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OOC Thread

Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Iron Mongoose

When I look at the page for Clan space attacks and thouse aimed at a single faction don't fit on a single page, there's a part of me that misses the limits on attacks, and I'd feel the same if it was my faction or not, since my main complaint would be that there's little hope of doing MM or any meaningful RP for the vast preponderance of these worlds.  DK seems to have been able to do a unique RP for each, which is very impressive, but I know my limits and Grae's limits.  We may not be able to pull that off.

That said of course, we'll see if I feel the same when we get you back  8)


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on June 08, 2011, 07:11:59 AM
When I look at the page for Clan space attacks and thouse aimed at a single faction don't fit on a single page, there's a part of me that misses the limits on attacks, and I'd feel the same if it was my faction or not, since my main complaint would be that there's little hope of doing MM or any meaningful RP for the vast preponderance of these worlds.  DK seems to have been able to do a unique RP for each, which is very impressive, but I know my limits and Grae's limits.  We may not be able to pull that off.

That said of course, we'll see if I feel the same when we get you back  8)

I'd offer to ghost-write, but I'm kind of swamped with my own stuff and I don't think the rules allow it.

That said...holy shit that's a lot of invasions.


QuoteDK seems to have been able to do a unique RP for each, which is very impressive, but I know my limits and Grae's limits

Aff, but his OOC replies were so generic, he's offering ToP's for the Genetic Legacies of Militia? And ignoring any comments from Grea. :P Plus it's very unclanlike. Asking for a second trial before the first is resolved. The blatant over trialing for commanders? I can understand the territory and the "Claim" to it, but Grae should really be setting some return trial limits. AKA the if I win, you won't be back for 6 mo's, a year, counterbidding for territory. That way you can see if the LC are really trying to follow Clan ways or are just dirty stinking spheroids trying to start a war. :P


well I just spent 20 minutes putting up very basic non-IC replies to the ones I missed last night...and in another 20 minutes I plan to be in bed

and close to an hour last night posting the minimal replies that I managed...which pretty much covers my free time before having to get ready/leave for work

if more detailed responses from me are desired, then any combat threads vs the Adders will not be answered until a weekend rolls around, and even then when time permits

IM could have possibly, if his time allowed, posted better, but until recently he didnt have access to the Order Sheet...which is my fault, but what's done is done, and all I and IM can do is make the best of the situation from this point on

Iron Mongoose

Well, a quick count shows 36 attacks, so if you took just 30 seconds to respond to each one (not much time to say anything) if you still set you back the better part of 20 minutes.  If a good RP takes just five minutes (plus the time to look up what unit is there and who the commander is, which takes almost 30 seconds all on its own) then you'd spend three hours responding.  Which is about four times what I alot for this game each day.

So if our replies are copy pastes for a bit, or if it takes a while, I hope we can be forgiven.


My time is slim the last says as well, but prepare for the Weekend. :D

On another serious note: I would like to have all players whose factions were involved in dismantling the RWR to create a sort of timeline for that. I must assume that the Cats took most of the time of the jump to gain theirs from the RWR, that means fanatical resistance. I would like to have that for the other involved factions as well, aka Lyrans. (No doubt they would it have somewhat easier, although they would be far weaker then now, I assume.)

It may be rough but it is needed and would be appreciated.


my OOC responses were short and generic because there wasn't really much else for me to add. I had originally intended to offer the commander trials only to serving line units, but i was almost falling asleep at that point in time.

My planned timeline was: arrival, commader trial, planetary ToP, cleanup/RTB

And the Lyrans actually couldn't care less about the genetics, they're doing that becayse the Falcons asked them too(though of course, nobody knows that IC).

Onto IM's concern, if anyone wants to proxy any of those planetary ToPs(or if Fate/Chaos want to do one of the 4 naval ToPs for the space stations), you're welcome to it- just let me know beforehand please.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quick question about the LC attacks, as I read it, the LC is basically launching 2 trials. Now, I have no idea how many units they're sending, but the question is, for 1 unit that has the order Trial, how many things can actually be trialed for? (My reading of the rules would only allow to trial for one item, but if it's not, there probably should be a hard limit.


