[RP/MM] Turn 45 CSC vs. Niops -- 0935 Niops Invasion/Blockade [complete]

Started by Marlin, January 09, 2011, 10:38:12 AM

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Then give me your final FP for that.. whatevs and lets get it rolling. Already too much time lost.


Well, whatever NVA says, but I'm hoping he at least lets the CoPS still have at least 15 FP of their starting 30 FP...  ;D


There will be a fight, apparently.  Only part of the forces are going Guerilla.


Yes, but since you are deciding how many forces are going to ground, and how many are trying to leave... lol


Also the Guerillas need a 1d6 roll to determine how many of their FP are lost.


The FP should be already clear: 15 are Aerospace of Cops, 17 are Niops ground (assumed all ground) 10 go Guerilla, 7 remain. Means 22 FP that stays and fights and some FP at least 9 that go Guerilla.




And the answer to the Guerilla roll I did is met in the battle for "Von Strang's World". As I said.

I think even if some fighters make it out, Niops will be Spirit Cat.



Guerilla Warfare
Type: Invasion
Requirement: Ground forces only
Effect: Survivors from any other Battle type order may be designated as Guerillas. Any forces designated as Guerillas immediately take 1d6 FP of damage representing materiel losses in the process of going to ground. Guerilla units become Static units and cannot be moved until friendly forces regain control of the star system.

The maximum Guerilla force (per faction) in any star system is 10 FP.

Each turn, hostile factions with garrison forces present roll 2d6 each turn. On a 10+ the Guerillas are uncovered and may be attacked. On any other results, roll again and consult the Guerilla Warfare table - this is the amount of damage the Guerillas sustain over the course of the turn through low-intensity combat.

Posted for clarity. See below.


So apparently the following is occuring.

A total of 22 FP of the remaining defenders is going to fight a last stand while 10FP of forces go guerilla. So the 10 FP remaining MUST roll a 1d6 to determine what actually goes to ground. So the last stand is applied BEFORE the guuerillas are found then the attacker rolls 2d6 to determine damage caused to the guerillas.

CSC forces vs Allies (Niops/CoPS)/Allies ten FP -1d6 go to ground.

CSC locate guerilla roll (which was an 11)

CSC rolls 2d6 and applies result against Guerillas)


Cat roll for the last stand then. Way over 300 FP, I wont bother. Lets say its 300 FP.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 2, total 8[/blockquote]


The Last Standers should be dead.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 6, total 7[/blockquote]


"My Khan, it seems there has been a group that tries to avoid the final fight."

She looked at the report. "There is nothing we can do about it right now. I want those before us obliterated. Afterwards the saKhan shall take Elements of Delta, Sigma, Omega and Ice Claw to hunt them down. Anything other then a successful hunt will leave me disappointed. And now, go out of my way, I must see their last stand!"


SLDF Aria took .25 FP in the initial raid prior to combat. (This is a "special case rule" that uses the Warship Survival rule to allow this event to occur.

SLS Aria survival check [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6[/blockquote]
Simple Resolution - determining WarShip survival

If a WarShip unit takes any damage during simple resolution (but not enough to destroy the entire unit), roll 2d6. On a roll of 5 or less, apply all available damage to the portion of the unit's FP representing the WarShip itself (bypassing fighters, dropships, and other support units). If enough damage was sustained to deplete the WarShip's FP to zero, the WarShip is destroyed.

If a WarShip is lost in this fashion but the overall unit still has FP (from support units), these units become a separate transported 'survivor' unit.


SLS Target, a 6 FP unit built around a 4 FP Lola III destroyer sustains 5 FP. The Lola rolls a 3 on its survival check, so damage is applied to it first. 4 of the 5 FP inflicted destroys the Lola, but the 1 FP left is not sufficient to destroy the entire unit. Once combat is resolved, the remaining 1 FP would become a 1 FP transported ASF unit - "SLS Target Survivors."


10 FP of Niops defenders go to ground 10-[blockquote]Rolled 1d6 : 5, total 5[/blockquote] suceed

combat roll for the forces making the last stand against CSC [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 4, total 10[/blockquote]


Crrit check for the 22FP making last stand [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6[/blockquote]