, CoPS will too.

Otherwise the CoPS will try to escort civilians out.


We need a final conclusion. 15 FP are fighters and from the rest of the 17 FP there could be fighters too, or only ground force. Max 10 FP can go to ground, leaving 7, makes for 23 FP that must be read for the last fight.


And then there is even one more round after my calculation to hunt down the Guerillas, right? At least it was so when the Adders fought in the far north.


10 FP of Niops/SLDF forces going Guerilla.
Rest of Niops/SLDF forces fight a delaying action

Based on Jeyar's post, CoPS force appear to be trying to run the blockade.

Someone will need to confirm what that final number is.  Also, I don't have the orders in front of me.  If there is a headhunting mission, the 'rest' force would likely try it.  Shock and aweful, after all.  :)


I would say that there is an offensive Interdiction in place due to total Air Control by the Cats. 15 FP would want to go through this.

7 FP of Niops fights a last stand? Thats gonna be rolled out. I guess 80 FP would be enough. :P

How much interdiction there is: I am not sure but it will sure outnumber the COPS by a considerable margin.

We can do the last stand, shall we?

Cats vs the Niops force "Do not let anyone survive!" : [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]


Let me give Jeyar a moment to realize what he is facing, so we use the right numbers.


Also, there would be a search of the Guerilla forces in the last two possible turns besides the other action. Talk about threefolding the stuff.

Guerilla catch roll:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11[/blockquote]


Guerillas are cought and face off overwhelming odds. I will lay off rolling this until Jeyars stuff is done.


Umm...I thought it was a single guerilla role per turn and that only after the next turn.  I could be wrong, but...


Well last time I checked that was the case..I am going over the rules as well and will confirm this ASAP.


I think this was done before. Otherwise I would have been more prudent.


Didn't see anything about an offensive interdiction, even when going back over the thread, and this is definitely a nice little snapshot of...

In any case, since you CAN'T be having the offensive interdiction with 385.5 FP (you can only use aerospace forces - and those forces aren't part of the attack since they are... interdicting and all), what is actually in the way?


Not attacking is Gamma St.. let me look it up before I go to bed..

So, in orbit or in between is Alpha Star, and Blockading is Gamma Star.

if the ruling shall be that Alpha can interdict then we are at 123 FP.

Gamma should have 78,5 FP.


Unless the rules changed, that is still better odds.
So if the Niops forces go to ground, the CoPS forces try to leave. In theory some of the "Niops" forces are also CoPS, but flexible either way.

If the Niops forces are fighting it out, CoPS forces are too.