Theres never been a limit set on the number of trials that i'm aware of, but people are usually unconcerned with anything but taking territory/technology/SafCon, so I doubt it's come up before. As it is, Fate's annoyance with my issuing 2 trials, is because Grae didn't have time to post an IC response to every attack(understandable, theres alot of them). If Grae had been able to post an Adder commander speaking in any way, the ToP for their genetics would've gone out first, followed by the ToP for the worlds themselves.

And I simply copy/pasted my ooc response because I didn't really have a personalized response for "this is whats defending against your trial". Its hard to make a personalized response to...nothing. Again, nothing against Grae- some people have lives they need to attend to. I don't. however, I will be deleting the ones against planetary milita forces, because we don't care about them. Only bloodnamed warriors from actual Line units.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Oh, I wasn't going that you shouldn't be allowed 2 trials, I just think we should have a hard cap so that nobody is going to think of doing 100 trials all for 1/100th of the world or something crazy like that.


i doubt anyone would bother, its too much hassle. As it is, theres a very good reason i'm attacking so many planets simultaneously, and while its alot to go thru, i think that not being able to RP/MM alot of them is a moot point: most combat doesn't get alot of RP in it, unless its something more important than just your average world. And MM doesn't happen alot because nobody ever seems to have time(or they don't ask- i'm always around, but i'm not a good MM player, so i don't MM often because otherwise all i do is lose).

I'll get ahold of Kern, and maybe he'll be down to MM out some of these games for the Lyrans.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Iron Mongoose

There were some rather low limits early in the game, but players ran up against them often enough that they got dropped.  And there were IC limits on Clan trials at several points, of course.

Quote from: Daemonknight on June 08, 2011, 09:10:35 PM
i'm always around, but i'm not a good MM player, so i don't MM often because otherwise all i do is lose).

Well, I do have a bit of time for MM comming up...  ::)

As far as it goes, I don't mind so much the attacks themselves.  Sometimes, something like this is tacticly called for and correct.  The FWL contemplated it a few times before backing down for political, not tactical, reasons.  And I have something like this cooking in the other game.

Mainly, its what it signifies about what the game has become over the past seven years.  Grae's more of an RP guy, and I prefer a bit of that and a bit of MM, and we both shun book keeping as much as possible I think.  Yet, this game has grown more and more from an RP/MM game into a stratigy game.  Except for a hand full of us like me and Parm and a few others, no one's been here the whole time, so you can't really blame anyone for the change, and its not really either bad or good.  But, there's times when I miss the old days.  That's all.


the ToPs for the genetic material are the ones I PREFER to MM, because those are entirely an RP device. That being said, I'm willing to put a few of my attemted conquests on the line aswell- i don't know how much time you have, or me really. I started playing EVE Online again, so thats been sucking my free time up. As has hockey- GO BRUINS! :P
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Elrad on June 08, 2011, 08:54:32 PM
Oh, I wasn't going that you shouldn't be allowed 2 trials, I just think we should have a hard cap so that nobody is going to think of doing 100 trials all for 1/100th of the world or something crazy like that.

Trials are "orders" and you can only execute one of those per operational round. There's six operational rounds in a turn, so that presents sort of a 'soft cap' on trial spam. The cap gets tighter when multi-faction initiative and other stuff come into play, eating up more op rounds.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Iron Mongoose

Per world.  But, you can still launch six with each force, so if each of the Lyr-falcon's 34 attacks went six rounds as trials, that would be overwelming in its scope.

As for MM, if you have any you'd prefer to see (notable blood names you want, for example) then note them, and we'll note trials we'd like to see MMed (again, important exclusive names, and also key strategic worlds that we see as important) and we can try to set a priority.  We have no objection to most any proxies playing our part, though we'll note exceptions if they arise, and as always priority goes to former members of factions that we've absorbed, if any, if there's a conflict of people wanting to play.

With so many fights, absolutly anyone who wants to play should be able to find some MM fun for themselves.