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[RP/MM] OA - FWL Indy Worlds Payvand Sector 1737 [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, January 14, 2011, 12:08:57 AM

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You are not authorized to know who I am but you are authorized to surrender right now or else. Incase it is unclear the Admiral is handling the or else.

Safe Dark Shadows Regiment
Thera Class Santorini
331st FWLN Transport Command
22nd FWLN Patrol Division


Please advise what Operational Round these forces arrive on.

"Admiral, I think you misunderstand the situation here on Payvand. I am General Stryker, the local governance has asked me to welcome you to this world with open arms. Please, come planetside so we can discuss further the 'future' and our role in it."

The Black Hearts
CO: General Glen Allen Stryker
Heavy Mech Regiment
2x Heavy ASF Wing
Heavy Armor Regiment
Battle Armor Regiment


Op Roun 3 Arrival
Safe Dark Shadows Regiment 176 FP
Thera Class Santorini 274
22nd FWL Patrol Division 54 FP

"this is the Admiral, Sorry about the Colonel <redacted> of the S.A.F.E. <redacted> you know how the spooks can be.

Afraid this is war time and my place is on the Santorini but if your of a mind I can send a shuttle down for you and what members of your command stuff and the government of Payvand wish to journey with you.

I would be happy to hold a friendly summit and have you share my table at dinner tonight.

I must say General Stryker I am glad to make the acquaintance of a man who is ready to rejoin the Free Worlds and bring the world of Payvand back into the fold with him.
Admiral Garibaldi out.


The unit discusses contract terms over dinner. If you accept, you absorb the remainder of their contract and  have a Merc unit that will go off with you for 2 turns at 10% of their FP inpay. If you decline, they will stay on the world until their contract runs out.

Unit can only be negotiated as a whole and you need to provide transport.