Turn 46 Planning and Timeline

Started by Deathrider6, February 04, 2011, 12:00:57 AM

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Turn 46 will begin on Feb 15th 2011 Orders are due on that date. Further information will be forthcoming.


On your orders please do construction and any non-combat movement. No Combat will occur for this turn save for Solaris and test fights for rules adjustments.


Horse Alliance orders are in.  As is our review of the faction, and future factional intentions.  cheers.


I will be doing some admin final thread clean up this weekend for turn 45 and some set up RP will take also be done. This turn will be a great time to do some set up roleplay and tidy up any major loose ends. As a reminder remember orders are due the 15th. Please make sure you map updates on the cover e-mail and be ready to go!


Took some doing :P But the New Dominion has been Sent, please see amendment Email and PM that followed.


Orders in.

:( My PC is giving me issues now..


Reports will be going up this week....map updates will be done as well. will be starting the processes for both later today.


Hello DR6.  You should have the Horse Alliance orders and review, as well as the Magistracy orders.  The Magistracy review will be sent today (my time).  cheers


No problem...Thanks to everyone who has sent plans/orders.


Quote from: Deathrider6 on February 09, 2011, 12:04:56 PM
I will be doing some admin final thread clean up this weekend for turn 45 and some set up RP will take also be done. This turn will be a great time to do some set up roleplay and tidy up any major loose ends. As a reminder remember orders are due the 15th. Please make sure you map updates on the cover e-mail and be ready to go!

So you want us to still posts the combat information? I was under the impression that what we were doing this cycle was just getting simrezed? I'll start doing initiatives if I need them. ;P


theres supposed to be no combat in T46

it was supposed to be purely RP to setup for the jump.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


kk, I was wondering because he mentioned wrapping up and I can't wrap up til I clear Orestes ;) I'll get some RP with you ;)


Reports will go out nthis weekend.


CBS orders are forwarded, but August may be sending a copy as well that is double-checked for errors.  And you already have my factional outline/plans for the time jump.


Okay folks Map updates are in progress for the final 3070 map. IF there are further corrections please PM the GM account as per policy. I will be getting with eash of you towards the end of the turn regarding the first 3090 map if you are affected by any changes. Remember that the HW will be closed but affected factions will be contacted prior to the closure.