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[RP/MM] OA-FWL Indy Turn 10 Hindmarsh Sector 1735 [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, January 14, 2011, 12:14:51 AM

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On behalf of the Free Worlds League and House Orloff yield now.

2nd Orloff Grenadiers
8th FWLN Aerospace
242nd FWLN Transport Command


Please advise what Operational Round these forces arrive on.

There is no response to the ultimatum.


Arriving Operational Round 3:

2nd Orloff Grenadiers 114 FP
8th FWLN Aerospace  52 FP

Orders: Move to Atmo/orbit


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 5, total 9[/blockquote]



[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 1, total 5[/blockquote]


Moves are as noted.

Round 4 Init
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7[/blockquote]


Round 4 init

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6[/blockquote]


2nd Orloff unloads from Dropships. Now lets see what bad bad things happen. :-)


The atmosphere on Hindmarsh is very dense and foggy, a runway of tanks with their floodlights on mark the landing zone for the FWL Forces. Several Loader mechs direct traffic on what passes for a spacepad on the volcanic rock surface.

"Glad you could join us, we're having some comms issues at the moment? What brings you to Hindmarsh?"


"Well that is just the sort of thing you need the Federal Government for isn't it? How long has Comstar had you lot on the backburner for fixing this HPG station? You think they do that to a one of Humphrey-Halas's worlds? I think not."

"We're here on behalf of Earl Orloff and the Free Worlds League to bring Hindmarsh back into the Free Worlds with full rights, responsibilities and benefits that entails. "


"Heh, how can we call for help? No HPG, most people only come here for the mud. We have this shoddy landing strip on the top of a Volcano cause aint no power in the verse gonna pull out a Dropper from the mud once it gets stuck. You think this place is named Hind-marsh for no reason? Heck-no. But the downside to being up here, well besides the obvious, is the fog. Creeps right up here all day long. No stoppin it either. Marsh water hits the mountain, cools it down, vualla, fog. Doesn't hit hard enough to harvest steam..."

The man doesn't shut up...


So who runs the government here abouts then? What type of government do you lot have?


"Government, ha ha ha, that's a good one. Aint been a real government round here in some time, just the trade council. They keept he books. Don't worry sir, aint no one here gonna stop you from setting up a real government, we're all just folk out here. Not even the pirates come here. All we gotta do is shut off our lights and they'll never find the landing pad. Look." He points at a busted Mule dropship that impaled itself on one of the rocky spires. "No sir, we have a geological defense caused by our natural...."

He just doesn't shut up!


Lieutenant you are to remain here and continue to gather all useful intelligence from Mr. (guy still doesnt shut up).

"But Sir!"

"We all have to do our duty Lieutenant he who gathers...humint also serves.

Yes Sir.


2nd Orloff Grenadiers Claim Hindmarsh for the Free Worlds.