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Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Well I did something about it. Gave the Cats safcon right to burn it down right around the elve's ears. heh

Daring to defy the Captain-General.

Pity we didn't have another turn or two was looking forward to First Lord unpronounceable needing to move through FWL space to take it back at the head of a FWL battlegroup and then being clapped in iron's.


Lord Harlock

If I only hadn't had to worry about the Dark at the time. I really wanted to address some of the oddness of the Niops faction with the . . . New Avalon Catholic Church. Well actually my plan would have been to convince one of the Star League units stationed at Niops through Special Ops to go rogue against the government of Niops due to its "heretical" ideals. I even set it all up with an rp post where I had the Pope of New Avalon talking to a Bishop about it. That post caused more issue due to the fact that it basically said that some of the church relics that were suppose to be on Randis were in fact fakes thanks to the NACC switching boxes.   

The real issue is that when I finally got the chance to do something about it; I was spending everything that I had to realign everything towards fighting the Dark. I even wanted to pull the FedSuns out of the Star League to save money and units if truth be told. Which is the real reason that I accepted SilentWarrior's peace proposal on St. Ives, I didn't want to be fighting another war in addition to the Lyran Implosion, the Dark, and that albatross of the Suns being the Outworlds Alliance possibly going Clan (We lost that one). I didn't get St. Ives for the Suns in the end, but Warlock and Texlos are pretty good. I guess even though I know that I would have been able to secure the whole St. Ives Compact without much fuss: it was just RP and MP that I couldn't afford to waste at that point. Do you know how much MP it costs to move about six hundred FP from the Capellan March to the mid Crucis March? A lot. The only reason that I chased the killer of Quintus Allard-Liao as long as I did was that I really wanted to know who killed the Duke of St. Ives. And then I got that gig being head of 3010.

But sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if I could have done more with the NACC story that I had in mind.

Lord Harlock

Also, I feel sorry for whoever gets stuck with Northwind since you might have the Targe.


TH has it  still
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

GI Journalist

So I guess my next question is what happened to the Star League. Will it survive the jump to 3091? Will it manage to be even less effective than it already was?


Quote from: GI Journalist on May 22, 2011, 03:58:25 AM
So I guess my next question is what happened to the Star League. Will it survive the jump to 3091? Will it manage to be even less effective than it already was?

Will it survive? Yes.

Will it continue to be ineffective? Dunno.. It's early yet.


I wouldn't call the SL ineffective. It managed to prevent the Clans from invading the FWL. Which when you get right down to it was my major goal for it. So good job SL. :-)


Quote from: Dave Baughman on May 24, 2011, 07:03:00 AM
HD Green-Lights VEAR Rally, Castes Threaten Violence
26 December 3090 - ATS (TAMAR)

In a 9-7 ruling, the Högsta Domstolen upheld the right of the Volkslyranische-blodfolken Enade Anti-Rasistiskt Parti (VEAR) to stage a mass demonstration on Skokie opposing employment restrictions on members of protected ethnic groups. Referring to the Ghost Bear Warrior Council's renunciation of the Trial of Annihilation against [censored by Chatterweb moderators], Ordförande Miles Hallen opined, "the purpose of the constitutional protections for minority ethnic groups - including those of [censored] descent - is to promote social harmony and ensure equal justice under the law, not to impose internal exile in place of Annihilation."

Conservative groups within the Dominion were quick to react; at a press conference jointly held by the Snow Raven Labor Caste and the All-Rasalhague Communist Party, Skokie Senior Laborer Alfonso promised, "Many compromises were made when the New Dominion was formed, but just because the Not-Named are permitted to claim perveted pride in the dark deeds of their ancestors in places like Orestes and Alshain, their efforts to undermine the pillars of our society will not be tolerated here on Skokie. I cannot accept responsibility for any spontaneous outbursts of anger if these degenerates attempt to force their obscene lifestyle on the honest laborers of this world."

An official at the Krigsministerium, speaking on condition of anonymity, informed Around The Sphere that several Kungsmarin naval infantry sibkos have been placed on alert for possible riot control duty. The State Security ministry was not available for comment.

In sports news, FK Grumium...

Heeey, :P I Used to live in Skokie as a kid, I know exactly what you're doing here :P History repeats itself? :P


Okay, Map looks nice except such ugly dark blue that took the Ice Hellion Worlds.
Took the rest to PM. ;)


I thought you got those back on the last map?


Quote from: Marlin on May 24, 2011, 06:26:49 PM
ugly dark blue

Keep it up, theres plenty to go around
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Big Blue is still out there, and much alive, even in the midst of so many others. ;)

Avatar Zero

Quote from: Fatebringer on May 24, 2011, 10:19:28 PM
Big Blue is still out there, and much alive, even in the midst of so many others. ;)

I thought GTE got absorbed by Verizon back in the '90s?  :P


ok, Ive been having problems all weekend in finalizing my T1 orders

everytime I  try to copy and paste data from the sheet Ive been working on onto a blank several key pieces of data dont transfer or auto correct...namely MPs created and Perm MP Pool

also, in order to get all my units to fit Ive had to insert additional lines, and on those new lines no data appears regarding MPs

is there any way, short of manually figuring out the MPs created by units, to get get the Order Sheet to figure it out for me....Ive pretty much run out of ideas on how to do this on my own, so any help would be appreciated


Quote from: GraeGor on May 31, 2011, 01:20:46 AM
ok, Ive been having problems all weekend in finalizing my T1 orders

everytime I  try to copy and paste data from the sheet Ive been working on onto a blank several key pieces of data dont transfer or auto correct...namely MPs created and Perm MP Pool

also, in order to get all my units to fit Ive had to insert additional lines, and on those new lines no data appears regarding MPs

is there any way, short of manually figuring out the MPs created by units, to get get the Order Sheet to figure it out for me....Ive pretty much run out of ideas on how to do this on my own, so any help would be appreciated

This is a Dave Baughman Qestion since he designed the sheet.