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Started by Daemonknight, April 19, 2011, 10:57:03 AM

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Shark unit along with the invaders, if the liao units didnt want to engage; the shark unit would.


suppose that would partially solve your problem
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Not trying to solve the issue, just trying to plan for it.

Dave Baughman

To give a little background about the Capellan loyalty rules, here are the basics. As DK said, this is one situation (some of the special characteristics of the Homeworlds plague are another) where at this time at least the mechanical details of the rule won't be published immediately. In both cases though, the rules will eventually be published, once enough data has filtered out through the rolls themselves that its no longer 'a mystery.'

CC loyalty was a three step process.

When the surrender happened, the whole CC made a loyalty roll. This determined the percentage of CC military FP that went over without any complications at all. The remaining percentage was split into four groups (the distribution was randomly determined):

- Loses one loyalty level
- Rebels
- Becomes mercenaries
- "Loyalty Problems"

We have a list of the units in the 4th category, and whenever ex-CC troops go into combat we check that list to see if any of the 'problem' units are present. When they are present, we roll 2d6 and apply a modifier based on the circumstances of the order. The target, just like the earlier and less-developed version of the rule we used for the non-aligned Lyrans, is an 8+.

If the roll fails, we roll on a table of possible results, some of which have already been observed in action.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Holt on October 14, 2011, 10:50:17 PM
Btw dont think that I dont like the rule or that its broken in any way, i just hate being the guinea pig by having these rules sprung on me; because from now on people will plan for this, something icouldnt do.

I should add too, these situations come up infrequently enough that when these scenarios do occur the GMs will probably "customize" the rule to fit the faction. For example, the version being used for the CC contains some modifiers that are totally different from the LC version used earlier, and the LC version had different outcomes for failed rolls than the CC/SS version.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

GI Journalist

Quote from: chaosxtreme on October 25, 2011, 01:45:48 PM
Note this is not current as of this turn. There will be one more update for this coming turn's map that reflect things for example the return of territory by the FWL to the Marian Hegemony. This current map is for 2 months ago. The next one will be for the start of this turn.

It seems to me that players would benefit from some exposition on the changes to the map. I've been running the Marian Hegemony, and even I'm not entirely clear on what happened.

For instance, Lothario 0532, was still contested when the Spirit Cats informed Sula O'Reilly that they were withdrawing from the Marian worlds. That was Turn 2.

The first I heard of FWL peacekeepers was when they landed on Alphard on Turn 5.

What did I miss?



Well I am purely the map guy now but so you have the full story.

Turn 3.
- FWL and Spirit Cat's make a secret agreement. Spirit Cat's hand over their entire Tech Tree and the Marian worlds they occupy in return for 650 RP loan (Yes gentlemen loan I don't buy I LOAN and get everything under the sun).
   - Public story is that the FWL won a trial which we then announced in the SL council, our faction thread and a few other places.
   - FWL hides this with an unsuccessful (possibly only partially unsuccessful) disseminate disinformation campaign which note's that the 2nd Oriente Hussar's were responsible for the trial on Atreus.

Turn 3
- FWL force's arrive at various spirit cat controlled former Marian world's spirit cat force's leave that turn after handing over the worlds. There are no thread's because you don't have to make one for territory transfers. Spirit Cat's hand over world's to the FWL. I kept expecting you to post Guerilla action thread's for Turn 4 but when you didn't I did not follow up on it.

Turn 4 or 5 (fuzzy memory)
- Second wave of FWL force's into newly acquired former marian territories. This time forces are sent to Alphard since the Marian's have made no move to retake their capital.

Worlds/hex's without defenders (pretty much just Alphard) are listed as Contested.

DK later ruled that turn that world's with guerilla force's  were not handed over.

Look this wasn't just a land grab fact is I could have gotten the worlds cheaper.

Part of it was because of the long standing circinus dispute (goes back to before the 20 year jump).

But the expected endgame was that you were to discover you were without many of your worlds and under the Star League charter you would have no legal options to recoup them. Especially since you had requested such assistance in the High Council.

My long term goals were.
- Return of some or all of Marian territory received from the Spirit Cat's in exchange for.
   + Marian's abandon their plans to be absorbed into the Lyran Commonwealth
  + 6 or 7 council vote's in the future.
  + Marian support for a revision of the Star League charter that would prevent such an abuse in the future but also including restoring oversight of the SLDF to the High Council
  + Marian reparations for the MF on Circinus that had never been paid.

