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Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Iron Mongoose

Light armor can do a lot of good if you're clever about it.  I remember back in the old 67 game, Ghost Bear kicked the crap out of someone (and not just some sucker, but a player of known skill as I recall) with some green armor, and really messed some conquest plans up.


Oh yeah, MM had a serious impact. I remember Deathray slaying a superior Bear force with his Wolves multiple times.

That were the days the Wolves were fightin'.


Okay, so what changed?

Iron Mongoose

The players all moved to other factions.

Its something I think we've seen again and again.  A small faction with an active and vigorious player (the MH under GWA, for example, or even Randis under Baulder, or really most any periphery faction now that I think about it, though there are surely others) can do really wounderous things, while a faction that hasn't got any players, or has ones that are problematic (the Cobras, the Mandrills, the Wolves the LA) can easily get in a bad way no matter its paper strength.

Which perhaps touches on something going on in another thread, but we can speak of that in that thread or not.

Of course, back in the 3067 game, it was all even BV games, no matter the number of troops involved, so it was entirely about MM skill, and very little about stratigy (it was important to get your goot units to the fight so you could put better pilots and better tech on the field, but there was no real tracking of MP, so it was relitilvely easy to do) and good MMers (which there were many of that arn't still with the game) could make a huge diference.


There are far too few players is the answer and those that are around dont have the time or inclination to fight MM. I have almost no time anymore. At least we got the Niflsmeet in. And that was planned well ahead.
Both must agree to MM or it wont happen.


The mentioning of "but there was no real tracking of MP" confuses me. I've always tracked mine, even when I was working the FS and we had so little of it. I guess that would explain why the FS used to have enough to sell to the SLDF when I didn't have enough to move our own units. Of course, it could have been because I was trying to formulate a battle plan by moving mass units to strongpoint locations and we'd lost about half the fleet. :P, but still. I think it would be hugely unfair for people not to track their MP, just like it would be unfair for unit to not track ammunition in a real game. Limited resources are supposed to be an equalizer for those that have them.

The problem really comes when we have droughts of activity. We have enough players right now to keep the game going, one of the things that killed the FP3090 game was that two of our major players all of a sudden went silent for weeks. GM extensions can only help so much.


He talked about the game before this one, dude. ;)

Iron Mongoose

Yeah, back in FGC III, we didn't track anything.  Truely.  Ghost Bear ran it the way you might run a small personal campaign, with everthing being worked out on more or less a case basis.  Its little supprise in hind sight that such a large game (I don't think we've ever had more players) that it drove him over the edge to do it, and that future games have had ever more rules.

Dave Baughman


I have posted a rather lengthy poll in the Market Research section. I hope you will all take the time to register your opinions. Please be totally honest... if you want to go on at more length on any topic related to the subject of the poll, please feel free to post your opinion as a reply in that thread.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Read the poll carefully before you answer.  I missed a box I should've checked.


so apparently i was exhausted last night and didn't get the reports out. Ooops! doing it right now
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


No worries Daemon. Count the numbers of EX GMs and you know what you're up to. :)


Looks like we might have saved the FGC 3010 game ;) Lots of support showed up after the GM's declared it over.


and somewhere in there, we reached 25K posts here on Intelser :)


I'm sorry, but 3010 is dead. If it takes the game closing to make the community go active, there is no coming back. We will see maybe 3 turns of good activity before it crashes again
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade