[RP/MM] FWL- ArcRoyal Turn 45 Invasion Caledonia Sector 2024

Started by chaosxtreme, January 09, 2011, 02:47:39 PM

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By the will of the Captain-General in accordance with the dictates of Parliament this world will be brought into the Federation of Skye under the stewardship of the Free Worlds.

Elements of the Marik Militia


"Attention Free Worlds Forces, this world is part of the Federation of Skye, which is now an administrative region of the CLP. So, mission accomplished, as it were. Well done. Or were you, too, planning on dishonoring our peace agreement?"


In the words of Roosevelt "Peace without the means to enforce it is not worth the paper it is printed on."

I assure you sirrah the Marik Militia's are the proven means by which the Captain-General enforce's his treaties.

However sirrah you must also remember your peace accord with the Free Worlds as the polity of Arc Royal extends to Arc Royal. Our agreements with the Federation of Skye and the Lyran Commonwealth dictate that the Free Worlds and the Captain-General have every right to restore order where there is rebellion for the duration of the crisis within the boundaries of the Lyran Commonwealth especially both Skye and Donegal Provinces.

This treaty affirmed by the Estates General and signed by Archon Robert Kelswa-Steiner.

I would remind your sirrah if you find your current accords with the Free Worlds insufficient to your new needs to immediately have your ambassador request an audience with the Captain-General or his representative. I can give you a few days before I break your forces utterly.

I would also remind you Sirrah no one may sit in the Archon seat on Tharkad without the Captain-Generals permission. I suggest you do not waste the time I have afforded you.

Sincerely Militia Actual.


"Marik Actual, if the worlds of the Skye-Donegal region agreed to be peacefully annexed by the CLP - at their own suggestion, not Arc-Royal's - I think it's fair to say that there's no rebellion or unrest going on here. Nonetheless, the ambiguity of the situation is such that I'm referring it to our ambassador - hopefully for everyone's sake this can be handled without bloodshed."


While I can understand your logic. It makes not a wit of difference to me. I kill whom the Captain-General directs me to kill.

Refer this to your Ambassador if he convinces the Captain-General to turn my hand away from you I will lose no sleep over the matter.


"How goes the negotiations sir? My orders as of yet remain unchanged."


9th Marik Militia 41.5 FP
9th Marik Aerospace 5 FP

10th Marik Militia 25.75 FP
10th Marik Aerospace 1 FP