I figured it would be good roleplay as a fight would have been in no one's interest's. Gotten the Star League board active as well as engage the MH, FWL and Capellan player's in a story line together (though with the FWL/CC most likely opposed to the Marian's and the GM Factions in the SL Council (Fed Sun's, Terran Hegemony).

You were complaining about the Cat's ignoring your RP and I thought it a good way to make RP matter more then doom stacks. I couldn't "take" more territory not without activating the Star League auto defending the Marian Hegemony. Vice versa you could not attack me without the SLDF being legally obligated to assist me against your invasion.

Of course as we saw at Andurien there is occasionally plot armour for that sort of thing so I have been misreading the situation.

Dave Baughman

Vandalism posts have been deleted from the wiki and vandal accounts banned. You should no longer be seeing URL spam when you hit the random page button ;)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


GI Journalist

Quote from: chaosxtreme on October 30, 2011, 02:36:13 PM
I figured it would be good roleplay as a fight would have been in no one's interest's. Gotten the Star League board active as well as engage the MH, FWL and Capellan player's in a story line together...

It would have made good roleplay. It's a shame it was all handled invisibly until the fracas on Alphard. All's well that ends well, I guess.

Unfortunately, I have no way of tracking changes of which I am not informed, nor any way to react to them. Other than an offhand remark from one of the GM's, I had no indication that the Spirit Cats might go back on their offer to return the Marian worlds. Without any way to track the events of the last few turns, I'm just going to step back and wait for the game to move forward. Time will tell if the Space Romans still have a role in the FC future. Maybe I'll pop back and check on them later.

For now, best of luck with the game.



The FWL has naval control over the world of Regulus-enough control to sit there and OB population centres...

and they're not using that capacity to hammer the Brian fort?


I admit it's not as glamourous, slagging the entrances and ferrocreting the firing points, but the problem with bunkers/fortresses, is that they're STATIONARY TARGETS.  It's not going anywhere, and a sustained bombardment of the site should block/bury entrances, collapse near-surface tunnels, etc. etc...

apply enough naval-grade firepower to flatten the planet as they're threatening to do, and you can bury anyone stupid enough to stay indoors.  Castles can't scatter.

I mean, seriously, check Murphy on this-if the FWL can't get in, they can damn sure make it so that the defenders can't come out...


Well, the fortress is buried in a mountain. The FWL doesn't know where the entrances are. And even if they did, targeting a door the size of a battlemech from 60,000 kilometers away, with a weapon designed to hit targets themselves almost a kilometer long(without atmospheric intetference btw), is not exactly 'precise'. So no, they can't just blast the doors and trap everyone inside the castle.

And besides, that kinda takes the fun out of the game a bit, don't you think? I mean, if they can create '100 ton' vetical tanks, with magical armor that only weighs 15-20 tons but can withstand the force of a nuclear blast...pretty sure they can make a bunker complex that can withstand orbital fire. Lasers and PPCs are still weapons that deal their damage from heat transfer, making them semi-useless here(as I said, theres a mountain on top of them). That leaves Autocannons and Naval Gauss...again, suffering from accuracy issues, assuming you hit the target, i'm pretty sure that if they decided to rib the tunnels with naval-grade structural materials, even once you 'dug' down to the fortress itself, it wouldn't just be 'oh, they're burried". Plus, to orbitally bombard the fortress, you have to come within range of it's anti-orbital defenses. Thus far, the Reguluans have unleased a number of nuclear-tipped anti-warship missiles, and whose to say there isn't more of them?
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


* Cough Cough * "DANTE" * Cough Cough*

Dave Baughman

For what its worth, the Regulus impasse will be broken soon... one way or another.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


I feel that my opinion about Orbital Bombardments were kinda forced on me because right as I was coming in and the 2nd battle of Sudeten was going down. I was so ready to pull the tigger until people told me about the Ares II Convention and how we signed it :P

Now while it specifically states "General" Orbital Bombardment, not "Tactical" is forbidden, I still percieve in my mind the drawbacks of using any type of OB order. I know the day is coming where my hand will be forced, but unitl then, I'll try to avoid it. Use it as a last ditch effort, not a first.