[RP] Turn 39, HW2538 Strana Mechty - Trial of Refusal(Clan Camel)

Started by Daemonknight, May 06, 2010, 05:08:49 AM

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saKhan Brett Andrews: Again you wail at the prospect of adversity, all to save yourself bruises. I almost miss your firey predecessors. If bidding draws such high praise from you then, pray, continue with the rite. There is a bid of 7.25 on the table. Go lower Falcon, if you dare.


The Hellions second Khan Jade Falcon's motion.

We would like to be part of this trial along with others to demonstrate our trust in the Camel Clan and its existence.


saKhan Brett Andrews: Unless the ilKhan wishes to meddle with the laws of our bidding tradition for her own ends, a tradition that her Clan has just now so openly endorsed, then the only legal manner in which Clans can combine their forces is to contract into the winning bid. As such they will have to get approval from the Diamond Sharks to contract into their standing bid, or else a coalition must make their own lower combined bid. This is my understanding. I ask the Loremaster of the Clans to confirm this.


SaKhan Caden Church spoke as saKhan Andrews concluded.  "I concur, Khan Steel Viper.  And will someone please instruct the Hellions that they no longer have one of their own in the ilKhan's seat?  They certainly keep trying to tell the other Clans what they need to be doing enough that one would think the shade of Sellen Cage was commanding this Council."


OP: I think we need a solution here. The last bid was done by the Sharks, and it should be rolled, no?

We might need the GC for business.


*OOC- I really would rather not be rolled out. It will take time for the Trial to take place as the forces have to move to the site anyways.


((OOC: As much as i would rather it not be SimRes, theres so little time it may not be possible to finish this by the end of the month, especially with you being gone untill Tuesday. Maybe do a series of SimRes Duels: match up 2 mechs(one from each side) and roll a best of 3 series between them. Winner moves on to the next match-up, run it a Star at a time, because in a Trial like this, the Clanners would most likly be following the single-combat traditions of the Clans, so theres no ganging up. Unless you can manage to get enough time in for a MM game))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


*OOC- No time for MM. I head to work tonight (about an hour from now), then head out of town tomorrow morning. But I do like your idea. If someone wants to proxy, I will go for that in either case. If a MM proxy fights, I want it to be known that the Vipers will follow strict Zell. 


((OOC: Just so we can get this done quickly, does someone want to proxy for the Vipers? It'd be best if we can get this done in the next few days so that the decision can be circulated. Holt, do you need a proxy or do you have the time?))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade





Anyone up for taking the Sharks? I'll be playing by strict zellbrigen, Steel Viper style. The Vipers had 3 FP and the Shark bid was 7.25. The Vipers bid 10 mechs and I work the ratio out to mean they fight 24 Shark mechs (do I have that right? If so, I ask a Shark player to post up the mech types that are in their bid, the Viper mechs are on the first page :) ). All pilots are E/F cause both sides are Keshiks. It's a lot of metal to play with but with Elite pilots the kills should be coming thick and fast, so I can see the battle being done in two nights easy, three tops if luck runs weird. I can play from about 9pm EST until 11 or 12 most nights, with a little advance notice. :) Hit me up here or on MSN.


the number of shark mechs depends more on weight class than the ratio at this point. If theres more lights than heavies, he might have a higher mech ratio, but an equal FP ratio(which is what matters).

At this point, i dont think MM is really an option, the turn ends tommarow. Unless you can get it done before the turn ends tommarow night, i think it should just be done by either a roll off, or the detailed SimRes i proposed(i personally dislike the idea of leaving such an issue upto something so simple as a best of 7 roll, but its not my trial).
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


It would be possible to finish in a single session with halved forces, 1.5 vs 3.63, to do a 'zoomed out' version of the Trial. The half not represented in the game would be assumed to fare as well as the half that were.