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[RP/MM] OA-FWL Indy Turn 10 Al Jubayalah Sector 1736 [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, January 13, 2011, 01:10:17 PM

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By the will of the Duke of Andurien and the strength of his own Ranger's this world will return to the Free Worlds League by main force if necessary.

1st Andurien Rangers
50th FWLN Transport Command
4th FWLN Aerospace


Please advise what Operational Round these forces arrive on.

"Anduriens? So these are Humphrey's men... The people of Al Jubayalah are willing to discuss what the Duke would like of us in his regime."

Militia Only


Arrival Operational Round 3.

"Its the Free Worlds League not the Crappies or the  Crappies collaborator's on Regulus. You pay your tax's, you comply with Federal law's as far as the Articles of Incorporation allow and you run your own affairs as you see fit. Plus you have membership in Parliament, plus if things go bad a natural disaster, jumpship failure's the Federal Government steps in to give you a hand.

You rejoin of your own accord your world gets to choose its members of Parliament as it see's fit. No reconstruction, no military occupation, and no silly trade tariff's interfering in your commerce and trading. Everything will be as it was before the Jihad.

Now here's the other side of it. You don't rejoin of your own free will, you do resist us. Well then you have committed Treason, you will swing from a tree and after Ive taken your Militia apart your world will be occupied until such time as some bean counter on Oriente or Andurien thinks you lot are "loyal" again.

If you don't believe me I suggest you send an HPG to Kearny. Their the first world to take the non-resistance deal. See what they think of the Free Worlds. Its a free press like everywhere else so while I am sure you will find a few people railing against the Captain-General but that's just fine as long as their not waving guns about while they do it its as legal as extra's in the champagne room on a Magistracy Pleasure Circus.


Once the FWL lands, they are greeted by an honor gaurd militia to the capitol, after negotiations where the locals agree to pretty much everything you want while keeping face with their people, Al Jubayalah is yours.